Clover Scene - Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County

Clover Scene
Niagara County 4-H Newsletter
April 2015
In this Issue
4-H News
Change in Information
Fundraising (pg.2)
Fair Logo Contest (pg.2)
4-H Age Policy (pg.2)
4-H Ambassadors (pg.3)
4-H Fashion Revue (pg.3)
4-H Public Presentations
(pg. 1)
4-H T-Shirt Sale (pg.2)
Workshops & Classes
Babysitters Course (pg.3)
Entomology (pg. 3)
Junior Gardeners (pg. 3)
Open Sewing (pg.3)
Agricultural Activities
Animal Crackers
Beef Field Trip
Tractor Safety
Weigh In
4-H News
Public Presentations
Public presentations are one of the most rewarding experiences for
4-H members and leaders. The ability to effectively communicate is
one of the most important life skills a young person can learn.
Through giving public presentations, 4-H members learn to: express themselves clearly and convincingly, organize their ideas,
present them in logical order, research subjects, and have confidence in themselves.
This year, twenty-nine, 4-H youth participated in the Niagara
County 4-H Public Presentation program on February 19 & 25.
Topics ranged from “Rose Fondant” to “Tye Dyeing” demonstrations to “Pet Red Claw Crab – How to Care for” and “To Mini or
Not to Mini that is the Question” illustrated talk. Participating 4H’ers were: Benjamin and Faith Kilroy, Mary Tanner, Skyler Earle,
Ella and Maggie Kelkenberg, Evelyn Maerten, Ella and Jack
Ingwersen, Melanie Morgan, Anna Spoth, Olivia Larson, Clayton
and Cameron Rowlands, Ben, Clayton and Jack Feltz, Mark and
Mary Gojevic, Ashley Randall, Madison Marchetti, Maggie, Max
and Bailey Shocknesse, Hayden and Kyra Fellows, Ella Bramer,
Niaomi Farley and Levi Henning. A special thanks to our judges:
Wendy Roberson, Joan Pickles, Brian Waters, Laura Kelkenberg,
Jan Harvey, Tim Karda, Charlene Spoth, Kaitlin Smith and John
Cornell Cooperative Extension, Niagara County
4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport
433-8839 (phone) 438-0275 (fax) Office Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm daily
Send Clover Scene articles to Kathy Bowers,,
by the 5th of every month.
Has Your Information
Niagara County 4-H Age Policy Changed?
If your child is interested in participating in a specific
program or your email/address has changed, please
let the 4-H office know so we can better communicate
with you through email or mail. Don’t forget to “like”
our Facebook page – “The Niagara County 4-H
Program” so you can get updates and see what our 4H community is doing!
This policy will go into effect
October 1, 2015.
(4-H year is October 1st – September 30th)
Please be aware that the Niagara County 4-H Youth
Development Program will be following the New
York State 4-H age policy starting with the
2015/2016 4-H Year (which begins October 1, 2015)
and going forward. Under this state policy, youth
who turn nineteen (19) years of age, on or before
January 1 of the current 4-H year, are not eligible
to enroll as a 4-H member. Only youth between the
ages of five (5) and eighteen (18) years old, on or
before January 1, are eligible to enroll as 4-H’ers
in any given year. This means that if a 4-H’er turns
19 years old on January 2, or after, they would be
eligible to re-enroll for the 4-H year, but that would
be their final year of eligibility. Please note that persons with an intellectual disability may participate
fully in 4-H programs as long as their developmental
age is considered to fall between five (5) and nineteen (19) years of age.
CCE Office Schedule
Good Friday
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Election Day
Veterans Day
Friday, April 3
Monday, May 25
Friday, July 3
Monday, September 7
Monday, October 12
Tuesday, November 3
Wednesday, November 11
Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 26 & 27
Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 24 & 25
4-H T-Shirt Sale
Please contact the 4-H office if you have questions.
The 4-H Sheep Program is selling 4-H T-shirts for
$15.00. Adult sizes are currently available in S, M,
L, XL, and 2XL. Please contact Stacey Hopkins if
you are interested in purchasing a T-shirt at
Calling All Young Artist
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County
(“CCE”) is pleased to announce the 2015 Niagara
County Fair Logo Contest for youth ages 5-19 years.
The theme for the 2015 Niagara County Fair is
“Grow with Pride in Niagara”. CCE is looking
for a logo that will recognize, promote and celebrate
pride in the beauty found in our county and
communities; all that is special and unique about
living in Niagara County; local agriculture and the
great foods grown and produced in Niagara County,
and the people of Niagara County.
Clover Scene
Did you know the Clover Scene is available after the 15th of the month on our
website? Like us on facebook and we
will let you know as soon as it is available.
The logo must be an original, colorful piece of artwork. It may be crafted by hand or computer generated. Logos are due at the CCE office located at 4487
Lake Avenue, Lockport by Thursday April 2, 2015 at
4:00 pm. The top submissions will be put to a community vote to decide the first, second and third
place winners. The top 10 logos will receive prizes
with the first place logo winning a $100 cash prize,
two tickets to the Farm-City Breakfast sponsored by
NCCC (the Fair’s opening event held August 5th), and
2 weekly Fair passes. The 2015 Niagara County Fair
runs Wednesday August 5th to Sunday August 9th,
2015. Please visit for
full contest rules.
Fundraising Reminder
All fundraising requests must be submitted at least
30 days prior to the event. The fundraising form can
be found at Additionally, the
results of any fundraising must be reported on Tool
L-21 and submitted within 30 days after the event
takes place. This form can also be found on our website in the NYS 4-H Club Financial Reporting Guidelines. Please submit all fundraising requests and
summaries to Heidi Feltz. If you have any further
questions please call at 433-8839 ext. 241 or email
Fashion Revue
4-H Ambassadors
Kathy Bowers, 433-8839 ext. 239 or
Kathy Bowers, 433-8839 ext. 239 or
Fashion Revue will be held on Saturday, April
18 at the 4-H Training Center. The judges’ interview will be in the morning and the show will be
in the evening at 7:00pm. 4-H participants will
be contacted by phone and/or email.
Date: Wednesday, April 8
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Small Meeting Room
All teens are welcome!
Workshops & Classes
Babysitters Course
Babysitting Training, following the 4-H/Army Child and Youth Services Babysitting Course entitled
“Do I Have What It Takes to be Your Babysitter?” will be offered on Saturday, May 9, 2015, from 9 AM – 4
PM, at Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Niagara County in the large meeting room.
The Babysitting Training (7-hour program) is available at no cost to youth, ages 12 and older, connected to military families. Also, any current 4-H member is also invited to the training at no cost. A fee of
$25 will be charged to all others who participate. (Participants will need to bring their own lunch. Light
snacks and beverages will be provided.)
Participants will receive a student manual, starter kit for use when babysitting along with a certificate
and wallet card to note their training participation. Those who take the course will be asked to donate 4
hours of babysitting to a military family.
Please share the link with anyone you think may be interested: (I’ve also attached a copy of the flyer.)
For the direct link to register, go to
Space is limited so encourage registration early. The deadline is April 30 or whenever the class is
filled. If you have any questions please contact Kathy Bowers at 433-8839 ext. 239 or
Junior Gardeners
Open Sewing Classes
Bonnie Benton, 433-8839 ext. 240 or
Pat Travers, 731-4705
Dates: Sundays, April 12 & 26
Sundays, May 17 & 31
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Place: Memorial Room
RSVP: by calling Pat Travers
Tuesday, April 21
Come learn about trees and plant a tree on the
grounds (weather permitting). We will be starting
seeds for the kid’s garden that we collected in the
fall, learn about the plants and draw plans for the
garden on the grounds.
These classes are open to anyone needing help
with a sewing project or just wanting to set time
aside to sew. Please call to RSVP in case a class is
canceled due to something unexpected.
RSVP for Workshops
It is very important to RSVP for the workshops so
that the instructors can be prepared and in case
the class is canceled due to lack of participation!
A minimum of 5 people per class in order to hold
Toby Mansfield
Date: Wednesday, May 13
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Small Meeting Room
Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook!
**Niagara County 4-H Program**
Cathy Maloney
Heidi Feltz
Kathy Bowers
Bonnie Benton
Karen Krysa
Michelle Matyjas
Executive Director/ 4-H oversight/ Fair Director
4-H Resource Educator, 433-8839 ext. 241,
4-H/Youth Development Community Educator 433-8839 ext. 239,
4-H/Youth Development Community Educator, 433-8839 ext. 236,
Room Reservations, 433-8839 ext. 221,
Accounts Manager, 433-8839 ext. 235,
Cornell Cooperative Extension in Niagara County is an employer and educator recognized
for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides
equal program and employment opportunities.