Medical Information/Consent The following MUST be filled out by a parent or guardian, as required by Camp Illiana. Name________________________________________ Date of last Tetanus Booster___________ Allergies, including medicines ______________________________________________________ Current medications your child is taking:______________________________________________ ALL MEDICINE MUST BE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER & MARKED CLEARLY WITH CHILD'S NAME. A MEDICAL DOSAGE FORM (available on registration day) MUST ALSO BE FILLED OUT WITH DETAILED DOSAGE INSTRUCTIONS. Please list any non-prescription medications you DO NOT wish your child to have:____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please list any restrictions that would hinder your child from participation in camp activities: Middle School Summer Camp ______________________________________________________________________________ Please list any emotional stress your child has recently experienced: ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Health Insurance Co. ___________________________ Policy # __________________________ IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY: I hereby give permission to the physician selected by camp management to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child named on this form. I understand, however, that every effort will be made to contact me in case of an emergency and before any such treatment is administered. I release and hereby agree to hold blameless Crossroads Christian Church, Camp Illiana and its directors and agents from any and every claim arising, or which may be asserted by me or by any member of my family by reason of participating in any activities associated with Camp Illiana, including the adventure elements. I hereby release the camp from any responsibility other than normal supervisory care. In case of an accident, I will not hold Crossroads Christian Church, Illiana Christian Assembly or its staff members, management, or officers liable unless guilty of negligence. Name of Father ______________________________ Phone # ___________________________ Name of Mother ______________________________ Phone # ___________________________ Emergency Contact____________________________ Emergency # _______________________ Signature of parent/guardian ____________________ Date ______________________________ (Signature also gives permission to use your child's picture in promotional materials.) Camp Code of Conduct 1. The possession and use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or any substance to be ingested or inhaled to produce a "high" are not permitted on the camp grounds. Anyone possessing or using such items will be sent home immediately. 2. Illness or injury must be reported to the camp nurse immediately. ALL medications, regardless of type, are to be dispensed by the camp nurse. 3. Cell phones, music players, video games, knives, comic books, magazines, pets, etc. are all to be left at home. 4. Clothing: Modesty and decency must prevail. Short or tight shorts, bare midriff, or revealing clothing are not permitted. No spaghetti strap tops. Swimsuits must be one piece. 5. Food and drinks are NOT ALLOWED IN THE DORMS. 6. Campers and their parents/guardians will be held responsible for any unnecessary damage to the camp property. 7. Telephone is for emergency use only. 8. Christian conduct is expected at all times. I have read and fully understand the above code of conduct and I agree to abide by it. __________________________________________ _____________________________________ Camper Signature Parent Signature June 7-12, 2015 Middle School Summer Camp Registration Student’s Name_______________________________________________ Dear Parents, Thank you for considering summer camp for your Middle School student. This event has as much potential spiritual impact as anything else we do throughout the year. This year we’ll be looking at the different tactics that Satan uses to Sabotage us, and how we can avoid the traps he sets for us. To register your child, please complete this registration form and return it to Crossroads with a $50 deposit. (Checks should be written to Crossroads Christian Church.) This deposit is non-refundable. The remaining balance is due on or before Sunday, May 31st. Please note that NO registrations will be accepted after May 31, 2015. The church has a bus scheduled on Sunday, June 7th, to take students from Crossroads Christian Church to Camp Illiana. The bus will return students to the church on Friday, June 12 @ 3:30pm. If you have any additional questions about camp, please contact Lesli Wheeler at or 812-518-1442. In Christ, Mark Silen Middle School Pastor Early bird price is $250 through May 17th From May 18th to May 31st the price is $280. (No registrations will be accepted after May 31st.) • Cost includes transportation, lodging, and all meals. • Registration will be in the Gym on June 7th at 1:30 PM. Please enter through the church, as all other doors will be locked. • Please return completed form & your $50 deposit by May 31 to Crossroads Christian Church, 10800 Outer Lincoln Avenue, Newburgh. • For more information about this and other Middle School events, please visit us at Address_____________________________________________________ City________________________ State __________ Zip _____________ Home Birthdate _______________Student’s phone #_________________ Cell Parent’s Name(s)______________________________________________ School___________________________ Grade in the FALL ___________ My child attends Crossroads Christian Church Yes No If not, the church we normally attend is____________________________ My child has made a decision to accept Christ as his/her personal Savior............. Yes No My child has been baptized....................... Yes No T-Shirt Size (Adult sizes): _________ ROOMING “IT” groups (workshops) Please list 3 friends with whom you’d like to room: To indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd picks, please place a 1, 2, and 3 next to the IT Groups of your choice. (You will be assigned only one.) 1.__________________ ____ ACT IT: Develop your gift of acting ____ BAKE IT: Bakin’ up some yummy creations ____ BEAD IT: Get your bling on ____ COOK IT: Favorite dishes are on the menu 2.__________________ ____ CREATE IT: Create artistic masterpieces ____ DANCE IT: You got to move it, move it ____ DO IT: Do It Yo’self projects 3.__________________ We can only guarantee that you will be placed with at least one of the friends above. ____ FISH IT: And the catch of the day is... ____ GAME IT: Youth group games on tap ____ GRILL IT: Grillin’ gourmet (not Galloping Gourmet!) ____ TAPE IT: Duct tape uses galore ____ TARGET IT: Archery basics
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