FlAllffimo :' r.': il-u:*l' ,*,;e {:'!l Lawn and Garden TRACTORS F||R 'T(|UGH - I(lB' M(|TTII{G (|F WEEDS, GRASS, BRUSH REGTAIMS UI{SIGHTLY AREAS ,-"? 1i 36'' DEERE 36'' WIIIE FTAIL IIOWER F(lR .140 M()llELS lM TRACTOR - ALL '(}HII Overlapping Pivot Mounted Blades Slash Through Brush. The flail principle of a solid shaft with loosely hung pivot mounted blades rotating at high speed creates a tremendous chopping action, pulling the material in from the front, shredding it and distributing cut-up grasses evenly over the area covered. When rocks or debris are encountered, blades simply fold back out of the way and return to cutting position automatically when clear leaving foreign objects in position. WIDE FLAIL }I(IWER FOR DEERE lI(l 'OHiI 112 TRACTORS ABOVE SERtAL t{0. 100,001 SAFE, BIG CAPACITY MOWING FOR GOLF COURSES, PARKS, SCHOOLS, AIRPORTS, FACTORY GROUNDS The revolutionary principle of the Haban Flail Mower combines the best qualities of rotary and reel mowers. Exclusive design, pivot mounted flail knives cut the toughest grasses with a high chopping action, yet can't throw stones, grass, debris, speed etc. The Haban Flail Mower is designed for front mounting on comPact riding tractors. Mounts easily. Flail action principle with free swinging blades operates on low power. Shreds Grass . . Mulches Leaves. One pass over cuts grass to desired height and shreds curtings-leaves area with a finished aPPearance. The Flail rype mower is the safest big capaciry mower yet devised. When blade encounters stones, debris, etc., it folds back ---<an't whip dangerous objecs out at high speed to injure operator or bystanders. Printed in U.S.A. Reploces Poge 6O-500 3 Doted 2/68 Clean Cutting. The unique llail type action cuts evenly over ditches, banks, rolling ground without scalping. Cuts toughest grass with ease. Rugged, Trouble-Free Construction. The Haban Flail Mower is years of trouble-free service. Drum is constructed of heavy gauge steel, pivot mountings are welded for lifetime wear. built for $4j.X'SdqpS i?de.i\*UF,e,fTURiruffi S*{\4$}Ahfy f i$...rr,iirFd!,i. !,#t${{}f,!fj,i&t .^ 4-70 fsr f0Hil DEERE FlAllNmO Lawm & Garden Tractors BOWERFUL SPECIFICATIONS ........Fulllengih,self-cleoning CylinderChomber ....... -36 inches Cuiiing Widrh ......Quickly odiustoble down to l" minimum Cuttina Heighr .......7 H.P. or over (Vorioble with conditions) Power Ronge. ........80-speciol steel knives-eosily reploced Cuiling Floils .....V-beli Rotor DriveRolor Speed ' l8o0 to 22oo R.P.M. .......16 inches Rotor Diqmeter ........Seoled onti-{riction Rotor Beorings . 57r inches diometer Rotor Shqff ..Quick-hitch front mounted Trcctor Mounting ...... Cosler Wheels -...... Trqclor hydroulicor mechonicol lift Mochine lifr..... Opercting Speed..One io {our miles per hour, depending on condiiions ...... MochineLength. Mochine Widfh .. Shipping Weight . shiiiin; Weight . Mochine-Height ........Mode| ........Mode| Tough grass and brush are quickly cleared in yard-wide swalhs even in rough terrain. Note how material is shredded evenlv over area. ..25 inches overoll .......40inchesoveroll .. -....38 inches overoli 512 350s, net weishi 285f 522245fl, net weishi 220# Adiusioble Turf Roller io Prevenl Scolping. I YEAR WARRANTY ON DEFECTIVE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. FOR PRICES ON FTAIL MOWERS FROM HABAN, REFER TO PAGE NO. {60-500- l l ). Specificolions subiect lo chonge withwf nolice. GUARANIEE CERNFICATE FURNISHED WITH EACH NEW MACIIINE Any way you look at it, the Flail Mower i: built for rugged, dependable service. Knives can't clog, cut cleanly through entire width of drum. HABAN fIIANUFACTURING COIIIPANV RACINE, W|SCONS|H, U. S. A. 60-500 4 Form 6061 4_70 (R.elo..s Poge 60-500-4 Do+ed 2/28) Printed in U,S.A.
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