THE GALAX NEWS 7; JULY PAGE 11 195? see roa (tuiew 0 ere 6 N L I' T T L E ■■H O R S E S H O E M O U N T A I N ONE HALF MILE SOUTH OF THE COUNTRY CLUB ON DILLARD ROAD LOOK FOR BIG SIGN AW FOLLOW ARROWS TO HOMESITES CITY V/ATER, ELECTRIC AND PHONE FACILITIES ALL ROADS ROCKED 20 FEET WIDE SELECT CLIEl\fTEIE For Further Information Contact C.A* PHINl'IEY, OViNER on Property Craftsman s Fair con t. their products. And once a year in July, an ancient craft with modern design. Near the Guild gathers its members together to Brasstovin, North Carolina, on Birdfoot display their work, demonstrate^ their Ridge, Lynn Gault, ex-actor and teacher, craft and show to the world that hillbillcan be found standing over a potter's wheel ies, native or adopted, are still quite forming, shaping and creating ceramics independent, self-reliant and creative, in a craft as old as man himself. He works This year the fair vdll be held in the in his shop from quite early in the morning air-conditioned City Auditorium at Asheuntil after dark. His shop is off the ville, N.C. Only the members finest work beaten path and though he ivill accept you is shoivn and sold and of this the most pergraciously when you come, he does not like feet is selected to be displayed in an ex hibit bringing together all the products too many disturbances. While plying his and assembling them as they might be used trade, he likes to work along and with in a home. this solitude he turns out work that is Here you may see four generations of sold throughout the East. Your m o d e m day craftsman is somewhat of potters making ceramics as the founder an individualist because in an age of machi-of the family industry did many years ago; nery, automotion and assembly lines, he is silversmiths from individuals to Stuart Nye's famous craftsmen m i l make jewelry one of the few who creates, produces, and markets an idea of his own imagination. It wtiile you look and admire. The weavers of our Highlands, including the industrious is no wonder then that they are so selfCabin Weavers at Norton will make their reliant. An ex-retail merchandiser once said of a craftsman, '‘they're the most in looms hum during this week of sales and demonstrations. All in all the finest of dependent, cocky group of people in the our American Heritage of pioneer spirit world". is brought together to their advantage Well, if they are so independent and (con’t. Daffe 15) cocky, vrfiat is so interesting about them? This one thing-they create. And they are a nice bunch of people too. Now all in all if you have to go from one end of the Blue Ridge to see all these people, it is going to take up alot of t m e and #iether you are on a vacation or working, time is important. Coming up this month is a gathering of the clan you might say or ra ther a gathering of the Guild, All these craftsmen and women are members of the Southern Highland Handicraft Guild, an or ganization founded in 1930 and continuing today in the tradition of a true guild. The Guild keeps the standard of the crafts men high and also creates a market for BURRELL m O T O R C O . CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS WE SERVICE ALL MAKES CARS & TRUCKS 2^ HOUR VmECKER SERVICE flnDER-Son's VRRIETY STORE S O U V E N I R S GAMES - NOVELTIES INDIAN MOCCASINS Phone 123 Franklin, N.C. or 795 Or Rione Highlands 9^0? and ask Hoke Grist, Our Representative. T O Y S
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