CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION HEAD OFFICE: NEW DELHI 5-B, 7th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Sub: Filling up different post on Deputation basis. Please find enclosed herewith a copy of each of the following circulars received from Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi which is self explanatory for information and necessary action please. 1. Memo No. 3/114/ 2011-Admn. dated March, 2015 received from Bureau of Police Research & Development, CGO Complex, New Delhi for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Life Science Branch) on Deputation basis. 2. Memo No. 3/112/ 2011-Admn. dated March, 2015 received from Bureau of Police Research & Development, CGO Complex, New Delhi for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch) on Deputation basis. Encl: As above ( In Original). (Poonam uggal) Office Superintendent (Pers.II & M) CBI : HO : New Delhi. No. DPPERS(M)/2015/ c'l /A- 44014/01/2015 Date: 20.05.2015 To:I/ c System Division CBI New Delhi. It is requested that the circular may be uploaded on CBI web-site and shall remain on the web-site till last date of receipt of the application i.e. May 2015. 6-)2frt Aks S-6/so. )451 5 0.5- 259"v't P-° Mr Pra-k-a. f- Ofcir •) 3T.Tf. /20 I1 i toy , Dv _•"'No. ............ ....69-C 64 TEIRu -iiRct?1.< Govt qtr . '1a-z-T Ministry of Home Affairs cri I cP-11, 3/4 UF, 7.431'1 tri'477, 11-110003 Block No. XI, 3rd Floor CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110 003 4..p• -ftWRI '9",t 3T-fittIrff r , BUREAU OF POLICE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMEN T Ith-9--EPABX: 011-2436 5009/ 2330/ 0371 r 1 Fax No. 011-2436-2425 and 011-2436 8§21...,,..12)-:?--- NOIRIDWe....9.1 No.3/114/2011-Adm. Dated March 2015 a:. Arm* On - All Secretaries, Government of India (as p r list attached). All the Heads of CPOs//CAPFs. rectorate of Forensic Science Services, Block No.9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Director, LNJN, NICFS, Rohini, Delhi-110085. A Sub : Filling up of one post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Life Science Branch), Group 'B' NonGazetted, Non-Ministerial in the scale of pay of PB-2 Rs.9300-34,8000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 200/-(Ikely to be revised) in the in the Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi 3115 under BPR&D cadre on deputation basis. Sir, 0 <1 One post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Life Science Branch), Group 'B' Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial in the scale of pay of PB-2 Rs.9300-34,8000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- (likely to be Ci ka.ri-sed) in the in the Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre on Alleputation basis. The brief details are as under:(a) No. of Post 01 (one) (b) Place of posting New Delhi (c) Eligibility conditions: On deputation basis Officers of Central Government or Central Police Organisations or Central Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; OR (ii) With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; And following the (b) Possessing qualifications and experience: educational Essential: \,./ c:::S1 oa;e .. . . . . . (i) Bachelor's Degree in Science with Molecular Biology or Biochemistry or Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Forensic Science as a subject from a recognized University. Continued page 0 3/114/2011-77Th TINci 3i-Vur-r Edicb-ii, 3/4 o> .1"1(-1 trf#F, o)4sr ft--- -110003 : 30- , 2015 tm1 . 11-R-c-1 R17-43-F 31;17W ) Tf4). RifITzT, (R.:1117-1 Tit Pipt ZT af'e•-fl- c1c1)/Tfifi ---417:4 2. t3t1 *-0-07Z1, Er11 (1-) 9.9, FOIT9 3. •Pi."1-T, 111cift 4. ffikvi-- ,eilcr) ,-fra- wi-srchR1 913R1 ul, T.131.1- 117:b7a, R)1:011, WO- ,6(1 41 fts171. : of 'ffii 3i1,t4ZT17 . 3T1m eq-E (1--a9- 4-Hf)ct) TIT2T tft-2 *RT). 9300-34,800 Tif81-t-z1 631trq cr)af- 1 1 0085 5Tfeizi ft-1-ff YI R.gr), .crT 4200/-11 I '44T 31-1U17 IltYqZ1, PM 31 -k-ialT9.•RE" <1.) (TA cl -1 t4-0-rff 'Vrruir), 3PM9. c1Rt ftTTT-1 •Ult TiTZT .4)Z. -1 4-11-1 t -2 S. 9300- 34, 800 ci-)1 Sri ft-q\rut 1. aiT-iarN ft- t -#-4-14-d) 4 2 00 /- f i &FUR 1z17 of \311. 4)1 ART-4 t. itar 01 (c1-)) trq Th1 #o:rr chi 21-19. 2. 3. u ftwRi -14 f4-- t : 51M-1-kgr 11-1a1 qa-1* 21P-Ti R:1-4 16- 1 - m ft:Au 31-1?-T17 T.17 3714 4 irf ct) cV-1 /n4-IFT Ti-71 riq 312,Tql /f4TITTI 11141-3 -. ftzif4-d fWitu (u) 930 0- 3480 0/- tf". trFaTd. g 3o PAlt"ulzt .T4=1 Th121 31-gc-k 3117 3TTT-4 TiTzT R,41k1 3llt117 1:17 4200/ - 1 T1 •-1 4-1T--4 ci'l1v1 <4 'AS t- 31T-4va- 1. f 4-11--1c11 FWT T,Irq TrP.T 3T2Fai -> ftFT- 3T2T7E -q R11 c,a Eh T974TV1-k--;1 31.24-q1 3T2TM ct-41-zr 3T 2. cri\i 3T201 TilT111/#171=1/ ftERT I z4 -1 2T2Tal f041 411(44 :gruitT ViTFT\i •-Nct-)1 3T9-471 tf 31.2-1-4T fforzr T -tr\T--q. 4-c91 \511t1 071 2 7Eil cl.)1 31 TNI 2/ :2: (ii) Two years' experience in examination of biological/ serological/ DNA evidence material in Central Police Organisations or in Central Armed Police Forces or in Central Government or Armed Forces. Desirable: Master's Degree in Molecular Biology or Biochemistry or Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Forensic Science from a recognized University. 2. The detailed eligibility conditions, experience are enclosed herewith. The maximum age limit for appointment by transfer on deputation shall be not exceed 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of application. The details including Prescribed Proforma and eligibility conditions etc are also available on BPR&D website: www.bprd.nic.in (Administration — Recruitment). 3. It is requested that the applications of the suitable and willing officers may kindly be sent to the Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development on the address indicated above within a period of 2 months from the date of issue of this letter. The applications received after due date will only be considered after examining the 4. circumstances and reasons for delayed receipt the same Encl: As above. Yours faithfully, (Dr. S. Karthikeyan) (vzlio) Assistant Director (Admn.) AT 24362401 4470/Fax No. 24369825 - -- 2 -- qi15/410 ftiff gut 11-4 tr 3fruri 3T2Tq1 pr Et 31-2rar 497:r1'd-urrl 31-21--ar 71a4.4 ft -F-1 3pr4r ft5a14 , --11cict3)-(-1 f+7ftH I cl 1 3Tfcff t I -50A-gif 31-1-679-T TT-E vrcu 6.)- 4 3-if 'r4ziiRct rq 3ftR- y l c11 a Y I c1 3Trft dct) 56 c14 t 31-14T 7re ert wit7 I fte7 ,11 tcra tdt vhf sccls6croccvsilLibTrdt.79 .34-r-M.77 ("i-c>i-1-WFE)' TR I3TV4.n-Rr 4 2. tfe, fjc 3T11-7 72T1 Af4d wr4 uP-fr qi*-11 Nwr 3114a5r`,a. TR. 7 -1-19icku1 1 - T I 3T ET f 3. ft7 Tr7 "cr" 47 3ff4wrW 311 -<9- t-11 t 7ft 614m-1 ftf4 t- 2 4116 t fa-% t (-1 -r41C1 ITT 3T1-4-491tR tri 4. tftt ill t Ell< ft Ti %al "T 411 I • (-1.4,11-Z14,4-1) ail f (Pwr.) Ebtff 74.-24362401 t-471.-- 24369825 ANNEXURE — 1. Name of the post Senior Scientific Assistant (Life Science Branch) 2. Scale of Pay PB-2 Rs.9, 300-34,800/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- (likely to be revised) 3. Ministry / Department Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre. 4. Eligibility Deputation Officers of Central Government or Central Police Organisations or Central Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; OR (ii) With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; And (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience: Essential: (i) Bachelor's Degree in Science with Molecular Biology or Biochemistry or Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Forensic Science as a subject from a recognized University. (ii) Two years' experience in examination of biological/ serological/ DNA evidence material in Central Police Organisations or in Central Armed Police Forces or in Central Government or Armed Forces. Desirable: Master's Degree in Molecular Biology or Biochemistry or Zoology or Botany or Microbiology or Forensic Science from a recognized University. (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications). Note: For the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006/the date from which the revised pay structure based on the 6 th CPC recommendations has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the pay commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade with a common grade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay/pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any upgradation. 1. trq q5-1 9Trt 2. cl--1 ,-1. 1.:1 3. 4. - TiTIRI-cFff F017-1 7TTUT) 4Riz .err tt-2 3.i. 9300-34,800 t 3-Eq. 4-1 - 1(-1 t-4/it1ITTI .s...it.wer ticot c 31.01-9- is-P6-71 3T-Ti -F 7-4 ftwr7 :it, 94 F4-Al - c ftr,1-1 : tfl- dl. \L-I ci)Iq t--. 411. f631. tR-4 3t1fuwIt vil 31-1.MR (I) (qT) 4 Ti. 4200/-(34: tiA(1) Th-RINTI/thlTf7f 3111 717 1:1-7,' qTRZ1 1 , 3121-41 fW4 TEF chi5.0t4T7T (10 hz - fkziRiT ftita tWc5 (u) 7% 33.1P-T 9300-34800/- 4200/ - TIT .64-Irp4 ad-mt-r clic) tR KR FizTf4U 3ITEITZ q mct 3113. 17-4M \Itl *ft 4 triv U mct 31173r-gm - 3i1c1V1 cb 1. f4T4t ur2T Rita 3Trurft- 11-4 3TP-TM 54Iun ftT9' 3T21 1T 3T2Tqf ct.) .RtRI fftr9. 3421-4.1 31.21-af '<nti .4 I 2. t---4I71 r639. •1 4 10--1) 3T21-41- f'Tr GIA 3:1TFtt i 31.217T t-4171 tZi 31.4 31.ftT \t-Nci,k 31.2rm 31.20T 't-Mt-A OA 4 Itcr-ff7 f&TT-4 I vlizi WI 2 ailso ftWifdara7I 3). 31Turra TYtt4 PMFT- 3T21-41 .114 ftt f4--gra. 3T2T-qr favr9 fazi t--lid4rN 3T2T-4r 3T-A, FR9-4 TAt 3T2Nr ftt tTft, ER ed-f41-% 4 31-4f4 1ft \9410--1/1t1TrIT citi 3). 31-14- . f""7 311114 31-VITIT *fl Th-TElleizi snnf.) 797%,2006 TIT U 4 3TRIR rfq ffigi i l ct) 3tY' wrzgr 4>cid \3e.1-1 c flI 4-11-4.1 51f.d3WIRIff f7 T). 56 Uzi cl 3ITETF RTEb-rftl 31-rETR act-1 ,1yr RtcriRd itzir 31I -1g) 0-1) 3TraWrqt gm 01 c16 cif c-1-1 &Rh-Tr 4 RiLt)1W c 77. 3ITEITRU f 14 t",3). trO l 4 1i t 31TePT c * . 14) ft F4tjf.r t -61-T tr-o-. 3TR:r t1 C14 TFT l I of of gkr fkg%* 3119.--t1-1 Ml 0 ,) Thct 3n-3i f 3171)— A-ff 3TZTIT -41enct) 3T2Tqf 3:a-1=1 f Dtc11%-1 t c1.-Ot-i-l411.-1 4 4 Tit Tilit Wcrt act-vac-I-Hill eRnr . rM. F+ar 7{12-T cl -liact -1111-1 R -11 f.-Rt 5 t. 2/ Responsibilities / duties Attached to the post of Senior Scientific Assistant ((Life Science Branch)) in the following: - i. For identifying and inducting emerging scientific and technological innovations in the field of Life Science to improve the operational efficiency of the forces. ii. To undertake trials of new products in consultation with established scientific institutions. iii. To organize regular interactions of scientists and police leaders in order to sensitize the latter with development taking place. iv. Organize regular interactions of scientists and police leaders in order to sensitize the latter with developments taking place. v. Strengthening inter-institutional linkages and collaboration. vi. To develop equipment standards, testing procedures and related protocols for the equipments being dealt by the Wing. vii. To assess and evaluate existing products and technologies for police application. viii. To liaise with National Laboratories and Industries for new products/technology development and/or innovation of existing systems to offer tailor-made solutions for specific problems faced by field officers. ix. To lay down QRs/specifications for various Products and systems useful for efficiency enhancement of police working. x. To undertake specific development projects in mission mode with specific goals and time frame. xi. Broadening the knowledge-base of Life Sciences in the country through strengthening and use of national resources of knowledge, know-how, experience, facilities and infrastructure under the aegis of Life Sciences Research Board. xii. To participate in the various exhibitions organized in the country for knowledge enhancement. xiii. To organize seminars and workshop for providing information sharing platform and for reaching concrete solutions to certain issues. xiv. To organize various Standing Committee meetings for resolving the issues faced by the para-Military Forces with reference to new equipment/technology or their scaling and condemnation. xv. To create a database of information relating to vehicles and traffic issues for use by State Police Forces and Central Armed Police Forces. (Dr. S.Katrthikeyan) Assistant Director (Admn.) 1. M-11 .a.q5AThcl Tri'f4W Ebc.1 vi I cra 111 I 161 TRI- E1 9 ff 1 - W"-zia f ) .t-181ei cb 5. Th-TTP6Rff'd -4-M 31.14EarTftd cM -ET I TT17 2. Afa-Ft7 a VIct) 3. f) cl 30-1I4 vi .-14)1W ffT1-Ti u TUT ct) -I1 iii)ci->• cn1fkafka T •)c-lcci 3i ER-RTF 31-rze 4 3 \h-) 1-1 T ' 4-k U1P cnl 4)1 ar671 tc-7 Ti-4-f4a ,FichiRzt mi.-11 -5). 11-iid \5 chf Ti-671-17Tc/ f4f--9 \jtvic.td 7t4f4ff \3qc.t) vji tta-1131- "5rf.TT U2T1 511T11f 71?=1. 31:1M7ur1 chl 1 -431-R1 • -04 5. 6. 4-) 3TI-Titf 5[If c1-) -IT I ■3c-LIO 7. PT Th-17:11 #4ffi-c:f 8. T7t7T 111) R11(1131) U2TT 3-ff)-11) T t i 4ET 9. T4-#- Tr3.4 -43 ;Z:1179-Fi 11c11-1 clA7r1 71Tr-41 TAT t <4[.1 ?<aT-d-r PR--1 PA-WU 4-11-14) 11. 'q)). 'fttcf i T f rf 3Trtf.- cc t4f-# l zr uP_TT i i E1141) ■51-11311 Z1 ur T c1-11 Vtur3t, IT-4i 4 ,Tivicta uP_Tr th f r ,11-icta qq,1-11 I ,11-14-fta ct.)-11 1-Trrr Q)ct, #414u v11-1 # 1 c,114`i ) 3T7T)-1v1 cT cb *11 1 3 . Tft-Tit Z1 (4)14 YI I (-1 f31 ?O. 14 . ff 1-q7 ftr9 3TVara- Erftsfq #Ruti-r # za-N-Flp ,thurrru ft-0-m 12 . f do-)41 ct))* 311V312T-41 u21 f f T th'le 3TRim--ritt I t I i.4 itt7 t:17 c.-1 I I f! 10. ,6 F 3-11ETH tiR fa-U#1-9. goTTA cM-11 -1c1-)1 c) -1 I U2T1' 3-14)1 97 31:1M-Tt Tf4fa-Zt 1 74 E1 1 411UT9' •Z 1 uq f67 T-1-11 311-a-KT c1c.1) 45. TffliFJ 3TTOr 3Tal MIT 3T2TM 3 -14) 1 ,11Z1T8' 15. .517( 464) 311 r ct) .11c1R1I d 3117 c116-EI T 317E1-TRU R79-Tq #414c-T EH1-11 I ( fir. 734. cm (ACTT.) izht=1 7. -24362401 24369825 ANNEXURE - II Application for appointment to the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Life Science Branch), Group 'B' Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial in the Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre on deputation basis. 1. Name and Address (in Block letters) 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Date of retirement under Central/State Govt. Rules : 4. Educational Qualification 5. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the authority for the same.) Qualification/Experience Required Essential Qualification /Experience possessed by the officer (1) Desired 6. Please State clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of the post. 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. If the space below is in sufficient. Name of the S.No. Name of office/Department post From To Scale of pay and Basic Pay Nature of Duties (in detail) ti (44 -14)- 11 AA fWIRi UL-0, R ff-IP67T arTlzi-r9. 7-4 qm-r-ii ak0 .ti 4'l < i 3Tth if6-RT 3T1-RiZTR qfttzI1i)c.47 '4-1 5 ILI cb 11.q I) 111-g , 3TR-FTN-d, 31-9-71711 51-MAR:SRCT 311tTF Iry 4A- .3114 T4-404 PRi-Wr 310-<9 - 1. 1-1:1 trdT ( 2. 3.. \---41-ziRN- 1 Thct 4. tru--- cI 5. <NI **1 1:1-4 iuri- FM. 3*EfaU Ru TO-am iqc-ll Trrt Nit wf4T-rt vrcu 31-krUU 37111-q/ 3Tf4Wft erTzrur 31--14q/z0zur - 3ff474 7:1\1-nidT ffiTirt A (1) (2) (3) ) (2) 6. TcRIT 4 7T 3171 T Nffftrzl < r Tit-1W '.GC § < KI 1 3rFtT 11-q- 3-T4t-d. L11 , 4ick 7-€M 7. shi-IlltIN Th-T 211-RT, W-11P1c1 T.t c.t) 316-1-1 ct)IzI riq/IWITIT1 Rzn tic,11-1 cf qc Th7 1-1=1 err TQTT9. 341:17(71. 3) cl ch 711i 8. edliT9 c1-1 4-11-1 1241. Ici cl-)1 3T2T-1-r RwRit ■-ci 3M-4 T-c1-41. f - f 31.2-74-1 317211-41- 3T21-4T c1-1 4)1 - 1. tcl \frg TaRWR. ) 8. 9. -2Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi Permanent or Permanent. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis please state:(a) The date of initial appointment. (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract. Name of the parent office/organization to which you belong. 10. Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column.) (a) Central Govt. (b) State Govt. Autonomous Organisation (d) Government Undertaking (e) Universities (f) Other. 11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. 12. Are you in Revised Scale of pay ? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn. 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of you suitability for the post. This among other thing may provide information with regard to:(xxxi) Additional Academic qualifications. (ii) Professional training and (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) .2. 9. .11;Aco -17)jIr 4 -rtR3r : mc'r (() (Tr) TERIT ict-Pfl 31TETR 117 ETTRIff ief -zfit c ifs i- coRildqR-kol t-r 9-Pi Nrcr 4-4-14a. r T-Erar q-d-N 10. 3n-cr , Ite : (t) ,<c, (u) ,<Nti *wok '1 4 1 -I (T1) .340 41 (1=1) (Z.) (114-11(-R1 3P 11. TERrr 4--d-K f ITT 31-rtr Vft f411-Fr 4 ti-zu 3T2T1T 4 4 4 t 12. -TE1T 3171 #014-d. cif Ult7E{ 'k ft coo t 4erq-7 pri Ift 13. !,1ft-grr - c ii ofell 1-1Pc,Qe4 : 14. 3TititaT1 tr, fa-q. artrt \34VcIcif 4 3c cm-if -=.4 31-4:1 .Rtv.i) 39e1&T 4o ,a4 4tOt (i) 3i-fd-Rwr (ii) ancmi Ttri-4-d-r 51-ftai-o-r ft trq- ft7 f4tfrRa- tritcrwftwErff t 31-PR (iii) cP14 31-11T4 I ( •-f)t 15. -qftz 3F-d-rr 72Tra- zrzrrca- 161 t- ) p4'.0 i --dN f i 31.71 TIfeP:01(3TrtWaRtf)/301-6-9-N-11 f ci 3ITEIT7 31-ftff ct). flsmA 3TRIO TEfT 3W1 31-7ftff 7ft31171ftd v1-1•411-0/31 f741735t c 1:31:tr fo-c4)-Er L-11411,1-11 mcoam §i U, twit/TiWARITZTat : ct") - 4 'Rv-ifff 5Rfff71 161. t I crY.41 cf")) : : (ii) vcolv3Ord-r-l-1/3114---OT (iii) cIIU 34 trift f 17. itoTuft (313-70 t`r (i) 3i--j--ezi-F 3rr4-6-9. &VET (ccfel c-5RI ■re1 TRWR1 W4-Td zi-Rrwrt , 16. *ic-1 1 -1 ThcfTiTh-th 411^e4cif Mil (iv) ( U, zraTr •-r TiTh-th ) -315 Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/Absorption/Re-employment basis. (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for " Absorption". Candidates of Non-Government Organisations are eligible only for short term contract) 16 Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC. 17. Remarks (The candidates may be indicate information with regard to (1) Research publications and reports and special projects. (ii) Awards/Scholarship/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and (iv) Any other information. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) . I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. ( Signature of the applicant) Address Telephone No. Mobile No. Countersigned (Employer with Seal) Certificate to given by Head of Office of the applicant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It is certified that the particulars furnished by the officer are correct. It is certified that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated against the applicant and he/she is clear from the vigilance angle. His/Her integrity is certified. It is certified that no major or minor penalties have been imposed on the officer during the last 10 years. His/Her complete ACRs dossier/Attested photo copies of the ACRs (on each page) by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of India are enclosed. It is certified that no court case is pending against the applicant. It is certificate that officer, if selected, will be relieved immediately to join the post. (Head of Office) Name: Telephone No. Fax No. With office Seal .3. /f rrcr u l urr-ff-& tur t t c61 t \3tActd f f'4 u21-r t-414-a7-'67t 11 T{Prit TRT 31-1* ctr•) trR" 4 TT T{97 f4t 31-4-74 t-1") .1 ff. : Ohl TO- 6'<-C-11ffl-R. ctki I) A-17 TRT itzrr ct)H-i arr\ 311-4Wit urT Rzi-r 41qt uctqu ft-4R-Err TTett 1. 54 411P1c1 f -zr-r 'lid! * 2. M 41116 1d iz-?IfT \J-1 - Wt)k chi 3-1-VIRTffrOMitiPt:f f x F -3ft * f 1'4--apfki\uu T61- t u91-r cI , -Icic.c11 4 "fi" lIti t'rt . t 3. (.16 4. 711e (0) Tilq TFITrt7 itTif \slid! * f 5. 3iT -Rtnt l 3 -ad9- 317F Ti-it7 (.11 31f 6. q6 51 411Pld f fr \slid! t. f 31'474 7. q6 M 411 Pld Id] t f ct") cb) 10 cl til f ftta fir f4-RTzg- cl TT IAZT/ I '16'1 -ftTIT eLl If ld AR -41 (Skit TM 1-TRU Mind (1 1 1 * •-qieficach Aft-4T i fc T d CtIcl i 6)•) -1:Nr 3TrqWft Tr 1:1-q IT cM.) \YIN 4 11 Ate ) rig-) i00-)H-11. c1LI 41-6R" TiTZT tTyri. Nr c)... v 4141effi Itift-tMin) Oy, No.1-5- S2 Ed I C6 Dy. Ti77971 Ministry of H me Affairs . No ... Diltad.....—._ d viiiis.E,FrO-RT 37,Tittrq 0 Rwri:r ceic:<1 ..DEVELOPMENT POLICE RESEARCH & BUREAU OF trn-ff-EPABX: 011-2436 5009/ 2330/ 0371 7( V Fax No. 011-2436-2425 and 011-2436 9825 Tx • -- , . „ 247 /2014c;-- 1110611, (IV i' 4-4 *MIN Jan, lia .....•et - . c0-11, 3/4 del t1t341 trit7, , '91 itt--110003 Block No. XI, 3 rd Floor CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110 003 No.3/113/2011-Adm. Dated March ,2015 To All Secretaries, Government of India (as per list attached). All the Heads of CPOs//CAPFs. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India, Udhyog Bhawan, New Delhi. Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Block No.9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Roach New Delhi. Director, LNJN, NICFS, Rohini, Delhi-110085. 1 Sub : Filling up of one post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch), , Group 'IV Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial in the scale of pay of PB-2 Rs.9300-34,8000/plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- (likely to be revised) in the in the Bureau of Police Research &Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre on deputation basis. ts Sir, One post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch),, Group 'B' NonGazetted, Non-Ministerial in the scale of pay of PB-2 Rs.9300-34,8000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/(likely to be revised ) in the in the Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre on deputation basis. The brief details are as under:(a) No. of Post 01 (one) (b) Place of posting New Delhi I Eligibility conditions: On deputation basis Officers of Central Government or Central Police Organisations or Central Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; OR (ii) With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; And (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience: Essential: (i) 063 Diploma in Textile Engineering, or Textile Technology or Fashion Technology or Fashion a recognized Designing from University/Institution. Continued page...2/- '340 3/113/2011-1. 1 TRU qf:r 31-kiErr9. ftwrTi 1 1, 3/4 Ed 11111 -F, iici "E1)- IRT Ye,1 T:ft 3TI))-F, 2015 1. likci TRcr,k 1-fizrF ) TRit ffiu 1ir S-16-•6 EA/Rill) .)-- )?.1 2. R4) my§ -ti ft't 3. '4-1f5 t1f cPhI 1-i -A Ma:1117U RTRebk,KIIT 4. ft-het), --i.11.1r7ft-T 11F9 .f..fkffi,Gclicr) f.9 5. itc.p,o)ct)-iRict) vRimcbm -1Niziul,793Wfircr4Fc,7018141,11-110085 , , 3T 1-. 1734,7)t s, 711 f vict) ,6614ict, (zf .cr-4 *ii\71 *1\3\41 iii), 3412T -hz 14 4200/- (341.7U: lit-2 T. 9300- 34,800 " 3171-ATIf , 3 1•7713474" it 5rfeitgRa 31TEITR* .cfR 1Tvr 1134ETFT 4 F4M-134 ver, 31"634 3tre,' 3TVI)-f4U) : fo-R-{ 3Tivr9- t rawR-{ zir 3Ta1 qRcu ico Trel<O, Sft-Ri 31-VZI19. tt ft4->179. VLR). 31-47 t)Tr'r4- *iz;Rict) (qc, 31-12T '43' 31-97ittrazi k1iiii 4111-2 T. 9300-34,800 z tstf k 4 z31-a4 rf ftwrRi vit, 9-4 Rert 4 Pfd-ftzft. p7r 31-Tiv.Tr9 #14i7r 1:4-477 ftar 1. 1T-1 2. --;ITUI* 1 3. 1T-41 4. 4i -AcIT n i t- an -mu), -11,,f 4200/- 4R 'Ti i iiit :- 01 (o.>) 1 tits4ri 9-4 IF-1 1) fi : mcot rd-R-4 Gm) 4171 417 *Ncr)1•*-41-zifkT #19'T I1 t--1-f51t cl 4(4 41/f41.117 4 31-7T 1:1 31TEITV TR 3174 (I) ETTRU 3T2r4T 750 14)-2 7F). 9300-34,800/- 4,15qitIFT (II) 'T. 4200/ 4 ZIT •6 41vea 74 3rircl-R 147 f'r trz-47- ciic) 117 IIcI R)41 Thlt) \3*I 3tR. () 3rgc-HQ 3117 31T1- TO-a - f4fta 311(wriE 1. 1-,4-11 PrEu I cu-A & 3T2.1.41 eN--A 31-24- 1-r tTT ftcfr4f=41-r 3T2F-11 t714 dco-licr) ftsm 4 ft •qt9-r 2. t--4171 a-fRi ft— ATZr9 ZT 4)14fIC 31-713 3IM-T 6101) 31. 2.71 tiii6-1) 3T2MT 3T2T-4-r 3T2TEIT &21-m- 39 Gici) deb-C1, 317 fcTki E1 3T4111 7-1 'WI 2 eltil Th-T 311144 I 2/ (ii) Two years' experience in the field of Textile Technology or in research and development in Central Police Organisations or in Central Armed Police Forces or in Central Government or Aimed Forces. Desirable: Bachelor's Degree in Textile Engineering or Textile Technology or Fashion Technology or Fashion Designing from a recognized University/Institution. The detailed eligibility conditions, experience are enclosed herewith. The maximum age limit for 2. appointment by transfer on deputation shall be not exceed 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of application. The details including Prescribed Proforma and eligibility conditions etc are also available on BPR&D website: www.bprd.nic.in (Administration — Recruitment). It is requested that the applications of the suitable and willing officers may kindly be sent to the 3. Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development on the address indicated above within a period of 2 months from the date of issue of this letter. The applications received after due date will only be considered after examining the 4. circumstances and reasons for delayed receipt the same End: As above. Yours faithfully, i(V (Dr. S. Karthikeyan) *IRIct) {*14) (WO Assistant Director (Admn.) n 24362401 ItTu/Fax No. 24369825 -- 2 -- ffert _TR1 ,o_ir 74 4--f5r dr 9-1-Er cfcb-itThct 3T21 4-r 2. cict) 56 .44 31-14- 31-f ' -'11c1cr) #4ffi-d- Y1 31-1-679TT1 I AtdfkzjRZI 67.1 vrca- 61.) . cr 31faTT f'df r wRA--34 ITFOT , -1Eat T4 3U-ft 'Mft-q. 1- 7-c-0 AI-14)1.a 171-4 FETitto. 9 t-Rfi .nsq,s(scp-rnIft3TR--lt.t.T,r 14)- , *-1-Psj,t4t) 77- 31-T-Tq u21 3A-f 1:1T-T1-4-dRuf 3T2NT futRifThr c 1 ch cb TRH qi-Adr 1 q)el 31f4W-dTi 39 1 317P-T 3. Tfrra -1144 74 •Tur7 f -q. 4N tit fffiTTUf c 4 , y Yet 1 ci q-RTE -c-qci-) 344W1P11). 14 71"). .g1-4 3.fr fa-R4 trf=4-R-QT-d-z11 H5titcp,a-P-674 37174U9 2 4-i1 i s 3f wrvuil 4 z ftWrTi. ‘stiq oro ftR fkm i1 4 11 I \k --• : cbi ftcl-ki ) F4-4V1- (AUL) .b)-f .- 243624011- 24369825 1 ANNEXURE I - 1. Name of the post Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch) 2. Scale of Pay PB-2 Rs.9, 300-34,800/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/(likely to be revised) 3. Ministry / Department Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre. 4. Eligibility Deputation Officers of Central Government or Central Police Organisations or Central Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; OR (ii) With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; And following the (b) Possessing qualifications and experience: educational Essential: (i) Diploma in Textile Engineering or Textile Technology or Fashion Technology or Fashion a recognized Designing from University/Institution. (ii) Two years' experience in the field of Textile Technology or in research and development in Central Police Organisations or in Central Armed Police Forces or in Central Government or Armed Forces. Desirable: Bachelor's Degree in Textile Engineering or Textile Technology or Fashion Technology or Fashion Designing from a recognized University/Institution. (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications). ~iMi -ich - I 1. vrFor) q T-Ff '71:1 In4-1-4 V6. 9300-34,800 i R112.1 4200/- (#3-1d: 3. 4-111c1 ,--4/ 4. 3TVZI-F 1.TPT uF4-WRi : tfl----dT #11-69.)- Zi q)' 1u Z f4uf4u 31-ruF Errftu er, 3121T (I) ,Icf-t 4-t1-1 TO litt-2 1it 11F (10 trq 31-(1-4 T1T2-T 7 r-Rffka ei 'Oft 14 Ifis T-11 q)c)- 311UR N13 ftft- (u) 9300-34,800/.4TCT 4200/ 14 TIT TITETC-ZI 3t1-7 — 31-T177 3.1I0V.Ich 1. Rb-Rft 4-1N A(11 RRTI F47-4ft-fiTa7JR-k-P-TH i cN-;1 3 ritzrtf \AH.inir 31-2T -ar c T'cift-4 3T2Tql rf rP1 2. p-Ri Ci\i 3T2I-M 3T I 3T21Z -47- 171 W.1' 14 ci 3T21-qi Pcit6- 3T21-4T ■3-14 thTh-Ri Rfri Cb l --er 3T24--q-r cu-.)r 3T2T41 1 719 cT 5 Z f t4. 'CrA--cF 3N. 4)1 31-lTi?-1F-1 chi 2 ci 317-4 I qi-s5-41-zr f 4-11--c1i RiTu f47-4-uwol-Rwm .R1 c —A 3frlfZIff 3T2TZn i cf 1Z 31.2141 f- ,,11,41-) , IREfz1 cich (ufzjf'd -4>1 3T•f 1, f TEf rFR. of f4ZI% 9lZ - -Vrtfifia. er chMiriq 51Z1FT 1i t,34 c 3fizi)-rt fti-wzr f f431-ftd s c-I-Oc1-1 4-11-1 1 c Tifrcrt -) Ti-RT ea7 4 .1g) ert 31TETTRa 1-4 --k-s114d .t-11 4-11-4 Ard7-2_TrIta 31-1 'NI ■A). 31-11t JRT itrb-TfM 311ETR cM-1 4-11-1 1r , R11 > 3417 \JI6i 1:5174T )cic,I f4-9-r 56 PRTPTi 31171)1T 01 q"9-41.,2006 TIT U Ult-E1 4 Mei3ifc T ffft TT71 3112TR I f;) -/ftr 110 317T1 fl c1 , 1 AZT cn-f 31-f4T )411I4f-k)N-Rff fkzft TRfi 3T21-11 f4RI) 31-af 1 17 344-Fali 3TPT&IT 3T2FT1 )171-f •;1N 4 11 f ffa7 cl•-f/c1-1 4-11-1 t 2/ :2: Note: For the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006/the date from which the revised pay structure based on the 6 th CPC recommendations has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the pay commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade with a common grade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay/pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any upgradation. Responsibilities / duties Attached to the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch) in the following:- 5. i. For identifying and inducting emerging scientific and technological innovations in the field of fabrics/textile and their management to improve the operational efficiency of the forces. o undertake trials of new products in consultation with established scientific institutions. iii. To organize regular interactions of scientists and police leaders in order to sensitize the latter with development taking place. iv. To collect and collate information related to uniform issues and related products and solutions. v. To develop equipment standards, testing procedures and related protocols for the equipments being dealt by the Wing. vi. To assess and evaluate existing products and technologies for police application. vii. To liaise with National Laboratories and industries for new products/technology development and/or innovation of existing systems to offer tailor-made solutions for specific problems faced by field officers. viii. To lay down QRs/specifications for various Products and systems useful for efficiency enhancement of police working. ix. To undertake specific development projects in mission mode with specific goals and time frame. x. Participate in the various exhibitions organized in the country for knowledge enhancement. xi. To organize seminars and workshop for providing information sharing platform and for reaching concrete solutions to certain issues. xii. To organize various Standing Committee meetings for resolving the issues faced by the Para-Military Forces with reference to new equipment/technology or their scaling and condemnation. xiii. To create a database of information relating to uniform issues for use by State Police Forces and Central Armed Police Forces. (Dr. S. artuil(eyan) Assistant Director (Admn.) - 2 *I 61 qc-47 ( -24 'V '6I G 5. 3. Aft11%-c-1 -c‘-) 5. 7-j-4-rQT \;11.-IWW f I -Fqc i -1-71. ffitTi cbi) \i11-11111 q-11 1 ttaTtri WZ171.1 3t-J11- TP-Ti tc-j- 7-4 1177.1:17 41Iff 4)1 -1 ci-)1•11 tt5:i 31c1 11c1 <141Mkt 7471 7 -qt"Ef - W-Zi 4 Trfe4-ruzi)- 1 1:171T-M ch i7 37:1-r4I #7-2TFt1 31-171)4. I) 31-fkkzftT ci-).-11 F,Tur # Tp-R2. u\YI I 11 4111,>o, cr2Tr # 7-4 1. cb) . T-el-YTT -c-fUr iur 4 cb7-uli 45). f4-4Tit crqi-7 TFA-T--1cb -if I 7tcf- #414a. u11-1c1-a ATE cM I I t4U4-1 I-1 c41I 347 ci ct) -1) - )* 4 T9-c-Tlt 6. .P.Ti WW1 7. 717t4 li44) Me113ti U2-TT 3-Etit qui-F, 11 f4t14 31-17Tici 9 10. •Z-1 4-H-1 4 1ci a fttEi cF r # 31 Rin cr 3T14--ftt I 47d-F4 4FcTf cb) 51111-11 zri7 cr).-11 M-TT fi cb R1 ci c1c1-4101) 311-7j3T214.1 3TFTF 4-N-q I31 i .-1 411Z11-1 74-F ctrfl /3erWuxr1I f Tur \3-f co 1 Tffi-EF ,T '-rf \3041 72TTfitTi cb 3--JT11 aar 9-Errifepti I l AT11 1 A f rl 11. #1:14-9-17\1 a 4)14 fly f4TTRT Q f r1 1-11 4 1 c)c1') cM-11. r3 Frt #414-j V-1 # qt cr) • .17T cM-11 51-To 71TITETH Tc1-1f 311-67LT Th-T 12. 3T21-41 \3•-i- 4114 4 97 3-9t 71T-1-IQ-FT 13. 'T;t1--LT ‘2- A- f c1 7T -ftrm=.-r U211 1-■ ;7.1 TIM- tht Ktr 3-rd 7-1-f I 3ift 311Q-1-ea TT-91-Q 7-1 1 cl I I c1 311-q. 1 6 ..11 0-11-11 s r. 71. .4) Irc(14) ) z1 ct) F4-kT (AWL) ff)'ITT ;t.-24362401 1' -T-07ti- 24369825 ANNEXURE - IT Application for appointment to the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Uniform & Accoutrement Branch), Group 'B' Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial in the Bureau of Police Research Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadre on deputation basis. 1. Name and Address (in Block letters) 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Date of retirement under Central/State Govt. Rules : 4. Educational Qualification 5. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the authority for the same.) Qualification/Experience Required Essential Qualification /Experience possessed by the officer (1) (2) (3) Desired (1) (2) 6. Please State clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of the post. 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. If the space below is in sufficient. S.No. Name of office/Department Name of the post From To Scale of pay and Basic Pay Nature of Duties (in detail) *1 el 4 -I ct)-11 1,4,1 ,6 4,./1 aft 3-11-itTF-1 flevo 3-114z1-7-1 7-4 Dc.bNi 0.0, f:4 --1 A ciPto 4viPcb (c441 7-4 IH.gr)T{v 0 ped-Risfr i 3llarF TR- lit .-114 T4*_11 'ftzftf 31T--49 1T5 1101 31a. Ifd% (tfft -Itti 1. 2. 3. ) 414/R-F3-71 fl'N)k )(-11R1 vi M-`4R31 -1 -79T-177 t'14T 4. 5. `-N 4 f'07 31-4 fWita TOErd-r c fl +-IVA Alt r 3T- f tj,A t (Tri ch)i *Tzffr tzF4 T1 I 4-f : th 31-4-nuu 3T-141-4/ cfr 3.ff -q-pl 31-i4m-rt 3TT-1-4/71)-71-di (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) cut94R4 6. TT:17TI --dT0' f 31[11- 'gRT r 1 141: i c) cl-q 1 3TTIT f=7 AfFd7. 0 41 1T-IN 1?=fi 4 WIT, Ti'l . t-- F471 4 H-11 ''-P-T-19. 31171WI' er 6'(c11 --17 - 4 51 4-UPI c1 Lcb 3T61-1 . 4)1 LI ki girlITFIT d '-i cl 4 --f ci-) I-1 cl-)1 -11 41 :(I cri) 4 -11 4-1 8. edTITff fizfitr TT -c q4 \-;) -2T1t4q 3T2T-4T TRIT ft14-4-d. 314.) --d-9Triff mir V c1 -1 31Q1-41 3172Trt 3T24T m-rzl 0 , -ciot4 (f43-- TR` 'R)*) 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi Permanent or Permanent. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis please state:(a) The date of initial appointment. (b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract. Name of the parent office/organization to which you belong. 10. Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column.) (a) Central Govt. (b) State Govt. Autonomous Organisation (d) Government Undertaking (e) Universities (f) Other. 11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. 12. Are you in Revised Scale of pay ? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn. 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of you suitability for the post. This amom-i, other things may provide information with regard to:- (xx.x) Additional Academic qualifications. (ii) Professional training and (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) .2. Tim 9. qf" ed-91-9 ftz:Pa AftFizftf/cNk 3TTE1TR . R ETTRuT it7 (T) 51-rd-fkzs%/cmN fz0-E <61 uft (7) vf cmq1c10-ino-t -11+-1 f f ti c 3TTEI 10. ed-Prrff f4zpr A Ti-eru Nfo-Rwr fir , Trar N c11 f autT r4PTId-ftra tr it m-rOu g (u) R-rr .‹-Ncor< (IT) •t"c.W-111 (IT) fl•2c111 I \34511 11 11. p f£rI TTTq i cmi 3Trq 3T21-4T f411-Fr g as 12. III 311 74-VIY4U c1-1 4-11 ,-r eizll g 4 g I zrf . 1:0 01-1 c1.1111 Th7 c ‘,0 giell To 13. 5rfaTrff 14. 34PdRwr ,(1t1-11 -Erft c1I t ct) . : : 3117 i rfq ct>1 f 371-4i -c4 * (i) T-E5 311 foRt q-cfra 31-ftitf tufirr- Thrum (ii) alicN-Act, (iii) ‘3L1crc1 37F ET C.Ii 1TiTh-th * vftraTcrr fir ki i -Eicrf4u ii-R-cmf4-0-rcm 31-14T-4 - Trft Twra. trzli-Tr ( t -> trd. 3T-67 44 TimItt) 15. TERTI qd17 ft' 3117 edftftl . (37tcrTitt)/311147917-iffzjil 3TTZ1T7r17 31-14<9 ct) * (c)cie-1 c.-5R1vY4 twoN)' 4 m-R1-7u 3TrUWIt 3P-714 c?)cici rl 3T f'67 41:4 ItR- '(-Ncta 310E1 ftE5t q11 31-4-14-d g 16. cl-q1 3117 31-giltU 7Tit /31711tU 17. 301-a- A-Tit f cmi P4-.111-Zgo 3t4f4u ft-Ecruft 011-71-2.11 zr--1-i111-r9 ft uerr ft-ft 7writmt: : (ii) vtcbiv3Tdrm-qftp-rrqwr (iii) cznitAcr) iviRtR-QTAR-4wrA A 411.1til TzTT (iv) 3T-R:f ct)) ( -1)t. - 7.21Tff : Air * At 31---d-Tr m't 7-r g) f I 4I * I) -315 Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/Absorption/Re-employment basis. (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for " Absorption". Candidates of Non-Government Organisations are eligible only for short term contract) 16 Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC. 17. Remarks (The candidates may be indicate information with regard to (i) Research publications and reports and special projects. (ii) Awards/Scholarship/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and (iv) Any other information. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) . I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. ( Signature of the applicant) Address Telephone No. Mobile No. Countersigned (Employer with Seal) Certificate to given by Head of Office of the applicant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It is certified that the particulars furnished by the officer are correct. It is certified that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated against the applicant and he/she is clear from the vigilance angle. His/Her integrity is certified. It is certified that no major or minor penalties have been imposed on the officer during the last 10 years. His/Her complete ACRs dossier/Attested photo copies of the ACRs (on each page) by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of India are enclosed. It is certified that no court case is pending against the applicant. It is certificate that officer, if selected, will be relieved immediately to join the post. (Head of Office) Name: Telephone No. Fax No. With office Seal .3. .kurr t 4 grR-r* fir ft f=47 -r7 .341471 tr-q fir c1 T1Rt414U 1pir arr TilT4 T-1-1 31-fifift t c-1N6 Wrfff f ICI *WE c..) 1=F 1) ‘miq laR" 3P-74 01 401 ~Il ci Cecil i Rzi)cl-c11) 4167$ TINT cbi4licle4 51Tpf gm Reif clIcif 5191u1 -7- 5R1 itzrr Trza 1. WiliOld 31-1 2. 51-9rfEru 31-1f ftU/31-14WU ,41c-lcc11 Th1 fir t WI" 141 Mcilk 4 31171N-1-110-10,/f01171t4 trt- 3. 7-0.-IN{)td 4. --16 511Trf6TU -War wIclI t f f413--. 10 cm) \3flct)) ct h ia-l-zr/1 -161 r47:1T 4 1LII t I 5. 31T4T- chrl 377d-9" .111-1-1q f4EM/ 71-\1714171 NO 4 .-1cv-IINciTlfdZit (51-& 1) 1-TRU •Wct?k *31-q7 6. <a 4-11P1c1 ftRIT wId1 * f 7. q6 51+-11f ld ItTIT •311c11 * f 31f4Wft URI ,ot-z4no * 5rItzrr 311,74 TRH 6).) 11-R 31-tirtf 1:1-q 4,16u1 M-141:1ft-4T vIN 4 11 I (c0P-41c1<-1511:10) . 1 ffTTE- 1-).-1 10- 90cbiqloq 4re Tim * dccr,id
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