www.westchesterknittingguild.com MARCH 2014 Westchester Knitting Guild g Newsletter © This newsletter is for the exclusive use of members of the WKG. Leadership Team 2013 MARCH 24 MARCH 24 J. Evelyne Liebmann, President evelyne.liebmann@gmail.com This month Demian Savits of Blue Heron Yarns will join us to talk about his wonderful yarns. He will be bringing models, kits, and patterns. The yarns are beautifully hand‐dyed and come in the most luscious colors. colors If you have not previously seen or worked with this yarn, you are in for a treat! Linda Higham, Interim Vice President and Member Communication Communication linhig@aol.com Linda Cramer, Recording Secretary and Charities lcsc@optonline.net Raina Laredo, Programs and Webmaster rlaredo@optonline.net Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer ajsknits@bestweb.net Joan Ratner, Newsletter jratner@verizon.net Blue Heron Yarns was established in 1995, as collaboration between Demian and his mother Barbara Stone. Their mission is to provide the finest quality knitting, crocheting and weaving yarns in the most amazing colorways. The yarn is widely available at yarn stores and at their own Blue Heron Yarn Shop in Easton, MD. Dorothy Freeman, Charities & Library dorfree@verizon.net Myra Cohen Meeting Coordinator myco81@aol.com PAGE 1 www.westchesterknittingguild.com MARCH 2014 From the President . . . . When we meet again later this month it will be spring, and what better way to begin a new season than to think about new yarns and what we can create with them. Our March meeting will introduce us to Blue Heron Yarns, the perfect follow up to our last speaker, Debbie Tomasello, who spoke about stranded knitting, and all the possibilities colored knitting presents. y , For those members who come early to knit and chat and learn from each other, be sure to make use of the “knitting table” set up to the right of the stage. If you need help with a project be sure to stop by the table as well! If you have not already updated your membership, now is the time to do that, in person, or by mail. Jeanne Scofidio will be happy to help you with this. Happy Knitting, J. Evelyne Liebmann President WKG 2014 WKG Dues It’s time to renew your membership for the 2014 year for our knitting guild! We’re very y fortunate to be able to maintain our dues at $30.00 for the year! NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP BY THE END OF MARCH, YOU WILL NO LONGER RECEIVE THE WKG NEWSLETTER! Please make your dues check payable to the Westchester Knitting Guild or WKG in the amount of $30.00. You may give the check (or cash) directly to me at the next meeting or you may mailil it tto me at: t Jeanne Scofidio 2 – 4 Brooke Club Drive Ossining, NY 10562 ease include c ude you your current cu e t address, add ess, telephone te ep o e number u be and a d current cu e t email e a id. d. I will w give g ve Please you (or mail to you) a 2014 WKG membership card and add you to our membership list. I look forward to your continued participation in our guild activities! Thank you, Jeanne Scofidio Treasurer PAGE 2 www.westchesterknittingguild.com MARCH 2014 CHARITY KNITTING AFGHANS FOR AFGHANS UPDATE Our Charity Knitting Night was a big success and we were so impressed with everyone’s generosity and excitement. So far we’ve collected the following items: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 24 pairs of mittens 24 pairs of mittens 16 pairs of socks 13 hats 1 sweater We expect to receive more items at our next meeting. You all deserve a standing ovation! And, in the spirit of the evening, Sam the Button Man also contributed monetarily to Afghans for Afghans. Afghans Hawkwing Remember Hawkwing? That is the organization that sends items to the Lakota Native Americans in South Dakota. I’ve talked with Rochelle, the granddaughter of the woman who started the organization, a former resident of the reservation. Rochelle knows the families and distributes the clothing to appropriate recipients, i.e., a sweater for an eight year old goes to a family with an eight year old. They ship everything at the beginning of December to help survive the very cold and windy winters. Now I would like to ask you to consider knitting items we can knit for them. They don’t insist on wool and will accept acrylic but acrylic with wool is best. They are looking for slippers for children and adults, hats, scarves, mittens, socks, sweaters and even blankets or lap robes. We’ll begin collecting now through October or November. So whatever you can do will be W ’ll b i ll ti th hO t b N b S h t d ill b greatly appreciated. Etcetera As we always say, unfortunately the need to donate knitwear never goes away. So please keep in mind the Metro Ministry, My Sisters’ Place, the Veterans, preemie blankets, etc. Other places we donate to, plus their needs and requirements, are listed on our web site, www.westchesterknittingguild.com. Click on the “membership” tab and then click on “charity programs.” And, your suggestions for other organizations are most welcome. Again, thank you for all your wonderful contributions. Dorothy Freeman and Linda Cramer PAGE 3 www.westchesterknittingguild.com MARCH 2014 WHAT’SS ON YOUR WHAT ON YOUR NEEDLES? Pat Christides is knitting a deliciously soft and colorful scarf with Rowan Kid Silk with Rowan Kid Silk Haze Stripe, Circus. Ellen Kahan is making a classic cabled boy’s vest called Daddy & Me with Caron Simply Soft acrylic yarn. Sharon Honegger is knitting a baby blanket in a basket weave pattern with yarn from her stash. Joan Conca just finished a felted tote bag of her own design with Lopi yarn. Please tell us about your current projects, joanratner@verizon.net PAGE 4 MARCH 2014 www.westchesterknittingguild.com UPCOMING KNITTING EVENTS March 2014 March 21‐23, “Sugar Season” Knitting Retreat, Green Mountain Spinnery, Putney, VT http://www.spinnery.com March 28‐30, Knit n Style, Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY www.theyarnco.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=188&Itemid=10 April 2014 April 5‐6, YarnCon Chicago’s Indie Fiber Fair, Plumbers Union Hall, Chicago, IL https://www.yarncon.com April 26, Connecticut Sheep & Wool Festival, Tolland Agricultural Center, Vernon/Rockville, CT, http://www.ctsheep.org/sheep_and_wool_festival May 2014 May 2014 May 3 – 4, Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship MD, http://www.sheepandwool.org/ May 10‐11, New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Festival, Deerfield Fairground, Deerfield, NH http://www.nhswga.com/ Many of the local yarn stores, which offer discounts to our members, also give work‐ shops. Please check with them for upcoming programs: Yarn Shop Cornwall, NY, 845‐534‐0383 http://www cornwallyarnshop com http://www.cornwallyarnshop.com String New York, NY,212‐288‐yarn (9276) http://stringyarns com/ http://stringyarns.com/ Cozy Corner Yarn Shop Peekskill NY 10566, 914‐737‐0179 String Theory Scarsdale NY, 914‐723‐5478 http://www.scarsdalestringtheory.com/ Knitty City New York, NY, 212‐787‐5896 http://www.knittycity.com/blog/home Lion Brand Yarn Studio New York, NY, 212‐243‐9070 http://www.lionbrandyarnstudio.com/ Out of the Loop, Inc. p, Hopewell Junction, NY, 845‐223‐8355 http://www.outoftheloopyarnshop.com/ Yarn and Craft Box Pawling, NY, 845‐855‐1632 http://www.yarnandcraftbox.com/ Jo‐Ann Fabric and Craft Stores http://www.joann.com PAGE 5 JUNE 2014 westchesterknittingguild.com ANNOUNCEMENTS ▪ Membership renewal began in January. Jeanne will accept payment for 2014 membership at the month’s meeting. ▪ Please bring finished items for charity to the monthly meetings. Knitting News Joan Ratner Calendar • Mar. 24: Blue Heron Yarns M 24 Bl H Y • April 28: Gale Zucker, photo‐ graphy • May 19: Vendor Night • June 30 ‐ Barbara Hurley: Rigid Heddle Weaving with knitting yarns knitting yarns MEETING SCHEDULE 6:00 Knit Together 7:00 Announcements & Show and Tell 7:15 Program 7:15 Program ▪ Please Please bring donations of yarn and plastic bring donations of yarn and plastic knitting needles for the prison knitting program at Taconic to monthly meetings. ▪ Guests are welcome. There will be a $5 fee for guests. MEETING ETIQUETTE REMINDER We are fortunate to have high quality presenters during our monthly meetings. Even if you are not g y g y interested in the presentation or mini‐workshop, please be respectful of others and remember: No talking during presentation Wait until Q&A period to ask questions Wait for the presentation to end before trying on, or looking at samples Thank you for your cooperation. Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Monday of the month at the Chappaqua Library 195 South Greeley Ave. Chappaqua, NY 10514‐3398 914‐238‐4779 www.chappaqualibrary.org westchesterknitting guild.com Don’t forget to check our website often for WKG news! often for WKG news! PAGE 6
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