ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY June 2015 JUNE NEWSLETTER PAC NEWS PAC will be holding their next meeting on Thursday, June 18 at 6:30 in the library. All are welcome. Freezie Fridays The PAC will be selling freezies in the undercover area every Friday after school. Please support their efforts. Smile cards are now available in the office. An email has been sent home with information regarding the program. If you have any questions please ask one of our PAC members. Year End Tidy Please return all library books in the next few weeks. Please come by and browse the lost and found. All unclaimed items will be donated to the thrift store during the last week of school. ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY Welcome to June It is hard to believe that the school year will soon be coming to a end. June is always a busy month with grade 7’s preparing to head off to SDSS. Starting with Stories, a program for 4 yr olds is ongoing in the library and is preparing the little ones for their entry into Kindergarten in September. Cliff Drive is extremely proud of several of our students who were recognized for their fundraising efforts and received a Delta Youth Rotary Award in the Compassion and Empathy category. Grade 7 students Nicola Bancroft, Alia Khan, and Madeline McCart were recognized for their on-going contributions to various causes. Also, grade 6 Students Sophia Buckley, Bridget Bell, Olivia Murao, and Kiara Sherritt were recognized for their fundraising efforts. Well done everyone. 1 ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY TAKE NOTE! Field trip forms are now being emailed home. Please check that your email address is correct in Parent Connect. As the weather improves and the days get hotter please remember to send your child to school prepared. Sun screen and a water bottle are advised. Running shoes are still recommended as classes participate in daily physical activity. SUMMER TUTORING OPPORTUNITY: The local Learning Disabili1es Associa1on (covering Surrey and Delta) will be offering One to One Tutoring in Literacy and Math for students aged 6 to 14 this summer out of the Delta Manor Educa1on Centre. These 1-‐1/2 hour tutoring sessions will be available in two-‐week daily or twice-‐a-‐week monthly sets. Using research based methods, trained tutors help students to develop their math and literacy skills. This opportunity is appropriate for any student who is struggling with reading, spelling, comprehension and/or wri1ng or understanding math concepts. Following an assessment, tutors follow structured, individualized learning plans sePng specific goals for their student. Times available at 8:30, 10:15, 12:15 and 2:00 and spaces are limited. The cost for this program is $25 an hour. Some par1al subsidies may be available. To register or learn more, please call 604.591.5156. More informa1on is also available at ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY June 2015 Our students were once again treated to two excellent performances in May. The Belmont Secondary Music department entertained us all with their choirs and bands. And, the Motus O dance group showed us their fancy moves. Cliff Drive students performed well at the local and district track meets. Well done to all our athletes. Sports Day will be taking place on Friday, June 12. Students will be divided into teams and rotate through a number of fun stations. Hot lunch will be delivered on this day and the students will be dismissed early. There will be two assemblies in June of which all our parent community is invited. The first is the Intermediate Recognition Assembly on June 18, in the afternoon, and the second is the Grade 7 Farewell Assembly on June 19 right at 9:00. 2 ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY June 2015 Planning for September Important Information for Parents to Consider Next year’s class organization will include both single and combined grade classes. The number of staff members assigned to Cliff Drive is determined by the Delta School District. This number is based on the number of students projected to be in the school in September 2015. The goal of school organization at the class level is complex and includes the following considerations: - the need to create balanced classes based on gender, intellectual development and social/emotional development. - the need to place your child in a classroom in which she/he will flourish academically and socially. Peer relationships and support networks are taken into consideration, as we know this is important to students’ learning. Parents may choose to share information to help with the placement of their child. PLEASE SPEAK WITH YOUR CHILD’S CURRENT TEACHER regarding any requests that you have, as the teachers create the classes for next year. This information should NOT include a request for placement with a particular teacher. Teacher assignments and the grade assignments are not confirmed until late summer. These assignments are based on the number of students in each grade. Requesting a style of teaching is appropriate, as is personal and/or educational information that will assist with the placement of your child, including past school information, if this is unknown to us. If you choose to provide the school with input for placement next year, please do so in writing to Mrs. Keller. Although no request is guaranteed, educational requests will be considered in combination with the above factors. ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY 3 ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY June 2015 June Calendar Dates June 2 Grade 7 to SDSS June 3 All grades 4 and 5 to Tsawwassen First Nations Starting with Stories #3 June 4 Div 3 to Lind Yen Mtn Temple in Richmond Playground Committee Meeting 6:30 Grade 7 Band Concert 6:30 June 5 Div 15 and 16 to Vancouver Landfill June 8 Teacher Appreciation Lunch June 9 Crossing Guards to Splashdown June 11 Div 15 to Delta Gymnastics June 12 Sports Day/ Hot Lunch/ Dismissal at 2:30 June 18 Grades 4-6 Recognition Assembly at 1:30 PAC Meeting 6:30 in the library June 19 Grade 7 year end assembly at 9:00 June 22 Grade 6 to Camp Jubilee June 24 Grade 7 to Playland Grade 6 return June 25 Last day for students Dismissal at 11:00 June 26 Last day for teachers ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY 4 ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY June 2015 Next Level SOFTBALL SUMMER CAMP July 13-16, 2015 Seaquam Secondary Are you a house player looking to take your skills to the next level? Wanting some extra practice before fall tryouts? Join us this July for Delta Softball Academy’s Next Level Summer Softball Camp. Each day will focus on offensive/defensive/pitching/catching skills, with high quality instruction from former national team coaches and retired college players. Space is limited so register today! Skill level: Beginner to Intermediate | Age Group: 8-14 yrsTime: 9:30am - 2:30pm | Cost: $300 Presented by: Delta Softball Academy To Register visit: For more information email Kayla Hamalainen: WWW.DELTASOFTBALLACADEMY.COM 2015 SUMMER CAMPS WITH DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT! ‘Strive ~ Express ~ Achieve’ with Delta Continuing Education’s “YOUTH ACTIVITY PROGRAMS” again offering a wide variety of Summer 2015 programs for the children and youth of our communities. Activities, directed by teachers and other professional people, will focus in the areas of Fine and Performing Arts, Sports and Active Living, Academic Enrichment, and Personal Development. There will be many new programs available for students aged 5 – 13 in each of the communities of Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. Brochures will be delivered in your local newspapers in May as well as available at the front office of each school. As well, each elementary school’s youngest in family member will be given a brochure to take home during the week of May 25-29. Early registration is strongly recommended as courses do fill up quickly. Be sure to bookmark: for on-line information and registration options or phone 604-940-5550. ECOLE CLIFF DRIVE ELEMENTARY 5
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