Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender Tenders are invited from organisations/individuals wishing to enter into a temporary contract with the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) to act as or supply Project Manager/Coordination services to support and deliver the IFSW European Conference in Edinburgh September 2015. This is a confidential tender process. Background The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is the largest association representing social work and social workers in the UK. BASW has a growing membership, which currently stands at around 17,000. BASW’s key activities centre around the promotion of professional Social Work standards, policy and ethical practice and the support of individual Social Workers. BASW also promotes social work to Government, local authority departments, social work employers, and a variety of regulatory and professional bodies within the UK and internationally. BASW also talks on behalf of the profession to the media and general public. BASW is a company limited by guarantee, with a charitable trust and a certified trade union within our structure. It is also a Living Wage organisation and a Social Enterprise. BASW’s headquarters are in Birmingham and there are offices in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. BASW currently has 56 employees, some of which are part time. BASW has been a member of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) for many years and in 2013 BASW were granted the opportunity to host and run the 2015 European Conference. Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender IFSW European Conference & Social Services Expo 2015 This conference is focused on those who provide and use social work services. The aim is to attract participants from all over Europe particularly people who use services, professionals involved in social work services, researchers and those involved in the training and development of staff. The venue is the EICC in Edinburgh. A modern, purpose built conference centre. It is fully accessible and in the heart of the city. The event will run from the afternoon of Sunday 6th September 15 until Wednesday 9th September 2015. The Wednesday specialist sessions will be in different locations all within an hour of Edinburgh and transport will be provided. It is hoped that between 500 to 1000 social workers, social work academics and employers from across Europe and further afield will attend the event. BASW currently have a small team working with the leadership of IFSW on delivering a financially viable and prestigious flagship event. Delivery of a successful event, requires the support of a dedicated Project Manager/Co-ordinator or experienced events planning company to:- Help the team translate the conceptual vision for the event into a fast paced, deliverable, practical project plan Oversee progress against the plan, ensuring it is delivered on time and within budget Achieve the set targets and project deliverables Attend the various meetings of the three groups Report on highlights and exceptions of an agreed implementation project plan from March to the end of September Maintain a risk register Log quality issues and provide options and solutions to resolve Report on a monthly basis to the steering group, BASW leadership and BASW Management Team Work on delivery of the event Be part of the project team to deliver a successful event Evaluate and analyse feedback post event Write an End Stage report including a Lessons Learned section For a more detailed insight into the role/project please see job description (Appendix A). Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender Where the project is so far. A conference office has been established (based in Edinburgh) The concepts and programme of plenaries, workshops and networking events, in addition to speakers and other content is coordinated by a working group of BASW members, BASW Staff and IFSW Leadership. There are three key groups involved, the Steering Group, Programme Planning Group and the Local Hosting Group. 60 workshops, delivered by teams from 21 different Countries have been agreed and are planned. Scottish Government has pledged financial support for the project. The BASW team working on the project consists of:Administrator – Based at the BASW office in Edinburgh Marketing & PR – Based at the BASW Head Office in Birmingham Finance – Based at the BASW head Office in Birmingham Leadership & steering – the BASW Senior Management Team located throughout UK As we get nearer to the event, it is anticipated that more central resources will be allocated to support the project, in the main, these resources are based at the BASW Head Office in Birmingham. Individual bookings are already being made via the event website Block bookings are being dealt with in-house by the project administrator. Design and support of the website has been contracted to an external supplier. The selling of sponsorship, exhibition space sales and other opportunities has been contracted to an external supplier. The Guardian is working in partnership with the team to promote the conference and expo. Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender Operational issues The contractor/individual would need to work closely with the BASW Management Team, identified operational staff, IFSW Leadership and key members. The contractor will report to Trisha Hall, Scotland Manager and member of the BASW Senior Management Team (SMT). The contractor will need to ensure that there is enough capacity to maintain the support during the important lead up to the event and peak times or to cover for potential periods of contractor sickness/absenteeism. Contract Period The contract will start at the earliest opportunity and run until the end of September 2015, with interim reviews on 31st March 15 and 11th May 15. During the first three months of the contract, the contract may be terminated with one months’ notice by the Association. We envisage that the individual/company will need to work 2-3 days per week for the duration of the contract. The contractor must give a minimum of four months’ notice to end the contract. Submissions Written submissions should be received by BASW no later than 6th March 2015 and should include, as a minimum: Proposal for the contract - applicants should be able to demonstrate experience of delivering similar high quality, Project Manager/Co-coordinator support required for this role. A statement regarding the individuals/businesses ethics and culture the business is founded upon. Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender Fee structure/payment process A description of how the contract will be managed (identify key point of contact). Details of potential areas of conflict – for example, if you suspect work for another client may conflict with working for BASW or if there may be a conflict of interest with a member of BASW Council or any other stakeholder. Contact details of two trade references whom we may approach subject to agreement with you. Please address your queries and submissions to: Sara Hickin BASW 16 Kent St Birmingham B5 6RD 0121 622 8402 For further information or an informal discussion about the contract, please contact Sara Hickin 0121 622 8402, Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender Appendix A BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS Role: Project coordinator Job title: Project Manager Responsible to: Trisha Hall SMT Manager (Country Manager SASW) (IFSW Europe 2015 Steering Group) Summary of job: To project manage, oversee and collate business and professional participation activity related to the IFSW Europe Conference 2015, which takes place in Edinburgh 6-9 September. Responsible for: The design, development and delivery of a supporting project management framework to add value to an existing plan and business process aimed at ensuring a robust conference which delivers on time, specification and target. Tasks:1) Project design · · · To translate existing papers and developed processes into a comprehensive project management structure which will support the project team and BASW staff in the coordination and delivery of this project. To ensure that the strategic, financial, and legislative aspects of the business case which have provided the foundation for this project are continuously evident within this project plan. To inform the IFSW Steering group and BASW SMT of the approach, in order to enhance project understanding and collective ownership 2) Project support · · To act as the central focus for the IFSW Europe 2015 planning process, supporting key staff and member(s) leading on the project on site in Edinburgh in the approach and execution of business strands identified; e.g. venue, speakers, workshops, registration and allocation, and all other activity related to the actual event. To ensure optimum working relations with the IFSW Steering Group, the Programme Planning group, the Local Hosting Group, and BASW Confidential IFSW 2015 Project Manager/Co-ordinator Tender SMT and staff, enabling clear and transparent information fit for purpose to the respective remits of the group. 3) Project Delivery · · · · · · · · · · · · · · To liaise with the National Administrator and the Project initiator and IFSW Global President on the process so far and agree expectations of working relations and communication. To design a structured implementation pathway with key timescales supported by indicators and desired outcomes (including gant chart) To distinguish the different work streams, and ensure reporting agreements with key staff delivering these (e.g. communications and marketing, registration, website, finance) To identify products and processes essential to the smooth running of the Conference and identify best application. To support the local hosting group in providing a local foundation (e.g. local activity day 3) which will deliver on specification. To identify potential risk and mitigation, maintain a risk register and update SMT Manager on a monthly basis. To identify quality requirements and maintain a quality log, reporting on a monthly basis to SMT Manager. To prepare regular reports for BASW Council. To engage with Honorary Officers. To report on progress within a “highlights and exceptions” approach on a monthly basis to the IFSW Steering Group and BASW CEO and SMT To support the actual delivery of the Conference Sept 2015 To ensure the financial viability of the project, ensuring key financial targets are set and monitored. To collate learning and positive messages related to the process and capture these on an ongoing basis. To produce an End Stage and Lessons Learned report following the Conference. Essential skills: This post requires flexibility, insight, patience, the ability to work in a logical and methodical manner under what can be stressful situations. Qualification in, or working knowledge of formal project planning tools and approaches is essential. Desirable skills: An understanding of social work, and the code of ethics and codes of practice social workers adhere to is desirable.
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