University of Florida March 19, 2105 Synchronized Phasor Measurement Data and their Applications in Power Systems Joe H. Chow Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering CURENT ERC Campus Director Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Topics • NSF/DOE CURENT ERC • Phasor measurement mechanism • PMU data applications • Phasor-only state estimation across power control regions • Phasor data management using low rank matrices and matrix completion algorithms • Voltage stability analysis of wind farms using synchronized phasor data • Wide-area control with variable data latency • Generator damping torque assessment from measurements University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 1 CURENT – NSF/DOE ERC • Center for Ultra-Wide Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks • One of only two ERCs funded jointly by NSF and DOE. • CURENT is the only ERC devoted to wide area controls and one of only two in power systems. • Partnership across four universities in the US and three international partner schools. Many opportunities for collaboration. • Presently CURENT has over 20 industry members. • Center began August 15, 2011 University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 2 CURENT Leadership Council of Deans Industry Advisory Board Director K. Tomsovic, UTK Scientific Advisory Board Administrative Director Deputy Director Y. Liu, UTK Internal Academic Board Technical Director F. Wang, UTK ERC Research Thrusts Education & Diversity Program Monitoring F. Li, UTK Y. Liu, UTK Pre-College & Assessment Program C. Chen, UTK Modeling A. Abur, NEU Control Innovation & Industrial Collaboration Program J. Chow, RPI B. Trento, UTK T. King, UTK Actuation F. Wang, UTK Engineered Systems L. Tolbert, UTK UTK Campus Director RPI Campus Director NEU Campus Director TU Campus Director THU Campus Director UWA Campus Director NTUA Campus Director L. Tolbert J. Chow A. Abur G. Murphy Y. Min C. Canizares N. Hatziargyriou University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 3 CURENT Engineering Research Center • Program elements include: • Outreach (K-12 education) – summer camps • Research experience for undergraduates • Entrepreneurship training • Industry program • Systems engineering approach • International collaboration University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 4 US Wind and Solar Resources Wind Population Best wind and solar sources are far from load centers. Transmission networks must play a central role in integration. Solar University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 5 CURENT Vision • A nation-wide transmission grid that is fully monitored and dynamically controlled for high efficiency, high reliability, low cost, better accommodation of renewable sources, full utilization of storage, and responsive load. • A new generation of electric power and energy systems engineering leaders with a global perspective coming from diverse backgrounds. Monitoring and sensing Communication Control and Actuation Computation Multi-terminal HVDC University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 6 PMU Locations in North America Installations: • 1100+ PMUs • 150+ data concentrators (PDCs) New challenges: • Data quality • Networking • Control room integration • Wide-area monitoring & control Source: NASPI, October 2013 University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 7 What is CURENT? Wide Area Control of PowerGrid Grid Power HVDC WAMS PMU Measurement &Monitoring FDR Storage Communication Communication Solar Farm PSS Responsive Load Actuation FACTS Wind Farm Generator University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 8 Major Control Research Questions • • • • Control objectives Near 100% renewable penetration Primary frequency control: frequency regulation using renewable resources Information flow and system monitoring PMU data, smart meter data, …: Big data? How do we make get the most information out of the data? Control architecture Ultra-wide-area control with communication systems Integration of renewable resources Control equipment economics and optimization University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 9 Phasor Measurement: Introduction • All power systems operate with 3-phase sinusoidal AC voltages and currents at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz • Phase a quantities (voltages and currents) lead phase b quantities by 120 degrees, which leads phase c by 120 degrees University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 10 Voltage and Current Measurements • What operators see on traditional EMS screens • V and P,Q are sampled every 5 sec (or less frequently). An RTU will transmit the data via modems, microwave, or internet (ICCP) directly to control rooms or NERC Net. • The data from different locations are not captured at precisely the same time. However, V, P, and Q normally do not change abruptly, unless there is a large disturbance nearby. These data can be used in the State Estimator to validate the measured data and calculate the non-metered voltages and line power flows. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 11 What is a Phasor? • A sinusoidal signal can be represented by a cosine function with a magnitude A, frequency ω, and phase φ. • A is the rms value of the voltage/current signal • A phasor (or the positive sequence value) cannot be computed instantaneously from single data points University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 12 Phasor Representations • Two phasor representations Polar coordinates: Rectangular coordinates: A A j ( A, ) A Are jAim ( Are , Aim ) • Both formats acceptable for phasor data streaming • The frequency of the phasor is not communicated, but normally the bus frequency is computed and sent out as a separate data channel University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 13 Virginia Tech PMUs From Arun Phadke University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 14 Measured 3-Phase Signals Load rejection test during generator testing with breaker not opening properly – sampling at 2.88 kHz (48 points per cycle) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 15 Phasor Calculation • Sample the continuous voltage or current signal. The figure shows 12 points per cycle (the sampling rate is 12x60 = 720 Hz). • Use Discrete Fourier Series (DFS/DFT) method to compute the magnitude and phase of the signal (i.e., applying DFS formula). • Calculate magnitude and phase for each phase of the 3-phase quantity • Using one period of data reduces the effect of measurement noise University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 16 Anatomy of a PMU f Adapted from Ken Martin and Arun Phadke University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 17 Using Phasors – Example 1: Flow Calculation • From the synchronized measurement of the adjacent bus voltage phasors at the same time instants, the P,Q flow can be computed (linear state estimator) V1 V2 VV * 1 2 sin(1 2 ) I12 , S12 V1 I12 P12 jQ12 , P12 jX L XL • Note: The two voltage phasors have to be measured at exactly the same time • Looking at angle separation between generator and load buses can provide a way to assess system stress University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 18 Using Phasors – Example 2: Increase Visibility • Suppose the voltage V2 on Bus 2 is not measured, but there is a PMU on Bus 1 to measure V1 , I12 . Then V2 can be calculated from V2 V1 jX L I12 • Note: This is a direct calculation, not requiring a state estimator solution. Thus by measuring the phasor data on a bus, one can calculate the voltages of the neighboring buses using the line parameters from the loadflow data . University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 19 Using Phasors – Example 3: Interarea Oscillations • Suppose Buses 1 and 2 are a thousand miles apart in different control regions. A big disturbance occurs on the power system. • By measuring the bus frequencies f1 and f 2 (separately but synchronized), we can calculate the frequency difference f f1 f 2 • Any interarea oscillations of generators near Bus 1 against generators near Bus 2 will show up in f • This interarea mode oscillation monitoring is possible because of the high sampling rate of the PMU (30 samples/sec). University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 20 Using Phasors – Example 3: EI Interarea Oscillations • The Florida event on Feb 26, 2008 • Note: the time progression of the frequency disturbance University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 21 FNET Visualization FDR recordings in Eastern Interconnection – Feb 2, 2008: plot of frequencies at various locations Prof. Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 22 Using Phasors – Example 3: WECC Interarea Oscillations (much less damped 0.578 Hz mode) 2.5 -3 2 Machine Speed Difference (pu) Angular Difference (deg) 74 x 10 70 66 62 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 58 0 50 100 150 Time (sec) 200 250 -2 300 0 50 Swing Component of Angular Difference (deg) Quasi-Steady State of Angular Difference (deg) 70 65 60 55 50 100 150 200 Time (sec) 250 300 Quasi-steady state of angle difference University of Florida PMU Seminar 150 Time (sec) 200 250 300 Machine speed difference Angle difference between machine internal nodes 75 100 10 5 0 -5 -10 50 100 150 200 Time (sec) 250 300 Swing component of angle difference March 2015 JHC 23 State Estimation and EMS Systems University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 24 State Estimation with Synchrophasor Data • Two possibilities Phasor assisted/augmented state estimation Phasor data only state estimation University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 25 PMUs Enable Dynamic Visibility Comparison of SCADA vs. PMU data for a loss-of-generation event University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 26 Phasor Data Only State Estimation (PSE) • State estimation using synchrophasor data only How many PMUs are needed to achieve observability? How many PMUs are needed to achieve redundancy so PMU data error (such as due to loss of GPS clock signal) can be corrected, so that the PSE can be robust Impact of loss of PMU data on PSE • Benefit of PSE – If a bus voltage phasor or a line current phasor is not measured, it can be calculated from other phasor measurements – virtual PMU data • Dynamic state estimation – calculate the internal states of synchronous machines • Generator model validation and identification University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 27 Extending Visibility PMU • If the PMU on Bus 1 measure the voltage phasor V1 and the current phasor I12 , then the voltage phasor on Bus 2 can be directly calculated as V2 V1 jX L I12 • That is, a PMU “sees” the voltage phasor of neighboring buses • Basis for a non-iterative linear state estimator (Phadke, Thorp, Karimi, 1986) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 28 Number of PMUs for PSE Observability • Bus voltage phasor measurements are important, but current phasor measurements are just as important. • In fact, to achieve PSE observability, the minimum number of line current phasor measurements needed is half of the number of buses, and is independent of the number of lines in the system; in essence, half of the bus voltage phasors are measured and the other half can be calculated from the current phasor measurements • For a system with 1000 buses (69, 115, 230, 345 kV), one needs 500 current phasor measurements. However, if only the 100 or so 345 kV buses need to be monitored, then about 50 current phasors are needed. • In general, a PMU measures several line current phasors. Thus a rule of thumb is to have PMUs on 1/3 of the buses (A. Abur). University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 29 Phase Angle Errors in PMU Data • RPI has worked with phasor data from over 30 (older) PMUs and have the following observations: Voltage and current magnitude data are quite accurate (~1% error). Voltage and current phase angle errors occur in some PMUs “Random” jumps of 7.5 degrees or integer multiples of it, followed by resets at a later time Slew/ramp with periodic resets (not the ±180 deg wrap-around situation) • The errors are attributed to Wrong phase connection to a PMU: a constant bias, trivial to correct Signal processing algorithms used in the PMU: off-nominal frequency values and phase-lock loop implementation Error with time synchronization: GPS clock signal overload or temporary loss of GPS signal Delays due to instrumentation cables and filter time constants Without such errors, the linear state estimator would be the ideal tool University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 30 Phase Errors Observed in PMU Data Persistent, random, and drift errors in PMU phase data University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 31 Phase Angle Bias – Equations PMU A PMU B PMU A at Bus 1 Voltage Angle PMU B at Bus 2 1 1meas A e 1 13 13meas A e Current Angles 2 2meas B e 13 Same angle bias variable Afor all PMU channels 1n 1meas A e n 1n University of Florida PMU Seminar 2 23 2meas B e 3 23 2 k 2mek as B e 2k March 2015 JHC 32 Current Scaling Factors • Line current flows have a wide range of values No simple “sanity check” as a voltage measurement (e.g., 0.95-1.05 p.u.) • Current transformers (CTs) are in general quite nonlinear Readings not trustworthy at low current values • In case there are redundant measurements such as current measurements on both ends of the line or to the same bus, it is possible to use a scaling factor to improve the accuracy of the line current measurements University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 33 Current Scaling Factors – Equations PMU A PMU B PMU A at Bus 1 PMU B at Bus 2 eI 1 c13 I13 I1meas 3 meas I 23 I 23 eI 23 13 Independent scaling for each current channel s eI 1 c1n I1n I1mea n 1n Current Magnitudes eI 1 c2k I 2k I 2meas k 2k Independent estimates of V3 should agree. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 34 RT-PSE • NSF project to implement this phasor-only state estimator with Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) • New York (excluding NYC and LI) and New England 765/345/230 kV system: from Buffalo to Maine • Connect NY and NE as a single SE – possible as NY and NE have PMUs “looking at” buses in the other system • The angle bias correction feature is critical – there are a few close-by buses with angle differences of the order of 0.08 degree. • Based on PMU data provided by NYISO and ISO-NE, the total vector error (TVE) between the corrected voltage data and the PSE voltage solution is normally less than 1% • It will be implemented as an action adaptor on the GPA’s OpenPDC for real-time operation. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 35 Big Data Analysis in Power Systems • Phasor Measurement Data is considered to be a source of Big Data in power systems • 30/50/60 points per second, 24/7/365: GB/TB per day • Control regions such as New York and New England, will have about 40 PMUs each, with 6-12 data channels per PMU • PMU data is envisioned to provide the following capabilities: • Disturbance triggering • Disturbance location and recognition (what kind of disturbance, e.g., loss of generation, loss of line) • Assessing the severity of the disturbance and its impact on the power system • Avoiding cascading failure in interconnected power systems • What kind of Big Data tools can be used? Is there a Big Data Toolbox somewhere? University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 36 Space-Time View of PMU Data University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 37 PMU Data Quality Improvement • Fill in missing data • Correct bad data • Detect cyber attacks – beyond the routine black-hole and gray-hole types of attacks • Check on system oscillations • Alarm on disturbances • Identify what kind of disturbances using disturbance characterization • Figure out if there are any correlations between the disturbances and the possibility of cascading blackouts • Can all these tasks be done on a single platform? Singlechannel processing will be hopeless. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 38 PMU Data Single-Channel Analysis • From a 2003 article with Alex Bykhovsky (ISO-NE) using PMU data from Northfield Mountain • Frequency at Northfield for loss of NE HVDC 1 pole University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 39 PMU Block Data Analysis • Power system is an interconnected network – data measured at various buses will be driven by some underlying system condition • The system condition may change, but some consistent relationship between the PMU data from different nearby buses will always be there • If one gets some PMU data values at time t at a particular bus, it is possible to estimate roughly what the PMU values at the nearby buses are. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 40 Low-Rank Power System Data Matrix • • • Joint work with Prof. Meng Wang at RPI Previous work by Dahal, King, and Madani 2012; Chen, Xie, and Kumar 2013 Example: well-known Netflix Prize problem University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 41 Low-Rank Matrix Analysis for Block PMU Data • Analyze PMU data of multiple time instants collectively from PMUs in electrically close regions and distinct control regions. • Process spatial-temporal blocks of PMU data for PMU data compression – singular value decomposition: keep only significant singular values and vectors Missing PMU data recovery – matrix completion using convex programming Detection of PMU data substitution – sum of a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix, using convex programming decomposition algorithm Disturbance and bad data detection – when second and third singular values become large University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 42 Data Compression • A matrix 𝐿 of multiple channel PMU data for a certain time period • SVD: 𝐿 = 𝑈Σ𝑉 𝑇 • If 𝐿 is low rank, it can be approximated by retaining only the largest singular values in Σ 𝐿 = 𝑈 Σ 𝑉𝑇 • Reduced storage using smaller number of singular vectors • Reconstruct the data for each channel using the SVD formula • Lossy compression • Illustration: 6 frequency channels for 20 seconds (𝐿 is 6x600) during a disturbance • SVD of 𝐿 𝐿 = [3597.1, 0.086, 0.022, 0.010, 0.0084, 0.0078] University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 43 Data Compression Example original Two SVs University of Florida PMU Seminar One SV RMS error March 2015 JHC 44 Missing Data Recovery Formulation • Problem formulation: given part of the entries of a matrix, need to identify the remaining entries • Assumption: the rank of the matrix is much less than its dimension • Intuitive approach: among all the matrices that comply with the observations, search for the matrix with lowest rank • Technical approach: reconstruct the missing values by solving an optimization problem: nuclear norm minimization (Fazel 2002, Candes and Recht 2009) • Many good reconstruction algorithms are available using convex programming, e.g., Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) (Cai et al. 2010), Information Cascading Matrix Completion (ICMC) (Meka et al. 2009) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 45 Missing Data Example • 6 PMUs, 37 channels, 30 sps, 20 sec data University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 46 Results: Temporal Correlated Erasures • If a channel in a particular PMU is lost at a particular time, there is a probability that 𝜏 trailing data points will also be lost. SVT ICMC University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 47 Data Substitution Attacks • Measurements: the phasors 𝑉1 , 𝑉2 , 𝐼12 , 𝐼23 . Estimate the phasor 𝑉3 . • Redundancy in measurements can be used to detect bad data. • Cyber data attack: manipulate the phasors 𝐼12 and 𝐼23 simultaneously. • Can result in significant error in the phasor 𝑉3 , yet cannot be detected by state estimation University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 48 Cyber Data Attacks • Worst-case interacting bad data (Liu, Ning, & Reiter 2011) • An intruder with the system topology information (not necessarily, Kim, Tong, & Thomas 2013) simultaneously manipulate multiple measurements so that these attacks cannot be detected by any bad data detector. • Cyber data attacks can potentially lead to significant errors to the outcome of state estimation. • Existing approaches Usually protect key PMUs to avoid these attacks (Kosut, Jia, Thomas, & Tong 2010, Kim & Poor 2011, Bobba et al. 2010, Dán & Sandberg 2010) Sedghi & Jonckheere 2013: Detection of cyber data attacks in SCADA system. Assume the measurements at different time instants are i.i.d. distributed. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 49 Attack model • At each instant, the intruder injects errors to the estimation of system states by manipulating multiple measurements. • Voltage and current phasor measurements can be represented by linear functions of state variables. • The additive errors to phasor measurements are consistent with each other and cannot be detected by bad data detectors. • The intruder can only attack a small number of PMUs continuously. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 50 Attack model • At each instant, the intruder injects errors to the estimation of system states by manipulating multiple measurements. • Voltage and current phasor measurements can be represented by linear functions of state variables. • The additive errors to phasor measurements are consistent with each other and cannot be detected by bad data detectors. • The intruder can only attack a small number of PMUs continuously. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 51 Attack model • At each instant, the intruder injects errors to the estimation of system states by manipulating multiple measurements. • Voltage and current phasor measurements can be represented by linear functions of state variables. • The additive errors to phasor measurements are consistent with each other and cannot be detected by bad data detectors. • The intruder can only attack a small number of PMUs continuously. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 52 Assumptions 𝑀 = 𝐿 + 𝐶𝑊 𝑇 + 𝑁 Measurement under attack • 𝐿: low-rank. From correlations in measurements. • 𝐶: column sparse. The intruder has limited access to the system • 𝑁: 𝑁 𝐹 ≤ 𝜀 Given 𝑀 and 𝑊, how could we identify 𝐿 and 𝐶? University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 53 Connection to Related Work • Xu, Caramanis, & Sanghavi 2012: Decomposition of a low-rank matrix and a column-sparse matrix. • Our methods and proofs are built upon those in Xu, Caramanis, & Sanghavi 2012, with extension to general cases University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 54 Connection to Related Work • Mardani, Mateos & Giannakis 13: Decomposition of a lowrank matrix plus a compressed sparse matrix. Internet traffic anomaly detection. • Our focus: column-sparse matrices, W is arbitrary. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 55 Our Approach • Find (𝐿∗ , 𝐶 ∗ ), the optimum solution to the following optimization problem 𝐿∈ℂ • • • • • • min𝑡×𝑛 𝐿 𝑡×𝑝 ,𝐶∈ℂ ∗ +𝜆 𝐶 1,2 s.t. 𝐿 + 𝐶𝑊 𝑇 − 𝑀 𝐹 ≤ 𝜀 (1) 𝐿 ∗ : sum of singular values of 𝐿 𝐶 1,2 : sum of column norms of 𝐶 Compute the SVD of 𝐿∗ = 𝑈 ∗ Σ ∗ 𝑉 ∗ † Find column support of 𝐷∗ = 𝐶 ∗ 𝑊 𝑇 , denoted by ℐ∗ Return 𝐿∗ , 𝑈 ∗ , and ℐ∗ (1) is convex and can be solved efficiently. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 56 Theoretical Guarantee Theorem (Noiseless measurements, 𝑛 = 0) With a properly chosen 𝜆, the solution returned by our method 1. identifies the PMU channels under attack. 2. identifies the measurements that are not attacked. 3. recovers the correct subspace spanned by actual phasors. Theorem (Noisy measurements, 𝑛 ≠ 0) With a properly chosen 𝜆, the solution returned by our method is sufficiently close (with distance depending on the noise level) to a solution that meets 1-3. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 57 Numerical Results • Simulate the case that the intruder alters the PMU channels that measure the phasors 𝐼12 , 𝐼52 , 𝐼13 , and 𝐼43 . • The voltage phasor estimates of Buses 2 and 3 are corrupted Actual values and corrupted values University of Florida PMU Seminar Column norms of the recovered error matrix March 2015 JHC 58 Disturbance Detection using PMU Data and Singular Value Analysis • Organize PMU date into different regions, like Central New York, West NY, North NY, etc. • Analyze voltage magnitude or frequency channels from PMUs in a region with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) • Steady state: relationships between measurements at different PMUs remain the same → one large singular value, and the rest are very small singular values • During a disturbance, the relationships between different PMUs will start to differ → 2nd and 3rd largest singular values will increase • Disturbance location: region with the largest 2nd largest singular value • Analysis and plots by Josh Klimaszewski and Tony Jiang University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 59 Disturbance 2 (Voltage Magnitudes) 2nd largest SV Window Size (3.33 seconds/100 samples) Step Size (1.66 seconds/50 samples) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 60 Disturbance 2 (Voltage Magnitudes) 2nd largest SV Window Size (3.33 seconds/100 samples) Step Size (1.66 seconds/50 samples) 2nd largest SV Window Size (.67 seconds/20 samples) Step Size (.67 seconds/20 samples) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 61 Voltage Stability Analysis of A Wind Hub • Voltage stability analysis of a wind hub in the BPA service area Wind farms tend to be integrated to sub-transmission (115/230 kV) networks Some of these renewable integration seem to be lacking reactive power support, i.e., power transfer is voltage stability limited PMU/SCADA data is used to develop Thevenin equivalents • AQ-bus voltage stability analysis method For quasi-steady state voltage stability analysis An alternative to the Continuation Power Flow Method University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 62 BPA Wind Hub Diagram G Thévenin equiv. (swing bus) G Thévenin equiv. Measurements Edge of the observable network AQ bus (negative load) PQ PQ PV PQ PQ PV Unobservable Credit: E. Heredia, D. Kosterev, M. Donnelly, “Wind Hub Reactive Resource Coordination and Voltage Control Study by Sequence Power Flow,” 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2013. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 63 Voltage Variations with Outage of Strong Link • SCADA data showing voltage response on Buses 21, 22, and 25, with Line 22-25 out of service. The voltage jumps are WTG trips. • The project is to determine wind turbine reactive power control models and voltage stability limit. • The wind farms cannot produce full output in this scenario. Capacitor switchings ~ 3 hours University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 64 Estimating Wind Plant Models and Shunts • • • • Compute ΔQ and ΔP from measurements Using ΔP, calculate maximum possible ΔQ from WT (threshold value) If ΔQ is larger than the WT threshold, shunt switching is detected Compute the total ΔQ due to shunt switching, quantize according to shunts 0.05 -0.05 WT Reactive Power (p.u.) WT Reactive Power (p.u.) 0 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 Measurements Measurements w/ est. shunt Q removed PQ model -0.4 -0.45 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 -0.05 Shunt action -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 Measurements Measurements w/ est. shunt Q removed PQ model -0.25 0.8 WT Active Power (p.u.) University of Florida PMU Seminar 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 WT Active Power (p.u.) March 2015 JHC 65 BPA JC VS Analysis • 24-hour data at 2-second intervals SCADA data at JC: V,P,Q, and also V at East and West Buses • No shunt capacitor information at the wind farms • Intent is to perform offline computation on a daily basis to verify the reliability and usefulness of the computation algorithm before considering the tool for real-time information support • Performs a new VS margin calculation every 5 minutes Complex code to figure out the shunt compensation in the wind farms The AQ-technique works well, readily going beyond the voltage collapse point Thevenin equivalent estimation (ETH and XTH) is difficult during periods when the voltages and flows are stationary or vary widely. 24-hour data requires about 15 minutes to compute University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 66 BPA JC 24-hr VS Analysis University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 67 Wide-area Monitoring and Control Slide 1 - Vision Monitoring and Sensing Communication Control and Actuation Computation RTO Regional Transmission Organization credit: NPR & UTK Proposal 1041877 University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 68 Wide-area Networked Control with PMUs • Closed-loop control using remote phasor measurements Measurement filter delays Communication issues: packet loss, network congestion 100-200 ms total delay University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 69 Estimate of Data Latency From Dr. Innocent Kamwa, IREQ University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 70 Adaptive Wide-area Controller • Adaptive controller to account for time-varying data latency [1]: • Multiple phase-lead compensators: Each compensator tuned for a specific level of latency Measure incoming data latency using GPS time stamps Switch between compensators according to measured data latency [1] J. H. Chow and S. G. Ghiocel, “An Adaptive Wide-Area Power System Damping Controller using Synchrophasor Data,” in Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids, pp. 327-342. Editors: A. Chakrabortty and M. Ilic. New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, 2012. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 71 Compensator Design • Each compensator is designed for a fixed delay (Td ): • Compensators are selected based on the incoming data latency, such that: University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 72 Adaptive Algorithm University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 73 Delay-Based Compensator Switching Question: how long should the adaptive control wait to switch to a lower latency controller? University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 74 Proof of Stability • Proof of stability using the concept of average dwell time ( d): • Considering switched-delay systems of the form: where (t ) is the switching signal. • Find a minimum d that guarantees stability of the system • Proof provided by Dr. Farshad Pour Safaei and Prof. Joao Hespanha of UCSB University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 75 Linear Matrix Inequalities • Consider a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) for all controllers: • Solve an LMI feasibility problem for a fixed value of University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 76 Average Dwell Time • The feasibility of the LMIs guarantees stability for a minimum average dwell time where: • Proof: Choose Lyapunov function such that • Lyapunov function decreases at switching instants: University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 77 Example Two-Area System • Dampen inter-area oscillations between Areas 1 and 2 • Control action is applied to a TCSC on an intertie between the areas • Use remote signals with latency, measured near the generators (average angle in each area) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 78 Computation of Average Dwell Time • The average dwell time can be computed for an arbitrary number of controllers. • For the controllers in the two-area example, the average dwell time is computed by solving the LMI feasibility problem and minimizing using a line search. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 79 Simulation • The two-area system was simulated using a random latency applied to the remote signals: University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 80 Comparison to Previous Work • B. Demirel, C. Briat, and M. Johansson, “Deterministic and stochastic approaches to supervisory control design for networked systems with time-varying communication delays,” Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 10 (2013) 94–110: proposes a similar result Demirel’s ADT is less conservative than ours. The formulation here is simpler. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 81 Damping assessment using relative phase information from PMU data • Power systems with long transmission lines for power transfer tend to have lightly damping interarea modes, e.g., Western US power system (WECC), Nordel power grid • The interarea mode damping is achieved by application of power system stabilizers (PSSs) on multiple generators. • Unfortunately, some of these PSSs may be poorly tuned because the interarea mode shapes have changed. • As a result, WECC wants to develop model identification techniques for generators, excitation systems, and PSSs, so that the damping contribution to the interarea modes can be properly assessed. • However, generator testing requires taking it off-line, which can be costly. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 82 Damping assessment using relative phase information from PMU data • Is it possible to assess the damping contribution of a particular generator (with its PSS) by measuring disturbance or ambient response? • We have recently developed a technique using linearized power system models to assess such damping contributions • The method looks at the phase differences between the generator rotor angle (or speed) and its terminal bus angle (or frequency) • The method can be applied to disturbance simulation or PMU data (requiring methods such as Prony, Eigensystem Realization Algorithm, or N4SID to extract the modal components) University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 83 Linearized Model Block Diagram of a SingleMachine infinite-Bus System Heffron and Phillips de Mello and Concordia University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 84 Synchronizing and Damping Torque Decomposition - SMIB University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 85 Interarea Mode Damping Result • For each generator, find the phase difference between the interarea mode content of the terminal bus voltage angle and the generator angle, for example, for generator 1: m1 m1 • If this difference is • Positive and large, then PSS contributes good damping • Negative, then this machine is contributing negative damping torque • Positive but small – need to look at the setting of the PSS • The damping for each generator is assessed using its own measurements • To apply the method in real time – after any disturbance resulting in sustained interarea mode oscillation, use the PMU data to check this phase difference for all critical generators. Note that the rotor angle can be measured with a regular digital recording device. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 86 WECC Simulation • A BPA engineer provided a disturbance scenario with significant oscillations • 2 cases for the scenario: • No PSS’s • A few PSS’s turned on • RPI was provided with the time response of a selected set of generators (rotor angle, rotor speed, generator terminal bus angle, generator terminal bus frequency). • RPI was not told which generators had the PSS turned on. The intent is to use the modal angle difference to find those generators with their PSS’s turned on. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 87 Case 1: All PSS’s off Case 1 OFF G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 Rot or angle (rad) 0.4 15 20 25 30 60.1 35 5 10 15 20 25 T ime (sec) Time (sec) Case 1 OFF Case 1 OFF G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 30 1.008 35 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 1.006 1.004 1.002 1 0.998 -0.2 0 60.2 59.9 0 Rot or Speed (pu) 5 60.3 60 0 0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 60.4 Bus Freq (Hz) Bus angle (rad) Case 1 OFF 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 10 30 T ime (sec) T ime (sec) University of Florida PMU Seminar 20 March 2015 JHC 88 Case 1: A Few PSS’s On Case 1 ON G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 0.3 0.2 0.1 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 60.4 Bus Freq (Hz) Bus angle (rad) Case 1 ON 60.3 60.2 60.1 60 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 T ime (sec) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 10 15 20 25 25 30 30 35 1.008 Rot or Speed (pu) Rot or angle (rad) 0.4 5 20 35 Time (sec) Case 1 ON Case 1 ON 0 15 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 1.006 1.004 1.002 1 0.998 0 10 30 T ime (sec) T ime (sec) University of Florida PMU Seminar 20 March 2015 JHC 89 Case 1: All PSS’s Off – Gen 1 blue: term. bus angle, green: rotor angle blue: term. bus frequency, green: rotor speed 1.01 0.45 0.4 0.35 1.005 0.3 0.25 1 0.2 0.15 0.1 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 University of Florida PMU Seminar 0.995 -5 0 5 10 March 2015 JHC 15 20 25 30 35 40 90 Test Case Results • For each generator, compute the relative phase change between no PSS on to some PSS’s on. • Machines with large phase increases have effective PSS’s Generator Angle diff change (deg) PSS 1 3.03 N 2 12.09 Y 3 11.21 Y 4 1.79 N 5 1.11 N 6 5.00 7 5.24 8 -0.03 N 9 12.29 Y 10 -6.80 N University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 91 References • • • • • • L. Vanfretti, J. H. Chow, S. Sarawgi, and B. Fardanesh, “A Phasor-Data Based Estimator Incorporating Phase Bias Correction,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 111-119, Feb. 2011. S. G. Ghiocel, J. H. Chow, G. Stefopoulos, B. Fardanesh, D. Maragal, M. Razanousky, and D. B. Bertagnolli, “Phasor State Estimation for Synchrophasor Data Quality Improvement and Power Transfer Interface Monitoring,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 881-888, 2014. M. Wang, P. Gao, S. Ghiocel, and J. Chow, “Modeless Reconstruction of Missing Synchrophasor Measurements,” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. M. Wang, el al., “Identification of “Unobservable” Cyber Data Attacks on Power Grids,” presented at the IEEE SmartGridComm, Venice, November 2014. M. Wang, el al., “A Low-Rank Matrix Approach for the Analysis of Large Amounts of Power System Synchrophasor Data,” presented at HICSS, Lihue, January 2015. S. G. Ghiocel and J. H. Chow, “A Power Flow Method using a New Bus Type for Computing Steady-State Voltage Stability Margins,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 958-965, 2014. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 92 References • • • • • • S. G. Ghiocel, J. H. Chow, R. Quint, D. Kosterev, and D. J. Sobajic, “Computing Measurement-Based Voltage Stability Margins for a Wind Power Hub using the AQBus Method,” Proc. of Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 2014. S. G. Ghiocel, J. H. Chow, G. Stefopoulos, B. Fardanesh, D. Maragal, D. B. Bertagnolli, M. Swider, M. Razanousky, D. J. Sobajic, and J. H. Eto, “Phasor-Measurement-Based Voltage Stability Margin Calculation for a Power Transfer Interface with Multiple Injections and Transfer Paths,” Proc. of Power System Computation Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 2014. NASPI Voltage Stability Workshop Oct. 22, 2014: J. H. Chow and S. G. Ghiocel, “An Adaptive Wide-Area Power System Damping Controller using Synchrophasor Data,” in Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids, pp. 327-342. Editors: A. Chakrabortty and M. Ilic. New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, 2012. F. R. Pour Safaei, S. G. Ghiocel, J. P. Hespanha, and J. H. Chow, “Stability of an adaptive switched controller for power system oscillation damping using remote synchrophasor signals,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, Dec. 2014. X. T. Jiang, J. H. Chow, F. Wilches-Bernal, “A Synchrophasor Measurement Based Method for Assessing Damping Torque Contributions from Power System Stabilizers,” submitted to 2015 Power Tech Conference, Eindhoven. University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 93 Acknowledgements This work was supported primarily by the ERC Program of the National Science Foundation and DOE under NSF Award Number EEC-1041877. Other US government and industrial sponsors of CURENT research are also gratefully acknowledged. Other industry/agency collaborators: NYPA, NYSERDA, Hitachi, Grid Protection Alliance, BPA, SCE, GCEP, ORNL Phasor Measurement Process 60 Hz Component Timing GPS DFT Frequency & Rate-ofChange Frequency Algorithm SYMMETRICAL DFT COMPONENT Frequency dfreq/dt TRANSFORMATION Phasors DFT Time synchronized sampling of three phase waveform. REAL TIME DATA OUTPUT 12 samples/cycle (720/sec) Discrete Fourier Transform uses 12 samples for each phasor conversion. Disturbance and transient detectors, data table storage Trigger flags Ken Martin University of Florida PMU Seminar March 2015 JHC 95
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