Enterprise Growth Services Helping entrepreneurs change lives Case study: Developing the African Partner Pool, Ghana Helping entrepreneurs change lives EGS helps entrepreneurs change lives in low-income countries. It extends EY’s long-standing commitment to championing entrepreneurship as a key to sustainable growth in local economies. As our corporate social enterprise, EGS brings the best of our people, services and experience to organizations that wouldn’t ordinarily be able to work with us. Our teams help job-creating small businesses, and social entrepreneurs who use the power of the market, to improve health, education and access to energy in their communities. We’re building a better working world in areas of real need and giving our people experiences that last a lifetime. Developing the African Partner Pool in Ghana Accessing the markets offered by multinational corporations (MNCs) is a challenge for many small businesses across Africa. They often lack information about tenders and have few chances to market themselves to MNCs. These missed opportunities hamper business growth and job creation. On the other side of the equation, large corporations keen to access credible local suppliers often lack the means to do so. Invest In Africa (IIA) — a non-profit organization committed to African business and investment — was determined to address this information gap with a practical, market-based solution: the African Partner Pool (APP). broad-reaching socioeconomic development; improving links with big buyers gives small businesses more reliable sources of revenue, encourages them to improve their productivity and reliability, and, crucially, creates jobs for Ghana. The vision for the APP was clear: a sustainable, non-profit business acting as an intermediary between accredited, local small/medium enterprises (SMEs) and MNCs operating in Ghana. An online portal would provide a forum for suppliers to register and display their accreditation, and for MNCs to advertise their supply requirements. The result: sustainable, For many people in emerging markets, a reliable job is the most effective means of escaping poverty. It allows families to plan beyond the next meal, to keep their children in school, and to begin to afford medical care and a better standard of living. Steady jobs change lives. How to set up a new business in four months The challenge for IIA was how to design and set up this business quickly and cost-effectively. That’s where EY was able to help, through our EGS program. A team drawn from EY’s offices in Ghana, Sweden and the UK was assembled and quickly got started, working alongside the APP management team. With the APP’s vision and value propositions agreed upon with its steering group, their first task was to define the APP’s detailed business model. How would it be financed? Based on predicted levels of growth and the need to be accessible to small suppliers, how much would MNCs and SMEs need to pay in registration fees for the APP to break even? With the business model defined, the team turned their attention to the APP operating model. Which sectors of Ghana’s economy would it operate in? How would suppliers be 1 Design • Design operating model • Design business model • Define detailed launch plan • Support IIA in sourcing software developer • Implementation of core and supporting processes, roles, templates, targets, reporting arrangements, etc. 2 Implement • Confirmation of buyers’ commitment • Supplier recruitment workshops • Support for web portal design, build and test • Supplier registration tracking • Preparation for launch, including marketing and PR 3 Sustain • Support recruitment of new IIA employees • Coaching and support for APP team during initial operations • Detailed 100-day post-launch planning 2 | Enterprise Growth Services • Case study: Developing the African Partner Pool, Ghana attracted and accredited, and their data securely maintained? How would the APP be managed and overseen, and how would its back office function? From first principles to detailed design, the joint team quickly developed a workable blueprint for this brand new business. In parallel, EY worked closely with the local Ghanaian software chosen to develop the web portal, which would be the APP’s public face and underpin its operations. Clarity on requirements, rigorous project management and careful testing during the software development process would help ensure that the portal worked the first time and every time. With the blueprint established, the team began to set the APP up as real business, operating from a small office in Accra. Detailed planning began for the launch and the withdrawal of the EY consultants, leaving a fully operational APP in the hands of its permanent management team. Secure foundations, sustainable future “As a result of EY’s contribution, I am convinced that the APP has the solid foundation it needs to grow and achieve its long-term goals in Ghana and other African countries with the potential to deliver a lasting legacy.” Throughout the project, pace, focus and communication were maintained with regular status reports and steering group meetings. Collaborating closely with an initial 11 MNC buyers, the EY and APP team achieved impressive results: • 400 suppliers attended supplier awareness workshops • 250 suppliers had initiated registration to the APP before launch Will Pollen Invest In Africa, Programme Director • 500 suppliers have been on-boarded to the APP before the year end (achieving the 2014 goal); the APP plans to grow this number by 80% to 100% during 2015 and 2016 EGS is a heavily subsidized and sustainable extension of EY’s core business — working at accessible rates for smaller, socially impactful clients. The APP is now on track to meet its three-year target of 2,000 accredited local suppliers, with powerful “network effects” predicted to quickly accelerate its growth. Over the longer term, the intent is to replicate the APP model in other African countries, creating opportunities for thousands more small businesses to join the supply chains and distribution channels of the continent’s largest corporations. EGS’s corporate social enterprise model means it is scalable and prevents costs from falling disproportionately on the local teams that contribute participants. • EY absorbs the costs of the program’s management team and participants’ overheads. • EGS participants from mature markets voluntarily reduce their salaries to emerging market levels during their time on EGS. • EGS clients pay fees that are a small fraction of our normal commercial rates in both mature and emerging markets. Bringing the best of EY to small businesses EY’s team leader was Emma Eyers from the UK. Reflecting on the project, Emma says: “By deploying the team through our Enterprise Growth Services program, we were able to make EY’s services accessible to a non-profit organization which has the potential for huge socioeconomic impact. We combined international and local staff with the right skills to support IIA, to make the project a success and, ultimately, to support the country’s local content agenda and contribute to Ghana’s sustainable and inclusive growth.” Jane Nelson, from EY Ghana, reflects on how EY worked together to ensure a successful engagement was delivered: “EY was able to provide skills from the Ghanaian office which would not otherwise have been available to the project particularly around project management and technical quality assurance. It was rewarding to see the solution develop and to be part of delivering a working solution from a local company.” Eyers says: "I have learned things personally and professionally that I would not have without this leap into the unknown. I leave Ghana with a heavy heart but happy memories, good friends and a full tummy! I truly believe that what IIA is doing is going to be hugely beneficial to the Ghanaian economy and that IIA is the only organization out there that can make it a success. I cannot wait to see what the team does next and I am proud to say that I was a part of it.” Enterprise Growth Services • Case study: Developing the African Partner Pool, Ghana | 3 “Your work has been fantastic. I offer a huge accolade to EY and the progress we have made in the past month thanks to your drive and knowledge — it has been exactly what this project needed.” Will Pollen Invest In Africa, Programme Director Experiences that last a lifetime Emma and her colleague, Michaela Erlandsson, from EY Sweden, took temporary 50% salary sacrifice cuts — a feature of EGS’s low-cost/lowfee model for its European participants. Michaela said, “For me, and I think Emma would agree, this was not a sacrifice. It was a chance to develop my career further than I would have in four months at home. I used my skills in a way that challenged me more than ever. Engaging with senior leaders, and becoming a trusted advisor, gave me such confidence — and a chance to look at the world in a very different way.” Kojo Konu from EY Ghana reflects on his experience as follows: “The APP goes a long way to create avenues for local business patronization and investment. Ultimately, this will help pave the way to job creation that Ghana and the developing world desperately need. Contributing in some way to that, however little, has been self-fulfilling for me.” EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com. © 2015 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. EYG no. FY0009 BMC Agency GA 1001447 ED None In line with EY’s commitment to minimize its impact on the environment, this document has been printed on paper with a high recycled content. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. ey.com For more information on Enterprise Growth Services, please contact: Jon Shepard jshepard@uk.ey.com + 44 7919 691 916 Abi Smith asmith7@uk.ey.com + 44 7768 733 693
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