REC.10-P: BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire 1213 Bakers Way PO Box 3999 Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 AIB International – Certification Services Tel: 785-537-4750 Fax: 785-537-0106 e-mail: The following information is required to enable us to schedule an evaluation audit against the BRC Global Standard for Packaging & Packing Materials, Issue 4. Please complete the questionnaire completely. If a box does not apply, please write N/A in the space. Company Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip/Post Code: Country: Telephone: Fax: e-mail: Website: COMPANY INFORMATION Parent Company (if relevant): Street Address: City: State: Zip/Post Code: Country: Telephone: Fax: e-mail: Website: Legal status (Corporation, sole proprietor, etc.): VAT no./Tax ref. No.: Are you currently BRC certified? If yes, please list BRC site code number, certificate expiry date and provide a copy of your certificate and report: Do you have any formal certifications (e.g. ISO 9000, ISO 22000)? If yes, list formal certifications (e.g. ISO 9000, ISO 22000) including scope and expiry dates: Details of Company Membership in Trade Bodies, Research Organisations, etc.: EU/USA/Other license No. or Health Mark: Yes No Yes No BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire REC.10-P: CONTACT DETAILS Upon certification AIBI-CS will upload the audit report to the BRC Directory. The BRC Directory will automatically send an email to the primary contact listed in the system when new audit details are validated. Please list the name and e-mail Name: E-mail: address of the person to be the BRC Directory contact: Primary Contact: Secondary Contact: Job Title: Job Title: Street Address: Street Address: City: City: State: State: Zip/Post Code: Zip/Post Code: Country: Country: Direct phone: Direct phone: Mobile/cell: Mobile/cell: E-mail: E-mail: Please indicate if you would like to receive a copy of the report: (Please note that all copies of the report will be sent by e-mail) Primary: Yes Invoice Contact: Job Title: Street Address: City: Zip/Post Code: Direct phone: e-mail: Receive a copy of the report: No Secondary: Yes No State: Country: Mobile/cell: Yes No (Please note that all copies of the report will be sent by e-mail) AUDIT REQUEST Please indicate the type of audit you are Please specify preferred time frame for option(s) interested in: selected: (please note that the certification audit should ideally be scheduled no earlier than three months after the (more than one may be selected) pre-assessment) Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Certification Audit: Certification Audit Re-certification Audit: Re-certification Audit: (applicable if already certified with another Certification Body) Are there Multiple sites that require certification? If yes, please complete an application (REC 10-P) for each site Yes No REC.10-P: BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire If an approved subcontractor needs to be used for the evaluation, is this acceptable? I understand that by joining the BRC scheme there may be times when the auditor will need to be accompanied by other personnel for training, assessment or calibration purposes. Note: The BRC states “This process forms an essential part of the program and sites are obliged to permit witnessed audits as part of the conditions for certification.” CUSTOMERS List main retailers/customers: In what countries do you sell your product? Total number of employees FACILITY DETAILS Total: In Production: Number of Employees per main shift Work/Shift Pattern Facility Size Production: Warehousing: Location (rural, urban, etc.) Number of Hazard and Risk Management Systems in place Annual Tonnage or volume handled Number of product lines Details of any major changes or capital spending/investment in the last few years Details of the warehousing and distribution system in place (e.g. on/off site warehouse. Warehouse and distribution vehicles company owned or contracted) Do you use any outsourced processes that will affect conformity to requirements? Yes No Yes No REC.10-P: BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire SCOPE DETAILS The following information will be used to determine the scope of your certification. The scope of the audit and subsequent certificate shall cover the agreed products or product groups, and shall normally be expected to include all products manufactured at the site within the product category certificated. Processes to be included in certification Products to be included in certification Products manufactured but excluded from the scope of the audit: The certification of products must include audit of the entire process from raw materials to shipping of end product Packing to be included in certification PRODUCT CATEGORY Please mark the category(ies) that best describes your site. Refer to Appendix 4 of the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials If you have any questions regarding categories, please contact AIBI-CS. Cat. Packaging Field Typical packaging components/materials/articles This applies No. to my site 1 Glass Glass bottles, jars and decanters Ceramic bottles, jars and decanters 2 Paper Paper bags, paper sacks, paper labels, tags, and neck collars, Board cartons, Board sleeves, Particle board cartons and layer pads, Corrugated cases and trays, Corrugated fitments 3 Metals Cans, Aerosol containers, Tubes, Closures, Aluminum foil, Foil trays 4 Plastics Bottles and jars. Caps and Closures, Thermoformed trays, Tubs and pots, Adhesives, Buckets and pails, Bulk Containers, Plastic film, including vacuum metalized films, and labels, Multiply laminates of combinations of paper, plastics and aluminium foil, Flexible intermediate bulk Containers 5 Wood and other Pallets, Boxes and crates, Decorative wooden boxes, Materials Natural cork, Wood for food and cosmetic use, Hessian sacks, Wooden utensils REC.10-P: High hygiene risk Low hygiene risk BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire Risk Category (check all the apply) Packaging that comes into direct contact with food products (or other designated hygiene-sensitive products*). Primary packaging used for food or other hygiene-sensitive products where there is no absolute barrier in place. * Those products intended for human consumption or which come into contact with the body, such as application to the skin. Packaging for consumer products and the secondary and tertiary packaging for all uses It is recognized that many manufactures or suppliers may produce packaging in both categories. In these circumstances they may either choose to use one category for the entire factory or separate them by areas. It is not envisages that more than one category would apply to the same area. Please check to confirm you have read PR.3-P: Overview of the AIBI-CS Certification Scheme: Please check to confirm you have read PR.4: Rules for Certification: Please check to confirm you a have copy of the BRC Global Standard for Packaging & Packing Materials, Issue 4 Please check to confirm that you have included a copy of your previous certificate and, if applicable (N/A may be entered if not applicable): Please complete Appendix A below Signed by: (Signatory is authorized by the company/firm to sign this application and ensure that products conform to requirements) Print name: Job Title: Company: Date: Upon receipt of this completed questionnaire AIBI-CS will calculate expected audit duration and confirm the scope applied for. Our auditors will then be notified of your request and will begin looking for available dates to offer. Our office will contact you as soon as dates are available. AIBI-CS Review Date: Name of reviewer: Signature: By signature, the Reviewer is approving the audit can be conducted and a Business Proposal (REC.15-P/32-P) can be sent to the Client for approval. REC.10-P: BRC Packaging Preliminary Questionnaire Appendix A Company Profile History and Ownership: Age of Company: Years on Present Site: Number of sites (sister companies & subsidiaries): Plant information (location, purpose built, security): Are there multiple building addresses on site that will need to be included on the certificate? If YES, please list each building address below: Product Types: Product Distribution:
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