No. 952 (584) Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish of St. John the Baptist - Perth Parish Priest: Fr. Wolodymyr Kalinecki 20 Ferguson St, Maylands WA 6051 T/F (08) 9271 4711 | M: 0418 926 267 E: Fr Deacon Richard—mbl 0439 622 056 Parish Postal Address: PO Box 230, Dianella WA 6059 PARISH WEEKLY NEWS 5th-12th April 2015 Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate: Sr Nicodema Zemliak 16 Ferguson St, Maylands WA 6051 T: (08) 9272 9361 Editor: Luba Valega T: (08) 9276 3160 | M: 0401 309 228 E: This is a weekly Parish newsletter for all to read, to inform you of what is happening in our Parish and share with you some interesting readings. Please feel free to share it around! This Week’s Readings Epistle: Phil 4:4-9 Gospel: John 12:1-18 PALM SUNDAY Tone Epistle: to Philippians 4, 4-9. Brethren, Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. Gospel: John 12, 1-18. Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at table with him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was to betray him), said, "Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?" This he said, not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box he used to take what was put into it. Jesus said, "Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of my burial. The poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me." When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there, they came, not only on account of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus also to death, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus. The next day a great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!" And Jesus found a young ass and sat upon it; as it is written, "Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on an ass's colt!" His disciples did not understand this at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that this had been written of him and had been done to him. The crowd that had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead bore witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign. ======================================================================================== About the Icon: Palm Sunday Christ is central figure depicted seated upon a donkey. The Disciples are the group of figures on the extreme left. The Jewish People are the group of figures on the extreme right who came out to see Christ after hearing that He had raised Lazarus from the dead. The Children are depicted in front of the donkey carrying palm boughs. The City of Jerusalem is depicted on the right. The Entrance of Our Lord Into Jerusalem Page 1 EASTER WEEK. HOLY THURSDAY - 9th April Morning—8:30am Celebrating the First Eucharist The vigil on the eve of Holy Thursday (6:00pm) is dedicated exclusively to the Passover Supper which Christ celebrated with his twelve apostles. The main theme of the day is the meal itself at which Christ commanded that the Passover of the New Covenant be eaten in remembrance of himself, of his body broken and his blood shed for the remission of sins. It is true to say that the body broken and the blood spilled spoken of by Christ at his last supper with the disciples was not merely an anticipation and preview of what was yet to come; but that what was yet to come – the cross, the tomb, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven – came to pass precisely so that men could be blessed by God to be in holy communion with him forever, eating and drinking at the mystical table of his kingdom of which there will be no end. Thus the “Mystical Supper of the Son of God” which is continually celebrated in the Divine Liturgy of the Christian Church, is the very essence of what life in God’s Kingdom will be for eternity. The main feature of this service is the reading of 12 selections from the Gospels, all of which are accounts of the passion of Christ. The 12 Gospel readings are read during the service. GOOD FRIDAY – 10th April—6pm There is no Divine Liturgy on Good Friday for the same reason that forbids the celebration of the Eucharist on the fasting days of Lent. The service is usually celebrated in the mid-afternoon (3pm) or evening 6pm to commemorate the burial of Jesus. A “tomb” is erected at the front of the Church and decorated with flowers. During the service, a special icon which is painted on cloth (plaschanitsia) depicting the dead Saviour is carried by 4 men and with the whole congregation also walking and praying around the outside of the Church 3 times and then it is placed on the “tomb” in the Church. At the end of the service, the congregation then goes on their knees to kiss Jesus lying in the tomb. HOLY SATURDAY – 11th April - 6pm During this service, the priest removes the Cloth of Jesus (plaschanitsia) to the altar where it will remain for 40 days until the day of Ascension. The priest and the congregation then proceed to walk around the Church 3 times and returns to the closed doors of the front of the Church. Here the Resurrection of Christ is announced and people sing “Christ is Risen” several times. The people re-enter the Church and the service of Easter Matins continues. The “tomb” has been taken away and flowers decorate the church to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection. The vestments are bright and the people sing “Christ has risen; indeed He is Risen! After the service, the priest blesses the Easter baskets to those who have brought them. The rest will be blessed on Easter Sunday after the Divine Liturgy. EASTER SUNDAY—CHRIST HAS RISEN! INDEED HE HAS RISEN TO ALL READERS OF THIS NEWSLETTER I WISH YOU ALL A BLESSED AND HOLY EASTER MAY THE RESURRECTED JESUS KEEP YOU IN HIS CARE CHRIST IS RISEN—ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕС ********************************************************************** Sincere sympathies to FYT FAMILY on the passing to heaven of Stefan Fyt who died 25th March. Funeral was in Northam, Wed, 1st April, 2015 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sincere sympathies to Szwed family on the passing of Krystyna Szwed who died 2nd April Funeral Wed April 15th - 9:15 am Burial - Guildford cemetary +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sincere sympathies to Korczynsky families on the passing to heaven of Maria Korczynsky who died Wed, 1st April, 2015 Funeral Mon 13th April at 9:30am Burial - Fremantle Cemetary Vichnaya pamyat to all in their sad loss—Eternal memory Page 2 His Beatitude Sviatoslav:”Our prayer and out fasting help us to cure our disbelief” Monday, 23 March 2015 Our prayer and out fasting help us to cure our disbelief, help us to discover, open our hope, which exist close by us – open to us the person of the Son of God, who is presented in our life by the Spirit of God. This was stressed today, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, by the Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav during the Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. The preacher reminded the faithful the words of Jesus Christ who said to His disciples that to get rid of evil and become the bearers of hope is only possible when people grow in faith. "And this requires prayer and fasting. For prayer – is a conversation with God. First it is the confession of belief that we are as people, as the creatures are not self-sufficient. We were created by God's image. And only when the image vividly communicates with its original Heavenly Father, it can be filled with His Spirit. When we fast, we refuse food that comes from the earth, of all that can be the result of human labor. We open ourselves to the possibility to accept food that comes from God", - believes the Head of the Church. His Beatitude Sviatoslav noted that the Church has always, especially in difficult times, been a carrier of hope, a source of hope. "Why? For in its womb there is a living God. Even in the Divine Liturgy the Son of God is present, who is now, in our historical moment, sent by our Heavenly Father, who is full of the spirit of freedom, truth, spirit, that the Son wants to give us. But it is important for us now to learn to pray with the father’s words, who was looking for hope: “God, I believe, but help me in my unbelief"- He said. "When look around you - continued the Head of the Church – we can see so many desperate people - people who often fall into a panic, are confused, rush to extremes, just like the boy, who's been possessed by an evil spirit, rush into the fire and water. Very often we need to find some hope that never betrays. So today we will see with our spiritual eyes, especially when we pass through prayer and fasting, that there is hope. This hope is our Savior. He gives to me and you His life giving hand. This hope that is given to us by the Church is certain. It is stronger than death. Those who believe in the risen, never lose hope". "Let us ask the Lord to strengthen us today, let us experience His closeness; let us feel that He is near us, that in Him is our strength and our hope"- called on the faithful of the Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav. UGCC Department of Information ******************************************************************************************** O most holy Mother of God, save us! O mighty General and Guide of the heavenly army, You, who in lifting up Your hands in prayer, overwhelm enemies and overcome all adversaries, strengthen our soldiers, grant them strength and courage to protect, with this powerful Shield, their people who cry out: O most holy Mother of God, save us! Page 3 Church Choir Rehearsals and Singing 07.04.15 rehearsal 12.04.15 Sunday Liturgy 9am (Velykden – Easter Sunday) 05.05.15 Tuesday rehearsal 10.05.15 Sunday Liturgy 9am (Sunday of Samaritan Woman - Tone 4) 14.06.15 Sunday Liturgy 9am (Tone 1) ************************************** PARISHIONERS WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY IN MONTH OF APRIL Vasilena Dumitro 6/ 4/1965 Osyp Moskviak 12/ 4/1970 Eustahij Temnyk 22/ 4/1972 LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! If you would like to know God LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Jacob Antoniak 25/ 4/1973 If you would like to love God LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX Tumotej Datsko 30/ 4/1974 If you want to serve God LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Mihajlo Kostecki 27/ 4 1979 If you hope for eternal happiness LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX Petronelia Maslij 10/ 4/ 1980 If you wonder how much God loves you LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Mykola Pluvak 27/ 4/1981 If you wonder how He tries to prevent you from the yawning gates of Hell LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Petro Ivanyk 18/ 4/1984 If you wonder how much He will help you to save your immortal soul Anatasia Matus 5/ 4/1985 LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Wolodymyr Mandyczewsky 5/ 4/1988 If you wonder how much you should forgive others Maria Potochna 18/ 4/1988 LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Kataryna Baran 4/ 4/1989 If you wonder how much your faith demands of you in humility, poverty, charity, meekness and every virtue LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Motra Farysej 11/ 4/1989 Maria Shylak 19/4/1989 If you want to know what unselfishness and generosity are Wolodymyr Kuzyk 28/ 4/1990 LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Mihajlo Dmytruk 14/ 4/1993 If you want to know how far your own unselfishness should bring others to Jaroslav Matkovsky 21/ 4/1993 Christ LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! If you want to understand the need for self-denial and mortification Vasyl Petriw 6/ 4/1993 LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Josef Pasczak 11/ 4/1995 If you want to live well LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX! Antonina Zelihowska 12/ 4/1995 If you want to die well LOOK AT THE CRUCIFIX Wolodymyr Serman 28/ 4/1995 Teodore Malyniak 25/ 4/1997 Allan Ryan 24/ 4/2000 Ivan Hawilej 14/ 4/2002 Vasyl Hohol 30/ 4/2002 Ilia Sokil 1/ 4/2003 Roza Titko 4/ 4/2003 Anna Borchakovsky 2/ 4/2003 Bohdan Minosora . 22/ 4/2003 Wolodymyr Zagwocki 24/ 4/2003 Joan Caruk 28/ 4/2003 Ivan Rosovsky 20/ 4/2004 Vladislav Sheshka 24/ 4/2004 Hryhorij Luzny 7/ 4/2006 Wasyl Pasko 1/ 4/2007 Vasilena Kudray 26/4/2007 Jaroslav Shewczuk 26/4/2009 Pawlo Pelech 17/4/2010 Joe Winkler 3/ 4/2013 Maria Korczynsky 1/4/2015 Krystyna Szwed 2/4/2015 ETRERNAL MEMORY VICHNAYA PAMYAT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you wish to have Liturgy or Panahyda (Memorial Service) for your loved ones who have passed away See Fr Wolodomyr to make arrangements. =============================================================================== WE ARE LEAVING STARTING TIMES OF HOLY LITURGY ON SUNDAYS AT 9AM FOR THE DURATION . SURVEY AMONG PARISHIONERS WHO COME REGULARLY WANT 9AM START INSTEAD OF 9:30AM. Parish Council Day Date Time Feast Special Feast Days - Julian Calendar Sun Tone 5th April, 2015 9:00 am Holy Liturgy 10.45am Church fete PALM SUNDAY (Julian calendar) Blessing palms Mon 6th April, 2015 Tues 7th April2015 Wed Thurs No Holy Liturgy 8:30am Holy Liturgy Annunciation 8th April, 2015 6pm (Vespers with Holy Communion Presanctified Gifts and memorial service for departed in our families 8:30 am 6pm>> Holy Liturgy >> Matins of the Passion of Jesus >>Celebrating the First Eucharist 9th April, 2015 Fri 10th April, 2015 Sat 11th April 2015 Sun Tone 12th April, 2015 6pm Good Friday Vespers 6pm 9:00 am Reading of the 12 Gospels GOOD FRIDAY And PLASCHANITSIA (Tomb of Jesus) Easter Saturday and blessing baskets Holy Liturgy EASTER and blessing baskets Cleaning Church Roster A RESTORATION (Maintenance) fund Fri 27th March—Nataliya Liakishev thankyou ========================================================= Holy Liturgy in Northam—next Holy Liturgy on SAT 11th April—11am for Easter services. has being organised for our Church renovations. This is separate to the yearly upkeep (podatok) fund. If you wish to donate, please see Luba Valega. The Church building is in need of repairs and so the Parish Council is asking for your support. ======================================== Please pray for sick people in our parish and visit them if you can. If you need Fr Wolodymyr to visit, please ring him to book a time. 08) 92714711 Fr Wolodymyr is also blessing houses. If you would like him to come bless your house, please make a booking on 92714711 or email him on ———————————————————–———————UNIT 1, 26 Sherwood St, Maylands (one of our church units) is for sale. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in buying it? It is a retirement unit, so the occupant would need to be over 55 years of age. If we can’t find a buyer soon, we may need to rent the property. ======================================== CYM AGM—19th APRIL in church hall straight after Holy Liturgy UAWA AGM April 26th, 2015 ================================================= Some important dates on Church calendar Palm Sun 5th April—church fete which is also RC Easter Our Good Friday is April 10th Our Easter is Sun 12th April Blessing Graves at Karrakatta—now Sat 18th April 10am due to a wedding on that Sat afternoon. (other cemetery blessings will be notified here later. ================================================== NEED DONATIONS OF CAKES, PASKAS, ( bring on Sun morning– 5th April) RAFFLE PRIZES (bring before/ Sat morning 4th April FOR OUR CHURCH FETE. Thanking for your support. FETE—5TH APRIL, 2015. CHURCH HALL MAYLANDS (approx 11am) Total now $11,250.00 The Parish Council has installed a lift going up to the hall via the stairs outside to help people to be able to get to the hall much easier. We are looking for donations to help cover costs of the lift. Please see anyone on Parish Council if you would like to make a donation. The cost of the lift was $42,000 Total now $8428.81 Church donation Paraszczyn family $100 for late Wladyslaw Paraszczyn—6 years L Kuczma—$20 , E Rosowski -$20—for flowers for tomb Good Fri M & S Kulynycz—$20 for newsletter and $20 for flowers. Mrs N Slusarczyk $50 flowers for Easter. May Jesus bless you all =============================== Websites to check out for all your Eparchial information, all parishes info and lots of information for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia will get you news from Ukraine If you wish to make a donation direct via bank send to Dnister (Ukrainian Catholic church) BSB 704235/ acct 00006479 and email to confirm Or post to PO Box 230, Dianella 6059— this can be for Easter envelope donations also
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