Newsletter 31 May 2015

This Week
Serving in May & June
Kids Offering
31st Joshua & Hannah
7th Reuben B & Fergus
9.30am - Playgroup
9.30am - Playgroup
8.30am - Breakfast Church
10.15am - Sunday Service
Senior Minister
Roly Scott
Mobile 021 133 1813
Associate Minister
Martin Baldwin
Mobile 027 227 3223
(Sabbath Day is Friday)
Youth Team Leader
Erin Winder
Mobile 027 677 9023
Children’s Ministry
Toula Theropoulos 487 8103
Building Bookings
Heidi Mawhinney 487 6060/027 504 8743
Ray Serong 027 684 6911
Newsletter Editor
Heidi Mawhinney
Office Details
Phone 455 8566
Morning Tea
31st Peter & Colleen Murphy
7th Cook Family
14th Bev White & Murray Fraser
Door Duty
31st Wally & Kay Driver
7th Robyn & Sharita Boyd
14th Audrey Angus & Isabel Campbell
Welcoming Team
31st Judith Smith
7th Colleen Murphy
14th Chris Serong
Please advise Heidi Mawhinney if there
are any changes to the rosters.
Items should be sent to Heidi Mawhinney at by
lunch time on Thursday.
20th May
Sunday 24th
Welcome to Cavy!
Cures for leprosy have been remarkably successful over the last 60 years reducing the number
affected from tens of millions in the 1960’s to under 200 000 in 2012. It is contagious, but not
But the social stigma remains with leper colonies still existing in the parts of the world most
affected. And it’s the social stigma and the isolation from community that Jesus addresses in
Luke 5:12-16. Jesus doesn’t heal, but cleanse.
Having these people classed as ‘unclean’ and socially isolated made this disease doubly cruel.
The images of sufferers are hideous. The disfigurement can be severe.
The celebration and gratefulness of this man cured by Jesus of leprosy and restored to the
community can be imagined.
Jesus restores. Jesus doesn’t want us alone. Jesus is there for us. I’m sure we can all think of
times when we’ve been isolated socially, be it in a family gathering, workplace, or new town
setting. This is a good news story for us too.
And note the application for us as a church. Imagine the people of the town in Luke who see the
‘unclean’ man now clean. How long would it have taken to accept him, befriend him? This is
the challenge for us. Inclusive, not exclusive.
For those who have entered into the ‘cashless
society’ and would like to tithe or make an
offering, the church account to use is:
No 02-0900 0513805-00
If you show your name under 'particulars' and
envelope number
under 'reference' we will be able to provide
you with a receipt for tax rebate purposes at
the end of the year.
To get an offering number see Marj Higgs 489
0088 or email
Today Annette Johnstone leads us in worship for the final time. Many thanks Annette for your
years of service, your initiative, and the many new songs you have introduced us too.
Please join us for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat, in the hall, after
our gathering this morning. And why not be really brave
and speak to someone you don’t know or haven’t met yet .
For Visitors
It’s great to have you here with us today.
We hope you’ll feel welcome and enjoy
your time at Cavy.
The toilets and the crèche (for kids under three) can be reached through the
door to the left of the stage.
Youth Group Dates
This Sunday night John's guest will be
founder and CEO of Echo Store, Malcolm
The hall is at the back of the building
and can be reached through the door to
the left of the stage and through the
Dealing with Conflict: Biblical insights
and some skill training
Presented by Rev Helen Martin, (Minister,
Mosgiel Presbyterian Church)
Thursday 11th June, 7.00 –
9.00pm, Thursday 18th June, 7.00 –
9.00pm and Thursday 25th June, 7.00 –
9.00pm, Humanities Common Room
(1W9), Arts Building, Albany Street,
University of Otago.
Cost of course: $20
For further information go to: http://
Christian Education
Calling servants of the Lord to help take
patients to chapel on Sunday 5th July.
This is a very worthwhile task. Please see
Ken Clark if you are willing.
The Quiet Room, on the left hand side
of the auditorium, is for parents who
would like to listen to the message while
they are feeding their babies.
A programme for those between 3 and
5 years (PSSK), 6–10 years (Oasis) and
(Xtreme Team) takes place downstairs.
ACT1V8 (years 7-9) takes place upstairs
at around 10:45
the prayer meeting, 5pm in the
downstairs meeting room on
Wednesday nights and 9.40am on
Sunday Morning
Prayer Team contact - Trevor
Johnstone - 2606781 or
Thursday 4th June, 2015
In Church Hall-10-15AM
Orphans Aid International, Dunedin Op
shop Manager Hilary Campbell will share
their inspiring story with us. Opportunity
for us to contribute to the work with a
bring and buy sale after her talk.
All please bring any of the following,
clothing, kitchen ware, nic-nacs, anything
except electrical. This will be a fun
morning I can assure you. See you there.
Lunch for those wishing to go at Mitchells
Tavern. So come along and enjoy the
company and fun of ladies of the Make
and Mingle Group. Any new Ladies are
For further information ring
M a r j
4 8 9 - 0 0 8 8
o r
Lachie Wilden
Chris Rudman
Mark Tweedale
Daniella Dumitrean
Darren Winder
Paige Carr
Heidi Mawhinney
Men's Advance Weekend
When? - June 12-14th (Friday night to
Sunday lunchtime)
Where? - En Hakkore Christian
Community, near Waipiata in the
Why? - To encourage one another in
What? - Walking and talking, sharing
faith, fun, fellowship
Who? - All men welcome
How much? - Two nights, $20 per
night + contribution to food
Transport available
Need own bedding, Bible, biggest smile
Look out for the clipboard to register
Contact Roger Caldwell for more
As an extra to the Library News….there
are some books on the ‘new to the
library’ shelf, which were donated but
they have been missed from the news
sheet and so you will have to read them
to discover what they are about! There
is a study book for marriage for men to
read….. And one on taking the gospel to
closed countries.
June 6th Games Galore
June 13th Fear Factor
Drop off at 7pm, pick up at 9pm.
Don’t forget your $2.
Claudia is looking for employment
She would like 5 - 30 hrs per week. She
has a B.Com. majoring in management.
Previous roles include: administration,
resource co-ordination, supervision of
staff, office management, shop
assistant, merchandising, courier
driver, painting, gardening and
cleaning. Contact Claudia on
022-1549718 or
Are you remembering to save your used
stamps? These are sold for Missions
Funds. There is now a container on the
table in foyer for you to
place your used stamps
If you are in need of prayer after
our church service please look for
one of our team wearing a blue
name tag.