Canadian Knifemakers Guild Page 1 Canadian Knifemakers Guild V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 President’s Report It has been several years since I last held a position on the board of directors. Few of the early members remain, the past 20 years have taken a toll. I think we all realize that complacency has resulted in an organization barely able to survive. In taking the position of president, I am hoping to do my part in not only reviving our Guild, but turning it into a vibrant and exciting organization we can all be proud of. In order to accomplish this we absolutely need the support and commitment from all our membership. SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: I N SI D E T HI S I S SU E : President`s Report 1 Award Winning Designs 1 2012 Board of Directors 2 Innovation Award 2 Social Media 4 Membership 4 Though it may appear that little has been happening in regards to the future of the Guild, nothing could be further from the truth. The board of directors has had a number of lengthy meetings. Creating a new, up to date and professional website has taken up a considerable amount of time. The site should be up soon. We had a serious and critical look at our current status, past history and changes needed to ensure a healthy vibrant future. The board of directors agrees that major changes are needed if the Guild is to survive. The Canadian Knifemakers Guild is now heading for its 20 th anniversary. Since its inception many changes have taken place in technology, media and the knife collecting community. Though our original mission statement should stand, our bylaws, designed to facilitate the mission statement must be revised to reflect and encompass the above mentioned changes more effectively. Continued on Page 3…... And more Awards ……….. In addition to the award to Elizabeth Loerchner (see P. 2) the 2012 Blade Show also saw awards to CKG Members Kirby Lambert for Best Tactical Folder (near right), and to Brian Tighe for Most Innovative Design (far right). Canadian Knifemakers Guild Page 2 Motivation Award for Elizabeth Loerchner CKCA Jerry Fisk Cutlery Challenge 2011 At this year`s Blade Show in Atlanta, GA CKG member Elizabeth Loerchner was one of three knifemakers awarded $15,000 as part of the Custom Knife Collector`s Association`s Jerry Fisk Cutlery Challenge . In the words of Jerry Fisk, “we are trying to be innovative even with the process of getting to our end result involving others outside our industry, while producing a spectacular knife.”. The three chosen makers will have their pieces judged as to who is the “Most Innovative” at next years Blade Show by a panel of judges from outside art galleries, art field magazines, well known museums, art councils, We will follow with interest Elizabeth`s innovations. CKG Board of Directors 2012 ”In pursuit of Excellence” President Wolfgang Loerchner Vice President Steve Vanderkolff Public Relations Christoph Deringer Advertising (Print Media) Brian Tighe Show Director Murray St. Amour Social Media Craig Wheatley Director at Large Mike Mossington Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Glavac Canadian Knifemakers Guild Page 3 President`s Report ……………. cont`d from P. 1 The hunting/using knife, an important part of Canadian heritage, is well represented by our current membership and collecting community. It is however a market limited to a relatively local area. In order to promote growth, we must aim to attract more knifemakers specializing in the tactical, forged and art knife fields. This in turn will serve to attract a new group of Canadian and international collectors. Our existing venue is well suited to the market we currently enjoy. It is however not attractive to international collectors and knifemakers. A location close to entertainment, restaurants and attractions is absolutely essential. Having consulted with several directors of the most successful Guilds, it has become clear that a move to a downtown location is a necessity for our Guilds survival and renewal. A move will of course create additional costs. This will be reflected in a substantial increase in table fees. However, we will all benefit from exposure to buyers we would otherwise only find at major shows. Given our smaller, more intimate venue, it is an excellent chance to promote our work on an international level. We have contacted many of our former members, as well as a number of international makers and collectors. They are willing to attend our show given a move to a downtown location. With the considerable help we have been offered by several high profile members of the knifemaking community, I am certain that we can turn our Guild into a very successful organization. The Board of Directors feels that the ideal timing for a move will be 2014, the year of our 20 th anniversary. This will give us sufficient time to properly prepare. “In order to Please give these plans some careful consideration. The move requires a vote by the membership. You will promote growth, receive a ballot in the mail shortly. To make the Guild and the annual show more successful, a number of other items have been discussed. Pending the outcome of the vote to move the show, we will be working on implementing some of the following changes as soon as possible. we must aim to Moving the show date to mid summer will make it more attractive to international attendees. Both, collectors and makers can travel with their families. Canada is known as a great vacation target for Europeans. A mid summer date would conflict with very few other shows. knifemakers …” attract more Consider the possibility of obtaining Guild sponsors. Many knife manufacturers work in close cooperation with custom knife makers. It may benefit the guild financially to seek sponsorship from some of these companies, as well as some of the large knife purveyors. Add seminars to the show. These could include talks on collecting and small demonstrations involving diverse aspects of our craft. Timing these correctly can serve to keep attendees at the show for longer periods. Many changes affecting knife making have taken place in the last twenty years. This includes machines and tools used by many makers. Our bylaws must be revised to reflect this. In order to stay in tune with changing times, we must be more accommodating with the types of knives permitted at the show. This was at least partially addressed a few years ago by permitting factory knives. Not many of our members remember John Freeman. He was the founding secretary treasurer of the Guild. Without Johns commitment and hard work the Guild would not exist. He was a great promoter of the handmade knife within the general public, and with his many art students. We propose that the Guild sponsor an award given to any member (Voting, Association, Honorary or Friend) who has contributed selflessly to promote the Guild and handmade knives in general. The award would be known as the “John Freeman Memorial Award”. If you have concerns, or wish to discuss any details, please feel free to contact me by email at or call me at 519-565-2196. Wolfgang Canadian Knifemakers Guild Page 4 * Reminder Mark Your Calendars Memberships were due July 1st, 2012. _________ For your convenience, we accept cheques, Visa and MasterCard. 19th Annual Guild Please make cheques payable to Canadian Knifemakers Guild Show & Sale or call me with your credit card information. March 9th and 10th , 2013 Thank you! Four Points Sheraton Toronto Kathy Glavac, Secretary/Treasurer Airport 12 – 111 Fourth Avenue, Suite 376 6257 Airport Rd., Mississauga, ON St. Catharines, ON L2S 3P5 T: 289-897-8882 e-mail: Craig Wheatley Social Media Director Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great summer. We have lots of new things on the horizon for the Guild this year!! It has been my job to take the Guild into the world of social media. You would have to have been living under a rock for some time to not know that this “new” social media thing really works! Many of us makers have had websites for some time now. However, new arenas have popped up all over the internet to showcase and talk knives. Some of the best makers in the world are using social media and forums to get the word out about their work. It has become the cheapest, and most efficient way to get the word out to the largest audience. So far, the Guild has set up a Facebook group, and now has its own forum on The CKG also has active members on many of the different forums like the USN, Bladeforums and Knifeforums. All of these are great places to talk knives and find a wealth of information on anything knife related. Some of the forums even have Knifemaker Specific Memberships that allow you to sell your knives on these websites for a nominal fee. It is to your advantage, as a member of the Guild, to participate in these forums and to get the word out about them. And I hope that you will take part by inviting joining in discussions, inviting friends and posting pictures. One of the biggest jobs of the Board of Directors, thus far, has been working on updating the Guild’s website. All of us on the board have been working very hard on bringing the website up to date with current info, contacts, and pictures. We should be launching it soon. If anyone has any information or suggestions please feel free to contact me. I hope you will use these Social Media avenues to your advantage, and I look forward to seeing you on some of the different forums and Facebook soon. Craig
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