Steve Quehl To Explore Drawer Fitting “Dedicated to advancing the art and

“Dedicated to
advancing the art and
understanding of fine
woodworking. . . .”
of Georgia
November 2014
Steve Quehl To Explore Drawer Fitting
Steve Quehl, the former
owner of the Woodcraft retail
franchise in Georgia and a Patron
Sponsor of the Woodworkers’
Guild of Georgia, will speak at
both the pre-meeting and the main
meeting of the Guild on Monday,
Nov. 10 at 6:30 pm. He will speak
and demonstrate how to make a
properly fitting drawer. The meeting will take place at Woodcraft in
Prior to acquiring Woodcraft
Atlanta, Steve spent 30+ years as
an executive with a number of international firms in the computer
software industry.
Steve’s lifelong love affair
with wood and woodworking became a consuming passion follow(Continued on page 4)
Mixes Media
Jason Howard discusses mixed media in woodworking
It’s That Time of Year Again
As you may remember, last year we changed the membership renewal due
date to Dec. 31. Our annual dues for individuals or households remains at $45 and
we ask you to renew before the due date. This can be accomplished through PayPal
from our website ( or by sending a check
to our address (Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia, PO Box 80750, Atlanta, GA
Membership dues are the main source of income for the Guild. These allow
us to hold our meetings and symposiums, publish our newsletter, maintain our library, provide awards for woodworking contests, provide scholarships, and pay
our insurance. The service of Guild officers and board members is strictly voluntary. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Fader, Treasurer, at or (770) 977-7271. Your prompt payment by Dec. 31 is
very much appreciated.
Hardwoods Inc. manager
David Hennington
members to the Guild’s Fall Symposium and picnic on Saturday,
Oct. XX. He introduced Jason
Howard, whose presentation on
Mixed Media in Woodworking was
nicely done and very educational.
Jason opened using visual aids
to illustrate how to build an angle
iron table base (pictured at left) and
then adjust/adapt a wooden table
top to fit.
He went on to discuss using
hot and cold connections in fabricating mixed media furniture.
Most of us use cold connections.
Jason recommended a trick to
make a stronger “ mechanical fastener” when using screws: pre-drill
your hole, fill it with CA glue, coat
a machine screw with wax, screw
in the machine screw, let the glue
cure then remove the machine
screw. The CA glue permeates the
wood, strengthening it. The wax
(Continued on page 4)
The Guild Board
Paul Fussell
678-431-1130 H
Bill Kitchens
770-596-7447 W
Gary Fader
Vice President
770-977-7271 H
Jim Milam
404-255-2314 H
Marvin Miller
305-525-7626 H
Jim Wright
770-973-4692 H
Roger Moister
404-355-5033 H
Nick Zicchino
770-237-2280 H
Kate Small
678-662-4144 H
Strachan Small
678-668-4144 H
John Nielsen
770-434-3812 H
Show and Tell
Nuane Neely
770-992-1933 H
Mark Haugland
770-449-6610 H
The Newsletter is published monthly and
is free to all Guild members. If you are
interested in contributing an article or wish
to place a want ad, please send it to:
Martha Holt, Editor
WWG of Georgia Newsletter
1813 Danforth Drive
Marietta, GA 30062
You may also e-mail articles and want ads
The Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia welcomes everyone who is interested in fine
woodworking to join. Annual membership
fee is $45, which can be paid at the
monthly meeting or mailed to:
Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia
P.O. Box 80750
Atlanta, GA 30366
You may also join and pay dues online
using Pay Pal at
President’s Notes
It’s that time of year again. That time when we start cleaning our
homes in anticipation of the obligatory family visits. That time of year
when we start paying more attention to the sale ads in the newspaper.
That time of year when our wallets get thinner and our patience gets
Sounds like the perfect time of year to
sneak off to the shop and get caught up in
that unfinished project. This way, you can
bring the finished product to the Guild
Christmas party on the second Monday in
December. There will be ribbons for 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd place in both the Craftsman and
Masters categories. This will be a Peoples’
Choice contest, so build accordingly.
I’m also compelled to bring up the new
satellite groups that are meeting at Rockler
Woodworking on the third and fourth Mondays of every month. Our first satellite
Paul Fussell
group will specialize in turning. There are
many turners in our Guild, and everyone can learn from one another.
This group will not be another “meeting” night. It will be geared toward
the attendees who want to show off a “new” technique, tool, or project.
The second satellite group will feature scroll sawing. Show up, get
on the list to speak about your project, and have fun. Think of this group
like showing up to your buddy’s house to learn from him. Just a few people who are willing to spread knowledge, ask questions, and learn from
one another.
I’m also excited to announce the return of Steve Quehl to WoodCraft! Steve will be speaking at our November meeting for the entire
evening. He will be speaking on all the details of fitting drawers into a
project. Steve is also one of the best hand tool woodworkers in the Atlanta area. His presentations are always thoroughly enjoyable and very
About last month’s President’s Notes: I felt that I was a bit harsh
about people joining the board and helping out in other ways. No...that
was not an apology. I was sent numerous emails saying “good job” writing those editorial comments. We have had a board member step up who
is willing to sit as Vice President next year if no one else on the board
wants the job. He is a very passionate Guild member who has sat on the
board for two terms. I appreciate his enthusiasm and I welcome his
knowledge. This doesn’t mean that the board doesn’t need help next
year. We still need volunteers for Vice President (possibly), Scholarship
Director, and Patron Sponsor Director (possibly). We need a total of
three people to take the reins of these positions.
Without the Board of Directors, the Guild doesn’t exist. Without a
Scholarship Director, there are no scholarships handed out. Without a
Vice President, there is no back-up for the President and the line of leadership falters. Without an excellent Patron Sponsor Director, we lose patron sponsors and you lose your discounts while the Guild loses money.
See how all of this works? It’s time to step up!
John Nielsen submits the following tip from Shopsmith about aligning
box tops:
If you've ever made a wooden box with a hinged top — only to
have the top not align properly following assembly — this tip’s for you.
After putting your box together and cutting your top to size, temporarily
attach the top to your box, using a small amount of quick-set epoxy, hot
melt or gap-filling cyanoacrylate glue. If your hinges are to be folded
when the top is closed, use a small piece of cardboard or paper to hold
the leaves parallel while the glue sets-up and prevent the leaves from
being glued together. Once the glue has set-up, open the lid carefully,
pre-drill your screw holes and assemble the hinge permanently to your
Patron Sponsor News
Director of Patron Sponsors
The holidays are rapidly approaching and many of us are busy
in our shops helping Santa. As you
are considering what to make, what
wood to use, which finishing technique, etc., please remember all of
the Patron Sponsors who help support all of the Guild's activities (see
back page).
Rather than go to the big box
store and get cheap knock-offs,
minimal choices, little or no support or advice, or possibly buy
something you don't really need,
head to one of our sponsors.
You’ll get some great products with sound advice or suggestions. Surprising to some, they'll
actually tell you what you don't
need, how to do it quicker/cheaper,
and often give you tips that are
worth the trip just by themselves!
Please let them know you are from
the Guild and thank them so they
can get to know who they are helping through their sponsorship.
New Patron Sponsor!!
Patron Sponsor Events
Fintech Abrasives will soon
join us as a Patron Sponsor. This
Michigan-based business has just
about any sandpaper/abrasive type,
grit, shape, size, or purpose and if
they don’t have it on hand, they
can probably custom produce or
design it. More details to follow!!
Rather than list most and miss
even one, please check your emails, flyers and newsletters from
our Sponsors. What? You are not
already receiving their free newsletters, weekly e-mail tips, flyers,
etc.? Please go to each of
the Sponsors’ websites and sign
up! Plenty of sales and activities
are going on!
Special Interest Groups
To Meet At Rockler
Meet me at Rockler's new location for our new
Special Interest groups. If you have any interest in
wood turning or scroll-sawing/fret work, please feel
free to contact John Nielsen
( to find out about the Monday night meetings for each.
Turners will meet on the third Monday each
month (Nov. 17) and Scrollers on the fourth Monday Nov. 24). Especially if you are just getting
started in wood working, these groups will provide
camaraderie of like-minded people, share the tips
that only experience can develop, and explore resources to get deals on wood, tools and equipment.
There will be an opportunity to teach others
and get some accolades in the “show & tell” (or better known as “how did they do that?”) session.
Mixed Media Projects
(Continued from page 1)
coating on machine screw keeps CA glue from adhering to it. Furthermore, threads on the machine screw
are tighter than on a comparable wood screw so after
the machine screw is removed the wood screw will
make a tight fit.
To help us better understand how hot connections
work, Jason treated us to a welding demonstration.
Throughout the day, Jason fielded questions on
multiple subjects. During lunch, for instance, he discussed how to overcome a common drawback: saggy
leather seats on a hollow top steel barstool frame The
solution? Since both the leather and the lacing stretch,
over tighten. Treat leather drum heads the same way.
He even explained how to build the lamp, live edge and
glass table, and copper-topped table.
Jason’s favorite general supplier is McMasterCarr. He says the selection and next day delivery can’t
be beat ( For leather and leather
working tools, including the leather strap cutter he
used, he recommends Tandy Leather either online or at
one of their two local stores (http://
We greatly appreciate the hospitality of Hardwoods, Inc., one of our Patron Sponsors. Many of us in
attendance took advantage of the discount on their vast
inventory of materials and wood that they generously
offered us that day.
Editor’s Note: Those of us who attended this
event not only enjoyed a very informative presentation
coupled with perfect fall weather, but we also were
treated to a gourmet lunch prepared by Kate Small
(with, of course, help from husband Strachan). The
pulled pork and chicken barbecue, together with great
sides and her now famous brownies and cookies, were
wonderful. Special thanks to Kate and Strachan for
their efforts!
Free-form lamp is one of Jason’s projects
Learn About Properly Fitting Drawers
(Continued from page 1)
ing the birth of his first grandchild,
which prompted the frenzied acquisition of all the tools necessary
(and maybe not so necessary) to
build an obligatory heirloom cradle.
Steve enjoys building reproductions of period furniture. He is a
founding member of the Peach
State Chapter of the Society of
American Period Furniture Makers
(SAPFM). His gallery includes a
number of 18th and 19th century
Pennsylvania and Carolina pieces.
He is a devoted hand tool enthusiast, and loves to pass on the knowledge he has gained from his exposure to and friendship with modern
masters such as Phil Lowe, Al
Breed, Will Neptune, Steve Latta,
Lonnie Bird, Rob Cosman and others.
Steve’s presentation will
cover the success factors contributing to properly fitting of a drawer
in a table or case piece. He will
emphasize a systematic approach
that starts with design and layout,
and incorporates the stages of milling and the accurate cutting of joinery to assure the last step of
smoothly sliding into place a piston
-fit drawer.
Upcoming Events
The Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia meets the second
Monday of most months at Woodcraft, 8560 Holcomb
Bridge Road, Roswell. The store is east of Georgia
400 near the intersection of Holcomb Bridge Road
and Nesbit Ferry Road. Pre-meetings start at 6:30
p.m. The regular meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
Woodcraft Demonstrations
Woodcraft, located at 8560 Holcomb Bridge Road,
Roswell, has demonstrations on most Saturdays. For more
d et a ils , se e wo o d cr a ft . co m/ st o r es/ st o r e. asp x ?
Nov. 8
1 pm — Band Saw
Nov. 15
1 pm — Upcycling
Nov. 22
1 pm — Turning Christmas Ornaments
Monday, Nov. 10
Woodcraft, Roswell
Main and Pre-Meeting: Steve Quehl
on Fitting Drawers
Monday, Nov. 17
Rockler, Sandy Springs, 6:30 pm
Woodworkers’ Guild
Satellite Turning Group
Monday, Nov. 24
Rockler, Sandy Springs
Woodworkers’ Guild
Satellite Scroll Sawing Group
Nov. 29
1 pm — Turning Bottle Stoppers
Monday, Dec. 8
Seventh Day Adventist Day Church, Dunwoody
Annual Holiday Banquet
Show And Tell
Rockler Demonstrations
Rockler schedules demonstrations most Saturdays.
Rockler is located at 6690 Roswell Road in Sandy Springs.
To see more details, check
Nov. 1
21st Century Woodworking
10 am — CNC Games
11 am — CNC Shark
Nov. 8
What’s Turning
10 am — Glues for Pen Turning
11 am —Pen Turning — Military Kits
Nov. 15
Innovation Day
10 am — Router Table Setup
11 am — Box Joint Jig
Nov. 22
Plug Into Power Tools
10 am — Dewalt 611 Compact Router
11 am — Sign Making Kit
Monday, Jan. 12
Woodcraft, Roswell
Pre-Meeting: Annual Business Meeting
and Election of Officers
Meeting: Mark Pisik on Cutting Boards
and Chopping Blocks
Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia Patrons
to stop by to visit our location in Newnan. We stock machinery, accessories, and supplies from top-name manufacturers
such as: SawStop, Delta, Porter Cable, DeWalt, FesTool, Powermatic, Jet, Kreg, Steel City, Mirka & Norton abrasives, Olson
bandsaw blades, Forrest saw blades, Freud Tooling, and Titebond glues. Bargain hunters, check out our large inventory of
used and scratch and dent machinery and accessories. We
are a source for older American made Powermatic and Delta
parts. Since 1943, our family has had the pleasure of serving
woodworking professionals, vocational schools and industry
around Atlanta and throughout the Southeast. You will find a
wide array of services such as: tailgate deliveries to your
home or business, set-up and instruction of your machinery,
consulting on “what’s best for your needs and application,”
and technical assistance. For more information and directions, please check out our NEW website and ecommerce
store at Our goal is to create a
friendly atmosphere and a pleasurable experience that will
keep you coming back and telling others. We are located at
59 Weldon Rd., Palmetto, GA 30268. Please feel free to call
or visit our website for directions.
(770) 683-7297, (800) 428-9898, Fax: (770) 683-7141
The following patrons of the Guild are all excellent suppliers of
products and services in the local area. They support the Guild
by giving us money and allowing us to use their various facilities from time to time.
Hardwoods Incorporated – A division of Atlanta Hardwood Corporation, Hardwoods Inc. has grown over 60 years
to become one of the largest hardwood distributors and kiln
operators in the Eastern United States. Hardwoods Inc. specializes in domestic and imported hardwood lumber, plywood, veneer, hardwood mouldings, custom flooring, melamine and Arborite laminate and related products. We stock
over 80 species of wood and are direct importers of numerous exotic species. When you think of wood, think of us. Visit
our architectural showroom or browse our extensive inventory of woods from around the world. Open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Saturday. Located at 5400 Riverview Road, Mableton, 30126.
404.792.0910 or 404.214.4745
Highland Woodworking — Defines itself as a learning
community that fosters the joy of craftsmanship. The south’s
leading supplier of fine woodworking tools for more than a
quarter century, the store has attracted to Atlanta nationallyknown teachers and authors including Tage Frid, Sam
Maloof, Michael Dunbar, Rude Osolnik, Toshio Odate, Dale
Nish, Mark Duginske and many others who have inspired
and taught thousands of woodworkers in Highland’s ongoing
program of seminars and workshops. Information on its education schedule and catalog of fine woodworking tools is
available at, or visit its fullystocked store at 1045 N. Highland Avenue in Atlanta, tel.
Rockler Woodworking and Hardware — In 1954 Nordy
Rockler started a mail order woodworking supply company in
Minneapolis. Today, our retail chain stretches across the
United States and includes over 30 Rockler stores and over
60 partner store locations. Our magazine, Woodworker’s Journal, is a leading publication dedicated to offering plans, techniques, product reviews and tips to woodworkers. Whether
you’re a seasoned pro, a home-improvement enthusiast or a
craftsperson, we believe you will enjoy browsing our online
catalog at, getting interesting tips through
our email newsletter, and being the first to find out about
some exciting new products. We invite you to visit our location
at 6690 Roswell Road in Sandy Springs. Store hours are Monday—Friday 9 am to 6 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, and Sunday 11 am to 4 pm. Stop in on Saturdays for our free demos
9:30 am to 11:30 am. Phone:404-460-1000.
Peach State Lumber Products -- A dealer of high grade
hardwoods (domestic and import), millwork quality softwoods
such as ponderosa pine, select cypress and C & Btr southern
yellow pine. We also carry a full line of cabinet grade plywood. We welcome small quantity orders and have a retail
sales area open to the public. We also carry Hettich brand
hinges and drawer slides. We have hardware screws and
pocket hole screws as well as live edge slabs in multiple species, great for bar tops, mantels, etc. 4000 Moon Station
Road, Kennesaw, 30144.
(770) 428-3622, FAX (770) 428-4517.
Suwanee Lumber Company – Celebrating their 50th anniversary, 1961 to 2011, Suwanee features hardwood lumber with matching plywood. Please show your Guild membership card when shopping their location at 450 Highway 23 in
Suwanee, GA. (770) 945-2102 or (800) 330-8087. Mailing
address is P.O. Box 248, Suwanee, GA 30024. Directions
available on their website,
Peachtree Woodworking Supply has been producing
and selling high quality woodworking products for over ten
years. They stock over 6,000 different woodworking items.
Those items include a wide selection of abrasives, books,
DVD’s, clamps, router bits, glue, t-track, dust collection, and
much more. Peachtree also carries major brands like Carter,
Freud, Bessy, Kreg, Dewalt, and Delta, just to name a few.
The store is located at 6684 Jimmy Carter Blvd. Suite 100;
Norcross, GA 30071; (770) 458-5539. Store Hours: Mon –
Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Closed Sun.
Woodcraft -- Since 1928 Woodcraft has been a woodworker's favorite source for quality hand and power tools,
equipment and supplies (including wood). Cabinet makers,
wood turners, carvers and woodworkers in general rely on our
friendly, experienced staff that is always available to help with
the selection of tools and supplies as well as to provide helpful advice on individual projects. We offer a wide variety of
woodworking and woodturning classes for a range of skills in
our new, modern, fully equipped classroom facilities. Stop by
our store at 8560 Holcomb Bridge Road in Roswell, GA. (Note:
While we are physically located in Roswell, our mailing address is Alpharetta, GA 30022)
Phone: 770-587-3372, Fax: 770-587-9068 .
Wm. J. Redmond & Son, Inc. – Redmond Machinery is
the Southeast’s largest destination for woodworking machinery, accessories and supplies. Guild members are welcome