Public Notice regarding Gazette Notification G.S.R. 224(e)

ql{f, Tff*Tq Government of lndia
q-f,rcru Ministry of Finance
{lcntf fuTf{T Department of Revenue
rIKd d =rl{tDtfffi slrgffi
dtf,fry qrrotft:tr
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F. No. XVI/
*s, girr, 'il-fb"qr -
Narcotics Commissioner of lndia
Central Bureau of Narcstics
aTT{d 19,The Mall, Morar, Gwalior (M.p.)
4740A6, lndia
Date, the
/ 17 /NDPSRufes_/Tec_h_ l21pI4
It is brought to the notice of the public that the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances INDPS) Act, 1985, empowers the Central Government to make or amend the
rules. Accordingly, vide Gazette Notification number G.S.R. 224(E) dated 25th March,
the NDPS Rules, 1985 have been further amended. These rules may be called the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [second Amendment) Rules, 2015, it has
been made effective from the date of publication of the aforesaid official Gazette. A copy
of the Gazette Notification is attached. The said rules are also available on the official
website of the department
The salient aspects of the amended rules include some of the important
amendments made in Chapter VI flmport, Export and Transshipment of Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances) and Chapter VII fPsychotropic Substances - Manufacture,
Sale, Purchase, Consumption, Use, Possession, Transport, etc.) of the NDPS Rules, 1985,
which are as under
[a) Issue of import certificate/ export authorization for import/ export of Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances within 21 working days from the date of
receipt of an application completed in all respects and if not issued, the reasons
therefore may be communicated to the applicant.
in charge of drugs control in State (Licensing Authority) shall
consult the Narcotics Commissioner with regard to the assessed annual
[b) The authority
requirement of each of the psychotropic substances in bulk in the country, The
quantity of the said psychotropic substances which may be manufactured by a
license in a year shall be intimated by the licensing authority to the licensee at
the time of issuing the license.
81eaxy : (e1)751-2368996/ 2368997; rnx, (g
website : http ://cbn.
n; https ://cbnon i ne.
[c) A person who has been issued license to manufacture one or more psychotropic
substances should register with the Narcotic Commissioner
for each of the
substances in the form and manner as may be specified by the Narcotics
(d) Provision of a transition period of one hundred and eighty [180 days) to the
existing manufacturers of the psychotropic substances
to register with
Narcoti cs Commissioner
After registration with the Narcotics Commissioner, manufacturer of
psychotropic substances shall have to file quarterly return with the Narcotics
Commissioner before the last day of the month following a quarters.
(0 If the return for a quarter is not filed before the due date, the Narcotics
Commissioner may issue notice to explain the reasons therefor and after
considering the reasons submitted, if any, may pass order for revoking the
registration. Further, appropriate provisions have been made for appeal against
such order.
[g) The registration shall be deemed to be revoked, if the quarterly return for three
successive quarters is not filed.
[h) Consignment of Psychotropic Substances is to be accompanied by a consignment
note in Form 6 appended to the NDPS Rules, 1985
Schedule II and Schedule II of the said NDPS rules has been omitted.
Accordingly, all stake holders should get acquainted with the amended rules and
changes in the said rules. These rules have come into effect concurrently
with the date
of publication, i.e.,25/03/2015 and should be followed henceforth together with the
original NDPS Rules, 1985 by all stake holders in all their dealings regarding narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances to avoid any
litigation. Further, it is pertinent to
mention that any violation or contravention of these rules may attract the provisions of
NDPS Act, 1985.
Vijay Kalsi
Narcotics Co mmissioner
19, The Mall, Morar, Gwalior - 474 006 [M.P.]
Phone: +9 1-7 51-236899 6,7
Fax: +9 t-7 51-236857 7, I'J,1,
E-mail : narcommr@
: (91)751-23689961 2368997; FAX:
(91)751-236811L| 2368577; e-MAtL:;
website: http://cbn.; https://cbnonli n/