Irons in the Fire February 2014 1

Irons in the Fire
Completely handmade hatchet by Joshua Lee,15 and Joseph Wilkinson,16, Prince George County.
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
2013 Board of Directors
Jerry Veneziano
858 Old Apple Grove Rd
Mineral, VA 23117
Ron Capps
2523 Kenwood Ave
Richmond,VA 23228
Kaitlyn Longstaff
103B Bastogne Rd
Fort Lee, VA 23801
Bruce Manson
4200 Orchard Dr
Petersburg, VA 23803
Richard Garrett Jr
2707 Dellrose Ave
Henrico, VA 23228
Julian Cook III
2409 Sunset Hills Terrace
Richmond, VA 23236
Tom Chenoweth
2023 W. Main St
Richmond, VA 23220
Membership Director
Karen Smart
2705 Buckhorn Hills
Maidens, VA 23102
Equipment Manager
Nick Vaughan
303A Beacon Ridge Dr
Hopewell, VA 23860
2014 Dues are due
January 11:
Field trip to
Washington National
February 22:
Dan Boone’s
Pasture Pasture
Demo by Phil Heath
March 8:
Yesteryear Forge
Demo by Mike
September 13:
Keith Hicks
Demo by Peter Ross
We welcome new members; Phillip Condit,
Bob Lathrop, and John Meola.
Our Facebook url has changed:
Have you Paid your
Irons in the Fire
January 1:
February 2014
Thanks to Joshua Lee, Karen Smart, Bruce
Manson, and Jerry Veneziano for their
The article submitted by Karen Smart on page 7
is from the November 2013 issue of Richmond
Newsletters are bi-monthly and mailed the first
week of even numbered months.
As always please send me any news you believe
I should pass on. Also if I forgot to mention any
new members, let me know and I will include
them next time.
Have news to share? Submit news items
to, subject: Editor
December 14, 2013 Meeting – Xmas Party
Paradise Garage (pics courtesy of Bruce Manson.) For more visit our Facebook page.
Handmade belt buckles for the Xmas item
Tom giving a tour of his shop to David,
Michael and others.
Lunchtime. Thanks everyone.
2012 scholarship recipient Kaitlyn
presenting 2013 scholarship to Samuel.
Thanks to Greg McClellan & Paradise Garage for allowing the use of their space. It was a great
room for a party. Thanks to Tom Chenoweth for hosting. “Great meeting! Congratulations to
new and renewing Board members – a good start and great future for CVBG. Iron in the Hat
$286.00. Calendars $84.00. Stickers $6.00. Dues $200. Total $$ Collected $576.00.” – Bruce.
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
Now that the holidays are behind us, we find
ourselves in winter’s chilly grasp. As I
write this, the morning had been filled with
snowflakes, and there’s a sharp yet not
unpleasant chill in the air. I’ve spent many
winters forging in these conditions – there is
something magical about smithing when the
snow is falling gently. It’s quiet, and things
just seem to come together.
It was a small group who turned out for our
January field trip to the National Cathedral
in Washington. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able
to make it, but from the reports back, and
the pictures we’ve seen, it looks like they
had a great time. If you’ve not been to the
Cathedral, you need to make the pilgrimage
some day. The work is truly awe inspiring
on its own, but even more so in the setting.
You can see some of the photographs in this
issue; head over to our Facebook and
Pinterest pages to see more. Word is that
there will also be a book of Cathedral iron
coming out soon; we’ll share more details
when we have them.
Thanks to everyone who turned out for our
holiday party in December. Paradise Garage
– who knew? Great venue, good times.
Enjoyed seeing the belt buckles everyone
forged for the exchange – there’s a lot of
talent in this Guild! Congratulations to our
newly elected and re-elected board members
for 2014, Ron Capps, Bruce Manson,
Kaitlyn Longstaff, Richard Garrett, Jr., Tom
Chenoweth, Karen Smart, Julian Cook and
Nick Vaughan; I look forward to working
with you this year. A heartfelt “thank you”
to Bobby Williams and Jessie Kimmell, who
retired from the Board. Bobby and Jessie
have both worked hard and have done an
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
amazing job on behalf of the Guild, we’re
grateful to them.
It was during the December meeting that the
Guild honored Dan and Judy Boone with a
lifetime membership. Dan and Judy have
given so much of themselves for the Guild
and the blacksmithing community as a
whole; they’ve inspired and influenced
many of us as we’ve grown in the craft.
Personally, I know that I wouldn’t be half
the smith I am had it not been for what
they’ve taught me, and consider it a blessing
to have them as members of this Guild, and
as friends.
Speaking of the Boones – it’s time for the
Pasture Party! The party falls on Saturday,
February 22 this year. The demonstrator
will be Phil Heath from Maryland – those of
you who saw him last time know how much
fun this demo is going to be! As always,
there will be incredible tailgating and the
most amazing iron in the hat you’ll see in
Central Virginia! Bring something for iron
in the hat, and money for tickets. It’s going
to be a blast! (Especially when the anvil
flies!) If you’re going, be sure to let Judy
know – call her at 540-967-3267or email before February
15!!! For those you who have never been,
trust me, this is the one meeting you don’t
want to miss!
Last night, the ground in Mineral shook
again, as lightning coursed the darkened sky
and thunder rolled. Some might take this as
an ominous sign; I don’t. Seems to me that
it was just a shaking off of the dust of last
year, and getting this year off to a bang.
Literally. Something tells me, it’s going to
be a good one!
See you around the anvil,
January 11th 2014 Guild field trip to the National Cathedral
(all pictures by Bruce Manson) For more pictures go to our Facebook page.
Our group checking out a Yellin gate.
A forged handrail by Josh Greenwood.
Notice the stars and clovers on this gate.
Our docent Barry telling us about the latest
addition. A gate by Albert Paley.
Just a very few pictures of our trip to the National Cathedral. These are just 4 of the hundreds
Bruce took and we were all taking pictures. Check out our Facebook page - to see more. If you didn’t go this time plan to go next time. A
must see for blacksmiths.
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
Boone Lifetime Membership Proclamation
Whereas Dan and Judy Boone have been active in the blacksmithing community for
more than forty years, continuing a centuries old family tradition in the craft; and
Whereas they have achieved a mastery of the Art recognized throughout the
community of blacksmiths; and
Whereas they have given tirelessly of themselves towards the preservation and
promotion of blacksmithing and forged ironwork; through presentations for ABANA
and numerous blacksmithing guilds and associations, mentoring aspiring smiths,
sharing their knowledge, and their own wrought iron business, and by hosting their
annual Pasture Party; and
Whereas their service to the Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild has included serving as
the Editor of the Guild newsletter for many years, hosting the Guild for private
meetings, acting as counsel, helping to guide the direction of the Guild, and other tasks
too numerous to mention;
Therefore, the Board of Directors of the Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild hereby
proclaims, with respect, admiration and affection, that Dan and Judy Boone are
Lifetime Members in Good Standing
of the Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild.
December 14, 2013
We would like to thank the CVBG Board and members for bestowing on us a Life
Membership. We were both totally surprised and honored to be chosen for such an award.
We appreciate just to be part of this Guild.
Dan & Judy Boone
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
by Bruce Manson
How many times have you wanted to clamp something
horizontally in your vise to position it for grinding, welding,
drilling, sharpening,…or whatever? Do you need a sturdy
surface to beat against or one that’s a little bigger than your
anvil face? How about a firm edge to clamp something to
hold it for bending, torch cutting, or sawing? Having seen a
display of knife making equipment and tools at Smokey
Mountain Knife Works in Tennessee, with a little imagination,
some scrap materials, and a bit of time, here’s what you can
The inspiration came from a trip to Smokey Mountain Knife
Works. A knife making display there includes a post vice
mounted horizontally on a bench to allow the jaws to clamp a
knife blade for shaping and sharpening. This might also be
useful for saw sharpening.
The vise I used is a wagon tongue vise I acquired from
Anthony Seniunas. I replaced the wagon tongue mounting
bracket with a plate for horizontal mounting. If you have or
can find a post vise with a broken post, here is a perfect way
to salvage the vice’s usefulness. I welded legs to a piece of
6” H-beam I found at the scrap yard (length is optional, mine
is 32” long). The top of the beam is about 32” high, which is
a comfortable working height for me and matches the height
of my workbench. This makes a very sturdy surface for
hammering on, clamping, laying tools, or a small
work/assembly platform. It is portable (though somewhat
heavy – about 80-90 lbs), so it can be moved to the worksite.
It is handy to move outdoors and clamp metal onto it to hold
for torch cutting.
Just wanted to share an idea that might also spark your
Bruce Manson
Display at Smokey Mountain Knife Works
Completed Vise Stand
Under Construction
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
February 22nd - Dan Boone’s Pasture Party
Happy 2014 one and all!!!
The holidays are behind us, and it looks like many of you survived them as folks are asking if there is
going to be a Pasture Party this year.... the answer is YES! Important information follows:
February 22, 2014, 9:00AM - 4:00PM
REQUIREMENTS: Come prepared to have a good time!
Bring something for the Iron in the Hat, and be prepared to buy tickets..... this is how
the day is paid for, so please do your part.
This year's featured demonstrator is Phil Heath
There will be craft programs for spouses and kids
There will be LOTS of tailgating, you are welcome to participate (Girl Scout cookies
might even be available!)
Lunch will be provided as always
If you need a place to stay, rooms have been reserved Friday & Saturday nights
(2/12 & 22) for "Blacksmith Pasture Party" atBest Western Inn & Suites, 135 Wood Ridge Terrace
Zions Crossroads (was Gordonsville), VA
Call them directly to reserve a room - 540-832-1700, rate is around $97 (will verify
this shortly)
IMPORTANT - if you think you need a room reserve it quickly.... they are full most
nights now.
Their cut off for reservations at this rate is 1/31.
You can cancel reservations up to 24 hours in advance, if your plans
We need to know who is coming by Feb. 15.
Pray for warm weather!!!! Hope to see you then.
Judy & Dan
From Richmond:
Take I64W to Exit 148 (Shannon Hill, Rte 605)
Turn RIGHT, go approximately 3 miles
Turn LEFT on West Old Mountain Rd, Rte 640
Go approximately 2½ miles
Turn LEFT on Parrish Rd, Rte 683
Second driveway on the RIGHT
From West:
Take I64E to Exit 143 (Ferncliff, Rte 208)
Turn LEFT, go approximately 3 miles
Turn RIGHT on West Old Mountain Rd, Rte 640
Go approximately 3 miles to STOP sign
Turn RIGHT, go a few feet
Turn LEFT back onto Rte 640
Go approximately ¾ mile
Turn RIGHT on Parrish Rd, Rte 683
Second driveway on the RIGHT
CVBG Stickers
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
Both oval & rectangular stickers are
still available. $3.00 each (+postage)
Pick up one (or many) at the next
From George Tyler 540-967-5401
Linde 300 A AC/DC HF Tig
welding machine with remote foot
control and water cooler. Many
extras, torches, argon flow meter,
shield, filler rods ( al, ss, and mild
steel). $2000
I recently had a pacemaker
implanted and was warned not use
a welder. Bummer !
Identify yourself as a CVBG member & use account #99 121
Blacksmith Supply
P.O. Box 3766
Chester, VA 23831
Don’t forget to check our Zazzle store:
If you or anyone you know
has any blacksmithing related
tools or equipment that is no
needed/wanted please
consider donating (or
selling) it to the Guild.
Recommended Reading
The Boone Blacksmithing Legacy
by Don Plummer $19.95
Boone Wrought Iron:
Products & Practices
by Don Plummer $19.95
Central Virgina Blacksmith Guild
2014 Calendar
Here’s a way to support our Guild, spread the word
about blacksmithing and CVBG, and keep up with
the times! Buy a Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild
2014 Calendar. Maybe you need several - for your
friends or for holiday gifts. These are high quality,
attractive calendars featuring highlights from CVBG
members and activities. They also contain a
convenient reminder of CVBG meeting dates and
space for your personal notes and reminders
throughout the coming year.
Pick up yours before they’re gone. They will be
available at Guild activities beginning mid-October.
Cost is $12.00 each (plus $2.00 postage if you need it
delivered via mail).
Make checks payable to: Central Virginia Blacksmith
Please include: Name, address, number of calendars
requested, and amount enclosed.
Send your order to: Central Virginia Blacksmith
c/o Bruce Manson
CVBG Treasurer
4200 Orchard Drive
Petersburg, VA 23803
Irons in the Fire
February 2014
Are you willing to host a CVBG gathering?
If so, when? _________________________________________________________
Are you willing to demonstrate for a CVBG gathering?
ABANA Member
No ___
Suggestions for CVBG demonstrations:________________________________________________________________
Are you a: Professional___ Hobbyist___ Just interested___ Other__________________________________________
Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild Liability Release Form
I, the undersigned, realizing the potential hazards involved in the craft of blacksmithing, will not hold the Central Virginia
Blacksmith Guild, it’s officers, demonstrator(s), or host(s) responsible in the event of any accident or injury incurred during
an association function or at any time a sponsored activity concerning blacksmithing or metalworking is occurring. I am aware
of the requirement to wear safety glasses during association demonstrations and will do so. I am aware also of the possibility
of hearing damage due to the nature of the craft and accept the responsibility of taking the necessary steps to protect my
hearing. It will be my responsibility to inform any family member or guest that I may bring to a demonstration of these
potential dangers and advise them of all necessary precautions.
Signature ___________________________________________________________
Karen Smart
2705 Buckhorn Hills
Maidens, VA 23102
Date __________________
DUES= $20
Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild
c/o Richard Garrett Jr
2707 Dellrose Ave
Henrico, VA 23228
Irons in the Fire
February 2014