June 2012

June 2012
Visit us online at: www.lubbockmustangclub.com
The Lubbock Mustang Club is now on Facebook!
(please "LIKE" us and you will automatically get all the current info).
The Lubbock Mustang Club is Proud to be an MCA Regional Club!
This month’s COTM is a 2007 Shelby GT500 owned by Tim & Shannon
Would you like to see your Mustang here? Then send picture and information about your
Mustang to Mike Cochran lbbdoc@gmail.com or mail the info to LMC, P.O. Box 6154,
Lubbock TX 79493-6154
Hello Everyone,
Well it has been a fast moving May for my family. With Jason
graduating on the 19th most of my attention has been focused on that
event and the changes that have occurred after the fact. So, I’ll rely
on Mike to fill in the details on car events for the past month.
There will be several events in June to show off your cars. For us
the focus needs to be on August and our 30th anniversary show. If
you have ideas please get those to one of us officers so that we can
make this a special show. Chuck, Jeff, Mike, Neil and their committee
folks are working hard on this years show.
Please join us on June 7th to review the latest information on the
show. Please start obtaining ‘gifts’ that can be used for our ditty
bags and ask companies for anything that they will give as a
promotion. We need all that you can find. Lowes groceries will
provide the bags again this year.
Our club has again been asked to help with the Fourth on
Broadway parade so we need to know asap if you can drive and help
the club do the event. It’s fun and great publicity for the club.
See you on the 7th of June.
Doc's Thoughts
th Erin C orrigan on the birth of t heir son, James D aniel! All of us here at LMC miss you guys and look f orward t o s eei ng all four of you s oon. Does James have a t oy M ust ang yet?
There were several shows in May, but, like John, I didn't make them. I was on the
road all month going to graduations and wedding showers. Hope some of you
went and had fun.
Just wanted to say a fond farewell to Jim Hamlett who attended his last meeting
with us in May. Jim and Laura have been a great asset to our club and we hate to
see Jim leave (fortunately for us, Laura will be here for a while). Jim has retired
and is in the U.P. of Michigan where he is building their dream house. All the
best, Jim, and stay warm this winter!
Also, congratulations to Seth and Erin Corrigan on the birth of their son, James
Daniel! We are looking forward to seeing the new Mustang driver when you are
all back in town.
Coffee & Cars was fun in May and happens again Saturday, June 2nd. It's just a
low-key get together to have some coffee and maybe a light breakfast and check
out the cars. It's at the Bistro, 98th & Slide, 8am to 10am.
We will have some new LMC caps and shirts to show you at the meeting, June 7.
Also we need to pick out a style of jacket to order, so make your vote count.
The Hub City Cruzers Rod Run is on the 9th, as is a show in Colorado City.
Check out the web site and Facebook page for more info.
Date: 5/3/2012
Attendees: 17
Meeting called to Order by: John Robison
Amy brought in award page for BRR. There were 224 cars.
Robert Hargrove won the motorcycle.
BRR on U-tube. Amy will put address on web site.
Jim said that we raised $886 for the March of Dimes at the birthday party.
C-21 Real Estate wants to be a sponsor.
We will still accept $25 sponsors. Business card size for newsletter.
Mike says that the trophies are ordered. He will contact the t-shirt company. We need to
decide on colors. Mike talked about ordering jackets and patches. Windbreakers were
Chuck says thanks to Mike for all the work he has done on the car show.
Cross piston design will be used on t-shirts.
Discussion is open to have our car show in late May or early June next year to boost
attendance. We will try and decide in October.
We will have a multi-car discount for our car show.
Cars & Coffee show at Slide and 98th Street at First Bank and Trust.
Treasury Report: $5921.33+ $74.93 petty cash
Meeting adjourned by John.
Minutes submitted by Ronnie Brown
June Birthdays
Sylvia Dowell 6/1 Pat Fleischman 6/26 Ronnie Howell 6/26
Stephen LoCascio 6/12 Keith Moore 6/19 Keely Moore 6/27
Teresa Putman 6/12 Joe Putman 6/24 Colin Ward 6/24
Alexis Wood 6/20
June Anniversaries
Carl & Sylvia Dowell 6/25 Jack & Elaine Emery 6/8
Gary & Jill Gregory 6/19 Ronnie & Sharron Howell 6/10
Arleen & Robert Nixon 6/16 Jimmy & Charlotte O'Connell 6/6
Dean & Dixie Stein 6/15
Did we miss yours? We probably don't have the info for some reason. Please send it to Lubbock Mustang Club P.O.
Box 6154 Lubbock, Texas 79493-6154 or email it to: lbbdoc@gmail.com.
NEW MEMBERS (Let’s make new members welcome!!!)
None for May
If you know of someone interested in the Mustang Club invite them to look at the website:
www.lubbockmustangclub.com, give them a membership form or have them look us up on Facebook.
The DEADLINE for all information, notes, ads, articles, pictures, etc. for the July 2012
Newsletter is 6/29/12.
If you move or if any of the information that you have given the Lubbock Mustang Club has changed be sure
and send the new information to The Newsletter Editor at: P.O. Box 6154, Lubbock, TX 79493-6154. Or
email lbbdoc@gmail.com.
Lubbock Mustang Club 2012 Events Calendar
For complete info - Check the website Calendar and Facebook page.
June 1
Aim Bank Grand Opening, 3004 Slide, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
June 2
Coffee & Cars, The Bistro, 98th & Slide, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
June 7
Club Meeting, Red Zone cafe, 37th & Slide, 7:00 PM
June 8 & 9
Hub City Cruzers Rod Run 2012
June 9
12th Annual C C Riders Car Show, downtown Colorado City
June 22
Big Wheels Deliver Meals, see site for more
July 4
Denver City 4th of July Car Show, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
July 21
17th Annual Caprock Classic Nostalgia Car Show & Cruise (more to come)
August 11
30th Annual Mustang Roundup & Car Show
December 14 Annual Christmas Party, Hillcrest Country Club, 7:00 PM
A Major Sponsor of the Lubbock Mustang Club
Home Style Meals –Breakfast All Day
3602 Slide Road Ste B1
Lubbock, Texas 79414
Owner- Ricky Green
HRS: Mon – Sun 5:30am – 9:00pm
Imagine your Business Logo
Right Here!
This spot is $25 a year.
Get your Business noticed while helping to
support The Lubbock Mustang Club.
Contact Doc @ 806-794-7443 or
e-mail: lbbdoc@gmail.com
Web site and Events Sponsorships available
A Major Sponsor ofBusiness
the Lubbock Mustang
card Club
the newsletter its $25 for a business card sized ad if you are a club member.
4413 50th Street, Lubbock, TX 79414 806-792-627
for 2012 are renewable now.
104 E. 19th Street,
TX 79403
Toll free 800-333-1148
The Lubbock Mustang Club is an MCA Regional Club.
LMC also encourages its members to become members of
The Mustang Club of America.
We hope that current MCA members will renew for 2011 and new
members will join.
MCA News
There are benefits from
continuing to be an Active
Regional Member Club.
For information on
individual/family MCA
membership, go to:
www.mustang.org or call 1850-438-0626.
Contact our MCA Representative at
All ads must be renewed every 3 months, or send in new ads to be printed in next Newsletter. Please email your ads to
lbbdoc@gmail.com or mail to Lubbock Mustang Club, P.O. Box 6154, Lubbock, TX 79493-6154. Your ad will be dropped at the end
of 3 months or when you let it be known your item(s) have been sold; whichever comes first. If you wish to continue running the
ad after 3 months it must be renewed.
FOR SALE: 5 lug 8 inch rear axle or 5 lug front hubs with spindles? I have
both and would like to sell them. I also have a set of 5 lug front hubs without spindles.
Call for price. Nic LoCascio, contact number is 778-4918. (11/11)
FOR SALE: 1967 GTA Fastback, 390 4 V, Factory A/C, Black Deluxe
Interior, Overhead Console, Fold-down Rear Seat, Exterior Decor Group, Original
Styled Steel Wheels. Contact Doug Putman @ 806 832-5202 or 806 787-1557
FOR SALE: Brand New set (4) American Racing Torque Thrust Original
(TTO) 15x7 wheels with a 5x4.5 bolt pattern and billet center caps. NEVER
MOUNTED on any car. These wheels currently have Brand New BFG T/A Radial
RWL 225x60 tires mounted on them. Will sell with or without tires. Please call
FOR SALE: Three Mustangs:
'72 grande-completely redone
'73 Mach 1-not driven since the '80's
'65 Convertable-nice car
Call Donny Carroll-806-885-4882
also a '91 Couger XR7 Super charged
FOR SALE : Magazine Collection
Mustang News : April 1978 thru February 1980 (missing Sep ' 78)
Mustang Monthly : March 1980 thru April 1992 (missing 7 issues)
Mustang Monthly : December 2000 up to present (missing 8 issues)
Mustang Times : May 1984 thru April 1987
PRICE : $100 buys the whole shebang ! Please contact Gary Gregory @
(806) 939-6247
FOR SALE: 2001 Mustang GT (white)
116,000 miles
cold air intake, long tube headers (flowmaster exhaust), it's been lowered (this
was all done before I purchased it)
I have all of the paperwork of any work I've had done to it.
My phone # is 417-827-7052
Email: LindsayBHobbs@yahoo.com
Employment Opportunity
Alderson Mercedes-Benz has several openings for car people, including
apprentice technician and porter/car wash person. They are looking for young,
excited guys or gals who LOVE cars to come work for us. We want people who are
excited about automobiles and would like the opportunity to work in a MercedesBenz dealership.
Contact Kamie Bordewyk
763-8042 or www.Alderson.com.
Classifieds are free for members and $5 for non-members. Ads will run for
three (3) months and if you want it to run longer, you must resubmit it.
Just get the Ad to the Editor by the deadline date of each month. The
DEADLINE for the July Newsletter is June 28. Send ads to LMC Classifieds
at: PO BOX 6154, Lubbock, TX. 79493-6154 or email to lbbdoc@gmail.com.
Remember GAPD likes to come to Lubbock. The Great American Pony Drive will be cruising
MUSTANG WEEK. Mustang week is July 17-22. More info as it develops. Lots of fun and
sites, and cruising in Mustangs.
MEMBERSHIP FORM (New or Renewal)
Please feel free to use the following form to join or renew your
membership. Please fill out completely and Mail to: Lubbock
Mustang Club, P.O. Box 6154, Lubbock, TX 79493-6154 or bring it to
the next meeting at Red Zone Café, Slide Road & 37th St. Meetings
are the first Thursday of every Month.
Spouse ___________________________________________________________________
Other Family Members (Name and
Mailing Address: _______________________________ City_______________ State____
Zip________ Contact Phone #___________________Cell Phone #___________________
Mustang(s) Year & Model___________________________________________________
MCA # (If applicable) _______________________
Anniversary Date____/____/______ All Family Members Birthdays_________________
What interests you? (Racing, Cruising, Car Shows, etc.)__________________________
Membership dues are $25.00 for 1 year, due on January 1 of each year, and Pro-rated
quarterly. If paid January 1 through March 31- $25.00 Paid April 1 through June 30 $18.75 Paid July 1 through September 30 – $12.50 Paid October 1 through
December 31- $6.25.
Be sure and send us a photo of your car for our member’s gallery. (Optional of course) The
LUBBOCK MUSTANG CLUB is a social organization dedicated to the preservation and
enjoyment of the Mustang automobile and the fun and fellowship that goes hand in hand
with these cars. The only requirement for membership is a love of Mustangs.
2012 LMC Officers
President - John Robison - jrrumble@gmail.com
Vice President - Laura Hamlett - 069@cinemark.com
Car Show Director - Chuck Wilson - wilsonc@diebold.com
Car Show Committee Jeff Krueger - carpetsolutionslbk@gmail.com
Mike Cochran - lbbdoc@gmail.com
Neil Thompson - ants@nts-online.net
Ronnie Brown - ronniebrown0405@yahoo.com
Swade Moyers - swadekrystal@aol.com
MCA rep - - - - Darin & Sylvie Putman - dsnlk94K@aol.com
Secretary/Treasurer - - - - Ronnie Brown - ronniebrown0405@yahoo.com
Historian/Website/Newsletter - Mike Cochran - lbbdoc@gmail.com
Lubbock Mustang Club
P.O. Box 6154
Lubbock TX. 79493-6154
Address Service Requested