Keepsake Quilters Guild

Keepsake Quilters Guild
Editor: Sandy Waters
Asst. Editor: Leann Abraham
Keepsake Quilters
PO Box 1043
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Meeting Time:
Third Monday of the
onth, 7 pm
Next Meeting:
Monday, July 21, 2014
KQ Programs
Member Care
KQ Board Minutes
The next KQ Newsletter
deadline is
July 11, 2014
Please e-mail your
submission to
Submissions received after
this date will be considered
for the next month’s
Thank you for your
June 16, 2014, Volume 25, No.06
Hello! I am excited to be your president for the next year. We have a
wonderful organization that we can all be proud of. The program
committee has worked very hard to bring you wonderful workshops
and programs. I hope you all will participate in as many workshops
as you are able to. This month's program with Jill Buck and Marny
Guffy is sure to be a crowd pleaser. I know I want to learn more
about the modern quilt movement.
How does a mystery block-of-the-month sound for my president's
challenge? Each month I will be making a block pattern available for
you to make. Please feel free to make one block or all 12. Next May,
we will assemble the blocks into quilt tops for "Quilts To Share". The
blocks were designed by Lori Baker, and the magazine "Quilter's
Newsletter" has granted me permission to have our guild
participate in this Challenge in this way. I'm excited to be a part of it,
and I hope you will be a part of it too!
Janet Koehler
June 16th Workshop Starts at 10 a.m.
For this workshop ONLY we will not open the doors until 9:30 a.m. for set up.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Before coming to class make sure you have your pattern so you can come prepared.
Exploration of Modern Design Elements
In keeping with the quilt show theme, here is your opportunity to learn about the design elements of
the Modern Quilt movement.
First we will discuss modern design and then create some "mock blocks"
The workshop will divide into two groups based on the pattern you choose: "Cutlery" or
You will receive an overview of the pattern and then instructions and time for sewing. While the
sewing is in process, we will continue with discussions on modern elements and answer questions.
June 16th Program:
What Makes a Quilt Modern?
Marny Buck and Jill Guffy, designers of Modern Quilt Relish will do a presentation and trunk show
of their work, featuring a fresh flavor for contemporary quilters: sophisticated designs with a taste of
the unexpected! They have been friends for 23 years, tennis partners and co-workers at their local
quilt shop in Ames, Iowa. They will share tips, projects and the design process.
July 21st Workshop:
We've been making our blocks for the President's Challenge for Hospice patients. Now it's time to
assemble these blocks into quilts. Bring a friend and work together to make a lovely quilt top. Feel
free to clean out your stash by bringing extra fabric for sashing, borders and binding.
Registration is requested but not required so we have enough quilt kits for you to work on. Just join
us if you can, for as long as you can.
July 21 Program:
Erica Plank of "Unseen Hands" will be here to share her quilting story, do a trunk show and tell about
the patterns she's designed. Erica has a blend of embroidery patterns, quilt patterns and unique items
to make for gifts. It should be a fun program. Her website is
August 18 Workshop:
Kool Kaleidoscope with Carol Moellers
Kool Kaleidoscope
Summertime Fun (small)
Designed by Carol Moellers and featured in the gallery section of Ricky Tims’ book:
Kool Kaleidoscope.
At the workshop Carol will walk you through Ricky Tims’ unique strip making technique for making
a multi-faceted pattern. You will see impressive results from simple sets of strips! It is foolproof
with little need for pre-planning. The beauty lies in the unpredictability of how the fabric unfoldsjust like a real kaleidoscope!
Pre-class preparation is required. Recommended for advanced beginner skill level and above.
Registration begins June 18th at the monthly meeting.
August 18 Program
Have Fun – Make Quilts – Share
With Carol Moellers
Carol Moellers from Greene Iowa will be your guide on a walk through her personal
journey of quilt making. She will reflect on how she finds inspiration to create, to
express, and to mark milestones in her life. The program is full of personal stories
many quilters can relate to. Carol will bring along a collection of quilts that will
entertain and inspire. Her hope is to inspire you with many reasons to continue to
create and enjoy quilting even more than you do now.
All workshops are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless noted otherwise. You may begin setting up at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4000 Hudson Road, Cedar Falls, at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of class.
For questions for any upcoming classes, please contact:
Kay Leeper (319-266-2047) or Laurel Northey (319) 235-6925
Member Care
Keepsake Quilters has formed a “Member Care” committee to help members
communicate with other guild members. We all share a special bond – the love of
quilting – so we’re like a family! Please let us know if you, or a member, is celebrating
a milestone anniversary or milestone birthday, births (children or grandchildren), or if
someone is sick, has lost a loved one, or any news you would like the guild “family” to
be aware of.
We would like to add this information to the newsletter. Please contact the committee
with any information you feel needs to be in the newsletter.
Send this information to:
Leann Abraham
Carol Lindquist
Please include the following information:
1. First and last name of the member
2. Tell us what she is celebrating or going through
We are here for each other during the good times and the not so good times.
Leann and Carol
Cards sent in May/June
Card sent to Peg Schick as her husband is going through some health issues.
Card sent to Peg Shaffer who had strep and some other health issues.
Members who celebrate their birthday in June:
Mary Ellen Beckman, Elaine Chapman, Amanda Harrison,
Barbara Jacobson, Sandie Nunemaker and Sandy Waters
We wish you all a very Happy Birthday!!!!
We encourage you to let us know who needs a card!
Thank you for volunteering to be on the Hospitality Committee. Please remember:
(1) You need to come at 6:00 pm to make coffee and other drinks.
(2) You will also need to stay after to help clean up.
(3) There is a list of duties that hangs in the kitchen so that you can know what your
responsibilities are.
Thank you to all the guild members who have brought food and cleaned up and made coffee and
tea…your work does not go unnoticed!
Tonight’s treats are brought to you by: Debbie Guetzlaff, Mary Ellen Beckman, and Liz
Greeter: Agatha Baldwin
Ladder Holders: Jamie Castle and Mary Ellen Beckman
Keepsake Quilters Guild Annual Meeting
P.O. Box 1043, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
May 19, 2014
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa
The annual meeting was called to order by President Chris Lorenz at 7:00 pm following hors d’oeuvers
which were served by the board members. We had 53 members present and one new member joining
The annual meeting started with Show and Tell from today’s workshop “Making a Quillow” taught by
Char Haycroft. Jamie Castle and Laura gave us an update on the 2014 Quilt Show They presented the
raffle quilt and everyone was reminded to pick up their raffle tickets to sell.
Chris Lorenz reminded everyone that the yearly dues need to be paid by tonight to be included in the
2014-2015 membership booklets. The budget for the upcoming year was presented and reviewed. Jan
Finzen motioned to approve the budget as presented and the motion carried. Carol Garrett did the
nametag drawing and Janet O’Neil had the semi-annual volunteer drawing. The Yearly awards were
presented. The Golden Thimble was presented to Jamie Castle and the Golden Needle was presented to
Judy Tyer.
The next order of business was installation of the new board members. The retiring board members are
Chris Lorenz, Deb Reuter, Judy Tyer, Agatha Baldwin, Joyce Kienast and Roberta Craven. They were
thanked for their service to the guild. The following board members were installed:
President: Janet Koehler
President-Elect: Deb Guetzlaff
Secretary: Shirley Thode
Treasurer: Liz Wehrmacher
Program: Kay Leeper
Program-Elect: Laural Northey
Program Committee: Judy Tyer
Karen Acton
Sue Plagge
Sheryl Powell
Joyce Kienast
Deb Reuter
Membership: Peggy Shaffer
Membership-Elect: Laura Richter
Newsletter: Sandy Waters
Newsletter-Elect: Leann Abraham
Quilts to Share: Janet O’Neil
Web Administrator: Jan Gallagher
Hospitality: Mary Ellen Beckman
Judy Tyer and Kay Leeper presented the workshops and programs for the upcoming year. We have an
excited year to look forward to. Janet Koehler presented Chris Lorenz with her President’s Quilt.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Deb Reuter, Secretary
Keepsake Quilters Guild Board Meeting
P.O. Box 1043, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
June 2, 2014
Crazy to Quilt, Cedar Falls, IA
The regular meeting was called to order by President Janet Koehler at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Janet Koehler, Debbie Guetzlaff, Joyce Kienast, Kay Leeper, Judy Tyer, Laurel Northey
Liz Wehrmacher, Leann Abraham, Jamie Castle, Sandy Waters, Debbie Reuter, Agatha Baldwin,
Jan Gallagher, Shirley Thode, Laura Richter
Absent: Peggy Schaffer
Secretary’s report: The minutes of the May meeting were read. Joyce moved to approve the
minutes and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report for May was presented and filed for review.
Program Committee: The June workshop is “Using Modern Design Elements to Make a Quilt”
presented by Marny Buck and Jill Guffy of Modern Quilt Relish. The evening program will be a
Modern Quilts trunk show presented by Marney and Jill. The July workshop will be assembling
the President’s Challenge blocks for Hospice quilts. The evening program will be a trunk show
by Erica Plank of “Unseen Hands” The August workshop is “Ricky Tims’-Kaleidoscope Quilt”
presented by Carol Moellers. The evening program is a trunk show by Carol.
Membership: Joyce reported that the membership booklet is at the printer.
Public Relations: Jamie reported that the Tri-folds will be ready for the June Meeting.
Quilt Show: Jamie reported that the posters are finished. There will be bookmarks made with
Guild information on one side and Quilt Show information on the other side to help promote
the Quilt Show. Other ways to promote the Quilt Show will be explored.
New Business: Janet K. was authorized to purchase two USB devices to store important guild
information (By-Laws, Policies, Etc.). The deadline for the monthly newsletter was discussed,
and it was decided that all information should be received by the newsletter editor shortly after
the monthly board meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting will be July 7, 2014,
at Crazy to Quilt.
Respectfully submitted: Shirley Thode, Secretary