BUILDING FUTURES NEWSLETTER Issue 4 2015 HAS ALREADY SHOWN THE BREADTH OF CAPABILITIES ACROSS THE CCG GROUP OPERATIONAL IN A VARIETY OF SECTORS. READ ON TO GAIN AN INSIGHT OF OUR AWARD WINNING COMPANY! NEW PROJECTS - STUDENT ACCOMODATION Universities in Scotland have sheen a shortfall in the provision of student housing. CCG is utilising it's experience in this sector commencing works on two projects across the Central Belt. We are now on site for a development located in the city centre of Edinburgh for the City Heart Group. Orwell Terrace will have 234 units available for the students of Edinburgh Napier University and will be ready for the first semester in the summer of 2016. The project will utilise a mix of steel frame and CCG OSM's enhanced timber solutions to achieve a build of 4 and 5 Orwell Terrace, Edinburgh storeys spread across 3 blocks. Another student housing project set to commence is located in Glasgow's West End, adjacent to another CCG development in the area having completed The Ballet School in West Prince's Street in 2013. Located on the site of the former Willowbank Primary School, 174 beds will be made available to the students of Glasgow's universities. The project, for Empiric Student Property, started in April and will also be ready for the 2016/ 17 academic year. ON-SITE CCG have started a number of projects across Central Scotland including a 32 unit flatted development in East Kilbride for Clyde Valley Housing Association and new premises for the Tudsbery Centre, a charity centre in Craigmillar, Edinburgh. The Group has another site start in Craigmillar with works starting on the site of the former Niddrie Mill Primary School. 'The Schoolhouse' involves the construction of 66 mixed tenure homes including 32 for private sale by CCG. The first timber frame super structure was erected in April and members of CCG, PARC Craigmillar and Halliday Fraser Niddrie Mill, Edinburgh Munro were there to celebrate. BUILDINGFUTURES WWW.C-C-G.CO.UK ASSET MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCE RECORD YEAR CCG Asset Management have posted some impressive figures for the year gone. From April 2014 to February 2015, the division completed 4,300 properties with work activites amounting to nearly 5,000! Works inlcuded 1420 internal and external door installations and 1285 kitchen installations. The division predict that this upward trend will continue in the next financial year. The team are currently on site on a number of contracts including electrical heating replacements for Whiteinch and Scotstoun HA and Cunninghame HA, in Glasgow and Irvine respectively, amounting to 300+ units. CCG Asset Management has also been awarded a further heating replacement contract with Weslo HA totalling 100 units. Works commenced in April. DEVELOPMENTS ROOFING AND RENDER CCG Roofing and Render have continued to progress sites throughout Glasgow. The team are currently on site on Phase 10 of a window installation, roof repair and render contract for Hillhead HA and structural repairs to over 50 units for West of Scotland HA in Partick. Moving into the Spring period, works will commence at George Watson College, extending their exsisting dining hall. R&R will also be responsible for another project in the educational sector constructing a low carbon building for South Lanrkshire College. The new two storey, carbon neutral classroom The Ballet School, Glasgow block will start at the end of April with an expected duration of 35 weeks. Our Developments team spear-headed the sale of the Ballet School building to Empiric Student Property for almost £12M in March. The Ballet School provides 103 studio apartments for students of Strathclyde and Glasgow University and has been fully let since its opening in 2013. Low Carbon Building, SL College CCG ACCEPTED ON TO NEW UK-WIDE FRAMEWORK CCG are one of five companies selected for a new £3bn framework designed to fast-track the nationwide development of surplus public assets. The four year Social Infrastructure Development is operated by contracting authority NPS and will be used to deliver projects that span the public sector, from schools and housing through to police stations and care homes. SID will be used to design, finance and construct social infrastructure projects funded through the development of land, which will be transferred for development. The winning contractor will be offered an option or conditional sale agreement on a site and be allowed to create value by developing and delivering a scheme which incorporates, for example, new build housing, and also may include delivery of public buildings on other sites remaining in the client’s ownership. BUILDINGFUTURES WWW.C-C-G.CO.UK LANARKSHIRE BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS In addition to winning Recruitment Employer of the Year at the Jobs in Business Achievement Awards in December, the Group was commended again in Februrary by the Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards. The organising committee awarded the Group the Excellence in Young People Development Award. The award celebrates CCG's commitment to youth training and development as well as our year-on-year commitment to our apprentices. The award was accepted by our Group Managing Director, Gary McGregor. MORE AWARDS FOR ANDERSTON CCG RAISE FUNDS FOR NEW GLASGOW HOSPICE CCG have donated its second phase of commitment to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice Brick by Brick Appeal. The total figure will be a staggering £100,000. Our Chairman and CEO, Alastair Wylie, has also personally contributed to the charity who have £7M still to be raised for their new charity facility located at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow. Anderston Phase 3A, Glasgow CCG were Highly Commended at this year's Scottish Property Awards for our Anderston Regeneration project in the City Regeneration Category The project is also a finalist in this year's RICS Awards for Best Residential Development and the Homes for Scotland Awards, which will take place in May, for Best Development (Large). GET IN TOUCH... CCG (SCOTLAND) LTD 1 Cambuslang Road, Cambuslang Investment Park, Glasgow, G32 8NB CCG & RICS To donate CLICK HERE The Group will be sponsoring the RICS Annual Dinner for the second year running. The dinner takes place on the 11th of June at the Radisson Blu in Glasgow City Centre. For more information on the dinner please visit the RICS website: Email: Twitter: @CCG_Scotland Linked in: CCG Scotland LTD BUILDINGFUTURES WWW.C-C-G.CO.UK
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