June 5, 2015 - Archdiocese of Ottawa

Friday Fax
Archdiocese of Ottawa, Pastoral Office
The Church Is God’s Family:
Love Is Our Mission
“Whoever does the will of God is
my brother and sister and
mother…” (Mark 3.35)
June 5, 2015
DIOCESAN FEAST DAY: Celebrate the foundation of the diocese and the 20th anniversary of the episcopal ordination
of Archbishop Prendergast at Notre Dame Cathedral, Thurs., June 11, 7:30 p.m. The papal nuncio to Canada,
Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi will offer the homily. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
IN HONOUR OF THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: The Legion of Mary of Ottawa invites all to
an Outdoor Mass and Consecration of the Regia of Ottawa. With Auxiliary Bishop Christian Riesbeck and Fr. Hezuk
Shroff, spiritual director, Legion of Mary. Sat., June 13, 9:00 a.m. at Notre Dame de Lourdes Grotto, 435 Montreal Rd.
(in Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, in case of rain). Info: (peter.c.hoang@gmail.com); (613-225-4073).
ORDINATIONS TO THE PRESBYTERATE: Archbishop Prendergast will ordain to the presbyterate Deacon Rick
Lorenz and Deacon Gerard Plant on Fri., June 19, 7:30 p.m. at Notre Dame Cathedral. First Mass (Rev. Gerard Plant)
at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Russell, Sun., June 21, 10:45 a.m. and (Rev. Rick Lorenz) St. Martin de Porres,
Sat., June 20, 11:00 a.m. All are welcome.
Mon., June 22, 7:30 p.m. in Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica of Ottawa, 385 Sussex Dr. Principal celebrant: the Most
Reverend Christian Riesbeck, Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa. Everyone is welcome. Priests wishing to concelebrate should
bring alb and stole. Confessions will be heard from 7:00 p.m. Information: Fr. Paul Cormier (613-565-0762).
PRAYERS: For the repose of the soul of the Most Reverend Robert Lebel, Bishop Emeritus of Valleyfield, who died on
May 25, 2015, at the age of 90. His body lay in state at Sainte-Cécile Cathedral-Basilica, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield for
public visitation on June 2-3. The Most Reverend Noël Simard, Bishop of Valleyfield presided at the funeral Mass on
June 2. Further info: (www.cccb.ca).
PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 14. For a growing trust in the presence of the
Lord and His call among men and women being chosen to serve Him and His Church as priests, deacons and in the
consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP – ABORIGINAL WISDOM: We have much to learn from Native spirituality.
Aboriginal peoples have a profound respect for our Creator God, and honour all that the Great Spirit has made. All of
creation is seen as interrelated and respect for creation requires that we serve as stewards of the environment, with an
attitude of sharing and generosity, humility as well as respect for the teaching of our elders. Let us pray for all of us
who are called to serve as stewards of creation, thankful for the wisdom of our aboriginal brothers and sisters.
PRO-LIFE MASS: The next monthly Mass to pray for the establishment of a Pro-Life Centre in Ottawa is taking place
on Sat., June 27, 11:00 a.m. at Paroisse Marie-Mediatrice, 344 Cyr Ave., Vanier. Further info: (613-831-2515).
SUMMER INSTITUTE IN THE NEW EVANGELIZATION: Theological formation, practical ministry training and
leadership skill development. SINE is a collaborative effort between Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO), the faculty of
Theology at Saint Paul University and Mission of the Redeemer Ministries. August 4-14 at Saint Paul University. Info:
6-17, 2015, at Saint Paul University. The registration deadline is Fri., June 5. For the programme of courses and other
details, and to register: (http://ustpaul.ca/en/sire-summer-institutes-in-religious-education-2015_1840_42.htm);
KATERI NATIVE MINISTRY: Native Mass celebration on June 7, 11:00 a.m. at 211 Bronson Centre, Suite 310. A
potluck will follow. Annual General Meeting following the potluck. Everyone is welcome; bring a friend. Info: (613-5654180); (www.katerinativeministry.ca).
PARISH FUNDRAISER - ST. IGNATIUS PARISH: Karaoke Party, Thurs., June 18. Supper served 7:00 p.m. 518
Donald St. in the Parish Hall. Wear your 'tackiest' clothing; don't Mix & Match. Fun-filled entertainment. Tickets $15.
Info: Adele (613-746-6051).
VIGIL OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: For priests, world peace, the end of abortion, and the reunion of Christians.
St. Patrick Basilica (downstairs). Fri., June 19, 8:30 p.m. – 6:30 a.m. Rosaries, Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 a.m.,
Litany of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament. Masses in Basilica at 7:00 & 8:00 a.m. Info: Naomi (613-825-9704).
KATERI NATIVE MINISTRY: Invitation to join a special discussion on Reconciliation as part of the ‘Journey to
Wholeness’ workshop series. June 20, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Please register at:
SCHOLA BASILICAE: An hour of meditational music in the quiet and beauty of Saint Patrick Basilica on Sun., June
21, 8:00 p.m. The schola will present music spanning five centuries, including works by Tallis, Des Prez, Bruckner and
Rachmaninoff. All are welcome. Free admission. Street parking is available nearby. Info: (613-233-1126 x561).
At St. George‘s Parish Hall, 415 Piccadilly, on Sat., June 27, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The day will include the Sacrament
of Reconciliation, Mass at 9:00 a.m., a time for spiritual reflection, a presentation and time for socializing. Lunch will be
provided. No cost to participate. Both the Parish Hall & Church are accessible. Info: Cheryl Clingaman (613-728-5687).
ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER: St. Peter Celestine, Pakenham, will hold their Annual Turkey Supper on Sun., June 28,
4:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the Stewart Community Centre, Pakenham. Adults $15; children (5-10 yrs.) $5; under 5 free.
Everyone is welcome. Info: (liz.syme@sympatico.ca).
WOJTYLA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS: On July 23-26, 2015 Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry's Bay will
be hosting its fifth annual Wojtyla Summer Institute for Teachers. This year's theme is Understanding the Past, Shaping
the Future: The Catholic Church in Time. Info & registration: (www.seatofwisdom.org); (1-877-369-6520).
77TH ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF ST. ANN, CORMAC: Eucharistic Amazement! With Bishop Michael
Mulhall & Father Scott McCaig, CC. Sun., July 26, Pilgrimage Mass, 11:00 a.m. with Bishop Mulhall; Mass for healing,
2:00 p.m. with Fr. McCaig; anointing with St. Ann’s oil. Masses with Fr. McCaig at 7:00 p.m., Thurs., July 23, Fri., July
24 & Fri., July 25. Further details: (www.cormacpilgrimage.com). Bring your own lawn chairs for Sunday.
SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR FORMATION APOSTOLATE: Three-year program drawing from the Ignatian tradition to form
spiritual directors in Ottawa. Meets at the Diocesan Centre nine Saturdays per year from September 2015 - June 2018.
Pre-application interview deadline: August 14. Cost $350/year. Brochures available by contacting Claire Johnson, STD
at (spiritualdirectionottawa@gmail.com); (613-728-3175 ext. 32).
141ST ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE: To the Shrines of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré and Cap-de-la-Madeleine from the
Arch(dioceses) of Ottawa, Gatineau, Pembroke, Mont-Laurier et Alexandria/Cornwall on August 8-9. Weekend
Celebrant is Bishop Marcelle Damphousse, Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall. Info & reservations: Mike
Budge (613-224-8110). Space is limited; recommended you reserve early. Info: (www.ste-anne-de-beaupre.com).
8TH WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – SEPTEMBER 2015: Option 1: 7 days/6 nights, Sept. 21 - 27 Conference,
Festival of Families and Papal Mass (conference registration not included), $1950 per person double occupancy.
Option 2: 4 days/3 nights Festival of Families and Papal Mass, $1000 per person double occupancy. Info:
(http://www.voyagesterranatura.ca/WMF); (613-620-1196); (613-252-7507). Minimum of 40 participants required.
English and French buses will be available providing minimum number of participant is achieved. Parishes wishing to
have a separate bus or special itinerary can contact David Hnatiw (613-620-1196).
TRIBUNAL): The Archdiocese of Ottawa is seeking a full-time Secretary/Auditor for the Tribunal. Under the general
direction of the Judicial Vicar, in cooperation with the secretary-notaries of the Tribunal, the Secretary/Auditor will be
responsible for providing administrative support, interviewing parties and witnesses, and preparing a typed transcript of
the interviews. In carrying out these duties, this person will be expected to deal compassionately with people from every
level of the Church, society and industry, frequently dealing with sensitive matters. This is a full-time, permanent
position at 37½ hours per week. Send C.V. with three references who are not family members to the attention of
Colette Legault (clegault@archottawa.ca); (fax 613-738-0412). No phone calls accepted. Only those candidates
selected for an interview will be contacted. Interviews will begin in June; the start date for this position will be
September 1, 2015. Full details on position: (http://www.catholicottawa.ca/employment-opportunities).
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR FOR ANNUAL LOTTERY: St. Patrick’s Home is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator
and volunteers to assist in the selling of our Annual Lottery tickets at parishes throughout Ottawa for 4 weekends (end
Nov. – early Dec.) Manage a team of volunteers, ensure marketing materials are picked up and manage the return of
all materials and sales. Info: Sue Robertson at St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa Foundation (613-731-4664 x352);
(suerobertson@stpats.ca). Further info: (http://stpats.ca/landing/st-patricks-home-of-ottawa-foundation/lottery/).
FULL-TIME POSITION: Accounts Manager. Salary $11/hour. Miriam Centre, a Christian ministry, is seeking a
compassionate pro-life person whose primary responsibility will be to help pregnant women and their families. Must be
fluently bilingual (oral & written) with general accounting/computer skills. Submit resume to: Sr. Rita Lacelle, 030- 2742
St-Joseph Blvd., Orléans, ON K1C 1G5 (info@miriamottawa.org). Info: (www.miriamottawa.org); (613-830-8623).