media release - Commission for Children and Young People

7th May 2015
The Commission for Children and Young People acknowledges the positive funding announcements for Children's and
Families services, Family Violence Support Services, Legal Services and various funding investments for Aboriginal
We welcome the funding for Early Start and Koorie Preschool Assistants programs and hope they continue to be an
area of increasing attention and growth opportunities.
Commissioner Andrew Jackomos stated:
“I congratulate the Andrew's Government and particularly Minister Mikakos for the children friendly budget. In particular, addressing the urgent needs of vulnerable families and children. I have seen over the past two years significant gaps
in the child protection and youth justice systems and with this weeks budget announcements and policy proposals I
know we will see an improvement in outcomes for our most vulnerable citizens.
“The investment being made for the Aboriginal Leadership and Self Determination Program is a much needed and
encouraging opportunity for our Koorie youth. As they learn and develop it is important to guarantee the best leadership and growth opportunities are in place”
“One of my primary goals is to continue to champion for the improvement in capacity building for Koorie agencies and
this budget shows encouraging signs for that intention. There are also very encouraging and promising increased allocations for family violence, early years education and the strengthening of cultural connections. Education opportunities
and programs that keep our children in school is one of the most positive actions we can take for our future leaders”
“We know at present that the majority of Koorie people being incarcerated have come from out of home care and I
welcome the governments commitment both in policy and the budget to developing diversionary options. I firmly believe
we are in a position to change the lives of our young Koorie children substantially, if the right investments are made”
“I look forward to working with government and the Aboriginal and broader community sector to implement these new
opportunities that show a willingness by government to work together to make a real and lasting change to vulnerable
Koorie families and children”
COURTNEY SAGE HART m: 0403 695 595 e: