Getting you where you need to go! To: CCTA Member Municipalities From: CCTA Administrative Office Please consider the following document for inclusion in your FY14 Annual Report. Getting you where you need to go! Chittenden County Transportation Authority: Urban Area Annual Report Summary, FY14 Throughout the past year, the Chittenden County Transportation Authority (CCTA) has continued to provide valuable public transportation services to Burlington and the greater Burlington area. In FY14, services included local fixed-route bus service; interregional commuter service; supermarket and school tripper shuttles; and contracted ADA para-transit service for individuals who are unable to ride fixed-route service. In FY14, a 13 member Board of Commissioners governed CCTA with two Commissioners representing Burlington and one Commissioner from Essex, Hinesburg, Milton, Shelburne, South Burlington, Winooski, Williston, Washington County, Franklin County, Lamoille County and Grand Isle County. The annual FY14 operating expenses, for the urban area, were, $15,351,830. Breakdown of Urban Revenue by Source 21.67% 1.31% 16.12% 17.07% 0.32% 43.50% Passenger Fares Local Misc. Purchase of Service Misc. Revenue Federal State Getting you where you need to go! Ridership: CCTA provided 2,536,033 fixed route trips in FY14.The Montpelier LINK Express route performed well in FY14, experiencing a 10% ridership gain. The average system-wide daily ridership increased to 9,847 passengers per weekday. Improved Passenger Amenities: Downtown Burlington Station: The Downtown Burlington Station continued to make progress on numerous fronts. Project design reached the 60% level of design development in FY14 and negotiations progressed with both the City of Burlington (related to the easement for the use of St. Paul Street and adjacent areas) and with the State of Vermont related to the Memorandum of Understanding for the Zampieri Building. Bus Passenger Shelters: 16 CIRC Alternative shelters, located in Williston, Colchester and Essex, were installed and completed in FY14. Additional passenger shelters were installed on Pine Street at the Howard Center, on Maple Tree Place in Williston, and at Burlington College. High Efficiency LED Lighting: Continuing its efforts to reduce energy consumption, CCTA upgraded all of the exterior lighting at its Burlington headquarters to high efficiency LED fixtures. In FY15, additional exterior fixtures will be added to extend coverage and increase lighting levels in the parking area. Operational Improvements: In FY14, the follow trainings were performed with urban staff; Diversity training, Driver Safety, Bus Emergency Evacuation Training, Mobility Device Training, Smith Driving System training, Counterterrorism Training, International Bus Training, and Customer Service. Contact CCTA for Route and Schedule Information By phone: 802-864-CCTA By e-mail: Or visit us online:
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