MARCH 2010 Westchester Knitting Guild Newsletter© JACK IS BACK! Monday, March 22, 2010 Leadership Team 2010 These are the people who volunteer their time to make your guild the best it can be. ♦ Linda Higham, President, Yahoo Master 914-277-7803 ♦ Olive McNeil, Programs ♦ Margie Laury, Programs ♦ Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer 914-923-0712 ♦ Melissa Shinsato, Newsletter ♦ Dorothy Freeman, Charities & Library 914-271-5743 ♦ Linda Cramer, Charities 914-245-2411 Jack Blumenthal is the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Lion Brand Yarn and is involved in all aspects of product and yarn development for the company. Lion Brand is a familyowned and operated business and a beloved American brand since 1878. Today the business is run by the fourth generation of Blumenthals. Jack received his BS in Marketing from the University of Miami School of Business. After graduating, he began selling fabric in the home sewing market and six years later joined the family business. Lion Brandʼs “Guest Speaker Program” has created a special opportunity for Jack to meet and exchange ideas about current and future Lion Brand products and services with crochet and knitting enthusiasts. One of his favorite Lion Brand moments occurred one evening while watching the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Jack discovered that Johnnyʼs guest, Vanna White, was an avid crocheter. Jack helped bring Vanna into the Lion Brand Family and for the past 15 years, she has been the official spokesperson for Lion Brand Yarn. Lion Brandʼs goal is to innovate, educate, and inspire others to share its passion for knitting and crocheting. ♦Myra Cohen, Meeting Coordinator ! PAGE 1 MARCH 2010 From the President The weather cooperated just long enough to ensure a successful meeting last month. We had an enjoy!"#$%&% !"#$%&"#$"'()*+$$+*,(-.+/0( able evening of visiting and knitting together on various charity projects. Even if you werenʼt able to participate at the meeting, Dorothy and Linda C. will be collecting donations at this monthʼs meeting. 3%.#*4'"*5%"&(6"748************************************* A)#00)3!B.#2%0!#08!C%2%+ ?)0)*1&!,"!#'':! The WKG Board is pleased to welcome Margie Laury, who has agreed to work with Olive on Programs !!!2"!#!$%"&'(!")'*+&#,-.&! &.(!&2,'(!.#7)!/)5&!&.1"! this year. We are still seeking a /01&&)23!4!#552)61#&)!)7)2(! second person to Co-Chair Programs as Olive phases out of her in!!!K&!%,2!A#0,#2(!$))&10-! >,1'8!D.,$$10-3E!"%$)+ 6.#06)!&%!')#20!*2%$!#08! 9)!91''!?)!9%2/10-!%0! volvement. Thanks to Oliveʼs dedication to the job,&.10-!4!/0%9!4!.#7)!&#/)0! 2010 should proceed smoothly. This would be an ".#2)!91&.!%&.)2!/01&&)2":! "9)#&)2"!*%2!>,18)5%"&L"! ideal time to get involved and “learn the ropes” from the Master! *%2!-2#0&)8:!!4!'%%/!*%2+ ;.)!<=>3!52%-2#$"!#08! 52%-2#$3!=01&!*%2!=18":!! 9#28!&%!9%2/10-!91&.!#''! $)$?)2".153!.#"!52%718)8! %*!&.)$!#-#10!&.1"!6%$10-! J%9!',6/(!9)!#2)!&%!?)! Jack Blumenthal of Lion Brand Yarns will join us this month to share more samples and stories of the $)!91&.!0,$)2%,"!",6.! #?')!&%!,")!%,2!&#')0&"! ()#2:! %55%2&,01&1)"!"106)!4!?)+ #08!2)"%,26)"!&%!.)'5! yarn industry - past, present and future. Itʼs always an enjoyable and informative evening when Jack 6#$)!#!$)$?)2:!!4!/0%9!4! !!!4!9#0&!&%!%**)2!#!"5)61#'! &.%")!10!0))8:!!;.)!$))&+ joins us. .#7)!?)6%$)!#!?)&&)2! ;.#0/!F%,!&%!A,81!;)55)2! 10-!91''!#'"%!-17)!,"!#! /01&&)2!#08!.#7)!6%$)!&%! *%2!"%!#?'(!#08!-2#61%,"'(! 6.#06)!&%!D$10-')E3!9.16.! # See you on the 22nd! 7#',)!/01&&10-!10!$(!'1*)! -,1810-!&.)!>,1'8!&.2%,-.! 9#"!"%!)0M%(#?')!#&!&.)! $%2)!&.#0!)7)2:! # Linda &.)!()#2!GHHI:!!J)2!')#8+ J%'18#(!N#2&(:! !!!4!.#7)!#'"%!?))0!*%2&,+ 0#&)!&.1"!5#"&!()#2!&%! 9%2/!91&.!&.)!$)$?)2"!%*! &.)!<=>!?%#28:!!@'17)3! )2".15!.#"!?))0!10"51210-! #08!",55%2&17)!#08!4!&2,"&! .)2!8)816#&1%0!&%!&.)! >,1'83!1&"!$)$?)2"!#08! &.)!62#*&!91''!6%0&10,)!&%! !!!O%%/10-!*%29#28!&%! &.)!GP&.:! !O108#! !"#$"% &' ) ( *+, "&*- .% */00 1* !"#$"%&'()*+,"&*-.%*/001* What a night! ***+,)"!10!&.)!#$%,0&!%*!VWH:HH!*%2!$)$?)2".15!10!%,2!<)"&6.)"&)2! =01&&10-!>,1'8!#2)!8,)!%0!A#0,#2(!X"&3!GHHY!*%2!&.)!()#2!GHHY:! At our Feburary Guild meeting!!!N')#")!-17)!(%,2!6.)6/!Z%2!6#".[!&%!A)#00)!B6%*181%!#&!&.)!$))&10-! we celebrated our annual charity-knitting night. We had a very %2!(%,!$#(!$#1'!(%,2!6.)6/!Z$#8)!%,&!&%!<)"&6.)"&)2!=01&&10-!>,1'8! nice turnout and as always your generosity was amazing. I want to personally thank: %2!<=>[!&%\! Margaret Sandercock, Mary A !!!!!!!!!!! Cristello, Lori Winterfeldt, Evelyne Liebmann, Linda Higham, 9":77"*;<.-(6(.=*/*>*?*@%..A"*BC,$*+%(D"=*E&&(7(7F=*GH*I0JK/ ! !!!K!GHHY!$)$?)2".15!6#28!91''!?)!")0&!&%!(%,!%06)!".)!2)6)17)"!(%,2!8,)":!!! Myra Cohen, Jeanne Scofidio, Jane Daniels, Margie Laury, Terri Gabrielli, Linda Cramer, Kathy Darretta, Kathryn Ross, Bonnie Smelser, Olive McNeil, Vita Rhodes, Barbara John, Ceceil Blumenfeld, Sylvia Chandros, Donna Vitetta and me. * .%9!&.)(!#2)!)7%'710-!"%! &)20"!#2)!0%&!6%5(21-.&)8! J1!O#81)"3!! And what did these generous ladies make, you ')&Q"!.#7)!#!!Q".%9!#08!&)''! ask? Let me tell you: 8 helmet liners, 5 preemie #08!%0)!10!9.16.!9)!6#0! !!!<)Q2)!%**!&%!#!-2)#&! Q!#&!%,2!A#0,#2(!")""1%0:! #''!)0M%(!$#/10-:!!! hats and 6 preemie blankets, 8 hats, 3 chemo caps, 4 scarves, 2 sets of preemie hat and booties, 3 “squares,” 3 outfits for"&!&.1"!()#2:!!B)7)2#'!%*! Cubs for Kids andR%$)!91&.!(%,2!1&)$"!#08! 1 pair of mittens. These knitted items were =01&!@0U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &.)!52%M)6&"!#2)!0)#2!6%$+ 18)#"!*%2!%,2!0)S&!)0+ @'17)!! beautifully made, colorful, and5')&1%0:!!<)Q2)!#''!6,21%,"! thoughtful. I am8)#7%2:!!T#/)!",2)!5#&+ sure they will be gratefully received. And we all had a very nice evening chatting and knitting. It was a wonderful evening. I want to thank you all for participating. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can still participate. Just bring a charity knitted item . . . or two . . . to the next meeting. As always, they will be most welcome. Thank you one and all! Dorothy Freeman ! PAGE 2 MARCH 2010 Lion Brand – Then (1878) to Now (2003) # When Jack Blumenthal received his new Guild membership card, he was kind enough to send Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer, a thank-you note along with the 125th anniversary issue of the Lion Brand catalog. The book jacket contains a time line of the history of Lion Brand Yarn and the catalog itself is a reproduction of the 1916 issue. This catalog is actually a book, 242 pages in length, with basic instructions of both knitting and crocheting, patterns for stitch patterns complete with pictures – black and white, I might note – and then patterns for various garments. Itʼs fun to see the “Crocheted Military Scarf” – a World War I scarf! And a “Hot Water Bottle Cover”! You should see the vests for women! At the end of the book they provide indexes for chapters, subject and stitches. It is so much fun to read.# # I will be adding this book to the Guildʼs library. All you need to do is notify me if you want to borrow it and Iʼll either bring it to the next Guild meeting or see if we can meet at a mutually convenient time and place. My email address and phone number are on the masthead of this newsletter. dorothy freeman Local knitting/crocheting and/or spinning groups Hilltop Hanover Farm Yorktown Heights Spinning and knitting One Saturday per month Check website for details Black Cow 21 Maple Avenue Croton-on-Hudson Handmade on Hudson, an incorporated not for profit. 2 Sundays per month from 2 – 4 p.m. Next meetings, March 7th and 21st For details see website Lola’s Tea House 130 Fifth Ave Pelham, NY 10803 914-738-2100 Thursdays 7-9pm Ruth Keeler Memorial Library 276 Titicus Road North Salem Telephone: (914) 669 - 5161 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7pm-9pm Next meeting March 16th Irvington Public Library 12 South Astor Street Irvington-on-Hudson 1st Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Panera Bread 6 Triangle Center Yorktown Heights Northern Westchester Stitch n’ Bitch Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Thank you to Susan Furlauto for compiling this list from member suggestions. ! PAGE 3 Yarn Stores Discount Offer The following businesses will give a 10% discount on non-sale items to members of the Westchester Knitting Guild with 2010 membership ID cards. Cornwall Yarn Shop Cozy Corner Yarn Shop 227 Main Street Cornwall, NY 12518 845-534-0383 Owner: Gail Parrinelli 116 Washington Street Peekskill NY 10566 914-737-0179 Owner: Janet Hard Flying Fingers 15 Main Street Tarrytown NY 10591 914-631-4113 Owner: Elise Goldshlag Katonah Yarn Company! 120 Bedford Road Katonah NY 10536 914-977-3145 Owners: Jennifer Ceisler and ! ! ! JaneLee Leggio Sticks and Strings String 45 Spencer Place Scarsdale NY 10583 914-723-5478 Owner: Laurie Thomas 115 Mason Street Greenwich, CT 06830 203-629-9276 Owner: Linda Morse Yarn and Craft Box ! 24 Charles Blvd. Pawling, NY 12564 845-855-1632 Owner: Marie Steward Yarn Central Taconic Plaza 2593 Rte. 52! Hopewell Junction NY 12533 845-223-8355 Owner: Marjaana Kelvin Announcements• Dues for 2010 should be mailed to Jeanne Scofidio or given to her at the monthly meeting. • Please bring finished items for charity to the monthly meetings. • Join the WKG Yahoo site by sending a request e-mail to Linda Higham at: • Please bring donations of yarn and plastic knitting needles for the prison knitting program at Taconic to monthly meetings. No blue, black, gray or orange. Solid colors only, please. Knitting News Melissa Shinsato Calendar • March 22 - Jack Blumenthal – Lion Brand • April 26 - Shirley PadenBernstein – Designer/Author • May 24 - Mary BethTemple Designer/Author ! • June 28 - Trisha Malcomb – Editor/Vogue Magazine Directions to Chappaqua Library 195 South Greeley Ave. 914-238-4779 From the South: • Go north on the Saw Mill Parkway, Exit #32 -Chappaqua, Rte. 120. • Make left at end of exit ramp, and a left at first light. • *Go over parkway and bear right at the fork onto S. Greeley Ave. • Proceed down street. Library is on the left, across from Town Hall. From the North: • South on the Saw Mill Parkway, Exit #32 - Chappaqua, Rte. 120. • Right again at light. Then follow from *above. • July 17 - Social /Hanover Farm – Yorktown Heights Meeting Etiquette Meeting Schedule 6:00 KAL Space Available We are fortunate to have high quality presenters during our monthly meetings. Even if you are not interested in the presentation or miniworkshop, please be respectful of others and remember: 7:00 Announcements & Show and Tell 7:15 Program • No talking during presentation • Wait until Q&A period to ask questions • Wait for the presentation to end before trying on, or looking at samples Thank you for your cooperation
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