2015 membership form - Victorian Recorder Guild

Reg. no A001316R
VRG website: www.vrg.org.au
VRG email: recorderplayers@gmail.com
Membership 2015
Please send this form to:
The Secretary, Victorian Recorder Guild Inc, PO Box 2729, Mt Waverley, Victoria, 3149
Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr ………………………………………………………………..
(For a school subscription or group membership, give the name of the teacher or group representative)
Postal address
E mail
Would you like to receive your newsletters by email? ($3 discount) (Please note: choosing this option, if you can, saves
the VRG considerable printing costs)………………………......……………(YES/NO)
Type of membership (please circle)
Full……………………………………………………………………… $50
Concession (people receiving a government pension)…………............. $40
Family (named members living at the same address)*…………………. $55
School/Institution/Group*……………………………………………….. $56
Less discount for e-mail delivery of newsletter………………..- $ 3
Amount due………………… $
Your payment type: 2 options
I am enclosing a cheque……
Cheques should be made payable to Victorian Recorder Guild InC. Please write your name on the back
I paid by direct bank transfer on …………………………(date)
Account details: VRG Inc. Commonwealth Bank, Camberwell
BSB 063113 Account number 10084383
Payment code for 2015 membership should be VRG15+your surname eg VRG2015Smith
Note: If you are not paying by cheque, could you please deposit your membership fee by direct bank transfer before you
send in this form? Also, please don’t forget to send in the form!
Do you require a receipt?
*Please attach a list giving the names of family members, or name of group.
Additional Information
Please could you respond to the following questions? This information will help the committee plan events
in 2015.
1. Blow-in venues
The committee is always looking for convenient venues for blow-ins, especially venues with airconditioning for the warmer months, and with kitchen facilities.
Are there any suitable venues near you which the Committee could approach?
2. Consent to photographs
From time to time photographs are taken at Guild functions for use in the newsletter and other Guild
Please indicate your preference regarding photographs.
Yes, I agree to my photograph being used by the Guild
No, I would prefer my photograph not be used in Guild publicity
Please ask me at the time
3. Help for the Guild in 2015
Is there any help you could offer the Guild Committee in 2015?
This form is for completion by both new members and renewing members.
However, if you joined the Guild as a new member as a result of attending the 2014 Myrniong Spring
Weekend your subscription continues to 31 December 2015, and you do not need to fill in this form.