Westchester Knitting Guild  g Newsletter Jack Blumenthal

Westchester Knitting Guild g
This newsletter is for the exclusive use of members of the WKG.
Jack Blumenthal
Lion Brand Yarn
February 25
Leadership Team 2013
 J. Evelyne Liebmann, President evelyne.liebmann@gmail.com
 Linda Higham, Member g
Communication linhig@aol.com
 Olive McNeil, Education Director opm888@aol.com
Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer
j k i @b
 Joan Ratner, Newsletter
 Dorothy Freeman, Charities & Library dorfree@verizon.net
 Linda Cramer, Charities
 Myra Cohen
Meeting Coordinator
Our guest speaker this month will be Jack Blumenthal of
Lion Brand Yarns. Lion Brand is a family owned and
operated business and a beloved American brand since
1878. Today, the business is run by the fourth generation
of Blumenthals. Their passion for yarn is the secret to
their continuing success. Jack has been active in Lion
Brands for over 25 years and his enthusiasm for his
product is evident. He has been a frequent visitor to WKG
and always has something new and exciting to share with
us, such as their expanding brand of luxury yarn, The LB
Collection, and Martha Stewart CraftsTM/MC.
This promises to be another fun filled evening with Jack
as he shares with us the forthcoming trends in yarns and
what is happening at the Studio in Manhattan and their
warehouse store in New Jersey.
Jack likes to bring goodie bags with him when visits so
come and get samples of Lion Brand’s products.
From the President
Every once in awhile the best laid plans go awry, and January 28th was one of those occasions. Because of the weather conditions that day, and evening we felt the safest thing to do was to cancel our monthly guild meeting. The good news is we will p
reschedule the workshop event to coincide with our annual July picnic event which will be held at the library. Hopefully, we will be able to include more workshop leaders from our ranks. Please consider sharing your talents and knowledge with your fellow guild members. I would also like to invite guild members to share either your works in progress, or your completed projects. Simply email the information about what’s on your needles, or photos of your completed projects to Joan Ratner, (joanratner@verizon.net) so that she can include your projects in our monthly newsletters.
Looking forward to our February meeting, Jack Blumenthal of Lion Brands will again be joining us to share what is new and happening in the world of Lion Brands. Looking forward to seeing you on the 25th,
Evelyne Liebmann
KNITTERS : Now is the time to make room for all the new spring
yarns you have been wanting. Check your stash for yarns you know
in your heart you will never use as well as all those odds and ends
you have. The Taconic Knitting Program can use all of it. Just bring it
to the next Guild meeting or e‐mail me and I will arrange for it to be
picked up.
Our long term programs chair, Margie Laury, has retired and we need someone to help with program planning. It is a wonderful opportunity to get more involved with the Guild. Please contact Evelyne Leibmann evelyne.liebmann@gmail.com
with the Guild. Please contact Evelyne Leibmann
Join the Charity Bee at:
607 E. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543, (914) 777‐3600
This group is joining forces with My Sisters’ Place (MSP) and meet the third
Saturday of every month, from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. The host, Carol Costa, a
lovely woman, brought donated yarn and a few patterns for knitters who
participate. You just need to bring your own needles. Myra Cohen, Jeanne Scofidio
and I went to their first meeting and enjoyed meeting Silvia Lederman of My
Sisters’ Place and Carol. Silvia and Carol told us about MSP and described where
the yarn came from. We all walked away with yarn to knit sweaters, mittens and
hats. I told them that I would tell Guild members about their organizations and
encourage you all to join their knit together and take advantage of the yarn they
are giving for the family members who seek assistance from MSP. The knitters who
were there at that first meeting were most interesting and charming. It was time
well spent. Chocolations is a wonderful chocolate factory/coffee shop.
h Freeman
SOS from Metro Ministries !!
Metro sent out a plea for sweaters, hats, coats & gloves/ mittens for ages
4 thru 18. It appears that many children are arriving, seeking help,
wearing only cotton shirts and pants. I’m sitting here watching the snow
g, seeingg 33 degrees
on the thermometer,, and listeningg to the
warnings of a nor’easter. Out come the knitting needles! Obviously, they
are desperate for warm clothing. Linda and I looked through donated
items we’ve accumulated and sent out a sweater, vests, a pair of socks,
and mittens, hats and scarves. We now turn to you asking if you can
respond to their plea and bring items to our next meeting. Any fiber
content is appreciated. As always, they will be greatly appreciated! We
thank you in advance,
Linda Cramer and Dorothy Freeman
Margie Laury recently completed
this alpaca scarf based on Lily Chin's Reversible Cable Pattern.
Linda Cramer is knitting mittens for Linda
Cramer is knitting mittens for
charity, long sweater vest, for a gift and a tumbling blocks afghan for warmth.
Dorothy Freeman is currently working on the very popular honey comb cowl
on the very popular honey comb cowl with a great merino/silk yarn. Can hardly
put it down. Also, she is knitting a child's cardigan for My Sisters' Place — using the yarn they gave me (see article in this issue). Myra Cohen’s main project is a sweater called "Kid Seta
Cardigan“ a pattern from Cascade Yarns. She is using yarn she bought in Lhasa, Tibet three years ago. Weight, yardage and fiber content is a guesstimate as the label is printed in Chinese. Yarn is red with black flecks. She is also working on the "Honey Cowl" for her daughter and always has a pair of h "H
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wrist warmers and something for charity in the works. I just completed a pair of fingerless gloves called “Mitt Envy” and a shawl called “Stripe Study”, both in my new favorite yarn, Koigu KPPM. I also made “Peanut”, a lovely baby sweater stitched side to side from Green Mountain Spinnery in their Sylvan Spirit yarn (wool and tencel) which I did not love. Tell us what you are working on, joanratner@verizon.net
UPCOMING KNITTING EVENTS (courtesy: www.Knittersreview.com )
March 14‐17, North Shore Yarn Crawl, Boston, MA, http://ayarncrawl.com/index
March 30, Woolapalooza, From Sheep to Sweater and Everything in Between,
30 Woolapalooza From Sheep to Sweater and Everything in Between
Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, Lincoln, MA
March 15‐17, 9th Annual Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet Festival, Pittsburgh, PA, http://pghknitandcrochet.com/
April 2013
April 5 – 7, Knit in Style at Mohonk Mountain!, New Paltz, NY
April 27, Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival, Vernon, CT
Connecticut Sheep Spring Wool & Fiber Festival
April 27‐28, Washington County Fiber Tour, New York State l
22nd Annual Washington County Farm & Fiber Tour May 2013
May 3‐5, Block Island Knitting Retreat, Block Island, RI http://www.northlightfibers.com/knittingretreat2013
2013 WKG Dues
It’s time to renew your membership for the 2013 year for our knitting guild. We’re very fortunate to be able to maintain our dues at $30.00 for the year!
Knitting News
Joan Ratner
joanratner@verizon net
• February 25 – Jack Blumenthal, Lion Brand Yarn
• March 18 ‐ Linda Adelman,
Six Paca Farm
Laura Zukaite
• April 22 –
• May 20 ‐ Cat Bordhi
6:00 Knit Together
7:00 Announcements &
Show and Tell
7 15 P
7:15 Program
Meetings are held on the 4th
Monday of the month at the
Chappaqua Library
Chappaqua Library
195 South Greeley Ave.
Chappaqua, NY 10514‐3398
Please make your dues check payable to the Westchester Knitting Guild or WKG in the amount of $30.00. You may give the check (
(or cash) directly to me at the next meeting or you may mail it to h) d
me at: 2 – 4 Brooke Club Drive, Ossining, NY 10562
Please include your current address, telephone number and current email id. I will give you (or mail to you) a 2013 WKG membership card and add you to our membership list. I look forward to your continued participation in our guild activities!
Thank you,
Jeanne Scofidio
▪ Dues for 2013 should be mailed to Jeanne Scofidio or given to her at the monthly meeting.
▪ Please bring finished items for charity to the monthly meetings.
▪ Join the WKG Yahoo site by sending a request e‐
Join the WKG Yahoo site by sending a request e
mail to Linda Higham at: linhig@aol.com
▪ Please bring donations of yarn and plastic knitting needles for the prison knitting program at Taconic to monthly meetings.
▪ Guests are welcome. There will be a $5 fee for guests