• ~ ij;1 .. <Ii'I"l!'A r.tfJI~5 "'" ~ <f;qofr (3!R<f ~ "" "'" 3'llIi>i) ~~l,in!m <;<Wrr «mf <hft-834029 ~36012312360606-0651: lIow2361633-0651 : <hf No. CCL/HQ/EE/Laptop/15/ ~:hltp:IICcl,gov.in .9 D Lj.:i -/ D c> ( Dated:cLf /05/2015 To, All Area General Managers, CCL All CGMs/GMs/HODs of HQ, CCL, Ranchi / Kolkata Secretariat of CMD/Director(T)(Ol/Director(Fl/Director(P), CCL, HQ, Ranchi Sub:- Implementation of scheme for providing laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories to Executives of CCL_ Dear Sir, Pursuant to decision taken in 2015 : lOth FDs meeting held on 23.04.2015 and conveyed vide ref. no. CS/2015 : 10th /61 dated 02.05.15 and in term of provisions intimated vide letter no. CIL/C5A(PC)/laptop/49 dated 23 .02.20 15 of General Manager(P/PC), CIL , the Competent Authority has kindly accorded approval for implementation of scheme for providing laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories to executives of CCL. Accordingly, all concerned sanctioning authorities as per guidelines received through letter no. CIL/C5A(PC)/laptop/49 dated 23 .02.2015 of General Manager(P/PC), CIL are requested to intimate the scheme attached herewith to the Executives working under them and process application for all Executives( including self) together in line with ( Appendix-X), undertaking ( Appendix-Yl along with the proforma invoice from an Authorized dealer of a reputed company with details such · .as "Make" of the laptop/ tablet, peripherals, configuration, price etc. After receipt of Proforma Invoices and other documents as mentioned in the above paras, Sanctioning authorities as defined in the above mentioned guideline no. CIL/C5A(PC)/laptop/49 dated 23.02.2015 will sanction each case and forward a copy of the same to the respective Finance Department for arranging advance to the concerned executive for procurement of the device as per amount mentioned therein by the executive concerned . Executives will be required to procure branded laptops/ tablet or devices of similar categories with software configuration with AMC for 3 years by the authorized supplies / dealerr. The executives concerned will procure the device and submit the self attested photo copy of the bill/ warranty card to the respective finance department with a copy to the undersigned within one month from the date of sanction of advance for adjustment, failing which the amount of advance drawn shall be recovered along with a penal rate of interest at the rate of 18% per month. It has further been decided that as per the received guidelines, since the procured item i.e laptop/ tablet or devices of similar category, will be the property of the company for its initial three years from the date of purchase as such the same will be required to be registered in the inventory of Systems Deptt of Area.l HQ. In view of the same, all concerned executives
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