Newsletter Kitchener Waterloo Knitters’ Guild

KW Knitters Guild
March 2011
Kitchener Waterloo
Knitters’ Guild
A Word from the President
KWKG Executive 2010-2011
Hello knitters,
First, I want to thank everyone who has stepped forward to volunteer for various tasks in the Guild — without your help, we couldn’t keep moving forward!
There are still some positions that need filling this year (mostly related to aspects of the Fair), or will need someone to step up for next year. Most importantly, for next year, we will need a new Vice-President, a new programming coordinator, and a new newsletter coordinator. If you’re interested in
volunteering, or just want to get a handle on what any of those roles might
involve, please speak to anyone on the Executive.
While we’re on the topic of positions within the Guild, I want to share something that the Executive has been working on. This is an organizational chart
showing the various roles on the Executive and how they relate to one another.
The positions in the purple boxes are the voting positions on the Executive:
Past President, President, and Vice-President; Treasurer and Secretary; and
the coordinators of Program, Membership, Fair, Communications, and Library.
The positions in blue boxes are non-voting or auxilliary roles, which report to
and are in turn supported by the coordinators of their respective areas. These
roles include: Adjudicated Show, Workshops, Raffle Table, Yarn Table, and
(Continued on page 2)
These are the people who volunteer
their time to make your Guild the
best it can be.
President: Anne Blayney,
Past President: Karen Austen,
Membership: Erin McKee,
Treasurer: Debbie Olheiser,
Suzanne Carter-Jackson,
Programme: Lindsey Ligett,
Goodwill: Mary Kanters,
Library: Selina Siu,
Volunteer Coordinator:
Bev Mawdsley,
Adjudicated Show:
Janelle Martin,
Raffle Table: Alfie Galda,
Yarn Table: Cat Groen,
Dee-Anne Shillinglaw,
Teresa Cornwell,
(Continued from page 1)
Charity Table; Volunteer coordinator and Goodwill; and Promotions,
Website, and Newsletter.
The entire chart is surrounded by green, representing the entire Guild
membership, as a reminder that everything the Executive does is on
behalf of, and in service of, the Guild as a whole. (Please note, this isn’t
an exhaustive list of every volunteer position within the Guild — that
would be much more complex to chart!) Of course, any Guild member
is welcome to attend any Executive meeting; just ask anyone on the
Executive for details.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions about the
chart above!
Happy knitting,
Our March speaker will be Amy Swenson, a knitwear designer and blogger known as Indigirl. Amy will be speaking about working with variegated yarns, particularly those with long colour sections like Noro. She
Meeting Date
has designed several patterns that use these types of yarns, and will
share how she approaches these unique challenges. In addition, she will
have several patterns available for sale at the meeting, so plan to bring
March 8, 2011
some money in case you're inspired! (She will be accepting cash only.)
7:30 pm to 9:30pm
Brentwood on the Beach
First United Chirch
William & King Sts.,
We have spaces available for the K-W Knitters’ Retreat at Brentwood on
the Beach located in St Joseph’s Shores on April 8 to 10th, 2011. The
cost is $280.00, which includes your accommodation on Friday and Saturday night. It also includes your dinner on Friday night; breakfast,
lunch and dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday. The facilities at
Brentwood on the Beach include: indoor salt-water pool, whirlpool and
sauna; 3 fireside guest sitting rooms that overlook the Lake (great places to knit); endless sandy beach for strolling and spectacular sunsets.
Please give me a call/email to reserve your spot. Two cheques are required, one dated with today’s date in the amount of $100.00 and the
second one postdated for March 1st, 2011 in the amount of $180.00.
Make cheques payable to Brentwood on the Beach. Send postdated
cheques to Zona Endres, 631 Cardiff St, Waterloo, ON N2T 2P2 or see
me or Bev Mawdsley at the next Knitting Guild Meeting. If you have
any questions or to reserve a space, please call me at 519-749-9762 or
email at .
We got 6 new books and one donation for February. I know I can't be
the only stuff toy obsessed knitter in the guild, so here's another one to
satisfy your craving. We've added a second entrelac book, I've actually
heard good things about both from members, so check them both out
and see which one suit your needs (the other one was named Entrelac). Those of you who did the mosaic skills in January can check out
our latest addition from Barbara Walker. And we've got another book on
vintage knitting (our previous one was Knitting It Old School for the person who was looking for it). Next up is another book full of cute critters,
and finally, if you love variegated yarns but hate pooling, have I got the
book for you!!
Big Book of Knitted Monsters, The: Mischievous, Lovable Toys
Entree to Entrelac
Mosaic Knitting
Modern Knits, Vintage Style
Colorwork Creations
The Knitter's Guide to Hand-Dyed and Variegated Yarn
We also have a donation from Betty Bax. Thanks, Betty!
Shore Lines Inspirational Knitting
If you get your newsletter online, you may noticed that I've put links in
with all the books. I've finally uploaded our library to our Ravelry account, and it was so easy that I feel bad for not doing it sooner! Links
are to Ravelry where possible, LibraryThing otherwise. The guild Ravelry
ID is KWKnittersGuild and here's our Ravelry library. Go here for the
pretty, pretty covers:
or here for a sortable list of books:
Currently, Ravelry doesn't have a way for you to search patterns in the
guild's library, but if you are a Raveler and would like this issue, you can
vote for it at:
Note that the list of books on Ravelry is incomplete. Now go check out
your library, on Ravelry or LibraryThing!
Raffle Notes
The speaker or a volunteer
draws the first winner, then
each winner will draw the next
name until all the prizes are
Purchase three tickets for $1,
or bringing in bundled Zehrs
tapes (please total them before
bringing them) will earn you a
free entry!
February Meeting: Raffle Winners
Glass rose donated by Ada Meyer - Cynthia ?
Alpaca lace kit - Ann Beaupré
Tape measure & point protectors - Laura Letson
Bag in a bag - Atsuko Negishi
Brioche book - Jen Knight
Notepad - Susan Delafield
Sockyarn - Jennie Brown
Sheep buttons - Jen Knight
Eucalan - Caroline SImpson
Bingo journal - Kitt Fisher
Needles & notion holder - MadelineReiter
Bent needles - Maureen Mino
Handspun yarn donated by Maureen Milo - Mavis Bindernagel
Yarn Table
The yarn table is a great way
to get of any yarns you don't
want anymore, and to make
room in the new year for new
stash. Just set prices and bring
a list of your yarns/quatinties/
prices with your name on it.
Don’t forget to scope out the
yarn table for new-to-you bargains, too!
February Meeting: Show and Tell
Lindsey Ligett - Iced sweater (from own handspun)
Wendy Boose - Fiddlehead mittens & Classic Elite ruffle scarf
Alfie Galda - Wearable Art coat inspired by Debbie New & cashmere designer sweater
Barb Holmes - Floral stripe shoulder cape with gold metallic thread knitted in and gold trim and beads; & light gold shell to match
Laura Letron - Adult surprise jacket
Gina Passante - Audrey in Unst sweater
Jane Britton - Felted bracelets
Melizza Dominguez - Maple blanket & Fleurette cardi
Janelle Martin - Cartouche Shawl (own design, published in Knitty)
Teresa Cornwell - Catenary Shawl
Catt Groen - Lacy Poncho
Joanne Beauvais - Still Light Tunic
NOTE: Do you know this sweater?
Ada Meyer helped a knitter by doing the seaming on a purple sweater,
but can't find the knitter's name or contact information. If you recognize
this sweater, please let us know!
Words from your Local Yarn Store (LYS)
We invite all knitters to visit Yarn Indulgences at your Kitchener Market, 5 days a week or visit our website at
Carolyn Anstey’s Main St. Yarns is at
Alpaca Acres welcomes visitors to our farm and store. Call 519-6251064 or visit
All Strung Out, is at 7 Quebec St., Guelph with
Ashley Reid.
Karen Crouch’s Shall We Knit? Can be found at
Other Stuff
Ever wonder what goes on at an Executive meeting? Thought about
volunteering, but don’t know what’s involved? As a Guild member, you
have the right to attend Executive meetings, albeit without a vote. If
you’d like to sit in, get in touch with Anne at or 519-884-9488 for information.
Every time you send something in to be printed in the newsletter, you
get a chance to win a gift certificate in May.
Knitting 911, Knitting 411: Kate Seely is usually at Starbucks in Waterloo Chapters from 10 to 11 am on any given Wednesday. She can answer questions or tell you who can, or she can calm your panic attack
with laughter and caffeine.
Call Mary Kanters at 519-634-8262 if you know of a Guild member who
needs sympathy or congratulations. We like to look after our members,
but need to have the info to do that so that Mary can send a card.
Three knitting machines for
1) Bond Classic
2) Singer 360k
Knit & Chats
Guelph Knit-ins 7-9 pm at the South end of Guelph. Contact for location and details
3) Singer SRP-5
Included: carrying case,
weights, combs, bits & bobs.
Contact: Sandy Madar, or 519-7465135
4th Tuesday evening of the month from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Region
of Waterloo Public Health and Social Services Building in room
210/211 located on the second floor. Diehard chatters meet every
Knit Night at Chapters Waterloo, 2nd Tuesday of every month in the
I am looking for a size 15mm,
36” circular needle to use for
one project only. If anyone in
the Guild has one they could
loan, I would greatly appreciate it. Amy Reist or 519-5698089
store at Chapters.
Guelph Spin-in 7-9 pm at the South end of Guelph. Contact for location and details
All Strung Out 11 am to 2 pm at 7 Quebec St., Guelph (226-8203766)
All Strung Out 6-9 pm at 7 Quebec St., Guelph (226-820-3766)
Uptownknitmob: informal meetings, 6-9 pm, in various Uptown Waterloo locations
Greenwood Quiltery: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, upstairs
Shall We Knit? From early afternoon until closing in New Hamburg
Yarn Indulgences, Kitchener Market, 1-4:30 pm Friday afternoons
All Strung Out 1-3 pm at 7 Quebec St., Guelph (226-820-3766)
Yarn Indulgences, Kitchener Market, 1-3:30 pm Saturday afternoons