Tele : 27886624 College of Defence Management Sainikpuri Post Secunderabad - 500 094 CDM/Trg Est/LP/10611 (M) 28 Apr 15 M/s __________________ (As per list attached) TENDER ENQUIRY FOR PROCUREMENT OF MEMENTO ITEMS Dear Sir, 1. The Commandant, College of Defence Management, Secunderabad hereinafter reffered to as Customer, is interested in the purchase of memento items at CDM. Please give your commercial offers as per Appendix attached. The following points may please be adhered to while filling up the forms:(a) Only the enclosed formats (Appendix and its Annexure) in original will be used. All sheets will be submitted duly affixed with the company. Additional sheets, duly authenticated, may be attached to elucidate specifications or clarify specific issues. (b) The costs to be indicated will be exclusive of all taxes, levies, freight etc. Details of taxes are to be written separately. (c) Total cost for the full quantity to be supplied to be indicated. (d) Incomplete tender is liable to rejected. (e) Commercial offers will be submitted on specific format endorsed with this tender documents marked “Commercial Offer “(Annexure II). 2. You are requested to indicate your acceptance of the above offer based on the terms and conditions as given out in the succeeding paragraphs. 3. Delivery and Implementation Schedule. appendix attached. Details of items are as per Payment Terms 4. 100% of the total projected cost will be done within 60 working days through CDA office but after necessary acceptance is done and all relevant papers are submitted. 5. Submission of Offer. Commercial Offer is a complete turnkey solution. Only this will be considered further for final negotiations. Certificate to be signed and stamped by Authorized Signatory of Company is also attached to Annexure I to Appendix. 6. A offer received incomplete or ambiguous is likely to be rejected at the discretion of the Commandant, College of Defence Management without recourse to further clarifications. The Commandant, College of Defence Management also reserve the right to seek clarifications with one or more vendors if considered 2 necessary and also not accept any offer at all in case they are not reasonably priced. 7. Any condition/terms given in the commercial bids by vendors will not be binding on the Commandant, College of Defence Management. All the term and conditions for the supply, delivery, testing and acceptance, payment, warranty, uptime, penalty will be as given herein and no change in any term or condition by the vendors will be acceptable. Alteration, if any, in the tender will be rejected. Vendors will not make any assumptions while submitting their bids. If required, clarification will be sought prior to submission of bids. 8. You are requested to offer your rates with the following breakdowns:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Total basic cost of items VAT Excise Duty Customs Duty, If any Insurance Freight Payment Terms Delivery Period : : : : : : : : 9. Terms and Conditions for the procurement are attached as Appendix. These will be signed by the authorized company representative and stamped with the company stamped with the company stamp. 10. Your quotation should be addressed to the Commandant, College of Defence Management, Sainikpuri, PO, Secunderabad-94. The envelope should be BOLDLY MARKED Quotation against Enquiry No. CDM/Trg Est/LP/10611 (M) dt 28 Apr 15. 11. The tender may be sent by post or deposited in the tender box maintained in the Main Block of this College by 26 May 15 before 1000 hrs. 12. The Commercial Offer will be opened at 1000hrs on 26 May 15 in the office of SO Trg of this College as considered necessary. You can be present at the time of the opening of the tender box. 13. Please ensure that this is your best and final offer. Note. Vendors will submit their commercial bids on the original tender document (Including its appendices and annexure). Photocopies will not be accepted) Sd/- x x x x x (Pankaj Pandey) Lt Col SO Trg for Comdt. 3 Appendix A (Ref to para 1 of Tender Document) TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PURCHASE OF MEMENTO ITEMS 1. Validity. Prices are valid upto 45 days. 2. Payment Terms. No advance payment will be made. The purchase will be on credit basis and 100% payment by cheque/ NEFT shall be made by CDA, Secunderabad, after successful delivery, inspection and acceptance of items and submission of all relevant documents and bills,. The firm is required to furnish bank details viz. Name of Bank, Branch Name, Address, bank A/c No., Bank Code, Nature of A/c (SB/Current) to enable E-payment by CDA (Secunderabad). 3. Delivery Period. The items will be delivered with four weeks from the effective date of the supply order. 4. Qty and Specifications of Items. Qty and specification of office items are Enclosed as annexure –II of appendix to this letter. 5. Acceptance Testing. A board of Officers will be detailed by CDM Secunderabad for acceptance of the above items. The customer will issue an acceptance certificate on successful completion of acceptance testing. 6. Your firm/company should preferably be an authorized dealer and in possession of the following:(a) APGST Number or CST Number or TIN Number 7. Rates mentioned in words will be taken as authentic for all calculation purpose. 8. LD Clause. Delay in completion of work/services will attract a penalty of 0.5% per week subject to a maximum of 10% of undelivered goods. 9. Acceptance of Tender. The Competent Financial Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever. 10. Arbitration. In case of arbitration with the firm and this unit on any issue, the final decision would be that of the Commandant, College of Defence Management, Secunderabad. 11. Standard Conditions of Contract. All purchases of the College of Defence Management ibid are subject to the standard conditions of contract which may be perused in the office of the tender prior to submission of the quotation. 4 Appendix A Contd (Ref to para 1 of Tender Document) 12. Option Clause. The contract will have an Option Clause, wherein the Buyer can exercise an option to procure an additional 50% of the original contracted quantity in accordance with the same terms & conditions of the present contract. This will be applicable within the currency of contract. The Bidder is to confirm the acceptance of the same for inclusion in the contract. It will be entirely the discretion of the Buyer to exercise this option or not. 13. Repeat Order Clause. The contract will have a Repeat Order Clause, wherein the Buyer can order upto 50% quantity of the items under the present contract within six months from the date of supply/successful completion of the contract, the cost, terms & conditions remaining the same. The Bidder is to confirm acceptance of this clause. It will be entirely the discretion of the Buyer to place the Repeat order or not. 14. Tolerance Clause. To take care of any change in the requirement during the period starting from issue of RFP till placement of the contract, Buyer reserves the right to 10 % plus/minus increase or decrease the quantity of the required goods upto that limit without any change in the terms & conditions prices quoted by the Seller. While awarding the contract, the quantity ordered can be increased or decreased by the Buyer within this tolerance limit. 15. Earnest Money Deposit: Bidders are required to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for an amount of Rs.9,000/- (Rupees Nine Thousand only) along with their bids in favour of Commandant, College of Defence Management, Sainikpuri Post, Secunderbad - 94. The EMD may be submitted in the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the public sector banks or a private sector bank authorized to conduct government business as per Form DPM-16 (Available in MoD website and can be provided on request). EMD is to remain valid for a period of forty-five days beyond the final bid validity period. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the earliest after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before 30 th day after the award of the contract. The Bid Security of the successful bidder would be returned, without any interest whatsoever, after the receipt of Performance Security from them as called for in the contract. EMD is not required to be submitted by those Bidders who are registered with the Central Purchase Organization (e.g. DGS&D), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or any Department of MoD or MoD itself.The EMD will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws or amends impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the validity period of their tender. 16. If you are unable to quote due to any reason, a regret letter may kindly be sent. 17. You are requested to bring a sample for the same at the time of tender opening. Yours faithfully Sd/- x x x x x (Pankaj Pandey) Lt Col SO Trg for Comdt. 5 Annexure I to Appendix A (Ref Tender Documents) CERTIFICATE It is certified that all the terms and conditions as laid in the above paragraphs and any where else in the tender and its appendices are accepted by the company and we will abide by them. It is further certified that any cost incurred on additional work against goods would be borne by us. Company Seal Place:___________ Date :___________ (Authorised Signatory of Company) 6 Annexure II to Appendix A (Ref Tender Documents) COMMERCIAL OFFER FOR MEMENTO ITEMS Ser No Description of the Item A/U Qty (a) Crystal CDM Mementoes Nos 200 (b) Memento Clock Large Nos 60 (c) Memento Clock Small Nos 175 (d) Table Clock Nos 50 Rate Amount Amount in words : Station: Date : (Signatures of Vendors with seal) Appendix B (Refer Call for Quotation No CDM/Trg Est/LP/10611 (M) dt 28 Apr 15) LIST OF VENDORS 1. M/s Mementoes 3-1-242/A, RM Street Kalasiguda, Secunderabad-03 2. M/s Vijay Laxmi Enterprises No-42-A, 1st Floor, Chandragiri Colony Near Kandiguda, Secunderabad 3. M/s Aditya Traders 3-1-241, Somasundaram Street, Secunderabad-03 4. M/s Dhvani & Co 1-8-303/48/23 Sindhi Colony P.G Road, Secunderabad-03 5. M/s Balaji Traders & Suppliers Plot No-1, 1st Floor, Laxmipuri Colony, Opp, Kalayan Garden, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad 6. M/s Hi-Tech Traders Plot No 24, Mallareddy Nagar, Lothkunta, Trimulgherry (PO), Secunderabad-15 7. M/s Shakti Trading Company Plot No 23-24, Shirdi Sai Homes, New Sainathpuram, A.S. Rao Nagar, Hyd-62 8. M/s Vishal Trading Co Shop No 21, House No 12-107/3 1st Avenue Colony Temple Alwal, Secunderabad-10 Sd/- x x x x x (Pankaj Pandey) Lt Col SO Trg for Commandant
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