Press kit 2015 - Châteaux & Hôtels Collection

Press kit 2015
press contacts
Nia Burke -
Chloé Wallace -
+44 (0) 207 823 9988
Elsa Bergamo –
+ 33 (0) 1 7894 7832
other enquiries
2015 marks an important milestone in our history. This year we are celebrating
the 40th anniversary of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection. This longevity confirms
the soundness of our commitment: to defend independent hotels and restaurants based on character.
The long-term survival of our brand is above all the fruit of the loyalty of our
Collectionneurs. These celebrations are, therefore, their celebrations, too. We
have come up with events – to be revealed throughout the year – to involve them
in the festivities and enable each one of them to be privy to unique experiences.
I sincerely hope that Châteaux & Hôtels Collection will continue to be the best
travel companion for hedonists for many years to come.
Alain Ducasse
President of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
press kit 2015
Who is Châteaux & Hôtels Collection ?
04 One ambition
to be the benchmark for world travellers of charming hotels and gourmet restaurants in Europe
05 A strong brand
to defend the independence of each member
06 A brand crafted by and for its members
A unique collection
07 Charm by Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
08 The 2015 collection
09 The loyalty programme :
« Les Collectionneurs »
The Châteaux & Hôtels Collection offering
10 A collection to discover in its orange guide and to visit on
11 Dedicated editions
12 Pleasing others or pleasing yourself, why choose?
12 A dedicated offering for professionals
Identity card
press kit 2015
13 The leaders of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
14 Châteaux & Hôtels Collection - Key dates
15 …and Key figures
co n t e n ts
One ambition
to be the benchmark for world travellers of charming hotels
and gourmet restaurants in Europe
Buoyed by its mission « To Discover, Guide and Help Discover », the brand championed by Alain Ducasse aims to become the benchmark for world travellers of
charming hotels and gourmet restaurants in Europe. In 2015, Châteaux & Hôtels
Collection represents 520 independent charming hotels and restaurants in 16
countries that generate sales revenues of more than €620 million.
Thanks to a strong presence in the regions and more than 2,000 rooms and
suites in Paris, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection is the only brand in France to offer
such diversity. Although the majority of its members are in France, it has developed a strong presence in Italy, too, with 29 properties.
With 260 Tables de la Collection in its 2015 collection, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection also cultivates the generous values of fine dining and « eating well ». It seeks
to promote and feature the cuisine of young chefs committed to transparency
and using regional products.
press kit 2015
wh o i s Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n ?
A strong brand
to defend the independence of each member
To achieve this ambition, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection is focusing on a strong brand.
Since it is easily identifiable, enjoys the trust of the public at large and serves as a
guide for professionals, the brand allows members to maintain their independence
whilst ensuring the durability of their properties.
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection provides daily support for its members’ sales activities based on a diverse client base. This avoids them becoming dependent on the
« pure player » websites that simply distribute room nights.
An extensive, unique spectrum of tools and services is offered to members including : a
team of 14 experts dedicated to providing daily support for their properties, widely distributed original editions and the clout of the second largest French purchasing platform
for independent hotels and restaurants facilitating the joint purchase of high-value products like wines and spirits, without forgetting the website.
Moreover, it has a large sales team spread over 4 areas : Reservations, Tour Operators and Travel Agencies, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions),
Corporate and Business Clients. Châteaux & Hôtels Collection also has an office in
Milan to provide enhanced support for its Italian members.
A force to be reckoned with in B2B, this sales team has already proved itself on
the French, Japanese, Russian and Brazilian markets. With more than 330 seminars organised in 2014 and sales revenues of more than €1.7 million generated
for members, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has likewise reaffirmed its position
on the MICE market.
Every year more than a dozen international missions, workshops and participations
in the major tourism trade shows reinforce the activities of this proactive sales unit.
press kit 2015
wh o i s Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n ?
A brand crafted by
and for its members
In 2014, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection opened its capital to its members and employees. This operation, which was completed on 5 November 2014, aimed to
secure the proactive involvement of its members in the development of Châteaux
& Hôtels Collection. A deliberately low minimum entry threshold of €1,500 to the
capital was, in fact, selected to enable all its members to become shareholders.
With 138 members and employees who are now shareholders of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection the brand has documented its shift to a new model. Alain Ducasse,
President of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection and owner of several member properties, continues to be the majority shareholder through Alain Ducasse Entreprise.
To share governance with its members, a Hotelier Committee with 32 members
and a Restaurateur Committee with 26 members have been elected by the shareholders of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection. Aldric Duval and Jean-Philippe Renaudat, President and Vice-President of the Hotelier Committee and Laurent Trochain and Stéphane Lelièvre, President and Vice-President of the Restaurateur
Committee, henceforth provide day-to-day backing for the senior executives of
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection.
press kit 2015
wh o i s Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n ?
by Châteaux & Hôtels Collection : one man, one place, one story
« Whether it’s a bastide in Provence or the restaurant of a young
chef in Italy, the journey has to be an experience. Beyond providing
a service, this is a discovery, a surprise… and above all an encounter with men and women with a passion for their trade. Leave the
well-trodden paths to those lacking in imagination. Opt for authentic charm and take yourself off down less well-known paths, they
lead straight to happiness. »
Alain Ducasse, President
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
Charm [noun - latin carmen, -inis, magic formula] : A special, mysterious spell that
is cast on someone by someone or something
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection is all about curiosity in discovering new places, in
unearthing them and collecting them like souvenirs to be shared with others. None
of its member properties is like any other; each has its own special character.
Although each piece in the collection is unique, together they form a whole.
Charm is what brings these properties together, is what creates unity in diversity.
For Châteaux & Hôtels Collection charm is alive and thriving, it is tangible and can
be found from one property to another. This charm is expressed in the sincerity of
each property, the hospitality and the generosity of the owners, the quality of the
services and the products. Châteaux & Hôtels Collection embodies « le charme, le
vrai ». (charm, genuine charm)
press kit 2015
a u n i q u e co l l ec t i o n
the 2015 collection
In 2015, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection presents a unique collection of 520 charming hotels and gourmet restaurants, mainly in France and Italy. The collection has
been enhanced with a selection of properties in Puglia and in France that have just
opened their doors.
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection now proposes 43 new destinations : historical sites
lovingly restored by enthusiastic individuals, restaurants run by talented young
chefs and guests houses with designer decor.
Thanks to the diversity and the coherence of its collection, Châteaux & Hôtels
Collection is really the only guide where guests are certain of finding venues to
stay or eat where they are assured of rare experiences.
press kit 2015
a u n i q u e co l l ec t i o n
The loyalty programme
« Les Collectionneurs »
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has launched its new loyalty programme « Les
Collectionneurs » to the public. Just one programme to accumulate the advantages
offered in the collection’s 520 member properties when booking directly with a
hotel or restaurant or on For each visit, a percentage of the
amount of the reservation is paid as a credit to the Collectionneur’s loyalty card : 3%
for a hotel stay and 2% for a meal. These credits can then be used in the member
hotels and restaurants of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection starting with the very next
reservation. Participants can join the programme in each of the collection properties
and on the website.
press kit 2015
A u n i q u e co l l ec t i o n
A collection to discover
in its orange Guide
and visit on
The unique Châteaux & Hôtels Collection is showcased in its bilingual French-English
Guide, with its unmistakable orange cover and on its website
In harmony with the times and travel modes, the Châteaux & Hôtels Collection Guide
goes hand in hand with the website. Graphically streamlined, the
Guide is an invitation to discover what enables each property to fully express its character. For each property there are quotes by the hosts accompanied by their portraits.
A 3 to 5 symbol classification for each Châteaux & Hôtels Collection member hotel
means readers can see at a glance the level of services proposed. The restaurants
of The Tables de la Collection are classified with 1 to 3 symbols.
The readers will be able to source practical information on the Internet, see more
visuals and make their reservation at the best available rate. To ensure each break
is unique, proposes personal touches to the guest room by
adding, for example, a basket of fruit, a bottle of Champagne or quite simply an
infant’s cot. The desire to get away can crop up any time so the website is fully
accessible on smartphones and tablets and a reservation can be made in just 3
clicks. To share your favourites with your nearest and dearest,
invites you to recommend a property on social networks.
The bilingual French-English Châteaux & Hôtels Collection Guide is available free-of-charge
in all member properties of the collection and can be ordered on
press kit 2015
Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n o f f e r i n g
H I V E R 2 0 1 4/2 0 1 5
Dedicated editions
The Carnet des Tables de la Collection
This features the 260 Tables de la Collection that are a sheer delight for foodies. This
fine selection of restaurants focuses on the essentials: it showcases all the richness
of French gourmet cuisine from bistros to outstanding fine dining temples. With its
small, easy-to-carry format, its bilingual texts and its delicious pink cover, it is the
ultimate companion for gourmets in search of must-visit eateries.
Châteaux & Hôtels COLLECTION
Since 2012, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has offered lifestyle lovers quarterly
rendez-vous : Châteaux & Hôtels COLLECTION. The readers of this bilingual threemonthly publication were quick to notice the strong values of the brand like getaways
far off the beaten track and a contemporary feel. The magazine is provided to the
clients of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection properties.
All the issues are available on
press kit 2015
Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n o f f e r i n g
Pleasing others
A dedicated
or pleasing yourself, why choose?
offering for professionals
Well, because charm should be shared. Châteaux & Hôtels
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has put together a complete
Collection proposes 12 Carnets de Voyage, gift boxes especially
offering for business travel.
designed to fulfil spontaneous desires or older dreams. A getaway or a stay in a unique place, a gourmet excursion or divine
Its main strength is that it offers a network that enables
dishes in an exceptional setting – so many possibilities and so
professionals to stay in large towns and in more rural
many ways of bestowing pleasure. The Carnets de Voyages of
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection are available on chateauxhotels.
com and prices start at €120.
A dedicated offer for business travellers, Overnight Stays enable
them to continue to benefit from the charm and hospitality of
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection also offers gift certificates: an
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection properties during their business
invitation to travel. With a value of €100 or €200, they can be
trips. To ensure that this offering suits the budget of all
used for accommodation, breakfast or meals in all Châteaux &
business travellers, the Overnight Stays of Châteaux & Hôtels
Hôtels Collection properties in the euro zone.
Collection, consisting of dinner, one night in a single room and
breakfast, are available from €85 from Monday to Thursday.
To ensure guests do not forget to treat themselves, the offers
are updated daily on : from now on there
For companies Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has selected 238
will be opportunities for last minute or theme stays, chances to
properties from its 2015 collection which can cater for business
get away for a break or discover fine cuisine.
and private events. Whether in the heart of Paris, in large
towns or in easily accessible off-the-beaten-track locations,
To promote its hotels and restaurants and present them to the
this selection will delight business travellers on the lookout for
public, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection stages major campaigns
a charming environment coupled with the very best facilities.
throughout the year. On the weekend of 26 to 29 March 2015,
The speciality of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection : small seminars
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection proposes its second issue of Tous
(5 to 50 participants) as well as lunches and business meals of
à l’Hôtel! This campaign will enable guests who book directly
management boards or motivational and incentive seminars.
on to benefit from a 50% reduction on a
The full selection can be accessed on the dedicated website
double room and two breakfasts for the price of one.
In spring, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection will propose France [RE]
Finally, thanks to the range of Carnets de Voyages, Châteaux
Cuisinée. In the Tables de la Collection, a 100% local menu with
& Hôtels Collection can offer optimum solutions tailored to
regional products and emblematic dishes will be offered at the
corporate sales and marketing strategies : corporate gifts,
restaurant’s lowest menu price. An opportunity for gourmets
incentives, networking and loyalty programmes.
to discover upmarket restaurants at affordable prices and to
renew their links with the authenticity of a region.
press kit 2015
Ch â t e au x & H ô t e l s Co l l ec t i o n o f f e r i n g
The leaders
of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
President of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
A native of Les Landes, Alain Ducasse has acquired unique savoir-faire which is mirrored in numerous
activities in the contemporary worlds of fine living and fine dining. In February 1999, he took over
as President of the voluntary association « Châteaux & Hôtels de France » which then became
« Châteaux & Hôtels Collection » in 2008. He, himself, is an innkeeper of three properties :
« La Bastide de Moustiers » and « L’Hostellerie de l’Abbaye de la Celle » in Provence and
« L’Andana » in Tuscany.
With a diploma in political science and business law, Xavier Alberti began his career in 1994 with
the Groupe Promodès and then the Groupe Carrefour. In 2002, he joined the Groupe Kronenbourg
where he took over as director for distributive purchasing within Elidis Boissons Services where
he was a member of the Management Board up to March 2004. In June 2004, he created the
C10 network of which he was CEO until 2011. He became the market leader with sales revenues
under this brand of €1.2 billion. In January 2013 he joined Châteaux & Hôtels Collection as CEO. In
January 2014 he became a reference shareholder of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection.
Aldric Duval
President of the Hotelier Committee
A graduate of the ISG Business School, Aldric Duval set up, in association with Wasteels, a travel
and services agency for students in 1989 : Illico Presto. After selling the agency, he continued
his career in publishing and then distribution. In 1994 he created the Hôtel Tour d’Auvergne in
the 9th arrondissement in Paris and embarked on his enduring commitment to the promotion
and defence of independent hotels. He was behind the campaign “Pay what you want” which was
launched in July 2014 and invited guests to pay what they thought was a fair price after spending
the night at a hotel.
Laurent Trochain
President of Restaurateur Committee
With experience garnered in prestigious French and Belgian restaurants, Laurent Trochain
is today the owner-chef of the Restaurant Numéro 3 in Tremblay sur Mauldre (Île-de-France).
Convinced of the importance of an exchange amongst professionals, Laurent Trochain has always
shown a commitment to associations in the HoReCa sector, particularly in training for young
people whether in the kitchen or the dining room. Hence, he was involved in putting together the
competition for hotel management schools, Cuisine en Joute, that covers the dining room, cuisine
and patisserie with the participation of teachers.
press kit 2015
k ey fac ts
Birth of the association « Châteaux & Hôtels Indépendants », a regrouping of
hoteliers who didn’t feel comfortable with the merger of Relais de Campagne,
Relais Gourmands and Châteaux-Hôtels
Purchase of « Châteaux & Hôtels Indépendants » by Alain Ducasse.
The brand then regrouped 474 members and was henceforth called
« Châteaux et Hôtels de France »
Introduction of a demanding quality charter.
Edition of the first Carnet des Tables de la Collection, a guide for lovers
of fine dining.
The brand selected its first Italian property.
Châteaux & Hôtels de France became Châteaux & Hôtels Collection with a new
visual identity.
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection is recognised by the Ministry of Tourism. The brand is
authorised to award the Tourism Quality (TM) label to its member properties.
Merger with Exclusive Hotels, the network leader on the market of urban
Opening of the capital of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection to its members
Launch of the consumer magazine Châteaux & Hôtels COLLECTION.
Opening of an office in Milan.
Launch of the loyalty programme « Les Collectionneurs ».
« boutique hotels » in Europe
1 9 98
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
KEY dates...
press kit 2015
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection celebrates its 40th anniversary.
i d e n t i TY c a r d 14
Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
… and key figures
520 hôtels (11.893 rooms)
Sales revenues of €620 million generated by Châteaux &
and restaurants in the world including:
Hôtels Collection properties
— 469 properties in France including 2 on La Réunion
— 325 hotels and hotel restaurants in France
— 33 guest houses
— 111 restaurants, not including hotel restaurants
Sales revenues of
million chalked up by the central
reservations office :
— Business trips : business/gift certificates (BtoB) : 19%
— Tour operators and agencies (BtoBtoC): 20%
— GDS (BtoBtoC) : 7.2%
— 51 properties in 15 other countries including 29 in Italy
— Online travel agencies (BtoBtoC) : 37.5%
— Seminars (BtoB) : 6.3%
— 260 Tables de la Collection
— 22 Tables d’Excellence
— 94 Grandes Tables
— 144 Bonnes Tables
— (BtoC) : 10%
Number two in France, the central purchasing department
of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection generates more than €40
million purchasing volume from its suppliers. A figure that
More than
5.800 hotel and restaurant professionals at
grows substantially every year.
work every day in the Châteaux & Hôtels Collection network
More than 2 million unique visitors to
in 2014
About Châteaux & Hôtels Collection
Created in 1975, Châteaux & Hôtels Collection has the ambition to become the benchmark of charming hotels and gourmet
restaurants in Europe for world travellers. The brand currently boasts a unique collection of 520 hotels and restaurants in
16 countries, mainly in France and Italy. Presided over by Alain Ducasse since 1999, it champions independent hotels and
restaurants that uphold diversity and authenticity encapsulated by its slogan « le charme, le vrai » (charm, genuine charm).
Its collection can be accessed on
Press Contact
Nia Burke - / Chloe Wallace - +44 (0) 207 823 9988
France : Elsa Bergamo – +33 (0) 1 78 94 78 32
UK :
other enquiries
press kit 2015
i d e n t i TY c a r d