Office rvf i!le Director C13;D 'hi No. E-16018(3)/2015/DIG-Fire/Pers41/151 Directorate General <16.0 Dy. No Central Industrial Security Force D ated ............ —.Z. . (Ministwitirtiome Affairs) Block No.13, CGO Complex, itan. New Delhi- 110001. Dated: 29th Jan.' 2015. 44ifia OFFICE MEMORANDUM 9- ... 0 I ;.{s.••• D1REC NEW DEL AA'1\111:11 Subject: Filling up of vacancy of Deputy Inspector General / Fire in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) by promotion/deputation including short-term contract basis - The undersigned is directed to state that 01 (one) post in the rank of Deputy Inspector General/Fire (General Central Service Group 'A' Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) in the Pay Band-4 of Rs. 37,400-67,000 plus grade pay Rs.8,900/- will become vacant wef 16.10.2015 and the same is to be filled by promotion/deputation (including short-term contract)basis:- fe) ,AY (1) Officers under he Central/State Government/ UTs/ Universities/ Recognised Research Institutions/Public Sector Under takings/ Semi Government/Statutory or Autonomous organization :a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department: or (ii) With total twenty years Group `A'/Gazetted service including three years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pay band4,Rs.37,400-67,000 with grade pay Rs.8700/- or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; and b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience: (i) (ii) Degree in science from a recognized university or equivalent. (iii) Twelve years' experience in Industrial Fire Protection knowledge and experience of standardization and formulating specifications for fire fighting appliances/ equipments and testing them. \(0 \c,1\\N Sucessfully completed Divisional officer course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur or Fire Service Training Institute of Central Industrial Security Force. OR Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers ( Grade -I) OR Associate Member/Member of Institution of Fire Engineers OR Bachelor of Fire Engineering from National Fire Service College, Nagpur. (2) The Departmental Senior Commandant(Fire) with total twenty years'Group "A"/Gazetted service including three years; regular service in the grade of senior commandant(Fire) failing which twenty years; Group"A"/Gazetted service including five years; combined regular service in the grades of Senior Commandant(Fire) and Commandant(Fire) being in Medical category SHAPE-I shall also be .considered alongwith outsiders and in case he is selected for appointment to the post the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. 2. The detailed eligibility conditions, experience for the post (Annexure-I), curriculam vitae proforma (Annexure-A), certificate to be given by Head of Office and job description of DIG/Fire are available on CISF web-site: ) (New/Vacancies). 3. The maximum age limit for appointment by promotion/deputation including short-term contract shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. 4. The pay of the officer selected for appointment on deputation and various conditions will be governed by the Govt. of India orders issued in this regard from time to time and also in accordance with the CISF Rules. megt • isit**-1, 20 P. Pecs-I, 40 4114411111 11111114.4. III :: 2 ,•is requested that the application (in triplicate) in the prescribed proforma in ANNEXURE-I (enclosed) in respect of suitable;-eligible and willing officers who can be spared immediately if selected, may be sent to the Directorate General, Central Industrial Security Force, Block No. 13, CGOs Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, so as to reach within 60 days from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum together with, up to date ACR dossiers duly attested in each page, Vigilance clearance certificate, Integrity certificate and list of penalties (Major/Minor) imposed, if any, during the last ten years. It may please be noted that applications received after the closing date or without the required documents or found to be incomplete in any other respect will not be considered and any back reference made in this regard will not be entertained. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. 6. It is also requested that the post may be circulated to all Central Government/State Governments/UTs/Universities/Recognised Research Institutions/Pulic Sector Under takings/Semi Government/statutory or Autonomous Organisations under your control. 7. Since the appointment is to be made urgently, it is requested that the closing date for receipt of applications mentioned above may please be adhered to strictly. Encls:- As above. 1. All Ministries and Deptt. of Govt. of India : With the request to circulate the post also to the attached/subordinate offices. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chief Secretaries, all States and Union Territories, Universities Recognised Research Institutions/Public Sector Under taking, Semi Govt. Directors General, all CPOs The Secretary, UPSC, New Delhi 6. U.S.(Pers-I), MBA, New Delhi Te) ti's I -16013(3) / 2015 /tf311t4t-t hiTIV I 1/ 151 , f61144wfvfq *-4tzr 3ftee'r Taff ( ) 6(110 13, Tft-413# FM 0.5',Fl.-110003 . 29 --9--qt12015 0,1q1del 3rthr srfa-FV4ff (31--ew-Jr9 *41-zr afrentt Tut 4c (rt3TrtcriNtu) 4 rt--44-1-0c-t) &MIR TR 3Ti 4-16 IW141(t) / 3Tfi'ff r Rari rg 'am wr-qr qtiLr 3TETl <hl X16 06-) TT f YT -prr t ft--41-zr 0r1 (tfi1311T{RITO \34 4-1611)&9T/ 3Tfrff (fl1.11.-(4 4s-4, 37,400-67,000 + c1.-1 8,900/ MI4M ,e)(4i 31110. 319-171W17:4).(t) 4 (01) ER. 16.10.2015 Oct) ft-4ff tf 'rill 4 11 (3T-Frt-rt93Tfta) 31-rzTR tR WT Q11.11:(1)-41-z1 • -N(t)k / 'O•rg .1 -N(PIN)/T1 7f- 1 aW/1. 41441(-Q/TIT.RTM31-174UM #feTratr/c-114? Acrt \ii-icoi-tV3r-d-TfRtrft/t-r-141 zrr ,mu ,4-11 arrum--rt UT" -T i-iO4/f411-Fr 4 1.1Pc-, 3r-ruRTIST crq urTur; 312T-qt fluti-Act ,z10102,ci f-k,iicm c 4 iIcit ffir, *N4i/foir4 4 37,400-67,000 + 4.15 c1.1 8,700/3121-41 '4-1 4-14)&1* 31-NR TR TiT# NP0Tr t 010 *o ii4 019 er T-rf=r21"T ; trfft. 3T-g-fff -ff2-17 31-11i-4; (TO , 20 (I)ft--44 4 11.-(1(11 Afcf f7(11411(.14 f'd---o93TQl-af •41 4-1(t)ai ( I I)7Fetzt 31-fi9vFm ,4101 i vt, 9rittg314-qt ,q ,aTr el 31P - '4) 01 .9-ituur titQr-r9w4TRII-Er 3rf4wrf1 11164cp.4-1 .414) (101 10 (t) r ft-zrr 3r4m 31-ftff T4-TQl-r9'Hicl cl-) 04- I) 3T-T1T 31-R9. 4. Qi)Ttiv-Trff 0,111 -/'i1 Z-z4 H war 7rl'rzt 31-1i9-zr99 Elul oi("1,st 9r9F3tti9 1/4,111- 41R , i+-Imo, (141 Th-T 3T-Trq, 3TP- 1-9-9 ■14 (M / ■3q ,4-(k (III)31tEMi'r- 411•-14 (t)N u 1171 tzfR (M.) 3t1Z ,r).) 4 wt-104 c-4 3T-1-4-1-41 (2)[}•4 f Tit 1 'f1s3 (1) 1-11(311is"i) fkl I c17 20 r$Trly Thcl er, 0:41 4 fLifkr our ,(-11411. 0 t 1:17 20 WI Thc1 7-11X/ s0 ■51 1-Acf .4) U1 itR=1# ■r() td 0 4-11.4d (31-f ff) 3117 (MI I(31-1) \st117-4ifI4 , rz1tri-v crtffli-tfc-i , 101 -qct; et TR lit 'wet ,1f 1u1Tfru fa- 17 f+-71T ut N 4 11 3117 \3‘41 tfq 1:47 fV41. uttor06 >r 117T ITT ,69% .-tivrrr 2. 17 1-11:101 1(1, 3T (3r tfq17 ft-40,P0-zic1+1ctrTmt (vftftpz-q TR-1 f4RTT ■311 a I(11 11 4-11u1 t17 'Q-4 37 4164aaT/ 311i.ffur t-r4 fir 31-rft 0,1zilort vijur I 4 t ( ) t zir-*tr9 (-iziI / RDN1 zi 0 ER -o-tra--ca t 3. 1:1-4)-9it /14 W. 1.471 UT T Tifa-4-1 Titff) fr T 3114Wdi:I 3TP4riT .`31 34t# .fftRKI (10) 56 44 T) 3T1 g) of I 317 •i;FM 61.) 4. f4z/F4tt 31trwrtc-1 ,-r11-rz-d- i1oc?IT T *sz-r ti•19M-79-97i q -ff1 31R t3ft-is-0 ffizr-Kr1i 3TTTH -{4frfi'ru t1-1111 ;;2;; cIcchIci Th-T1t13-0 --477).g t. f 3 1-140, 71730 Veir 3TinTt, ck 311M 4 .1 cb— (*1c1 "i)VW rft-b--F631-cra-r 31-rq\ -4-9- (ci14 At-1:ft #), 31Erff9-, ilt-1.1.14 ft iitsuzi c l l f 4 c1tioc6cii flct=c51 -1 citit LiR c (1/1,35t-e-r) c1 `) >la lq i l cl)Tift-ffci) I z41zi VICFi 1-1'w 4-16IR igur Ci (4, Ki`ico Ifezu-13, A1-41311 WfPR;1-4WI,x)5, ftA-03 M-1I Th-rcETT 46 4)e 1 -zrr 1/4s1N34fdliGIN AM. 6)4 cte) ZIT 3*(rU71 f4-ffr $1.) clic) zi-r fi1.11—P-wR. 3-)- aqui LIN I# f7T7 1: 7111 1 74-4qt Tft -0T:11f rr ■TIN 4 11 f:14- 17f -721T viN 4 11 3417 “i 5. 6. >aq*-1- Rp41 v1101 t f6.4-1 1r4f zi-51 3-171 fkzfruTrolt9,(-NcoN. /•0\r4 'WcON • /A"Er 1110{ff a)--). /fc11441c,“-I)7 4-11-qc-11 WT 3T- Arc.T.F Ti742.TT9I/t114\31fk4) E.1" TiTTIfit".ArEdt 40,411-1 7. lft fA 711:4T qc1 ni 71-41 t, 3TU: 31VIET t ft ctz 1-14iftf- D-cicrf 3-1:Tteiff .4-J1 4 1 afit=rcicr) 31-qvzr 1:[0. ,AN• 3Tilqq9 (ftur) \3y 4-1 tfri 4-4 : zlztW1 I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1-TF-d. ‘-v<ct)ixTut ,ilic-iLr 7-4 faliTIT:tRGU -# 3T/37c?FM Gt./RIf <-144 'O. LIP-c-ilicl Gt- < ,) * 34- 1zT * ATQT I 3:1111 -R-1- 11 4 Tfur Tr-rfc e)-., fciPeliciL4I*1J-€zr ii-rA-q- I 4-1I-401 .51W13TV419 •-i ,orr-ff/\114,,-Pcr, .)--\3Licw-t, 34-4—t1rtoi 4-16IN71104, Tit tN311 71171, '1-1 cl)ct, ,(cil 31-reFr, -i4 ft- r, 31--4R. Ti-f -q-(— 0, 416 4 1 1M 1-1, -14 1-4--t ANNEXURE-I Name of the post Clarification of the post 3 Pay scale of the post 4 Number of posts to be filled on deputation Period of deputation Eligibility conditions for sending applications 5 6 Deputy Inspector General/Fire General Central Services Group 'A' (Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial) Pay Band Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade Pay Rs.8900/(PB-4) 01 (one) Not exceed three years Promotion/Deputation including short-term contract. Officers under the Central Government/State Governments/UTs/ Universities/Recognized ResearchInstitutions/PublicSector Undertakings/Semi Government/StatutoryorAutonomous Organizations: (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; or ii) with total twenty years Group 'A' Gazetted service including three years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the Pay Band-4 Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade Pay of Rs.8700/-or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; and (b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience : i) DegreeinScience fromarecognizedUniversityor equivalent. ii) Successfullycompleted DivisionalOfficer Course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur or Fire Service Training Institute of Central Industrial Security Force OR Graduate from Institute of Fire Engineers (Grade- I) OR Associate Member/Member of Institution of Fire Engineers OR Bachelor of Fire Engineering from National Fire Service College, Nagpur. iii) 'Twelve years' experience in Industrial Fire Protection knowledge and experience of standardization and formulating specifications for fire fighting appliances/equipments and testing them. 2. The Departmental Senior Commandant (Fire) with total twenty years 'Group "A" /Gazetted service including three years; regular service in the grade of Senior Commandant(Fire)failing which twenty years; Group "A"/Gazetted service including five years; combined regular service in the grades of Senior Commandant(Fire) and Commandant(Fire) being in Medical category SHAPE-I shall also be considered alongwith outsiders and in case he is selected for appointment to the post the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. (The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion. Period of deputation/contract including period of deputation/contract in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. ******** — 1. trq --i- 9( 2. .94 TT 4 411crPoi 1 3. t TTc1.1 111-I 4. laPpyr 77 li.. vii.) ctic,) Q 4 tkwi 5. RRviai---41r 6. 37191)---fr141 ";401 1 - c( Trufttrai-- / 3i-fi'9 \419i-,4-1 Twati ,<)4I TTIX Ovv-11"T" 0) 318.31-1--frl44Rr (1-1 45 37,400-67,000 / --T. + c1.1 8900 / —T. (4-4) 01 Ng)) 3 citl t zi-fi---161 tlq)-1 D/ID%Dvi (37°:r-7cTifr<r '(-114110 *) *-4RE tkci)trt/ ,fluz4 ,41kcoNV .RfErIkAi &4---"1- /icasiielq174i1 ,-z40151it-ci 3TT19 Ti7-24r311/fli \TAcr) Ec i 3Erwl#/3T-4--iTR.---It/Trff4-14--zw_xr \Lcimccr ti410.4 31-14wrtr:— K i) tei i4-4Tf/itzwr *t fktrftru 31RTF tR 371-Fa Li g' tR Trzftd g ; 3121 41 Ii) col' ''/ ,flvitiDcr , .)cli # cgoPmicm 20 citi \L)cu, r --iTtf to #44/ftl-TFT # dci.-i 45-4 - 37400-67000 / — . +5cl -I 8700 / —T. T ci ,-pli.-r 3T2T-o-r tiiiv-r # 1-ifki 3TRTF tR f' --sPor 6114 '3\I4)5 # c 414 c1-1citi - 1- ,()cii qt vnf4F g; 3117 (() f;4--1fiR9c-i t afft-zi14e4C11q zil-R. zr-Trq -T3r. t ; 0 .f=-#t 4-11-wir crri?!. fcinsitcv-i tr for9- -4 ,micicr) 3T21-4T *HI 4)&-T ii) 7FTsIZE 31171197 .‹)4i cO1c)vf, .977 tf 3T214T T41-z1 31VPIT '‹SaziT GI c1 T 3TP'9- .t)4 I vitaTur#- P-Tr9 tr RITrtrzr ztruwrfi giqqcoq tit-0(10 I tic14, r itzu g 3P-T-ar 31fi'9',.,111.-k T4-T-g-9 t t-iicict) Os-1) 3TRT-4T 3ifi9.‘3.111.1 ,(3-47-2417c i f ti—flqV-1/t1-z.1 3T2F4T 7111-4 ZIRTZFF ') 41 4 c) vl .9Fitg .A1RqRfl A-lloco citilzuTa, Nii'9-7F9.34ct-o-, 1 /\i4tcp* 4-ii ,i4crpui ffzi-r fc~ f~ AzffR ch i' .) 47 .3.1or k-ila-Tur cM kr' 1 riga 7.- 3T-19-4 2.)it4Trenzr e5cp ,-iiudf'vf 42,e120441c ii:x iii) 3ttEftiffT 3TP Ta-Tf #-rR-o- tr 3TR-ff I 144a (k _44e 4 ILL 99itkhEe 1,* 14-6 4- *Lk-ne5-11 LP-*OlitWcIA 1-P-Pcg -0J-LtiA* JAP444 .--011elan 4111 14P-1 jP ib k ? I ' atalle J->--4J4/}1 4ittp! 1, - kutp4/J-Pipp, ko__%.w4\NI(4)?.14 *2±ILioja k9 1-. *14p4r24 1NO kalg -kL 1 " 11`A 112-+J >4) * &J241-*4P L. P1117VilQj►-h Lla 124t1hP4 .6 L14inkir - 44E41 J>J F) I 1F1-t1-1, Mit B241. Mtt* (-13 h 14‘MIN ka 1(4, \ JP1241 Ea .th V? 4* 112_4 reda—M11 4.21h 4t, 1-)Mj JAP14. pb 90 ?It .1,* 4 ssti(6,441) (.411e) c'cl d tp k- I —13-kk 4akir kt-11-1 kg lb(' PU' 4\ / Ailozo 1v.h41 11)). PV?.] $ co 4 (.t) Prv-o) 2iNt ANNEXURE-A CURRICULAM VITAE PROFORMA S.N 1 2 3 4 5 PARTICULARS Name and Address ( in Block letters ) Date of Birth( in Christian era) Date of retirement under Central/State Govt. Rules Educational Qualifications Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, State the authority for the same.) Essential DETAILS Qualification Experience required 1 2 3 Qualification Experience required Desired 1 2 3 6 7 Qualification Experience possessedby the officer (copies ofthe certificate) Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirements of the post Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. Office/Instt/ Org. 8 Qualification Experience possessedby the officer (copies ofthe certificate) Post held From To Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent Scale of pay and basic pay Nature of duties (in detail) :: 2 :: 9 In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state:• • 10 a) The date of initial appointment b) Periodof appointment on Deputation/ Contract. c) Name of the parent office/Organization to which you belong. Additionaldetailsaboutpresent PleaseStatewhetherworking employment under(indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a)Central Government b)State Government c) Autonomous Org., U/T d) Government Underaking e) Universities f) Others 11 12 13 14 Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, give the date of from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. Total emoluments per month now drawn Additional Information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with grader to (i) additional academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement). Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient. (PB No.) Pay scale Grade Pay Present PB+GP Total emoluments per month now drawn: :: 3 :: 15 16 17 ' Please state whether you are applying for promotion/ deputation including short-term contract basis. Whether belongs to SC/ ST/OBC Remarks (The candidates may indicate information with regard to Research publications and reports and special projects (ii)Awards / Scholarship/ Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation withtheprofessional bodies/Institutions/societies and (iv) any other information. NOTE: Enlcose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/ advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE Address Date Place Particulars mentioned above have been verified from the records and found correct. It is certified that no disciplinary proceedings, vigilance enquiry, is either pending or contemplated against the officer and that his integrity is certified. The aforesaid officer will be relieved to join CISF in the event of his selection. COUNTERSIGNED SIGNATURE OF COMPETENT AUTHORITY (WITH OFFICE SEAL) Certificate to given by Head of Office of the applicant: 1. It is certified that the particulars furnished by the officer are correct. 2. It is certified that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated against the applicant and he/she is clear from the vigilance angle. 3. His/her integrity is certified. 4. It is certified that no major or minor panalities have been imposed on the officer during the last 10 years. 5. His/Her complete ACRs dossier/Attested photo copies of the ACRs (on each page) By an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of India are enclosed. 6. It is certified that no court case is pending against the applicant. 7. It is certificate that officer, if selected, will be relieved immediately to join the post. (Head of Office) Name: Telephone No. Fax No. With office Seal E-Mail address ai lev-to — cp=ii4) fir 1. -1141 q 1-101 (V:PsZ. 3TUt A) 644i 2. V1 4-1 f1 (T11t '(-11 14) 3. c ,- /T-- 4 .-Nct)kcf> 31--d-4-- .)clifRKI c)ci-Itf- f 4. s taftrct3Ti 5. ctql ui l'7 31-4Wci. taTiftr-ci 31--3T-g--d-rq R-4.-4EFA-4 ti Tei,- c,N 31-td-f f4zzlt -4-s-r41 . -1 -RI't. 3Tt-d-rfli-icou t ol \3-t mact)ir cm cf471:r ii t I 31f4414 311)-1 Tffq) 4 qc.11 / 371117 &RIWit .. Li It1 trzrd-r.q. 3T-1-4.T4 (EFruT 4-:i c61 qfdzrf) 1. 2. . 3. Arff-ff TfrrziM tft5T-r /31.-TT4 3fRi-wrt T-RT 31-ft1.-ff zitTErd-r 4 &TT-4 (4-IIui Er err) 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. f Ti-EF-t TT vil fir -ER f'41-rt'1 () 3TTTR &Fr 3-4Tr IT-q m't 3l-r474--dT3tf C.I').t1 cbidcp4-1 c j 3T 5R1- 4 .3i.-1f4q7u1- I Tiftt ft.71. 4 Izir 7-P-79 10 3r0cqw—ii TzTtZ ct) . c11&"Tt cTf1.2TL ci 3T-4-1"cr)1+1 ■3i•Oci , •-fct)I chlq mti/R,Rena- / ,t-i410-1 srrfb. t oco - IF< 8. . . 4u9TTF 3N tei a cl-r wiz mct wt-ya. (fd-RTTR tr) - Wr ff4-Tur 3T2TI-d. c1q0/3R2Tit TIT R.-2TRitqu, 3T24-41. -R--2-Ift zi-r4. q-4qTN lig -) qAct) 1 -gWr c .ffTtU €1(4 4-11'i `l vi 4 1 1 f -1/ 31-1-4q 3TIVR ER t t, cqqqf Tdrq 1 q/3T- 4z1- 3TRTR ER icVdTt 6) 3T-414 Tr) td wr-Eri-do/ -1 ,0--1-r4)1—11 1-1 .1 -Tit G) 3frci-Wf . - sizT t I 10. fW4Ti.6.111?f 3T- f fo-q-R-ur :— cql-R11 WaTq. it-9--3Tt9-- rzl---o- g lei- 1 5)c.- . tkcoN R3r)71--\-p<cpi ,< Tr)tcl I e4 al #P-TF, '(1 1 VTTR-fd. - Vtf '<ch 1■3 LI cP 1-1 3')icaCileiz4 V3TRT 11. 0'0 411 Tdrq c-1z1 I 3fft TAIr folTrTr # -wrzku t 30 itr-- 7 4)s # t 3T.24--qr r6sw tr tht---R- ..s # tl 12. cmi31-7,4-i 7 11 d ci.-14-11.-r r mfm---d-r31'Yticl 13. 39t1)f2 c1•-1 4-11-1t -Trl-q I mi01 1 I31T6ftffcqe1 (1 t 70) 1:0-6-RIRt Tr 6Id tr T-r (7-1411.-1 wftvr 4 ■5c11 q4-9-r9- II* lilt arr-6-ftd vfoiTrg 4,),c,r trit-ollizrf 14. 3Tftit4fr 707T, of ctq tcl),vl)3T11:11T4Sr 33 1-1Thicil *1 1121-9. 17 4zri-9-rt4 (fec trfturvitgrEF -4 fW-Rd-LiNcoil* afFr-gr31--R4.114qc-ilq(1) (H)ancmAct)vrtaTur 2T-r (1 1 1) wrzl 3T-14-N zirft ,51416er c31-F7 - t 7iZ s l. Ci 4 ei COi 15. ctiRti-4ffrqfcm!34-icr mraiD.0/31-r--4-criretitt - /31,4-d--vg-rflvvr f=7 3Tvi(.10 ,-Rtt (*-4t-zT/7r- i.1,ct)11 T4-4-4 * Trr#4 31,44 Rzilctoi wr -IN (i-da 1 maitmo) itAA ip,j.r141 Lk** 1 4 igl-L I 4 Ic`kit."‘4 °?' 4* 4 II311A .U244 DIel-thi9t? 4 Itat Ittlh UqI4 g 11211 1124i h I h-NI-Nki-10./?1__ 12a icthp41 12 .11.0 1 l.3 P pqict, ?ct) : .L6111k2. * >, 1qt-t * * 4. 41. 4 ksiocii-o1' 1-4? la h 11 ICI I I ItNI-c\ 1124j. .i-cOP"At IaI 4:14k Ict)141 I 4. mi., .11244 p_..1_11. bb I h talk * 4.e 4 it24. kth / I(.t)1-, t P .I4• 2U 4le_P_Ie _Lb. IN12.1a Lira -: 144:12,4 I 11-421->.?(43 ,i_iv (A!) 11-d. i1_) .19i-i\kLkt7z11711-44 /Jkil./k121 (43Q1111D11-0 00&h114101et, m4 /p7whic-ick/mcb-a 0 ).11-iTjh11M. ! lia.?_14j.ilag1-1k1O15 .✓11341 (010: 4 I *13 5ZM 1 J '1 42.41E-de 'LT ..00.41 QpnwA/41LL 4111-QvIt .9T 11e : I4 4 Icdh * .(_.41}1 Z.b.lbe.R12*41_4.1£ *e;l1r4.pt3N1-1‘ --4. I gKlha,.kW4LIM PI' : 4I,1W1/1k 14 L1;N44/2‘17 ...P .L11 . 4'L 41. 4 l`t' lnYi 1031-• k,[3 .14 JuitA (Th. sila 11-*i (ia) L%1N1-1\ th,411* na3 N1-1\ DLit 14 iti)1.24.G. ?(Ltg.14_411e kktb 01. ...2,414 I.4 (11114 JiL(9) 10V31314 9_.3 JP. J, IWI-tlk iopui47 I. IIZ 11rw ksqh luitA 113p4pith 1.I111-th. Icck_iN14 4eI a IL 112.+4 (01 p___4_pj_*. ctiii- BA ite4j. 4.1_411£ 4 imin 11244 wokii —InIkM ,11211, It% INO ahrAlt?tali-elcb * (2) (a) (it) JOB DESCRIPTION (DUTIES OF DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL/FIRE) (a) DIG/Fire shall be In-charge of the Fire Wing of the Force. He shall be responsible for maintaining the Fire Wing in a state of high efficiency, training, discipline and morale. For the purpose, he shall inspect the units where fire wings have been inducted periodically and keep the Director General informed about the state of the Force and its administration. (b) He shall act as a Technical Adviser to the DG, CISF and render assistance in respect of all matters connected with in functioning of Fire Service Cadre of the Force and shall represent him in all technical forms like Bureau of Indian Standards, Standing Fire Advisory Council, Fire Research Institute, National Fire Service College, and so on. He shall keep himself abreast with the latest fire protection and fire fighting techniques and arrange to impart such training to fire service personnel under his control. He shall be fully responsible for functioning of the Fire Service having functioning of CISF including administrative control of Fire Service Training Institute (FSTI). He shall advise all Public Sector Undertakings on all their fire protection arrangements and assist them in procuring the equipment/appliances, provision of water supplies, fire station buildings and various other arrangements for better protection of the Undertakings against all types of fire hazards. He shall keep in touch with the Chief Executives and General Managers of the Undertakings where fire wings have been take over and shall also keep liaison with the State Fire Service Authorities for ensuring prompt assistance in fire fighting in case of any emergency. He shall carry out fire survey of the Undertaking from where such requests are received. He shall keep the Director General, CISF informed of all developments which need his attention. DIG/Fire will be responsible for smooth functioning of fire units. P(Wa.c@x@x@.(@_&.@ (DmcNur (ter 41611 49-w/ai-Rff ()uTr-6-rffittaTT/34-fl "GrT ) .p•Ii-rtr 61411 (16 31-fi' '071F, ;ftaTur, 3TIVITU9 'ff2TT 1=ft-4-6-17ft -R-P-Tfot (t)) q9-7 14-4)(ik 6 41 I 3*. sctd 11:7 (1 tRit.1 -traTur <t) 41 v161 ft-zrr 4 14i t cur 61(4 I N-1-1 4 Rkrf (ii44-f6n4(t)311'4-d. 4-16111(1-), (34t-t-4c1(t)-114 ,z-id15(tm (id3r -TzT 1/43A. Tur# C-11r4TR-01R1 4-11-1<t) (.04)-24-r , -16H-1(11 Trzit Ve,ERThit31-frff 3TTry Tterzr 3Tfr (t)sic31-rf4-31-Er9T 11f*c-(1 (1)41 I (4631-P9. (ki-trr r 1T 3Tfrff 7r#9 04)414 qruti-l(t)11 s_441 -ffur 3TO fkEf-9171th T 31-ff" , 4q-r (4,1144st-1 114) k <r) I AftaTuT 1;119 <1) 4 wq----Pa-r (W I <16 t 3k4 <1\') 6141 f -q:T#3Tf r -gftaTur cr)141(pu1-441 Nt-o-fa31-t (IA m i nk-if;(r) 1 1UIqit Tr* Tpit (?-4(N-2/T34 -ER trun-th 4)3i-f?9 c1 - \x-k&fur 41)\i t.4 ct;,4-1) c4 -kg dR vicvf sfrE0 f=m' 41-q-91 .ff2fr . -161q(11 <W I <16 ■3•1 ■3 1-1<1:4'711Uf <P14L-11(1<l)I 4-16151 6-RTFR-T 61-1N 744 t 6i 3TfT (1')f+--#t 3frurru31Nu#9- f7 31fi'ff 44r TrraT-Tftr- 49-RI <16 \3 -131-ft9.c.041 f i \3t-ict,J13T-Itu Rrcff 6)c) X6 4 C1Trf460 A Tft-o. (041 u-t6i t I <16. 416IN1</t3h14 <1)) Trt c1 zzrm 4 ai-m-Tzrw-d-r t <t) Iu Ifi-4,)qk 614) ∎J6 I N)31-Pff Zftef
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