YOOX S.p.A. Registered office in Via Nannetti 1, Zola Predosa (Bologna) Share capital (subscribed and paid up) of Euro 620,238.32 Tax code and Bologna Companies Register no. 02050461207 To the Shareholders of YOOX S.p.A. Via Nannetti 1 40069 - Zola Predosa (Bologna) LIST OF CANDIDATE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Shareholders, Pursuant to article 14, paragraph 2, of the YOOX S.p.A. Bylaws, the outgoing Board of Directors of YOOX S.p.A., with reference to the third agenda item “Appointment of the Board of Directors, following the determination of the number of members and the duration of office; determination of remuneration; related and consequent resolutions” of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of YOOX S.p.A., convened for 30 April 2015 at 9.30 a.m. (single call), at Mediobanca S.p.A., Via Filodrammatici 3, Milan WE HEREBY SUBMIT the following list of candidates for appointment to the Board of Directors of YOOX S.p.A., comprising seven candidates, to be submitted to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of YOOX S.p.A. NO. CANDIDATE POSITION DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH 1 Raffaello Napoleone (*) (**) Independent Director Rome (RM), 30 October 1954 2 Federico Marchetti Director Ravenna (RA), 21 February 1969 3 Stefano Valerio Director Maglie (LE), 29 March 1970 4 Robert Kunze-Concewitz (*) Independent Director Istanbul (Turkey), 7 April 1967 5 Laura Zoni (*) Independent Director Piacenza (PC), 31 March 1965 6 Catherine Marie Yvonne Gerardin (*) Independent Director Versailles (France), 18 November 1959 7 Massimo Mario Giaconia (*) Independent Director Caltagirone (CT), 22 July 1959 (*) Directors who meet the requirements of independence prescribed by current legislation and the Bylaws of YOOX S.p.A. (**) If appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting, will be proposed as chairman of the company. In accordance with the requirements of Article 14 of the YOOX S.p.A. Bylaws, the following documentation is attached for each of the above-listed candidates: 1 1. CV detailing the candidate's personal and professional characteristics, including management and control positions held in other companies, in Italian and English; 2. statement in which the candidate accepts his/her candidacy; 3. statement in which the candidate certifies, under his/her own responsibility, that there are no grounds for ineligibility or incompatibility and that he/she meets the requirements prescribed by current laws and the Bylaws of YOOX S.p.A. for the office of director of YOOX S.p.A., and, for candidates who qualify as an independent director, that he/she meets the requirements of independence prescribed by the laws and regulations in force; 4. copy of identity document. Zola Predosa (Bologna) For the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer (Federico Marchetti) 2
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