Cyber Safety Training - Child Care Resource Service

 Cyber-Safety: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Technology 
4 training
When Online Behavior
Christine Feller
Internet Safety Specialist
High Tech Crimes Bureau
Illinois Attorney General’s Office
Carle Forum
611 W. Park Street
The internet has opened-up a whole new
way to discover the world and connect to
people far and wide.
However, this
technology has also produced new
opportunities to exploit and abuse
children and youth.
Join Deputy Chief Mike Sullivan and
Internet Safety Specialist Christine Feller
as they address cyberbullying, sexting,
online trends of Illinois youth, and
methods used by sexual predators to
victimize children.
This workshop is geared towards parents
and adults who work with children. No
children or youth please.
Online Predators
Mike Sullivan
Deputy Chief
Illinois Attorney General’s Office
Registration Form: Cyber-Safety: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Technology – April 11, 2015
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Daytime phone number _______________________________
This address is:
 Work  Home
Email: ____________________________
If you work in the public school system, do you need Professional Development
Training Hours (formerly referred to as CPDU’s)?
Return form to:
Child Care Resource Service
905 S. Goodwin Avenue
314 Bevier Hall
Urbana, IL 61801
Fax: 217-333-6901
 Yes
 No
If you are a Social Worker, will you need Social Work CEUs?
 Yes
Questions? Contact Lou Anne Burton, Training
Coordinator, Child Care Resource Service, at
(217) 333-1956 or
 No