Field Trip Details

CCA 2015 Charlottetown
WEDNESDAY MAY 27 afternoon: Field trip
Meeting place: Lobby, Hotel on Pownall, 1:45 pm for pick-up by bus
2:00-5:00 pm
Visit to UPEI Climate Change Lab and to field sites showing coastal impact in the region
This trip will start at the University of PEI Climate Research Lab where there will be a demo of
the CoastaL Impacts Visualization Environment tool (CLIVE). This tool allows users to
manipulate a 3-D map of Prince Edward Island with a video game controller and experience
simulated erosion and sea-level rise and their impact on our infrastructure over the next 90
years. Following this visit the trip will go into the field to several sites in the Queen’s County
area to view examples of climate change impacts and to examine some coastal erosion
monitoring sites established by the UPEI Climate Research Lab.
Leader: Don Jardine
Don is often referred to as the resident weather historian and photographer at UPEI’s Climate
Lab and has been working on establishing new climate stations and helping to implement a
coastal erosion monitoring program. He is the Principal of DE Jardine Consulting in Winsloe
South, PEI. He has over 30 years experience with the Government of Prince Edward Island in
environmental issues including environmental assessment, hydro-geological investigations,
waste management, climate change, and other fields. For the past six years, he managed
climate change adaptation projects on PEI and in the other Atlantic Province.
Cost: $20 (bus transportation)
Money will be collected at the meeting place at the beginning of the trip.
To join this field trip: Please indicate your commitment to participate in this field trip, by
sending an email to Byron Moldofsky
Please respond as soon as possible, as space is limited.