Elephant baby blanket This ribbon-embroidered blanket is the perfect gift for a beautiful baby S ilk-ribbon embroidery adds handstitched luxury to any item, and it is remarkably easy to do. The design on this lovely baby blanket is worked in silk ribbon, silk embroidery threads and felt appliqué. You’ll need 1m x 75cm wool flannel (doctor flannel); 30cm square grey felt; Rajmahal threads nos. 226, 421, 93, 211, 171, 29, Madeira metallic threads in Silver and Astro 1; invisible thread; 2m each of 4mm silk embroidery ribbons, nos. 13, 15, 125, 33, 31, 163; no. 9 crewel needle; no. 18 chenille needle; 1.3m cotton lining fabric; water erasable fabric-marking pen; 30cm embroidery hoop. Here’s how Step 1 Double size of pattern on a Step 2 Draw around the cloud, marking it in different positions on the flannel with a fabric-marking pen; turn the pattern each time to make clouds at different angles. Draw around a coin for the sun then trace outline of the umbrella. Refer to the pattern to mark in the umbrella ribs, internal markings on clouds and details on elephants. Step 3 Using two strands of no. 226, stemstitch around outline of elephants and fill in body details. To make the little tufts of hair, fold several full strands of no. 226 in half and stitch in place. Trim. To make tails, fold a 60cm length of grey thread in half and make a twisted cord, or plait three strands. Knot ends and, using a chenille needle, thread twisted cord through felt and flannel and stitch securely to back of fabric. Step 4 Stem-stitch outline, ribs and infill photocopier. From the pattern, cut out elephants in one piece, then cut out the clouds and the umbrella. Mark centre of flannel fabric. Pin elephant pattern to grey felt, and cut out with small sharp scissors. Pin or tack elephants to the flannel, positioning top of large head in centre. Machine-stitch elephants in place using invisible thread and a small zigzag stitch. combination of one strand of each metallic thread worked together. Stem-stitch sun outline and rays using no. 93 and mouth in no. 171. The eye is a French knot worked in two strands of no. 171. Work flowers in silkembroidery ribbons (see box at right). Step 5 When embroidery is complete, remove any visible fabric-pen marks by dabbing gently with a wet cotton bud. Let dry. To attach backing fabric, centre embroidered flannel on backing fabric, wrong sides facing, and pin together. Trim corners of the backing fabric at 45°, 2.5cm from corner of flannel. Turn under and finger-press 1cm seam allowance on straight edges of backing fabric. Turn under and finger-press 2.5cm allowance at trimmed corners. Fold backing fabric to front of blanket, adjust corners to form a neat mitre and ladder-stitch the mitred corners. Slip-stitch straight edges to the flannel. of umbrella using two strands of no. 211 and the handle from two strands of no. 171. Stemstitch clouds using a Cloud can be used alone Forget-me-nots Flower centres Flower petals Leaves Pink daisies Flower centres Flower petals Leaves Lemon daisies Flower centres Flower petals Leaves Tufts of grass Rajmahal thread 15 (bright yellow) 125 (light blue) 31 (light apple green) French knots French knots ribbon-stitch 15 (bright yellow) 163 (light rose pink) 33 (medium blue green) French knots ribbon-stitch ribbon-stitch 15 (bright yellow) 13 (pale lemon) 33 (medium blue green) French knot ribbon-stitch ribbon-stitch 421 (green earth) straight-stitch A tiny silver spider web is worked among the foliage using straight-stitch and one strand of silver thread. The spider is a French knot worked in two strands of no. 29 (black). http://www.bhg.com.au Design by Helen Dafter http://www.bhg.com.au
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