Seattle MARITIME FESTIVAL~ MEMO TO: Maritime Industry Friends FROM: Julie Keirn, Survival Suit Race Coordinator Compass Courses Maritime Training SUBJECT: Marjtjme Eestjyal Survjyal Syjt Race 2015 MAY 9th, 2015 You are invited to participate in the Seattle Maritime Festival's World Invitational Survival Suit Race, which will be held beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 9th at Lake Union Park! This prestigious, exciting and fun event will feature teams of four members. At the starting gun, teams put on their survival suits, jump into the warm waters of Lake Union, swim to a life raft and climb aboard. Survival suits will be provided for use during the event. Each team member should have experience in donning a survival suit and have practiced suited water entry. The fastest team wins the competition and the trophy. Event t-shirts will be awarded to all participants in the race, which always attracts a great crowd and media coverage. There are two ways to reg ister: Online at www.Com, or send your completed entry form and a $25 entry fee, payable to Seattle Maritime Festival. Fees are waived for teams from educational institutions and the military. All entries must be received by Friday, May 8th, and there is limited space available. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at or (425) 778-1923. See you on the 9th of May! Seattle MARITIME FESTIVAL~ MAY 9th, 2015 Compass Courses World Invitational Survival Suit Race 2015 Official Rules Start Time 1:30pm This is a basic race to test teamwork in donning survival suits, swimming to a life raft, and climbing on board to stop the clock. The general rules are: 1. Please arrive at Lake Union Park, no later than 1:10 p.m. on Saturday, May 9th 2) Teams of 4 line up in starting line in front of wet survival suits. 3) If you choose to us plastic bags for feet entry, they may not be pre-donned. 4) Racers may prepare suits to facilitate entry, but then must remain "hands-off' until start of race 5) At start signal, entire team will simultaneously don their individual survival suit specifically: o Hood on Head o Fully Zipped o Chin Flap must be attempted to be attached 6) Once properly donned, each team member jumps into the water and swims to waiting life raft. 7) Time clock stops when the 4 h teammate enters the raft and their feet have cleared the water. 8) Each team races once. 9) Fastest elapsed time wins! 10) Have a great time!!! 1 Failure to follow these rules is grounds for disqualification. Individual Competition!!! Returning this year!.. ........ not only will the fastest team of four win the famous 'Survival Suit Trophy', we are giving away a brand new Survival Suit to the person who makes it into the liferaft the fastest. 1) The individual racer with the fastest time to climb into the liferaft will win a brand new Survival Suit! 2) The racer must follow all rules stated above. Seattle MARITIME FESTIVAL~ MAY 9th, 2015 Compass Courses World Invitational Survival Suit Race Entry and Registration Form Start Time 1:30pm May 9th, 2015 Yes, we will be participating in Seattle Maritime Festival's World Invitational Survival Suit Race. TEAM NAME:_________________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________ STATE: ________.Z IP:___________________ CAPTAIN'S NAME: ___________________________TELELPHONE: - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - E-MAIL:__________________________________________________________________ The PARTICIPANT agrees that the Port of Seattle, its commissioners, officers, agents and employees (hereafter, collectively, the "Port'), and the Propeller Club, Compass Courses Maritime Training, the City of Seattle, and all members of Seattle Maritime Festival (thereafter the ·Festivai'J shall not be liable for any injury (including death) to any persons, including PARTICIPANT, or damage to any property sustained, or alleged to have been sustained, as result of or connection with the Seattle Maritime Festival Survival Suit Races. The PARTICIPANT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Port and the Festival from any and all claims, actions, losses and damages to persons or property (including but not limited to attorneys fees and expenses) suffered as a consequence of or arising or resulting, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission of the PARTICIPANT, including PARTICIPANTs' employees, agents, contractors, or subcontractors on or about the premises. In the event that any lawsuit based upon any such claims, actions, loss, damage or cost is brought against the Port and the Festival, the PARTICIPANT after being notified that such lawsuit has been started, shall defend such lawsuit at no expense to the Port and the Festival; and if, in such lawsuit, a final judgment is rendered against the Port or the Festival, or against the Port or the Festival and the PARTICIPANTjointly, the PARTICIPANT shall promptly satisfy such judgment. Nothing shall require the PARTICIPANTto indemnify the Port against the sole negligence of any Port officers, employees or agents acting within the scope of such person's employment. The PARTICIPANT shall be liable to the Port of Seattle for any loss, injury, or damage to the Port of Seattle caused by the PARTICIPANT, all persons directly or indirectly employed by the PARTICIPANT, his/her contractors, or subcontractors, or suppliers, in connection with or as a result of the above described Survival Suit Races. I have read the foregoing conditions and certify my compliance by my signature. PARTICIPANT TEAM MEMBERS (please print clearly) SIGNATURE (may be signed the day of the race) 1.__________________________________ 2._______________________________ 3._________________________________ 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Entries must be received by Friday, May 8, and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. There are two ways to register: Online at or send your completed entry form and a $25 entry fee, payable to Seattle Maritime Festival, to: Maritime Festival 2015, c/o Compass Courses, 110 W . Dayton St. Edmonds, WA 98020. Fees are waived for teams from educational institutions and the military. FAX (425) 778-2843 PHONE (425) 778-1 923
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