FUEL SUPPLEMENT This aircraft is approved to operate on automotive fuel (i. e. min. 95 octane (RON) fuel) by Petersen Auto-Fuel STC no. SA1948CE and engine STC SE1931CE. Automotive fuel can be used unmixed or mixed in any ratios with AVGAS 100LL. CAVOK Aviation Training Ltd. suggests operating with 50%-50% mixing ratio. OPERATING LIMITATIONS With the tanks conatining any quantity of automotive fuel, ‐ Flight in IMC is prohibited, ‐ NVFR cross-country flight is prohibited, ‐ Commercial flight operation is prohibited, ‐ Any flights above 10.000 ft AMSL is prohibited. Since there is no way to ensure about the content of the fuel tank, it is recommended to drain the fuel and refuel with AVGAS 100LL before commencing any of the aforementioned operations. ELT NOT INSTALLED ELT NOT INSTALLED
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