CDC apr 15 - Career Development Center

Career Development Center
News & Notes
Volume 11, issue 3
* SERI field trip
* New staff
* HOSA award
* Interior Design
* Ag news
* Yellow Ribbon
* Manufacturing
*Welding project
* SVVSD info
* Important dates
1200 S. Sunset
Longmont, CO
Creating a New Vision for CDC
by Deniece Cook, CDC Principal
engaged in Inthese connections
Bridging the gap between school and career—that has been the mission and sometimes the challenge of Career and Technical Education
(CTE) ever since I’ve been in this business. In the fall of 2013, I was
asked to accompany the staff of the Innovation Center to Kansas City to
visualize a “P-Tech” (Early College) concept. Bill Anthony, CDC Welding
Instructor also joined the team. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical at
first. I thought, “What do they do that we don’t already do?” However, I put
on my optimism glasses and got on the plane. What we were able to observe in the programs we visited was amazing!
One of the key components of these programs is their connection between community college and the K12 system. Students in the high
school programs were able to earn college credit as they worked through
high school—some even earned their Associate’s Degree simultaneously
with their diploma. Students enrolled at the two CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) programs were actively engaged in Internships—these connections with the “real world” created a direct link for students. As a part of their Internship, students were required to participate in
a Capstone project, which was developed based on need from industry.
What an amazing system!
After Bill and I visited, I deemed it necessary for all of the staff at the
Career Development Center to see these programs. Therefore, I added
this travel as one of our projects in our Carl Perkins grant for 14-15. It was
so exciting to see it approved at the state level! So, in October 2014, half
of the CDC staff, along with me, one of our area assistant superintendents
and assistant principals replicated the 2013 visit. When we returned, the
staff were very excited about the possible implementation/replication of
what we observed. After discussion with the assistant superintendent, we
decided to invite 4 of the high school principals and one representative
from Front Range Community College to go with the second group in February 2015. Additionally, we hired our own Internship Coordinator (also
funded through the Perkins grant), and he accompanied the group.
These trips were an invaluable experience for all who attended. If
you’d like to have more information on the sites we visited, please see
their website addresses: Blue Valley CAPS:; Northland CAPS:; Metro Community College Business and Technology
(Early College):; Summit Technology:
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Staff in Kansas City...
Photos from
Kansas City
New Internship Coordinator, Rod Anadon
New Internship
Rodrigo J. Anadon has recently moved to
Longmont, CO, to accept the new position at
CDC as the Internship Coordinator and at the
Innovation Center as an academic advisor to
set a Computer Science K - 12 framework for
the district. His most recent assignment was
at a high school in Mishawaka, IN, where he
was a computer programming teacher for 15
Rod started using computers in 1983 and
enjoys coding. He graduated from Notre
Dame and IUSB with a BA in Psychology and
MS in Secondary Education with majors in
Computer Science, Business Education, and
Spanish. He is CTE endorsed in STEM and
Rod enjoys troubleshooting computers, learning about new
technologies, assisting others with technology, cycling, and spending free time with his family.
Career Development Center
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Around CDC...
Education and
Institute in
Thornton hosts
Health Sciences
students in the
Approximately 30 students from the Health Sciences classes visited the
SERI (Scientific Education and Research Institute) facility in Thornton.
SERI hosts anatomy labs catering to students dedicated to medicine and
exploration of the related sciences. Students learn anatomy and physiology basics before transitioning into the bioskills cadaver lab. The lab
provides students with an incredible opportunity to learn hands-on,
surgical technique in an interactive environment.
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Around CDC...
Two HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) students finished
in 1st place at the HOSA State Leadership Conference in the competitive
event of Community Awareness.
Bailey Allman and Austin Garrett, both Skyline High School students,
created a project, “Sharing is not Caring,” about the issues in sharing
makeup. When the project was completed, the CDC chapter developed a
portfolio that documented and explained the project and activities. Bailey
and Austin presented the chapter’s project to a panel of judges in an interview, using the portfolio as documentation of their accomplishments
Being awarded first place in the competition, Bailey and Austin are now
qualified for the National Conference in June in Anaheim, CA.
compete at
CDC Health Sciences students, Bailey
Allman and Austin Garrett from Skyline
High School, finished in First Place at
the recent HOSA Leadership Conference.
Career Development Center
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Around CDC...
Gold Key
Skyline HS Family & Consumer Studies teacher Hope Nazzaro’s
Interior Design student, Lois Strope, entered her Design portfolio
into the Colorado Scholastic Art Show, a huge art exhibit of top
artists/designers in Colorado. Winners earn opportunities for
recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. Lois won
the following awards for her work: “Small apartment” was chosen
for the “Selected Works” show at the Denver Art Museum, in addition to a Gold award and an Honorable Mention award. Lois will
attend CSU this fall to major in Interior Design.
Career Development Center
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Around CDC...
Over 1200 4th graders from 17 schools attended the fifth annual
“From Our Lands to Your Hands” on February 25 and 26, 2015, at
the Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont. The event showcased the roles that the agriculture industry plays in our community and in our growing urban environment. CDC’s St. Vrain Valley
FFA chapter students volunteered both days of the event and did a
remarkable job serving as group leaders and hosts for an agriculture education session.
Ag students
in county
expo and a
new calf is
born on the
CDC farm.
The CDC farm now has three head of
cattle— our cow, "Sis," our heifer,
"October" (born in October 2013), and
our newest calf, a bull, "February" (born
February 2015). (Cows are female bovine animals that have already given
birth at least once; heifers are female
bovine that have not yet given birth.
Bulls are intact male bovine; steers are
male bovine that have been castrated.)
Sis is the mother of October and February, and this summer, Sis and October will both be bred and hopefully will each have a calf in February of 2016.
Career Development Center
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Business students from Mead HS...
from Mead
High School
Left to right: Mary Lambert, Jacob Seitz, Maddison Plester,
Chloe Kitzinger, Monica Griffith, A. J. Ranasinghe, Easton Nelson, Jordan Miyake, Jack Gallegos (not pictured Justin
CTE Business and FBLA students from Mead
HS raised funds for the Yellow Ribbon, a suicide
prevention organization. The FBLA students
coordinated the Save-a-Life Fundraiser and
collected $15,162 dollars from donations, a
silent auction, and a chili diner. They donated
$13,000 of the total to Yellow Ribbon
International, and the other $2162 will go to the
Carsen J. Spenser Foundation.
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Around CDC...
A January field
trip provided
students the
opportunity to
visit area
On January 15 Engineering Tech teacher Stewart Jordison, CDC
Couselor Becky Olson, Auto teacher Brian Smallwood, and Principal
Deniece Cook took about 45 students to tour manufacturing
CDC Attendance Policy:
CDC Attendance Policy
It is recognized that students miss school because of valid reasons.
When this happens, parents/guardians should either call the CDC counseling office at 720-494-3964 the morning of the absence or send a note
with their student the next day. Absences not explained within two days
after returning to school will be recorded as unexcused absences unless
unusual or extenuating circumstances exist as determined by the building administrator. Students who have excused or school related absences will have 2 days to make up anything missed because of
Career Development Center
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Around CDC...
partnered with
departments to
exterior trash
Career Development Center
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The Breakfast Club
Safe to Tell Mission
To ensure that every Colorado student, parent,
teacher and community member has access to
a safe and anonymous way to report any concerns for their safety or the safety of others,
with a focus on early intervention and
prevention through awareness and education.
Career Development Center
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1200 S. Sunset Street
Longmont, CO 80503
Phone: 303-772-3333
Fax: 303-651-7446
Important Dates to Remember:
No School for Students
May 22
Last day of school, May 21
PLC Dates (Late Start)
May 6
Graduation dates:
all high schools on May 23,
except Olde Columbine High School,
Universal High School, SV Global
Online Academy on May 22.