THE CEDAR INTERFEROMETRY PROGRAM The GBOA sub-committee on Interferometry John W. Meriwether, Jr., Chairman Space Physics Research Laboratory University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Manfred A. Biondi, University of Pittsburgh James H. Hecht, Aerospace Corporation Craig A. Tepley, Arecibo Observatory Roger W. Smith, University of Alaska Fred L. Roesler, University of Wisconsin Robert J. Sica, Utah State University Gordon Shepherd, York University IS, I9S6 Table of contents 1. Ground-based high resolution optical instriunentation: an overview John W. Meriwether, Jr. 2. Coupling of energy and momentum in the thermosphere: interferometric observations Roger W. Smith 3. Collaboration of incoherent scatter radar and optical instrumentation Craig A. Tepley 4. The WAMDn, Concept and preliminary results Gordon Shepherd 5. Low resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer James H. Hecht 6..Studies in equatorial dynamics Manfred A. Biondi 7. Studies in geocoronal d3niamics F.L Roesler 8. Improved Fabry-Perot interferometer- Design considerations Manfred A. Biondi 9. The application of imaging detectors for Fabry-Perot spectroscopy F.L. Roesler 10. Temperature,wind, and intensity analysis for an imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer Robert J. Sica 11. Implementation of CEDAR scientific objectives with high resolution interferometry John W. Meriwether, Jr. 1. Ground-based high resolution optical instrumentation: an overview 1.1 Introduction Many examples exist in aeronomy that portray how dynamics plays an important or even crucial role in atmospheric processes. Energy deposited in the upper atmosphere through photo-ionization, plasma dynamics, and particle precipitation is redistributed throughout the global system by transport. These pathways are reasonably well understood for the thermosphere. Work remains, however, to cl£u*ify our understanding further for the other atmospheric regions of the lower thermosphere, mesosphere, and the geocorona. Furthermore, the need to include the dynamical coupling between atmospheric regions in the analysis and modelling of observations has made current studies of upper atmosphere dynamics considerably more complex. This is particularly true for the case of the mesosphere. The temperature profile through the mesosphere is closely coupled to the deposition of energy into the mesosphere by gravity waves that are dissipated within this region. In addition, thermal tides, planetary waves, and joule heating (at high latitudes) within the lower thermosphere all take part in the dynamical activity of the mesosphere. For ground-based observations, high resolution doppler instrumentation is currently restricted to the detection of the source motions averaged over the emission height profile. Consequently, optical interferometry makes its most important contribution to aeronomy studies through the global mapping of horizontal motions. This is especially true for those areas where boundaries exist, whether between the polar cap and the auroral zone, or between the equatorial and mid-latitude regions. However, the passage of the Earth's shadow through atmospheric regions in twilight provides a possible but unexplored means of determining the height profile of atmospheric dynamics. Little work has been devoted to this question, largely because improved optical instrumentation with greater throughput and better background discrimination is needed for the proper exploitation of the twilight for dynamical studies. The current state of detector technology determines how well certain dynamical studies may be achieved. In some cases we may be able to detect the emission feature, i.e., make a discovery, but the sensitivity needed to exploit the discovery properly may be lacking. Progress in the last decade would have been considerably retarded had it not been for the introduction of the GaAs photomultiplier increasing the sensitivity of the Fabry Perot interferometer by factors of five or better for emission wavelengths above 600.0 nm. The interferometry committee debated extensively how major increases in sensitivity may be attained. Solid state detectors have reached the state of development where factors of 20 to 50 increase in signal counts may be feasible. An alternative possibility lies in the application of optical design to collect more efficiently the light existing in the outer rings, i.e., field widening. This was the concept proposed by Hernandez[1982], but application proved to be demanding. This section will summarize the application of high resolution interferometry, provide examples of specific emissions where detector enhancements would greatly improved the scope of possible exploitation, and then review the specific CEDAR scientific goals that would be addressed through application of improved high resolution spectral instrimientation. The other papers will extend the review of the CEDAR scientific objectives in reference to the three atmosphere regions and also consider instrumental improvements necessary to achieve these goals. 1.2 Fundamental aspects of high resolution interferometry The application of the Fabry-Perot interferometer to the study of a specific spectral line emission will determine the velocity distribution of emitting atoms as integrated along the instrumental line of sight. For the case of thermalized distributions, the average motion of the medium (doppler shift with respect to an imshifted reference), may be inferred. We may also determine the doppler width (temperature) and the total population of emitting atoms within the envelope of the spectral profile, i.e., the intensity. These concepts are portrayed in Fig. 1.1 (taken from Hernandez and Roble, 1979). For non-thermal populations, the interpretation of the spectral profile becomes more difficult. The physics underlying the d3mamics of the emitting region has to be understood and well modelled before the characteristics of the spectral profile can be utilized. This is especially true for the case of intensity ratios of oxygen multiplets where the emissions originate from optically thick parent states (see Section by Hecht in this report). Application of the interferometer to atmospheric emissions, especially for metastable molecular emissions, can provide important information regarding spectroscopic constants that may be more precise than laboratory measurements can achieve due to wall quenching collisions inherent in laboratory work. For molecular emissions, the FabryPerot interferometer can determine the rotational temperature from the measured intensity ratios with great precision. The point here in comparison with other optical instrumentation is the larger instrumental throughput capability of the Fabry-Perot interferometer as compared with other spectroscopic instrumentation, i.e., the so-called Jacquinot advantage. 1.3 Examples of interferometry achievements and failings This section will provide an indication of possible achievements given improved instrumental sensitivity. We will show cases where the potential rewards show promise of being especially exciting and interesting. The first example in Fig. 1.2 is the detection of 630.0 nm doppler shift in aurora (from Hays and Roble, 1969]. The quality of 630.0 nm signal produced by the aurora is evident. This discovery has been exploited by many investigators. Fig. 1.3 taken from Hernandez and Roble [1984] shows the seasonal variations of thermospheric winds throughout the year for solar activity at solar maximum and solar minimum. The difference between the two is an indication of the importance of the coupling between the auroral region and mid-latitudes for solar maximum. Improved instrumentation would produce data of the quality shown in Fig. 1.2 for airglow signal levels. Another example of discovery followed by exploitation is the 732.0 nm spectral emission relating to O"'". Fig. 1.4 shows ion drift measurements made with the FabryPerot interferometer in the auroral zone for a period of unusually soft electron precipitation (Meriwether et al., 1974). The introduction of the GaAs photomultiplier, which increased the detector sensitivity a factor between 4 and 5, and the location of the instrimient at the polar cusp where high electron temperatures and intense flux of soft electrons exist, made this emission more useful for studies concerning the coupling between the plasma and the neutral atmosphere. Section 2 discusses this issue concerning coupling in greater detail for high latitude locations. We turn now to the spectral emissions showing promise of application of important scientific achievements but currently falling short of expectations due to the poor signal-tonoise ratios. An example of great interest today is the measurement of mesospheric winds. Hernandez and Smith [1984] demonstrated in Fig. 1.5 that the Pj^(2) line of the 8-3 band of OH can be detected with sufficient precision for doppler shift measurements provided that the instrument is sufficiently stable over the several hours of integration needed to achieve spectra of this quality. Estimates suggested that major improvements can be made by using OH emissions from a brighter OH vibrational band located further to the red. Improved detectors sensitive to these near-infrared photons would open a new area of atmospheric ground-based dynamical investigations. Another example is the case of 620.0 nm emissions of atomic nitrogen emitted by 2 the N( D) atoms. Integration lasting one hour was needed to obtain the results shov/n in Fig. 1.6. Observations at the higher resolution needed for thermal width and doppler position determinations would require longer integration times. These nitrogen emissions would be especially useful in providing F-region determinations of the kinetic temperature and neutral winds at a slightly higher height than that corresponding to the oxygen line at 630.0 nm. Studies relating to F-region wind shear and perturbations of the thermospheric temperature profile would be possible. 1.4 Summary of present FPI facilities Fig. 1.7 simimarizes the present geographical distribution of FPI facilities that currently exists (excluding two possible sites in the Soviet Union). Table 1.1 provides further details concerning the distribution. Almost all stations operate fully automatically during nighttime. Most stations are utilizing the atomic oxygen line at 630.0 nm for thermospheric djmamics studies. The low spectral resolution instrument employed by Hecht and Christiansen currently operates in campaign efforts only. Unfortunately, the FPI station at Fritz Peak has been dismantled. Practically all stations use the GaAs photomultiplier for detection. Almost all stations use etalon plates 10 or 15 cm in diameter. Piezoelectric and pressure scanning techniques are commonly used for acquisition of the spectral profile, although several stations use the imaging detector in place of these methods. Most stations are operated by a mini-computer and run automatically. The Calgary facility can be reached by telephone for interrogation as to data quality; a similar capability is plsinned for the Millstone Hill facility. Because the optics in these instruments are very similar in size, and also because of the widespread use of GaAs photomultipliers, the instrumental sensitivity is generally about several c/s/R. The use of the multiple exit plate by Biondi at Laurel Ridge makes that instrument sensitivity greater than any other by almost a factor of 5. 1.5 Airglow/auroral emissions lines commonly used for FPI studies The committee discussed at length various source emissions that high resolution instrimientation could observe in airglow or auroral emissions given improved sensitivity. There is a large number of E-region and F-region emissions that is readily accessible from the ground. These are listed in Table 1.2. Many other lines and molecular bands exist that may be studied as well, but lack of adequate sensitivity has prohibited the undertaking of this work. The committee was of unanimous opinion that a spectral atlas of much improved quality as compared with the present atlas of Broadfoot and Kendall [1968] was of considerable importance as an aid to improved future planning of new FPI studies. Consideration should be given in future planning to the application of high resolution instrimientation to other optical emissions lying either further to the blue or to the red end of the visible spectrum Shiftmg to these spectral areas has the advantage that the emissions from other atmospheric minor constituents become accessible providing further opportumties for the exploration of the dynamics of the three atmospheric regions defined by the CEDAR objectives. 1.6 Discussion of CEDAR objectives CEDAR objective I Mesosphere-Thermosphere 80 km < H < 300 km The steering committee defmed three areas of concentration for this topic: A) quiet conditions, B) active conditions, and C) small scale structures. Table 1.3 presents the interferometry goals for these areas. The set of spectral features listed in Table 1.2 contains the major emissions that may be applied for specific studies relating to this CEDAR objective. Typically, the measurement times specified are those needed to achieve data acquisition rates compatible with the rate of change of the underlying phenomenon, whether twilight, aurora, nightglow, or dayglow. The error bars for measurements were left unspecified but are taken to be that associated with high quality observations: typically, doppler shift and temperature errors of 10 m/s and 30 K, respectively. In twilight it is presumed the primary goal is to follow the change in the spectral profile observed as a function of the shadow height for several directions. At other times, although the observation time may be extended a bit, many more directions will be needed to define the velocity and temperature fields to the level of precision wanted. More directions will be needed at high latitudes, where small scale structures in both temperature and velocity fields are known to exist. A reasonable goal would be a total of 9 directions for nightglow emissions and three times as many for auroral emissions. In the case of small scale structures, imaging systems such as those based upon the Michelson interferometer design (for example, the WAMDII) or the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer fitted with an area detector would define more suitably the velocity and temperature fields with good precision. A bistatic observatory is required to determine the components of the neutral wind vector within a common volume; it offers the best means for gaining high temporal resolution of the neutral wind vector without any assumption made concerning spatial gradients or temporal variations. CEDAR objective n Upper thermosphere-Exosphere/Plasmasphere H>300km The second CEDAR objective concerns the geocoronal region, which is largely populated by hydrogen and helium atoms with an occasional contribution by hot oxygen atoms. The details of the CEDAR program are listed in Table 1.4. The central element is the measurement of the atom's detailed velocity distribution by means of the high resolution Fabry-Perot interferometer. Major emphasis must be placed upon the acquisition of spectral profiles with high signal-to-noise ratios. The desired temporal resolution should be of order of 16 minutes, so that short term variations in the velocity distribution may be followed closely. Although the simplest measurement is in the zenith direction, it is also desirable to look in various other directions as well. The critical test of existing theory in comparison with these results is made with the comparison of predicted spectral profiles with measurements for various directions. It will be especially desirable to combine the observations of the spectral emissions of H and He in a study. This would allow the composition of the geocorona as a function of shadow height be explored. Other issues are the relative importance of Jeans escape versus charge exchange, the fraction of the geocoronal population existing in satellite states, and the major question of redistribution of hydrogen and helium atoms through coupling to the thermosphere and via exospheric transport. Major improvements in instrumental sensitivity are needed for these studies to be possible. 10 CEDAR objective III Stratosphere-Mesosphere 30 km < H < 100 km Interferometric goals for this CEDAR objective listed in Table 1.5 are primarily the measurements of mesospheric winds and temperatures via airglow emissions of OH and Og during nightglow, twilight, and dayglow. The measurement times should be short to allow the acquisition of temperature and velocity field maps with excellent detail and good temporal resolution. The complex nature of the dynamical processes in play within this region requires that measurements of the winds and temperatures be complemented with other data that extend the physical picture of the various processes. Possible auxiliary observations are imaging of the OH or 01 intensities, vertical height profiles attained by lidar or radar studies, and rocket experiments. Long term sequences of observations are needed to assess seasonal and biennial variations. 11 Applied Optics So- 15 OCTOBER 1979 So- Emitting Loyer Fritz Peak Fig. 1.1 ATMOSPHERIC SPECTROSCOPY Hatb and Eobld INTEGRATION PERIOD « 2.0 SEC. 6300 A H KojOiisa g 400 111 2.0 PRESSURE(PSI) Fig. 1.2 The X6300 fringe profiles obtained with a Fabi-y-Perot interferometer from 0240 to 0325 LT on May 14-15, 1969. Curve 1 shows the fringe profiles measured at a zenith angle of 70*N in the meridian plane of the Airglow Observatoty and curve 2 shows the fringe profiles measured at a cenith angle of 70*8. Hoi.N/kNDCZ AND Roau: iKEXXBrKDuc Winds LT UT T r—r SoU/ Minimum SOm/» itlll 00 07 2D 03 IS 01 J J Month Fig 13aWind vector varUlton during the year over Friu Peak Observatory for wlar cycle miniiniun determined b> avenging the zonal wind component measured east and west of Frii2 Peak Observatory and the mehdionaJ wind componenu measured oortb and south of Friu Peak Observatory. The direaion is upward to the north, routine dock wise to the east,south, and westdireaions, rcspeaively. LT m SOm's Sotar Maximum (N) Oi 11 02 09 00 07 2D 03 ie 01 Month FigJ.3bWind veoor variation during the year over Fritz Peak Observatory for sotar cycle maximum determined b> combining the wind components in the north and the avenged easi and west direaion from the sution The dircnion u upward to the oonh. routing dock wise to the east, south, and westdirections,rcspectivdy. RESE>U^CH NOTES Mlchlgon drglow obstrvohry E«t»r Oomt, Alotko 12 Fabnjory 1972 (AST) Doppltr profll* of X73I9 0* 100m/»*c i ©o- T-0115 (AST) 60 L rt'A-Otmct T-0125 (AST) 4rw rT-4-0 ••c 20- l-O 2-0 PratHira, s-o 4-0 psi Fio.l^ Dorrtu. rKonus or On 7319 A CMmioNs obsuvtd dumno thz hioht or 12 pEBRUAxy 1972 ATEjtck Dome. AUksxA. •The twoprofiJes were obtaioed by looking 45'Eajid 45*W, respcetivdy. 13664 40 Ar line •Q (1) Alternated by fi ^13663.27, Xe-Aa 1*110 l»tIO |«2J0 •9240 SrccTXUxi O/ TOJ S2CWK cnvTRCP »r -rot rM0iirLur<4o ntru uuvim wm IMVUnSATIOH. c-Acr 04 03 02 (cr - 13664) K Speccra of Xenon (top) and OH X 'li (8-3) Pj(2) lines (bnttom). The frequency scale is in SncnuM or «« »toiOH *j F;o. i Ara Kiski* su- .ti'.' Noieihe evedappinc or o.-d^. dicated relative to the left side 1366A.4 Xe line. Also, multiple orders are indicated. Fig. 1.5 Fig. 1.6 IWETHER SVAL0ARD THULE KIRUNA SONDRESTROM -ISASKATOOrf CALGARY MADISON ^r, MILLSTONE HILL FRITZ PEAK^ f MT. ZAO LAUREL RIDGE ANN ARBOR-^ ARECIBO AREQUIPA SAO JOS^ MT. TORRENS SA BEVERI VICTORIA •/r -LEY AWSON BAY 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 F P I Polar cap stations: ' FACILITIES Thule Spitsbergen (2 stations) Auroral zone stations Sondre Stromfjord College Mawson, Antarctic (Australia) Saskatoon (Canada) Trixie Bay (Soviet Union) Kiruna (Sweden) Mid-latitude stations Ann Arbor Millstone Hill Madison Australia (2 stations; Dyson and Jacka) Laurel Ridge Calgary Halley Bay, Antartica (U. K.) Low-lat./equatorial; Arecibo, P. R. Arequipa, Peru Sao Paulo (Brazil) Dayglow instrumentation Madison Ann Arbor Fritz Peak (Burnett, OH) Portable FPI: Millstone Thule Table 1.1 BASIC REPERTOIRE OF EMISSION LINES FOR FPI STUDIES 250-300 km aur./airglow Tn' Vn 5 - N 275-325 Tn' Vn 0.3 - 10 R O- 250-300 km auroral zone/ Ti' Vi 0.5 - 100 R twilight 1. 630.0 nm O 2. 520.0 3. 732.0 km 1 - 200 R nightglow 10 R weak auora 100 R cleft/aurora 4. 557.7 97 km In nlghtglow T ^n', V n many kR in aurora, 250 R airglow 5. OH 85 6. Na 91 km 10 - km V n 100 - 10 7. 8. 9. 10. 777.4 250-300 km equatorial 100 R 2000 R twilight 25 R nightglow Ti, Vi molecular bands of 02* N2/ N2+ atomic multiplet lines, 7990 of 01 and others composition metastable lines of N"*" and O"*"*" (speculative) T., V, Table 1.2 P branch CEDAR Topic I: A) Quiet Wesosphere-Thermosphere 80 km > h < 300 km 1. T^(h), T^(h), V^(h) possible in twilight, but concept remains conditions; ^ . to be confirmed. Stable solar Possible emission lines: and magnetic activity i. Molecular emission of N2+ and 0^ ii. Basic repertoire i i i . Ca"*" Measurement time: 5-50 seconds Intensity range; 1 - 400 Rayleighs, typically 2. Nightglow measurements define dynamic state of atmosphere for centroid height of emission layer Basic set of lines except Na Measurement times: 1-10 minutes Intensity range; 0.3 - 400 R for brighter features, want more direc tions for map definition of velocity field. 3. Dayglow emission lines (same as nightglow with addition of molecular emissions; signal enhanced by 2 - 3 orders of magnitude; background enhanced by 6 - 9 orders of magni tude) . Very little work done in this area; mountain station needed. B) Short term changes Same as A1 and A2 but measurement time - Major geomagnetic storms available diminshed by need for much - Substorms improved doppler map quality. - (AE) IMF - Waves C) Small scale structures Require bistatic observatory and upgraded detector systems; very suitable for imaging doppler system like WAMDII. Table 1.3 CEDAR Objective II: A) Upper Thermosphere-Exosphere/Plasmasphere 1. Global variations of H, He, and hot 0 H>300 km Measure spectral profiles of H, He» and o''" emissions in twilight at various places with FPI. B) Exospheric particle Same as above. velocity disturbances C) Coupling with plasmasphere/ Magnetosphere 2. Emissions excited by SAR arc and ring current particles to be examined with FPI. Time resolution should be 15 minutes or less. Twilight/nightglow, quiet aurora and polar cap, dayglow sequence of priorities. Quality of spectrum should be high as the details of line shape represent principal aim of this objective. Bare CCD detector and multiple etalons needed for the 1.04 V He emission. CEDAR Objective III: A) Gravity wave, Stratosphere-Mesosphere 1. Measurements of mesosphere winds eddy diffusion, and temperatures with OH and OI/O2 transport, PCA emissions in twilight and nightglow. and rel. Should be carried out as a part of elec., LT variations. campaign involving a cluster of instruments. B) 30 km < h < 100 km Modelling and related emission measurements. Table 1.3 Continued 2. Coupling of energy and momentum in ^ thermosphere: Interferometric observations (R. W. Smith, U. of Alaska) 2.1 Summary of coupling mechanisms Coupling means the transfer of heat or momentum between different locations in the thermosphere or between different components of the fluid. The t3rpes of physical coupling may be identified by inspection of the relevant energy and momentum equations for the components of the fluid. The momentum equation (Rishbeth and Garriot, 1969) shows terms involving advection, viscosity, ion drag, and tides which may do work on the local fluid particle and therefore transfer momentum. Although there may be many mechanisms at work, only those which are major effects are likely to be discernable from ground-based measurements. Advection can be considered as the coupling of stream momentum from some upstream region. Here, work done at some distant point in the path of the fluid parcel becomes evident locally due to the requirements of continuity. In comparison, the viscous interaction can transfer momentum perpendicular to the direction of flow. This may occur horizontally or vertically. The most important effect of viscosity is in the vertical direction above 200 km altitude (Rishbeth, 1972; Killeen, 1985c). The viscous drag depends upon the scale length for velocity change. This may be short in the horizontal direction under extreme disturbance at high altitudes. In such cases (eg. convection chemnel ion drag) the viscous coupUng of momentum may be substantial. Tidal and gravity wave interactions are transitory unless the thermosphere is lossy. Breaking waves at the height of the mesopause deposit their energy and heat the lower boimdary of the thermosphere. 13 A very important and significant source of coupling originates in the interaction between ions and neutrals. At high latitudes, this mechanism introduces energy from the solar wind into the thermosphere via a complex route. The interplanetary plasma acts as a power source generatmg a large potential difference between the dawn and the dusk flanks of the magnetospheric tail. This is conducted to the polar cap ionosphere along equipotential geomagnetic field lines. The resulting ionospheric electric field sets up ion motion which is coupled to the neutral thermosphere through ion drag. Hence, ultimately this mechanism depends upon the interaction of the solar wind with the boundary of the magnetosphere. More immediately, the couplmg reveals the large scale features of ion convection caused by the ExB drift. Due to changes in the latitudinal extent of the polar cap (the boundary of the polar cap is considered here to be delineated at the convection reversal), this kind of coupling has profound effects on a global scale. The magnitude of heat and momentimi deposited at high latitudes composes a considerable fraction of the global thermospheric energy budget. Variations in the energy input at height latitudes and the penetration of the magnetospheric electric field to lower latitudes cause substantial modifications to the circulation in the midlatitudinal region (Hernandez and Roble, 1976). The ion energy equation (Banks, 1981) can be used to identify coupling mechanisms in which the neutral gas is heated. The frictional heating term applies to the thermal energy generated as a result of the same drag process which was considered above as a source of stream momentiun. The ions share the random kinetic energy equally with the neutrals but rise in temperature more rapidly because oftheir much smaller density. Also the ion temperature may be elevated due to the thermal transfer from the hot electron gas which results from auroral precipitation. Thermal coupling may be considered in terms of the difference in temperature between the ions and neutrals. Coupling also occurs between height regimes by vertical winds. A steady upward wind, possibly generated by local Joule heating in the lower thermosphere has the effectof populating the F region of the ionosphere with molecules and thereby increasing the 14 recombination rate and adjusting the chemical balance. At higher altitudes, the outflow of hydrogen and helium has a substantial impact on the physical structure of the exosphere and the upper thermosphere. Downward winds modify composition in the lower thermosphere by moving air parcels of the thermosphere into the lower thermosphere and by the resulting modifications of reactions rates caused by the higher temperature of these air parcels. A summary of the coupling considered in this section is given in Table 2.1. Each type of coupling is listed by row and various facets are identified by colimins. 2.2 Ground-based observations Interferometric observations of an exploratory or synoptic type have been in progress for many years (see, for example, the review by Meriwether, 1983). Studies of coupling imply at least two measurements at selected points in space or referring to different components of the fluid. This may involve either different wavelengths and/or different instruments. Hence, it is necessary to establish comparability of calibration and operating modes. Although temperature measurements, being scalar, require only one instrument or one direction of view for a complete measurement, wind determinations ideally require three independant observations to obtain the complete vector. Often the vertical component is presumed small and a horizontal component is derived from two measurements only (Smith, 1981, Tepley et al., 1984). 2.3 Existing coupling studies The best studies of ion-neutral interactions have come from the in-situ and remote observations from specially instnmiented satellites such as AEC and DE-2 (see, for example Nagy et al, 1974; St. Maurice and Hanson, 1982; and Killeen et al., 1985b). In the present dearth of a suitably instnmiented satellite, and in the context of GBOA, the continuation of this work must be carried out from the ground. Investigations of the ionneutral interaction are in progress in Svalbard (Smith et al., 1982, McCormac and Smith, 15 1984, Smith, 1985) and have begun at other high latitude stations (Ponthieu et al., 1985; Shih et al., 1985). The close correlation of ion and neutral directions of motions is shown in Fig. 2.1 which represents measurements in the cusp from Svalbard. Fig. 2.2 shows that the optical doppler technique may be applied to the studies of ion frictional heating. The main restriction on progress is lack of sensitivity and therefore larger error bars and inadequate time resolution. Application of the program to upgrade the sensitivity of instrimients through the GBOA initiative will result in much better returns from this work. Temporal and spatial resolution in the data will then represent the physical situation more adequately. Many investigators have collaborated to compile a northern hemisphere (middle and high latitude) average thermosphere weather map shown in Fig. 2.3 for December 1981 (Killeen et al., 1985) showing the potential for investigating the large scale effects of coupling through the application of the TCGM. The average effects of the separation of geomagnetic and geographic poles, and the penetration of magnetospheric electric fields down to the middle latitudes may then be deduced. A strong disturbance in the wind field, such as that produced by a narrow convection channel (St. Maurice and Schunk, 1981) will cause local increases in the horizontal viscous coupling. Fig. 2.4 illustrates the horizontal coupling of momentum at high altitudes which acts to couple the neutral momentum in the convection channel to adjacent regions. A single station FPI may attempt to observe such features following the analysis of Tepley et al.(1984), an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.5. Thermospheric vertical winds in excess of 20 m/s have been found to be remarkably commonplace (Hernandez, 1982; Meriwether, 1983; Rees et al., 1984a; Biondi, 1984; Herrero et al.,1984; Biondi and Sipler, 1985). Although strong vertical components only come out of large scale models for severe disturbances (Rees et al., 1984b), it is now accepted that small scale vertical winds do exist and that their effect must be substantial in the thermodynamics and chemistry of the thermosphere. Herrero et al.(1984) examined 16 the issue of the production of these vertical wind events by auroral heating sources and concluded that the observations were consistent with a model for the propagation of a gravity wave from a source located in the lower thermosphere. 2.4 Future coupling studies Studies of coupling in the CEDAR context can be carried out as set out in Table n. Existing FPI observatories located at high latitudes and operated at a fixed wavelength (either 630.0 nm or 557.7 nm) are suitable for certain coupling studies. These are restricted to a limited latitudinal and longitudinal description of the vector wind field and temperature field (Tepley et al., 1984). At high latitudes, there are doubts about the height of emission of the sources at each of the wavelengths. These introduce uncertainties which are particularly worrying for temperature gradients and for winds when the source wavelength is at 557.7 nm. Long tenm averaged data should demonstrate genered spatial trends in temperature. On the other hand, 557.7 nm data is always difficult to interpret when auroral contamination is present. Clustering of instruments working at the same wavelength provides extra information which can be used to better define the spatial distribution of wind vectors over an extended region. Also, by bistatic operation, some uncertainty can be removed from the derived wind vectors in the zone between the stations since both (or all) observations used to compose the vector are measured at the same point. Advected momentum may be deduced if several measurements of the wind are made along and perpendicular to the stream direction. The passage of waves (but not their energy deposition) may also be identified with greater certainty because of the removal of the spatial/temporal ambiguity. The use of a fast (Class 1) instrument with a filter changer, or the colocation of two or more single wavelength instrument opens up many other possibilities. Height resolution may be obtained and also ion-neutral interactions may be investigated. Tables I and n show that the potential for achievement of the CEDAR objectives is greatly increased for 17 this configuration of histruments. The source intensities which could be used in such work are much lower than the 630.0 nm and 557.7 nm emissions now used. Also measurements must be made more rapidly than at present. A very substantial improvement in sensitivity is essential for a realistic exploitation of these research opportimities. 18 tSCu rjLSfflJC J5»TM • TI-SS IK ItT t t Kc ltd «-in nirsiic CKTM u.-is u; K.T » KC IStl KmAr*! «»W Fig. 2.1 FRICTIQNAI HEATING PLOT D28NOV19&A 5 A 30DEC 1981 S + 28NOV198A N FRICTIONAL HEATING APPROXIMATION 800 n / / 600 / CUSP AND CLEFT DATA 3 ago ^ D 200 200 AOO 600 800 CTt-i;) K 1000 1200 WXI / >-9, 500 M/S Fig. 2.3 (0 ) Cofflbineo method 200 ms* S9 55 51 47 Z — 43 . Www ;WWWVVwwws V», < Q> 0 3 1 »» (b) Colgory method ColQCfy observotlons 30-31 Mofch 1981 mu(«^ I30I V'"" ^V\\' 55 51 ♦ 20 Vvvv V V 22 VM 00 02 ♦ 04 M.S.T. Pig • 2.5 The wind field atCalgary on 30-31 March 1981 DEDUCED BY USING (a) THE 'COMBINED METHOD" AND (b) THE "Calgary method". Fig. 2.A CO 0 f^iif^CA pf riCi6Hr HVtr Tirftc *- UiU>n/>£ ^LAy / /- \ c< rccxTi-z/f'i'rxo^ erFrEcr lccal • ICNf 1 j/isr-rt^n-y I ASH V • TihAL FRtcriot^ (jcvlshsat) y MuACtfTU'V. Sr KS^TiC/Vt. / / i/ AhvTCrtc,/^ AOA/MiJLY «C/9r£Xr ar^fiBcr wn^ji-i c-^ty y STZi^d tJ>i.rx. ACeXuBiAnot^ Ajofr ift^pTATyft^r Ar U't.ieK. &ccw^4^v / OP rKfRMci^Trt^ ^lt.''C>ZSir<6 y*i/ M&'V iVikikCV />V/j6..<t /o/y He7q7-//v6 « <Ycvrji««.Henn/v^ / »/ /3t>r /e^ 7rv»p > //rvnV»s.7CM/» Th£<f)r,Ai. Co^hc'cnfirjr 5/ r'^i'c&C(^y 7SA^/^^re2> Co'sji^Tie^v tH&vA/kT, SKC^Tt<hV£^ ifni^etrw fJo/Trt/ici • V / . /4trfrA*ui> /^2>VcOnof>f / / ,/ T»lA^P-w<tTtl» c.<Ct4A>^r»c->f. Table 2.1 iS'^r^QMEMTAt. AP.OLlCAT/OrsJS Lfirt-rvbe Mr"6wr icw «# TtW^Pofij- waves VlSCO^JT^ K!r?7ic/« SwGl6 Clx> fPJ vX- Uf^iTch . Sif^StjE WU.Ti^As^6L£//4^> Lif^ireSt 63^/7ac FPX Mi(y>c7*TVAJ<THC^Al CLysrfTJ hLrre^ ^ico Ff r. Ufnirs2> f^tt/ury ScAuf AA^ay Ciooj> Clx, Pf>rs y reov) 0»WbLE ^NuJimafuc^c^ ^77ic« FPi CSCS»<V^i?s' <U>VSS J FPJ y L/M/7g2> y f./A^<rc2i y y t^-iesioy^ sa^p.ccs y + Tr'Clfi.^AL Table 2.2 v/ 3. Collaborative studies involving incoherent scatter radar and interferometry (Craig A. Tepley, Arecibo Observatory) The simultaneous use of incoherent scatter radar and optical interferometer instrimientation forms a powerful tool to study the ionosphere. Unique measurements can be made from the mesosphere through the exosphere. However, the atmospheric region that has received the most attention has been the thermosphere, particularly in the area of dynamics. An experiment performed by Cogger and Carlson [1977] exemplifies the multi- instrument study of aeronomic problems. This work attempted to measure the neutral concentration of the lower thermosphere through the combination of the Fabry-Perot interferometer and incoherent scatter radar. In this altitude region, the effect that the neutral density and temperature have on the radar spectral shape cannot be independently determined. Optical measurements of the width of the 557.7 nm line with an interferometer, provided an independent estimate of the neutral temperature. Such measurements are shown in Fig. 3.1, where the bottom panel of the figure displays the variation as a function of time. The temperatures are then used to extract the neutral densities from the collistion frequencies that were previously determined from the radai' spectra. In this manner, these two techniques of studying the temporal variation of the neutral atmosphere near 100 km altitude complement each other. Lineshape studies of the Ha emission from the hydrogen geocorona were made by Kerr et al. [1985] at Arecibo. They used the incoherent scatter radar to measure the temperature of the exobase, while the Ha line was observed with an interferometer. The width of the line provides an effective temperature, and an escape flux of hydrogen is indicated by a "cooling" or narrowing of the lineshape. The escaping flux should increase 19 with an incease in the temperature of the exobase. Fig. 3.2 compares the temperature determined from the two methods. Kerr and his coworkers also found evidence for a satellite population of hydrogen as well as for escaping hydrogen. Table 3.1 shows some basic geophysical parameters that can be obtained from radar and interferometer studies of the thermosphere. This list is by no means exhaustive, as other data c£ui be derived from these, such as conductivities and gradients in the temperature and wind fields. An example of the comparison of the overhead vector wind field is shown in Fig. 3.3 for both ionized and neutral atmosphere. The radar measures directly the plasma motion while the interferometer determines the neutral wind from the Doppler shift of the 630 nm emission originating in the thermosphere. Even though the two seasonal patterns are significantly different, good agreement between the motions of the plasma and neutral atmosphere is observed for the simmier and winter months. This result mdicates the coupling between the F-region plasma and the thermosphere is usually strong with a consequent development of a polarization electric field that is effective when the coupling to the E region is weak. Although optical and radar wind measurements have been made regularly at Arecibo since 1980, comparisons of this type were made at Chatanika as early as a solar cycle before (Nagy et al., 1974). Fig. 3.4 compares the average meridional component of the neutral wind obtained by Wickwar et al. [1984], while individual experiments from their work are illustrated in Fig. 3.5. Incoherent scatter radar measurements are sensitive to the neutrsil meridional flow provided that an accurate value for the plasma diffusion velocity can be estimated. Finally, a direct comparison of the variation of the vertical component of the neutral wind, shown in Fig. 3.6, illustrates the effects of gravity waves on the measured data. The work performed by Bumside et al. [1983] illustrates the effect of both the local and the conjugate point polarization electric fields on the coupling between the neutral and ionized atmosphere. They determined that the local E-region has little effect on the 20 nighttime electrodjmamics of the F-region when the height-integrated Pederson conductivity of the F-region significantly exceeds that of the E-region. Not only do the effects of the local E-region play a role in the plasma drifts, but it is also important to consider how the ionosphere at the conjugate point influences these drifts. The zonal ion and neutral velocities shown in Fig. 3.7a agree, for the most part. However, for the winter data there is a significant departure of the ions from the variation of the neutrals. This departure coincides remarkably well with the time of the F-region sunrise in the conjugate hemisphere. Burnside et al. determined that the local ion velocity is a function of both the local and conjugate point neutral winds, scaled by their representive conductivities. This argument is based on the reasonable assumption that the magnetic field line linking the two conjugate stations is an equipotential, as illustrated in Fig. 3.8. To fully understand measurements of this type would require the placement of Fabry-Perot interferometers and radars, or simple ionosondes at the conjugate point. This will enable us to determine the state of the neutral atmosphere and the plasma at stations that are conjugate in the northern and southern hemisphere. Additionally, complementary radar and optical instrumentation can be best utilized when formed into zonal or meridional chains. In this manner, the conditions of the ionosphere, and other regions of the atmosphere, can be studied on a global basis. 21 0130 mi 5.1973 t 0«st»vi0 015577 I ^»»or*,C iTUTHCSirCD fHOflLE <0 «0 SPECTRAL CHANNEL Observed and synthesized 5577A line profiles. Tht prcifilcs were acquired by means of a Fabry-Perot inierferomeier l-nch xpectrul channel is 6.94 x 10-» cm"' (2.16 x 10 » A wide. soo {^ too { e JiJHi 3/4.1973 w Q. z 3 500 a. a. o iiiii o too o *>0 JUKE 4/5.1973 Zt ?2 23 00 01 0? OS 04 OS LOCAL TlUC (Novfti Fig. 3.1 01 3577A Doppler temperatures for June 3/4 and June 4/5, 1973, pcrtjining to an upproximatc altitude of 100 km. 3000 JANUARY 6-7,1904 Ap'IQO Fia7'86.0 T I I • N0VEM8ER 5.1904 a) T SmOOW MEK3HT (Vm) • r SHADOW HEIGHT Orni) !$• 2000 ^ t I 20 22 t 14307 t 2900- r^2000 Ul o: rj < 1500 1500 cc UJ 0. giooo t- 500- X 22 O 2 LOCAL TIME b) Ap'3.0 no.7'103.1 3000 * O 2 LOCAL TIME Fig. 3.2 Two examples of'the eemldlumal variation of the effective neutral hydrogen temperature. The neutral temperature la shown as zeros, with 2 standard deviation error bars. Exospherlc temperature calculated by the MSIS mddel Is shown by a dashed line. loA temperatures are also displayed for A50 km (•) and 530 km (X) altitude. t 4^ ! - \%) / \ -I 410 J- t 00 oz I I < (f) 400 E ISO m SOC I ' 110 to 22 04 0« AST M-fT AVOJST mi 410 («) 400 teo j »o CO It r_ I 02 00 04 AST Fig. 3.3 CocparlsoB of the *verage rector vlnd r*rl*tloo for the neutral and lonlred attwBphere la Illustrated for vlnter and Busjcr conditions. Also shovn In the lover panels la the ootloo of the peak of the F-layer. 1400 18CX) 2200 TIME, AST 0200 OGOO 1000 TIME. AST 0000 0200 1400 100 £ -100 1 MARCH ^ o s? -200 - 1973 FABRY PEROT . RADAR 1971-1978 \ SOUTH FABRY PEROT 1973 V-- oc LU FAORY PEROT 1972 2 1 -300 0000 0400 I I 0800 ' • NORTH H -200 • 1200 1600 2000 2400 TIME, UT Fig. 3./i Comparison of mean meridional winds from the radar data and from ihc Fabry-Pcrol inlcrfcromctcr. CHATANIKA t march I«I3 "3 MARCH 1973 TIMt. aJT o*no RADAR -(j>— FAony finoT I t ' . ~ 170 l;m nAOAn i n km « I 1 t >0 I I I Tii/l! o tioa: 0 tiottr X 1 fjom o J .» MANY DAYS 0600 OSOO 1000 1200 1400 1GD0 time. UT Fig. 3.5 Compnrison of simultaneous deierminaiions of ihc nicridt- onal wind with Ihc radar nnd Fabry-Pcroi. A sniooih average cur\c uoo VIMC. UT Fig. 3.6 Vcrlical wltul mr.tiurentcnii obtjm«J on Marclt I. I97.\ by limtiliaiieout Fabrx-Perol tnd raJjr obtervoiiont li>c:U<«l a( Filer Dome imlCiinlnnlkn, re^pecilvcly, in Al:i*l;a [from ll'/rlHor *1 u/, I9S J. from ihc curves in Figure ^ is included with c.ich sei of measurcmcnis for reference. M Kuvn^ rtfil no li •H aawv* nn 90 0 C, • r T. i Jl-Jl J -100 t i too W MKWtl ntt 1 n IT •WO iOO d > so U f ,1 r 1 11/ 1 1 IJ •6+ •90 § s 11 > 'li'li 90 0 0 '"^1 f B, -JO •90 iWTTTm « t. ft—.n too •BO TO s n n 00 a ot 0) 04 o» o« AST •?"?ten •• Aiitf fttuttAl vtlocJtj* '»- P*rp*"dlcul.rAvrth c^powentB *1 Kg. i7a trtton.l t*tr*9t *>!»•« of tkr coni>t Ion iimJ It—>90' lb) A»9u«t l»8J. uSuins v, i r , i ! i v . r t r,oio«. ARECIBO EQUATOR F LAYER LAYER FALKLANDS Fig. 3.8 Schematic diagram used to Illustrate the coupling of Areclbo and its conjugate point near Argentina along a cocsoon tLagnetlc field line. As stated In the text. If the field line can be assuaed to be at i conjugate neutral driftvlnd Masured at Areclbo Is influenced by both local and variations. Parameters that may be measured o r from incoherent Scatter (radar) oo r Optical (FPI) Observations , electron density ion temperature electron temperature neutral temperature meridional ion velocity zonal ion velocity meridional neutral velocity zonal neutral velocity vertical N radar radar "^i radar radar ^e radar radar Tn MSIS FPI radar radart ^y radar "x radart - • "y ^ horizontal - FPI FPI diffusion velocity,electron which may be derived from the density profile and the Table 3.1 4. WAJVIDII Concept and Preliminary Results (Gordon Shepherd, York University) 4.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is to give a brief description of the WAMDII concept, and how its capabilities and characteristics differ from those of the Fabry-Perot spectrometer. The two approaches are complimentary, and taken together, provide a powerful means of applying the optical Doppler method. For some applications it may be useful to combine both optical elements in tandem in a single system. WAMDII (Wide Angle Michelson Doppler Imaging Interferometer) is an instrimient scheduled for flight as an attached payload on the space shuttle in 1989. A developmental model has been completed, tested in the laboratory and taken through thermal, vacuum and vibration tests. In February, 1984, field observations of aurora were made and reported upon (Shepherd, et al., 1984). However the published results are now known to be influenced by intensity variations of the auroral source, and so require re-interpretation. Much more extensive observations were made in February through April, 1985, using an improved CCD that permitted the observation of airglow, and an all-sky fore-optics system that yielded velocity images of the whole sky. Some preliminary results of these measurements will be reported here. / WAMDII is a variant of WINDII that is now part of the UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research SateUite Mission), to be launched in 1989. This WINDI Imaging Interferometer is a combination of the original WINTERS (Wind and Temperature by Remote Sensmg) UARS experiment of G. Thuillier, CNRS, France and the WAMDII instrument. Its differences from WAMDII are imposed by the limitations of a long-duration free-flying satellite, and by the addition of two orthogonal fields of view which generate two images, side-by-side on the same CCD. For the remainder of this presentation, we shall refer only to WAMDH. 23 4.2 Background The output of a Michelson interferometer is called an interferogram; it is a recording of signal as a function of optical path difference. Scanning Michelson interferometers (Fourier spectrometers) make measurements from zero path difference up to some maximimi value, and the Foiuier transform yields the spectrum, at a resolution determined by that maximum value. Commercial scanning instruments are available (e.g. from Bomen Inc.) with path differences up to one meter giving a resolution of 0.005 cm-1. However, such instruments are used almost exculsively in the infrared because it is here that the multiplex advantage is most clearly evident. However, they do work well in the visible region also (Gault et al., 1981). In the visible region one can take advantage of an additional capability of the Michelson, and that is field-widening. Scanning field-widened instruments are notoriously difBcult to build, but the ones developed at the Utah State University (Baker et al., 1981) clearly demonstrate the power of the method as applied to the near infrared region. The complexities of these instruments increases very rapidly with increasing path difference and so the application has been limited to spectroscopy, at resolutions falling short of that required for optical Doppler work. For a spectrum that is known to be simple, in that it can be characterized by only a \ few values, a simple configuration of the field-widened Michelson is adequate to extract this limited information content. For a single purely Doppler-broadened Gaussian line the interferogram is a cosine whose frequency is that of the line centre and whose envelope is the Fourier transform of the spectral line shape — namely a Gaussian whose half-width is inversely proportional to the line-width of the spectral line. Measurements of a single fringe anywhere on the interferogram provides sufficient information to determine the line intensity, and the line width. This approach was described by Hilliard and Shepherd (1966a) and applied to the measurement of atmospheric temperatures by Hilliard and 24 Shepherd (1966b) and by Zwick and Shepherd (1973), using an instrument then called WAMI (Wide Angle Michelson Interferometer). 4.3 WAMDII Concept The WAMDII concept extends that of WAMI in two important ways. First there is the recognition that a measurement of the fringe phase yields the Doppler shift; that is, the wind velocity. Second, the field-widening is not exploited for enhanced total signal on a single detector but is used instead to introduce an area detector for imaging. Velocity and temperature imaging are thus possible. The concept, which is described in more detail by Shepherd et al. (1984), is briefly as follows. A field-widened Michelson intereferometer of "fixed" path difference is constructed by cementing dissimilar arm glasses to a solid beamsplitter. One arm carries a piezoelectrically driven mirror permitting scanning over one fringe. The assembly is placed in front of a CCD camera. Each pixel then generates its own sample of interferogram, yielding a measurement of intensity, temperature and wind. In short, images of these quantities are obtained. 4.4 Some Technical Considerations Although the concept is extremely sunple, the implementation must meet exacting requirements. A full description is given by Shepherd et al. (1985). To achieve field- widening, dispersive materials must be used. The thermal expansion coefficient of glass, and its refractive index change with temperature imply temperature control of millidegrees. The wavelength dependence of refractive index means that an instrument that is field-widened at one wavelength can be field-widened at another wavelenth only with a change of mirror position that exceeds the capability of the piezoelectric drivers. Happily, Title, and Ramsey (1980) found a solution to this problem, and by extending their idea, Thuillier and Shepherd (1985) arrived at a configuration that is achromatic both in its field-widening and in its thermal compensation. Other interesting configurations, such 25 as "superwidening" grow out of this, as has been shown by Gault et al. (1986), but that is a digression. One further problem is that the mirror position must be highly stable and accurate. In WAMDn we use servo-control with capacitive sensing, using Queensgate technology. Finally, one needs to pay careful attention to reflected light in wide-angle systems. Weird et al. (1985) have described the effects of filter-reflected light re-entering the Michelson interferometer. 4.5 Some Recent Results The WAMDn developmental model was operated in Saskatoon during the new moon periods of February, March and April, 1985, using the new RCA 50IE CCD. Good signals were obtained from airglow with exposure times of 15 seconds for the 557.7 nm emission gmd 30 sec for the 630.0 nm A emission. However, for adequate wind accuracy, it is necessary to average several successive measurements In Fig. 4.1 a set of four images relating to the 630.0 nm emission is shown. Fig. 4.11(c) shows the "raw sky phase" obtained by exposing four images in sequence, using quarter-wave steps, and calculating phase for each pixel as described by Shepherd et al. (1984). Fig. 4.1(a) shows the phase image for the Hg 546.1 nm A lamp that was used to correct for thermal phase drifts — these are small but not so small that calibration can be neglected. Fig. 4.1(b) is the phase image of the Ne 630.4 nm A lamp used to take out the field-widening characteristic — this too is small but not negligible. Finally, the corrected result is show in Fig. 4.1(d). One sees a linear gradient across the sky extending from the NE to the SW. This is roughly consistant with a uniform wind field of approximately 100 m/sec in the direction of the gradient. Our data processing plan is to proceed by making a least squares fit to the data on the assumption of a uniform wind field. We will then subtract the uniform wind field from the data and examine the differences from that. Fig. 4.2 shows some different reduced images for a 557.7 nm observation. Fig. 26 4.2(c) shows the intensity image, with an aurora extending from the north past the zenith. Fig. 4.2(a) shows the uncorrected visibility, which contains some residual rings not removed by the processing. The raw sky phase is shown in Fig. 4.2(b) and the true phase is shown in Fig. 4.2(d). Again the wind is from the NE to the SW. The results suggest a roughly uniform wind field with a wind speed of about 100 m/sec. 4.6 Comparison of tiie Fabry-Perot spectrometer and the Michelson interferometer Using an area detector with the Fabry-Perot spectrometer provides a kind of field- widening. If one uses an area detector then for both Fabry-Perot and Michelson systems the responsivity is determined primarily by the camera, and the goal is to use the largest detector with the fastest possible lens. However, one cannot work so far off axis with the Fabry-Perot as with the Michelson. On the other hand, larger Fabry-Perot's can be constructed. Real field-widening of the Fabry-Perot can be achieved with spherical plates, but the gain in throughput so obtained is significant only at resolutions much larger than are useful for Doppler work. With an area detector the Fabry-Perot can be used in either of two ways: 1) viewing a single sky direction and integrating the data over the detector, or 2) analysing each pixel as a separate sky direction and hence deriving an image. This committee has adopted the former approach as consistant with exploiting the responsivity advantage in order to study weaker emissions. The latter approach has been used by Rees et al. (1984). We note however that unlike Michelson, the Fabry-Perot gives data only where there are rings — to derive a complete image one would have to scan the rings in steps through a full free spectral range. This gives a result equivalent to the WAMDII method. 27 4.7 Future Prospects for Optical Doppler Measurements The state-of-the-art Fabry-Perot spectrometer described elsewhere in this document is based on certain specific requirements. High priority is given to the ability to work with a complex spectrum, for example the components of a multiplet, or the luies of a molecular band. For this, a double-etalon system is required, at least in some cases. For WAMDn in orbit, emission lines can be isolated with interference filters, since one does not need to worry about low altitude emission contaminating the 630.0 nm emission, for example. Also it is not necessary to look through the troposphere, with all its light-scattering effects. For the 0^ Atmospheric band it is planned to use a low resolution solid Fabry-Perot etalon. This will restrict the useable portion of the image to the region of the transmitting rings. This is a substantial limitation, but it does take advantage of the imaging detector and it does allow altitude profiles to be obtained. 28 546 RftM SKY PHASE Fig. A.l (a) Upper Left. 6 30 nm " rm TRUE SKY PHASE Phase image for the Mg 5461 A thermal drift reference. (b) Upper Right. Phase image for the Ne 6304 A field widening reference. Ic) Lower Left. Uncorrected phase image from the sky at 6300 A. (d) Lower Right. Corrected all-sky phase image combining (a), (b), and (c), showing linear phase (velocity) gradients across the sky. North is at top, and east is on the left. RftH SKY VISIBILITY RAW SKY Fig., A.2 (a) Upper Left. INTENSITY RAH SKY PHASE TRUE SKY PHASE Uncorrected sky visibility image for the 5577 A emission, showing uniform visibility with residual rings resulting from internal reflect light. (b) Upper right. Uncorrected sky pliase for the 5577 A emission. (c) Lower Left. Intensity itnogc for the 5577 A emission showing aurora across tl>e northern part of the sky. Id) Lower RigJit. Corrected all-sky phase image showing a linear velocity gradient. 5. Low resolution interferometric studies of line shapes and line intensities in the aurora and airglow (J. H. Hecht, Aerospace Corporation) 5.1 Introduction Historically, auroral and airglow spectroscopy has been based on the use of grating spectrometers, tilting filter photometers, or interference filters [Vallance Jones, 1974]. That is because it was desired to measure, at low resolution (> 5 A), either isolated bright auroral features or emissions over a large spectral region. However, as research has progressed, problems have arisen which require that smaller regions of the spectrum be examined at higher resolution. In this section we will discuss three exsunples where a Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS) has been used in such a manner. The three resolution regimes are near 4 A, lA, and 0.07 A. This bridges the gap between the conventional slit spectrometers which operate at low resolution and the modern FPS which normally is set to 0.01 A resolution. All of the FPS data were taken with the Aerospace Corporation's 70 mm diameter FPS which is fully described elsewhere [Hecht et al., 1985]. 5.2 Mesopause OH intensity and temperature measurements Measurements of OH Meinel band intensities, in the airglow, have been made by many workers [Myrabo et al., 1983], In the infrared the instrument of choice is probably a wide angle Michelson interferometer (see Shepherd section). An excellent discussion of this technique is given by Baker (1981). Typically, in the visible or infrared regions either spectrometers or interference filter photometers are used. However, if there is a problem with possible contamination by unwanted emissions, such as is likely to occur in the auroral zone, a scanning method must be employed. While a tilting filter photometer is a good choice because of its high throughput, it suffers from the need to use, for example, 4A wide filters if 4A resolution is desired. Besides the expense, these filters have a decreased 29 transmission, and are subject to shifts m the passband shape. A grating instrument has a different problem; relatively low optical throughput. An FPS, however, has only slightly reduced throughput from an interference filter and only needs to use relatively wide filters (100 A FWHM) in order to obtain 4A resolution. An example of an OH spectrum obtained from an FPS is given in Fig. 6.1. In that figure there are three lines each of the P^ and Pg branch of the (8-3) OH Meinel band as well as one resolved component of the 011(732.0 nm) doublet. The signal to noise for this spectrum (± 5 K uncertainty in the OH rotational temperature), which was obtained in 90 seconds, is comparable to that obtained by Myrabo et al. with a grating instrument in 10 minutes. This is not surprising since it is known that if the area of a Fabry-Perot mirror and a diffraction grating are the same, than the product of the resolution and luminosity for an FPS is much greater than for a grating instrument [Vallance Jones, 1974]. This results in an optical speed advantage which could be utilized, for example, in measuring the effects of gravity waves on the OH temperatures. Such a measurement would require that the OH temperature be obtained from at least three positions in the sky every 10 minutes. 5.3 Auroral 01 (799.0 nm) line ratios It has been proposed that the singlet (799.5 nm ) to doublet (798.7 nm) ratio of the 01 (799.0 nm) multiplet emission would depend on the oxygen atom density. Because of a strong OH airglow line near 799.3 nm, a resolution of less than 1.5 A is needed in order to measure this ratio. Moreover, because of auroral variability an optically fast instrument is needed. Fig.5.2 shows a grating spectrometer spectrum, taken at about 7A resolution, of auroral emissions from near 725.0 - 900.0 nm [Sivjee, private commimication]. At this low resolution the 01 (799.0 nm) multiplet appears as the dominant emission near 800.0 nm. Fig. 5.3 shows a spectrum, taken with an FPS at 1 A resolution, of the region between 797.9 nm and 799.9 nm. This is a sum of six 5-second scans. While the 01(799.0 nm) singlet component and the P^(3) OH (5-1) line are the dominant emissions a host of 30 other molecular and atomic emissions are present. In order to measure the doublet emission it is necessary to accurately subtract the molecular back^ound. A fit to the background was made using emission from the Meinel. first positive and atmospheric systems. This resulted in a singlet to doublet ratio of 2.3. The errors in the fit show the problems of auroral variability. Thus an FPS set at 1 A resolution is especially useful for the measurement of line intensities in a crowded auroral spectrum. In particular this technique might be required to accurately measure rotational temperatures of molecular bands such as the atmospheric system. For example, in Fig. 5.3 the emissions near 798.95 and 799.20 nm indicate that the atmospheric (4,4) band has a rotational temperature near 300 K. Previous to this FPS observation no rotational structure had been seen for this band. In fact, even the identification of this band was tentative in the most recent observations of this region with a grating instrument [Henriksen et al., 1984]. 5.4 01(777.4 nm) and 01(844.6 nm) line shape measurements The excitation mechanisms, in the aurora, for these two permitted oxygen multiplet transitions have been subject to some speculation [Hecht et al., 1985]. It had been proposed that perhaps dissociative excitation of Og molecules was a major source of these emissions. A test of this hypothesis was recently made by observing these emissions at between 60 and 80 mA resolution with an FPS. It was necessary to use this resolution since each emission line could consist of two components; a narrow line, of between 20 and 40 mA FWHM, due to electron impact excitation of O atoms, and a broad component, of about 0.25 A FWHM, due to dissociative excitation of molecules. These multiplet emissions were observed in both active and quiet auroras. The 01(844.6 nm) was found only to have a narrow component whose width and intensity were consistent with direct electron impact excitation. This was also true for 01(777.4 nm) emissions which occurred in the mid to upper thermosphere (above 140 km). However, in active aurora where the 31 emission occurred in the lower thermosphere the line shape was best fit by a sum of both a broad and a narrow component (Fig. 5.4). Each contributes approximately the same intensity to the total emission. This suggests that line shape studies of permitted oxygen and nitrogen lines would provide information about the chemistry of their excitation. A list of some of the stronger auroral emissions is given in Table 1. Since these are permitted emissions, once the excitation process is understood, it would be possible to use these lines as probes of the lower thermosphere. Thus, observations of emission from an isolated aurored form, as a fimction of height, could provide atomic and molecular density information. Integrated emissions could be used to test the accuracy of model atmospheres. 5.5 Conclusions An FPS can be used as a powerful spectrometer to measure auroral and airglow emissions from 10 mA to 5A resolution. Such a spectrometer should exceed in performance a slit grating instrument in this regime if the Fabry-Perot mirrors and the diffraction grating have the same area. Even though the FPS is an optically fast instnmient, there are still problems when measuring emissions from a rapidly changing aurora. This could be overcome by the use of a modern imaging detector. 32 OH (8,3) Band (Nightglow) 7295-7375A 100 90 80 70 on 1 t— 5 60 50 40 111 q: 30 20 10 0 • I.I. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 BIN NO. Fig. 5.1 Intensity measurements of the OH (8,3) band. Three thirty-second scans were taken and co-added at Poker Flat, Alaska, during March of 1985. The free spectral range of the instrument was 80A and about 1.5 orders were scanned. The P and Q branch OH emissions are labeled, as is the 0 II atomic auroral emission. This spectrum has not been corrected for instrument response. TCBRIURT I?, 1985 AURORA, POCCK FU^T, ALA.SKA ^ ° grating spectrometer of in the wavelength region -7250A- 900oA recorded at -ll resolution. N-, 1 P N+ M n Intense emissions in this spectrum. 01 ^ and 01 hUUa multiplets are also clearly discernible The wavelength scale is given in A. scerniDie. The 01(7990) DOUBLET OH SINGLET 170 153 7979 7981 7983 7985 7987 7989 7991 7993 7995 7997 7999 WAVELENGTH langsiroms) Fig. 5.3 A plot of intensity vs wavelength when the Fabry-Perot is In a low resolution mode. and the finesse is 17.7. The free spectral range is 20.3A The dotted line fit adds a background of U ^ayleighs of continuum and emissions from N2 first positive and N2 Meinel, O2 atmospheric and OH Meinel bands. These are used to fit the background from 7979 to 7986X, 7989 to 799lX and 7997 to 7998A. Their known molecular constants are then used to calculate a background for the remaining wavelengths. A least squares fit to the data is then made using this background and the three main emissions at 7987.1^ (01(7990) doublet), 7993.AA [OH molecular line), and 7995.lA (01(7990) singlet]. The un certainty in the fit is probably due to the highly active nature' of the auroral emissions. .01(7774) R/B RATIO = 0.6 WITH 5580 RY OF nJ (4278) fWHM 111 - 44.1 mA fWHM (21 - 27S mA FWHM • E3.3 mA II11/1121 • 1.6 0117771.96 Al-. 0117774.18 Al DII777S.4 AI I . ' r~~ ' • ' ' ' 60 • ICO I • I • • 120 140 160 1B0 2U0 0 B!K NO. BO 100 120 140 160 180 200 BIN' NO. Fig. 5.4 A plot of emission intensity vs bin number. The FSR is 945mA or about 155 bins. The 01 emissions at 7771.96.7774.18 and 7775.4oA are indicated. The observation took place on 3/7/84 UT with a red/blue ratio of 0.6 and a Nt(4278) flux of 5580 Rayleighs. The residuals plotted below represent the difference between the data and the fit. a) The fit assumes only one emission Is present. b) The fit assumes both narrow and broad emissions are present. 6. Equatorial Studies with Fabry-Perot interferometers (M.A. Biondi, U. of Pittsburgh) Unlike the more mature FPI studies at mid- and high-latitudes, the equatorial studies of the thermosphere are in some cases still in their exploratory phase, with quite a number of important and exciting phenomena discovered in the past few years. The interferometric studies have chiefly been concerned with thermospheric dynamics via twilight and nightglow 630.0 nm line profile measurements. The initial impetus for thermospheric wind and temperature measurements was their perceived role in triggering or quenching F-region plasma instability growth; the neutral dynamics was expected to be rather bland, since the equatorial thermosphere is remote from the large, variable high latitude energy inputs. Instead, the studies to date reveal a rich and varied set of phenomena which advance our understanding of the global thermospheric circulation during quiet times and also reveal processes such as strong gravity wave modulation of the thermospheric velocity field and deposition of large amounts of energy by local processes, as well as by propagation from high latitudes. Obtaining a fuller understanding of the occurrence and origins of these and related phenomena represents excellent initial objectives in implementing the CEDAR science program. Some recent results (1977-1983) concerning the equatorial thermosphere are listed in Table 6.1 and discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. The measured nighttime variations in T^ over Arequipa, Peru are shown by the X symbols in Fig. 6.1 from shortly after the autumnal equinox (April) to well after the winter solstice (August), together with solar and geomagnetic indices. The solid lines on the T^ graphs are MSIS predictions. Several features are evident: 1) Even during geomagnetically quiet periods, the measured T^ values are usually substantially higher, by about 200K, than the empirical MSIS values. 2) Following the onset of geomagnetic storms, the T values are n 33 elevated, with delays in the temperature rise ranging from zero to about 1 day; the latter delay is consistent with energy propagation from high latitudes by gravity waves. The seasonal changes in the horizontal winds are shown by the polar diagrams of Fig. 6.2, which depicts the positions of the tip of the wind vector on various World Days between 01 li h and 10 UT. Just after equinox (WD = 98-105) the eastward zonal wind dies away during the night, while after solstice (WD > 175), the eastward zonal velocity usually persists throughout the night. The feeble meridional component becomes somewhat more poleward (southward) in the later night as winter approaches. These observations are in general accord with TGCM predictions. Changing effects of ion drag appear to be evident in the neutral wind data from h Vi Kwajelein, Marshall Islands in Fig. 6.3. Shortly after sunset (08 UT = 20 LT) the zonal wind increases as the ionosphere is lifted by ExB forces (thereby reducing the ion drag on the neutrals), reaches a maximum at about 11^ UT and then decreases again as the ExB reversal causes the ionosphere to sink, reimposing the drag. An unexpected finding at equatorial latitudes, as at midlatitudes, is that on relatively quiet days there occasionally is pronounced convergence (or divergence) in the horizontal wind field. The Natal, Brazil data of Fig. 6.4 show tliat the strong convergence in the meridional wind leads to a downward vertical velocity and an increase in T measured overhead (the V symbols) as a result of the compressive flow. Evidence for gravity wave modulation of the thermospheric wind field was found at Natal, Brazil during a geomagnetic storm (ZKp = 62+), as shown in Fig. 6.5. The velocity components oscillate with a period of 40-45 min and the horizontal/vertical velocity modulation ratio is about 2; both findings are in accord with the theory of horizontally propagating thermospheric gravity waves. Finally, the very prompt response of the equatorial thermospheric temperature to a geomagnetic storm observed at Arequipa is illustrated in Fig. 6.6. The very large rise in T^ follows almost exactly the large negative excursion in Dst, which has been interpreted 34 as indicating precipitation of energetic charge exchange neutrals from the ring current into the low latitude thermosphere. In support of this view is Tinsley Eind Sahai*s simultaneous measurement at Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil indicating a corresponding sudden increase in 391.4 nm brightness (short-dash line in Fig. 6.6), indicative ofexcitation ofNg by particle precipitation. The foregoing examples of Fabry-Perot studies are intended to illustrate some of the interesting and important thermospheric dynamics phenomena revealed by 630.0 nm doppler shift and width measurements. These determinations of the neutral thermosphere^s behavior at 260-325 km altitude should be complemented by studies of the lower thermosphere and mesospause at 85-95 km by 557.7 nm (01) and OH Doppler measurements to obtain a more complete understanding of wave effects, local energy deposition, etc. Needed correlative information on F-region plasma djmamics should also be obtained using the next generation of FPIs to detect the feeble plasma radiation. Topics such as propagation of energy from high latitudes via gravity waves and neutral wind fields require coordinated measurements with mid- and high latitude interferometer stations to obtain a more complete imderstanding of the processes involved. Finally, simultaneous, colocated measurements by complementary instruments such as photometers, radars, and imagers will provide the required, fuller characterization of the phenomena under study. 35 200 1 • • ••1 ' ' - ' Arequlpi. PUIU (1903) r.. ISO d Lu Dlondl and 100 60 Mcrrlwcther ^..v-'v Ai-equlpa, PKRU (1903) CIIL 12, 26'1-no (19057. AIruv^' v^\r April 98 Q-lOO 1 S 10, IS, 20, 30 10| 25 99 «a* IS, • \ \ •* / too lOS 108 t03 154 ISS IS6 157 o. it: », 0 1500 is' M t- • • 700 • I . . . y ••.—. • 1 • . • .4— .L ISO I- ' 1 V, / > ,1 • ** * mv nPRIL • M9 lUt! •"^tOOO "T H 1 1 .... 1 • ' 1 ' 1 * * 1 ' ' » • r:o' "3 I7S • tB2 <Ai- :50 •30 ^ Y f7, Ml, S, /| t(\ /v/ 1^ 50 Av - N fS 217 2IB Jl9 M"*- 'V20, 2S, 30, 30,1, j ^ -:oo f •—S-—k-:-E 5 ^f\ji/yvv4 0 Auj^uat 1530 f . !i !Sli' - ?» - i . • . i i(« (Wiii'mi • 1 i "«» J 1300 Hurlwuther, Hoody, Dlondl and lloble. JCn, acccptcd for publication, 1905. 700 JUNE JULY Fig. 5.1 RUGUST Fig. 6.2 u* o o o — o o ro o o o o tn o O o CO infensity(rel. units) temp.(K) 00 • vertical wind (m/s) zonal wind (m/s) r I meridionol wind (m/s) W M vn Ul j? K n n r I? W latal. BRAZIL . eastward K«= 3 ,4- 7 ,0-,6:^5- - 2000 2000 6 Sept 'n 1982 (K) ArequJpa, (391.^; (K) PEHU 1500 1500 - upward 13 Jun 1000 looor MSIS V 18 22 23 time (UT) Blondl and Slpler; PlAoet. Sjace Scl. ^ ri(. 6.S 817-823 (1985) 21 12 15 18 7 10 13 19 0 3 6 22 I Dtoodl and Merlwetber, G.R.L. 12 267—270 (l96S)» (Tlnaley and 8ahal, firlvate coonunlcailon) Fig. 6.6 9 4 12 (UT) 7 (LT) 7. Studies of exosphere (F.L. Roesler, U. of Wisconsin) Within approximately the past five years studies of the earth's exosphere through observations of Ha line intensities and profiles with highly sensitive, large aperture FabryPerot spectrometers have provided important new data which have stimulated theoretical work aimed at refining exospheric models. The field is presently in a state of fairly rapid advance where the interplay between model development and observations from a small number of well chosen sites can be expected to bring the field to a new plateau of unerstanding within a few years. Accordingly efforts within the GBOA/CEDAR framework should consist of an initial phase in which a relatively small number of individual observers addresses specific gross problems in the developing models, followed by a global effort adapting stations initially placed for global thermospheric studies. The second phase would begin after the broad aspects of global variations appear relatively well defined- approximately three to five years from now. Some of the questions to be addressed in the first phase are the following: A). Measure Ha intensities from high altitude to better understand the tropospheric scattering problem. Such observations from low latitude would also give a large range of solar depression angles to aid in model comparison. B). Measure H|3 intensities and profiles to better understand the role of multiple scattering and profile features such as the narrow core and the red wing (escaping particles or fine stucture). C). Continue the present initiative to accumulate a broader data base to help establish trends and variations with various solar-terrestrial parameters. This initiative should include the development of improved detection systems. D). Conduct polar and equatorial studies with existing instruments to extend the latitudinal range of measurements. 37 E). Conduct pilot studies of He 1083.0 nm and 732.0 nm to define techniques and possibilities for a later effort using these lines. From our present imderstanding of the variations seen in the exosphere it is clear that a future global effort will be of enormous benefit in understanding the large scale behavior of the exosphere. However, the definition of that phase will best be made with the benefit of observations to be performed in phase I. 38 8. Improved Fabry-Perot interferometers; design considerations (M.A. Biondi, U. of Pittsburgh) To meet some of the CEDAR science objectives, Fabry-Perot interferometers of considerably improved sensitivity are required to deal with measurements of feeble radiation at very high resolution and/or rapidly fluctuating emissions on short time scales. In addition, other improvements such as better instrument and reference source stability, continuously variable free spectral range and broader wavelength coverage are desirable. These features, together with reasonably attainable goals in five years or less, are given in Fig. 8.1 To provide a basis for comparison, the sensitivity and performance of a representative single etalon instrument are listed in Fig. 8.2. This refractive-index tuned instrument employs a GaAs photocathode photomultiplier detector behind a multiple aperture exit plate (MAEP) which gives a light-gain of 5X over a central aperture instrument. The 10 c/s/R overall sensitivity at 630 nm yields adequate velocity and temperature accuracies in integration time periods which vary with intensity, as indicated. A minimum of a factor of 10 improvement over this performance is required to accomplish some of the new CEDAR science objectives. Attainable improvements which might reasonably be expected in five years or less are listed in Fig. 8.3 (a GaAs photocathode photomultiplier-image intensifier- CCD array detector combination should have properties comparable to the photomultiplier (PM) listed in 2a). Since the dark counting rate per detection element of a GaAs PM with a position sensing anode is the same as for a conventional GaAs PM detecting the central spot of the F-P pattern, the improvement in both signal and signal/noise suggested in Fig. 8.3, part 2a should be attainable. However, present bare CCD's with small, rectangular pixels, while yielding a gain in signal of the magnitude listed in part 2b, would not provide a similar improvement in signal/noise ratio because the equivalent readout "noise" of >3e's per 39 3 pixel leads to rather high noise levels when the 10 pixels per detection ring element are summed. Rather, development of custom CCD's with concentric annular ring pixels suited to FP applications would be required to limit the readout "noise" per pixel to more modest * levels. The timely development of the bare CCD is regarded as the most speculative of the projections; however, with a 2a type detector, a 12x improvement over the current "best" single etalon instruments seems quite feasible. Some consequences for the CEDAR science program of achieving the improvements listed in Fig. 8.3 are given for illustration in Fig. 8.4. Plasma dynamics studies at any FPI location and exospheric transport investigations are but two of a number of upper atmosphere science areas which would be available at relatively modest cost. Along these lines, a cost-effective first step in expanding the upper atmosphere science objectives attainable in the FPI interferometer program of CEDAR is suggested in Fig. 8.5. By taking the most suitable and best located of current FPI instruments and slightly modifying their design to accommodate the new detectors, the most critical of the upgrading objectives would be achieved- that of greatly enhanced sensitivitj'. An added advantage is that very similar detectors are a major need of the new spectrometer and imager instruments, so that these detectors may merit top priority in the instrument planning program. * There seem to be conflicting opinions as to whether readout "noise" varies directly with pixel area or more slowly. 40 I Class I Fabry-Perot Interferometer Desired Features 1. Extreine Sensitivity 2. State-of-Art 5 vrO 300 c/s/R Great Stability equiv. Av 1 1 m/s 3. Variable Free Spectral Range Broad Wavelength Coverage t = 0.1 cm - 4 cm 300 nm to > 1 pm ng. 8.1 Current F-P Instrument Sensitivity ExamEle: Single etalon, 150 mm aperture, t =1 cm, f^ap = 15 (Ninstr - 12), 5x MAEP &PM(GaAs) OVERALL SENSITIVITY: -v, IQ c/s/R Consequences: For (Peak - Bkgnd) 2 1000 c, 50 points [av -v 1 10 m/s, AT 'V t 30 K] 1(630 nm) Time Required lOOOR 5s lOOR SOs lOR •v 8m IR •V 1.4 h Application Requirement Rapidly varying phenomena (e.g., Aurora) few seconds per observation Feeble (^ IR) emissions (e.g., F-region plasma recombination radiation) Fig. 8.2 - 15 min per observation "Attainable" Improvements (Time Scale: 1. Throughput: Few Years) 1.5 x (higher reflectivity mirrors, low-reflection coatings on all windows/lenses) 2. Detection Sensitivity; (compared to central exit aperture instr, Ngp = 15) a) GaAs PM with "Position Sensing" Anode (40 wm spatial) photon quantum efficiency Ix multiplexing over 1 order 15x four orders usable total (QE -v 162 P 630 nm) 6Qx b) Bare CCD* (40 vm spatial resolution) photon quantum effic. (QE 3x 50% (a 630 nm) multiplexing over 1 order 15x four orders usable Ax 180x 3. Wavelength Coverage at Good Q»E. Improved PK(6aAs) K 900 urn Extended range CCD ^1.5 ym Fig. 8.3 Illustrative Consequences of Improvements A. Better Detection Sensitivity Feeble Emission New Investigation 1. F-Region Plasma Dynamics 01(777.4 nm) Determine vi. Ti (Equat./Mid-lat.) 2. Exospheric Transport Geocoronal H (656.3nm) hydrogen escape dynamics B. Broader X Capability New Investigation 1. Exospheric Transport I.R. Emission Geocoronal He (1.083 wm) Fig. 8.4 Determine helium escape dynamics Cost-Effective Alternative to Fabricating/Deploying Class 1 Instroments Upgrade existing F-P's with new detectors. Some sacrifice in flexibility (free spectral range changes, wavelength range capability}, perhaps in ultimate stability. Gain over current "best" single etalon instruments: Detector Gain over "pinhole" Gain over PM(GaAs) 60 X 12 X 180 X 36 X w Position Scaling Anode Bare CCD* *Gain in IR (> 900 nm) much larger. Pig. 8.5 9. The application of imaging detectors for Fabry-Perot spectroscopy (F.L. Roesler, U. of Wisconsin) This report discusses the way in which imaging detectors can be used for the purpose of obtaining spectra with Fabry-Perot interferometers, and the potential gains to be expected from the application of such detectors. Let us start by recalling how light filtered by a Fabry-Perot changes in wavelength (or wavenumber a=l/X) as the angle of incidence 6 changes: we have acosd, or 2 approximately for small 6, La!a = 9 12. Fig. 9.1 illustrates how equal spectral intervals Aa measured from the normal incidence wavenumber Oq define annular regions in the focal plane of a lens behind the Fabry-Perot with radii proportional to the square root of integers; the first ring has radius r^, the 5th ring radius r^/5, etc. In the familiar scanning Fabry-Perot using a single element detector (most commonly a photomultiplier) a mask is placed so that only light within the central element is passed to the detector. If a large area imaging detector were placed in the focal plane, many resolution elements could be recorded simultaneously, with an apparent large gain in efficiency. Apart from the serious questions of detector noise and quantum efficiency, which we will discuss later, the gain is limited by the number of annular elements that can be clearly defined within the given detector airray size. To calculate the number n of annuli that can be defined within a detector N pixels wide and N pixels high (NxN array) we require that the last and finest annulus be at least the width of two pixels. If a pixel width is e, then our requirement is (Eq. 9.1) (/n - /n-1) = 2e But the diameter D of the n th annulus is 41 D = 2|/nr^ (Eq. 9.2) = eN Combining these two equations gives N = 4/n/(/n - /n-1) (Eq. 9.3) = 8n where the approximation is valid within 3% for n > 10. For an array with 512x512 pixels for example, we can obtain 512/8 = 64 annuli, with each annulus comprised of 1/64 the number of pixels contained within the outer diameter of the largest annulus, or ?r(512) 2 /4x64 = 3217 pixels. Thus 64 data points along a spectrimi can be recorded simultaneously giving a potential gain of 64. The actual gain is, of course, limited by the instrumental finesse, by the physical number of annuli that can be fit on a particular detector (64 in the illustration used), and by the actual number of data points required (with, say, a scanning instrument) to obtain the desired result. For many of the common problems in aeronomy the potential gains are impressive, typically more than an order of magnitude. The actual gain depends upon the time requu'ed to achieve a suitable signal to noise ratio in a particular application, and that depends upon some detector characteristics other than array size and pixel size. Oversimplifymg somewhat to get to the heart of the problem, we can distinquish two basic classes of array detectors that appear useful for visible aeronomy. One type is the CCD or charge coupled device, which achieves a quantimi efficiency neai' 80% in the red, and accumulates photoelectrons in localized sites defined by bias voltages in the circuity of the silicon chip from which the device is made. After suitable accumulation, a clockwork of alternating biases moves the charge packets in an orderly manner through the pixels to an on-chip amplifier which turns them out like graduates going through university commencement. This amplifier adds what is known as read-out noise to the output, and thus has a very important effect on the achievable signal-to-noise ratio. There is also a dark rate of charge accumulation due to the 42 thermal generation of electron-hole pairs in the detector. The second group consists of photoemissive devices in which a single photoelectron is sufficiently amplified to cause an identifiable response in a position sensitive detector. A typical example is a photocathode surface followed by microchannel plate intensifiers and a phosphor output coupled (possibly with fiber optics) to a CCD or reticon. In another common form the phosphor is replaced by a position sensitive charge detector. These devices are designed to identify and locate the splash (count) for each photoelectron collected from the photocathode. The photoemissive imaging detectors have quantum efficiencies limited to about 10%, or a little more at best, through most of the visible spectrum, a value considerably less than for CCD's. However they are free of the readout noise problem of the CCD. For readily available CCD's a readout noise of between ±20e and ±50e rms is typical; but developments in the near future are expected to bring this value down to about ±(a few). For either of these types of detectors we have found that a suitable estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for a particular data point is given by the equation Qstkj S/N = (Eq. 9.4) v/[Q(s+b)+d]tkj+kr^ where the symbols are as follows: Q = quantum efficiency t = integration time s = signal rate per pixel (photons per second) b = background light rate per pixel (photons per second) d = dark electron generation rate per pixel r = rms readout noise (equivalent photoelectrons) j = number of pixels binned before readout k = number of binned pixel units coadded after readout. Compared to an axial fringe scanning instrument the gain from using the imager is 43 equal to the number of simultaneously recorded data points multiplied by the ratio of the integration time needed to achieve the same (S/N) with the imager. A qualitative look at the S/N equation shows that for a given problem the quantum efficiency and readout noise have the largest influence. In general the higher the quantum efficiency the better; however with the high quantum efficiency CCD's the photoelectron equivalent of the readout gets added thousands of times per annulus (3217 times in the example given above) and drastically reduces the S/N for low signal rates. Thus even a low Q amplified photoelectron imager might surpass the high Q CCD. For studies of the daylight sky, however, the background of scattered simlight would dominate the readout noise, yielding the full area and quantimi efficiency advantage of the CCD. Obviously the gain depends on details of the specific problem to be studied. As an example we have chosen the condition we encounter in measurements of geocoronal Ha intensities with S/N - 7 at 1 Rayleigh including a 50 data point baseline for the accurate determination of galactic Ha, zodiacal light, and starlight backgrounds needed to extract pure geocoronal emission. Fig. 9.2 compares the gain relative to a scanner with a GaAs photomultiplier expected from intensified imagers with various photocathode quantum efficiences (== 10% at Ha is about the best we can expect from GaAs on an intensifier, and about 4% is achieved for an S-20 photocathode), and conventional CCD's with various readout noise levels ( we have used a conservative Q=64%). The drastic affect of the readout noise is obvious, and for this problem the CCd's which are readily available offer no gain. However CCD's with r=:±3e are expected within a few years or less, and this would alter the picture. The last column ofthe figure shows what might be achieved using a CCD with thin annular pixels with eight segments per annulus. Since far fewer pixel would be added after readout (small value ofk in the S/N equation), the benefit ofthe high Q for the CCD is restored. It appears technologically feasible to develop such a detector, and this possibility should be investigated. 44 loo r» o 50 r= ±S"o zo7. r* tJe" y \0 - ;r:l7c" (ys V'/. r=2'S"c.~ /n-ien^t-fierj CCD Corv\/e«N'V«oi*d\ "nH^''ccrj cxfrctg ,Cv>.,(.M7. Fig. 9.2 Comparison of gains for various Imagcrs. Unit gain is for a scanning axial- fringe Fabry- Fig. Division of an area detector into annulii of equal spectral Intervals. (The upper half of Perot spectrometer observing Dalmer alpha (6563^) the pattern is Implied.) with a GaAs photomultlplier. The gains achieved depends strongly on the observing parameters, as explained in the text. 10. Temperature, wind, and intensity analysis for an imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer (Robert J. Sica, Utah State University) Thirty years ago most Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) used film as an imaging detector. The output is then a series of annular rings, each closer to the next by the square root of its order number from the zero order in the center. When high gain, low noise photomultipliers became readily available, the ring pattern was scanned, usually with an aperture passing the center order. The proposed Class 1 FPI would substitute for the film substrate an area detector such as the charged-coupled device (CCD). The advantages of such a detector include the possibility of a static system, field-widening to increase the etendue, and higher quantum efficiency (but without the low noise and high gain of a photomultiplier tube). However, the data acquisition and reduction requirements for such a system have not been treated in any detail. The present data analysis for single Ime spectra uses the noise inherent in the signal to determine the Fourier coefficients of the line profile. These coefficients can then be related to the temperature, wind, and intensity of the source. The data analysis is reasonably straight forward and not demanding upon computer resources. Two-dimensional analysis, however, is considerably more complex. The image first needs to be corrected for sky continuum, star background, detector noise, and differences in sensitivity between pixels. These important corrections are perhaps best done in the data acquisition phase. The sampling criterion for the imaged spectrum is important. A typical scanning FPI used in observing the 630.0 nm airglow requires 14 samples per free spectral range to retrieve the geophysical parameters of interest without aliasing. This requirement must also be satisfied for array detectors in the radial direction. This limit constrains the number of useful rings that can be imaged on the presently available CCD's. 45 Furthermore there are sampling considerations in the azimuthal direction. These relate to the structure of the source region under examination. If a structured region of the sky is undersampled, aliasuig may effect the retrieved coefficients. An additional constraint on the number of pixels along an inner ring is required. One of the advantages of an imaging system is the possibility of mapping large regions of the sky simultaneously. It is then important to determine the amount of directional information needed in the image. Rectangular CCD's have a varying number of pixels in different radial directions. There are also a different number of samples per free spectral range in each higher order, since the spacing between orders decreases by the square root of the order difference from the center. This complicates the harmonic analysis of the image. It is highly desirable to have samples at equal wavenumber intervals. A radially-clocking CCD with large pixels in the center which decrease in radial size and increase in circumference as the distance from the center increases would allow equally spaced sampling during data acquisition. Manufacturers, however, are not likely to build such a specific device for a small number of users, though university research groups may be interested. The measurements would also benefit from the lower read-out noise of such a detector. The image obtained by the rectangular CCD must next be processed by appropriate analysis software. Currently there are two possible approaches to handling the images. A flow chart of the first method is shown in Fig. 10.1. Here the image is re-sampled at equal intervals in 16 x 16 pixel sections. A two-dimensional Fourier transform is then performed. The difficulty here is preserving the noise in the data during the interpolation, since it is the noise that ultimately determines the useful information in the image. A flow chart for an alternative method of analysis that avoids interpolation is presented in Fig. 10.2. There are transform pairs that allow the spectrum to be sampled at unequal intervals. A specific example of a transform pair that allows the sample points to be spread arbitrarily on the unit ch-cle, the Cheybshev transform, is shown. The 46 coefficients can then be found by searching the image for the periods associated with each free spectral range. Besides these analysis considerations, there are practical computational constraints. Storage of the images is not unreasonable. For (512) pixels recorded at 3200 bpi, about 6150 frames can be written on 3600 feet of magnetic tape. For 1 second integrations that isj 1 3/4 hours of data, and for more "routine" 1 minute frames, a tape would last about a week. The computational time that could be required for the data analysis may be a problem. The estimated time for a (256) 2 pixel discrete Fourier transform on a micro-VAX (assumed to be five times faster than a VAX 11/730) is about 3 minutes. Therefore, even at 1 minute frames the data from the proposed Class 1 instrument will be acquired 3 times faster than it can be analyzed. Perhaps the need to transform each image can be relaxed if a library of processed images can be used for comparison. The design plan for the Class 1 instrument must address the data acquisition and processing limitations, some of which are outlined in this report. Much theoretical and computational work remains to be done in the analysis of the images. A complete two- dimensional analysis must first be demonstrated for synthesized fringes. The construction and demonstration of a rigorous analysis of the FPI images is an important step in the design of the Class 1 instrument. 47 V Cticbyshcv polynomials Take imago and Fourier series N Guess at peaks -Fix" FSR (stretch by geometric factor) I X| = cosO j Take imago Interpolate to 16 * 16 * (N-l) points (for N rings) Perform 2-0 Fourier transform y- f f(x.y) exp(-2-7t i (ux»vy)l dxdy r " -OO r • - Find Fourier The f(cos"'xi ) can then be expanded over an orthogonal set of polynomials whose coefficients oo F(u.v) exp(2-Tt i (ux»vy)l dudv f(K.Ij)= 1 J -od The Xj are otherwise arbitrary between (-1.1). OO F(u.v) = 1 J -oo 2-d harmonic analysis (CheOyshev?) coefficients can be related to -OO the Fourier coefficients. flelate these lo Oo coefficients change? p yyyyvy/itv^ T. V and I Soarch for mulLlpIc periodicities Guess periods I Estimate means Relale these to T. v an(J I For k * n calculate I^ ( Continue^ Fig. 10.1 ,A|( and Oj^ Change in cocfficienls Anow chort lor the annlyoia o( FPI Imaget re<vnng InltfpolatJon lo obtain i eqijoJiy opaced eamptcs. Fig. 10.2 A flow chad for th« analyeis ofFPI Inoagos udng une<fj.illy spaced data. A poaotbto transform lor this case uecs Chebyehev polynominla. 11. Implementation of CEDAR scientific objectives with high resolution interferometry (John W. Meriwether, U. of Michigan) Examining the several areas of aeronomy involving application of the Fabry-Perot interferometer , we see a common theme throughout. The CEDAR objectives defined in the Introduction can not be met by the instruments in use today. The science that may be achieved with high resolution interferometry would be more extensive and more far reaching, if the sensitivity of the detector system were improved by at least one order of magnitude. The key problem is not the lack of photons but how the interferometer could make more efficient use of the photons captured by the collecting optics of the instrument. Hence, the application of the array detector has been given highest priority in the consideration of the means by which this goal may be achieved. The results of this investment of resources would be improved mapping of the neutral wind and temperature fields with excellent temporal and spatial resolution. Other benefits include: 1) the detection of weak spectral sources in nightglow, aurora, ring current induced particle precipitation, and the polar cusp, 2) the observation, with higher signal-tonoise ratios, of the spectral emissions of twilight and dayglow with improved background rejection, and 3) the improvement of the precision by which line shape studies of hydrogen and helium coronal emissions and oxygen multiplet line emissions may be carried out. However, the direction that should be taken in future detector development is still unclear. If the promise of low noise CCD chips now being heralded by the solid state detector manufacturers can be achieved, especially if the devices could be fabricated with improved geometrical arrangement that more closely match the requirement for application in the Fabry-Perot interferometer, the goals hoped for can be reached through the combination of the field-widening of the Fabry-Perot, the utilization of the multiplexing gain, and the higher quantum efficiency of these devices. 49 It is therefore the recommendation of this committee that substantial funds be devoted to the support of development of the solid state detector, not just for the bare CCD detector but also for the other forms including image intensifier CCD, and the image plsme detector such as the wedge and strip or resistive anodes with a GaAs cathode surface. Once a satisfactory area detector has been identified, the committee recommends that all FPI interferometers be upgraded to achieve the improved level of sensitivity needed to satisfy the CEDAR science objectives. The committee also recommends that optical means for improving the Fabry-Perot sensitivity be examined with an eye to the practicality of this alternative approach. Optical techniques are likely to be less expensive to implement than the application of solid state technology, and the investigation of possible optical designs should be supported. While the research and development effort needed to upgrade FPI detectors is imderway, it is desirable that the present distribution of FPI stations be augmented by several additional facilities. Examination of the current coverage of the upper atmosphere dynamics shows a major gap exists with the lack of any automatic station operating at the polar cusp of the Southern Hemisphere. The theorists have strongly indicated that a major need exists for simultaneous observations of the thermospheric dynaunics in both hemispheres to study the effects of variations in the IMF parameters in the opposite hemispheres and to examine the different degrees of coupling between the plasma dynamics and the neutral atmosphere. The South Pole station is an obvious candidate for an automatic facility, because it passes within range of the polar cusp each day, it possesses very clear skies during the winter months allowing continuous observations over many weeks, it is conjugate to the FPI and radar stations at Sondrestrom, and technical support and excellent radio communications exist at the station. This facility should include an instrument of tested design and high reliability. The committee also recommends a Class 1 facility be installed at Mt. Haleakala in Hawaii. To exploit the natural advantage of the high elevation of this location, i.e., the 50 reduction of the Rayleigh and aerosol scattering, this site should be capable of dayglow observations. Another advantage of this site is the capability of observing the ionospheric plasma optical emissions found in the Appleton anomaly located south of the Hawaii station. Furthermore, the measurements of thermospheric dynamics made at this station would supplement the observations made at Arequipa, Peru, with data from a different longitude sector. In addition, this proposed location would be another good location for the study of low-latitude ring current induced particle precipitation. The Hawaii site has good weather, is readily accessible for reseachers, and could be operated inexpensively via telephone. The committee gave detailed consideration to the instrumental upgrading of the facilities at the existing sites. It is recommended that additional etalons be installed for multiple wavelength operation needed for coupling studies. These etalons should be designed for ease of plate spacing selection without disassembly. This latter feature would enable instrumental optimization for the chosen spectral feature and provide a range of spectral resolutions for application of this instrument. These additional etalons may utilize more conventional detector systems for low resolution applications. Moreover, optical means of enhancing instrumental sensitivity would require an low resolution etalon for the purpose of an optical mask (Hernandez, private communication). The committee recommended that all existing FPI facilities be automated fully for extended operations. It also recommended that the progress in the WAMDII program under the direction of G. Shepherd be monitored. This instrument is a major advance in optical doppler technology. Consideration should be given to the construction and support of a portable WAMDII instrument for use in special campaign efforts in addition to continual operations in an observatory. A major new area of research involving FPI stations at high latitudes involves small scale dynamics for dimensions of the order of a few kilometers. The committee felt that a bistatic observatory was an excellent means for exploring this new field of atmospheric 51 dynamics. The geometry of such an observatory allows the neutral wind vector to be measured within the common volume established by the two intersecting lines of sight. The WAMDn and the area detector field-widened Fabry-Perot interferometer represent alternative means of examining small scale djrnamics as both instruments possess the capability of examining many more directions within the sky than the typical current FPI instrimient. Once these instruments are constructed and operated, the demands upon analysis and interpretation will be taxing. The present means of communicating results within the community will not be adequate. A clear need for a network exists, whereby data and messages may be passed from one investigator to another. In this way planning and interpretation would be markedly improved as a result of the improved communications between workers. A workshop program is needed to bring together the principal investigators on a regular basis. Electronic mail to establish improved interactions among the principal investigators can be initiated immediately. Satellite communications with remote stations may be feasible within the next few years. It is difficult to project precisely the costs for the program as outlined. Table 11.1 sets out prospective budget costs for these various options; over a period of five years, some 3 million dollars looks to be necessary to carry out these plans. Whether five years is enough time is dependent upon how successful aeronomy can be in attracting additional researchers into the field. 52 IfTippo vemen ts» upsradinst and additions needed to interferotneter capabilities to implement CEDAR scientific soals !• Mawior needed increase in sensitivity to improve and enhance FPI capabilities forJ 1. Improved time and spatial mappins 2. Improved detection of weak sources auroral ring polar cleftf 3. Improved in 4. and line shape studies of line components Improved sensitivity for usins bac^csround dayslow work Improved sensitivity for studies in twilisht? current induced emissionst polar cap» and dayslow rejection of white lisht twilisht multiplet 5. resolution molecular rotational temperature emissions Implementation: 1. Fund parallel bare CCD wedse and 2. development of solid state detectors 200 K in prosress strip Consider alternatives: 100 K imasins i n t e n s i f i e r CCD imase plane detector with GaAs cathode surface 3. Implement FPI 2. upsradins detector of 400 K systems Complement present distribution of FPI stations* automate stations where necessary* install additional eta 1ons/detector systems for multi-emission studies* A. Antarctica South Pole station -southern hemispherica1 coverage -continuous 24h coverage in winter —excellent clear weather -2800 m. elevation -conJucacy to Sondrestrom -sees c l e f t emissions at noon so both neutral and ion motions can be readily studied —technical support available Table 11.1 150 K B. Construct state of the art to Haleakala be installed at instrument 350 K -sees e«\uatorial anomaly emissions in South direction (sive access to ionospheric parameters) -complement present coverase of e«^uatorial l a t i t u d e s -sood location for studv of low-latitude rins current induced particle preciPitation to complement Aresuipa station? also take advantage of to weak detect -clear weather -mountain WAMDII Bistatic FPI Variable facility prevalent ideal for davslow work support available Portable located Additional spectroscopic emissions site -technical C. GBOA instrument 350 observatories in auroral etalon and sap desisn K 300 K zone detector for etalon channels 200 K chamber 100 K -hish temporal resolution -observe small scale structures in dynamics of atmospheric resions -study coupling effects in momentum t r a n s f e r via multiple emissions -study composition chanses within auroral arcs -study l i n e shape of weak auroral emissions that responds to production mechanisms? variable sap desisn of etalon assembly important feature to allow optimization of spectral r e s o l u t i on D. Portable FPI observatories 150 K -round out FPI station distribution in auroral zone for slobal campaisns for winter months -provide FPI observatory for special campaisns such as CRESS releases* rocket launches* BARSt s a t e l l i t e overflishts (UARSt Vikins) - f a c i l i t y to be current instrumentation with detector upsradins addition E. Complete automation stations (Laurel where Ridse» of present FPI 150 K necessary Madison) it T n r%« t a/4 Manasenie-nt and -verv Coord i nai i on important within to of improve interferometrv purposes of i n t e r f e-rofTie-ter observations 825 K c onimuni c a t i o n s communitv collaboratiori and for plarinins -exchanse dates of observationSt archive data» share software concernins data an&lvsis and srarhics^ provide .user-friendlv TGCM -plan interferofTietrv campaisns relating to CEDAR 3oals? study transient events with slobal distribution; concentrate upon specific soals such as F-resion E-resion*. ms'sosphere optical emissions -need project scientist to and coordination activity oversee manasenient Implementation: —workshop prosram featurins two meetinss/vear 30 K/vear -electronic mail for improved interactions amons'PIs 50 K/vear -satellite communications with remote FPI stations 35 K/vear -project manasement 50 K/vear Sc hedules 1986/1987 Fund CCD proof of and concept 200 K compare with wedse and strip Start worlishop prosram 30 K for coordinatins activities amons different doppler stations; elec tron i c ma i1,. Start construction of Antartica FPI station 150 K 1987/1988 Fund construction Mt. Haleakala station? Start upsradins efforts for improved arrav detector automation of approp. various FPls svstems FPI stations relocation of FPI stations where needed Fund construction of WAKDII instrument project manasement and workshop prosram FPI communication support 1988/1989 workshop and FPI communication support support bistatic observatories support additional 350 K 500 K etalons at Itev sites 350 K 80 K 85 K 165 K 300 K 150 K 1989/1990 complete FPI upsradins efforts 150 K workshop> communication* manasement support 165 K 1990/1991 workshop and FPI communication support Table 11.1 Continued 165 K References Baker, D., A. Steed, and A. T. Stair, Jr., "Development of Infrared interferometry for upper atmospheric emission studies, Appl. Opt., 1734, 1981 Banks, P.M., Energy sources of high latitude upper atmosphere, "Exploration of the Polar Upper Atmosphere" Eds. Deehr and Holtet, Reidel 1981. 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Roble, Direct measurements of nighttime thermospheric winds and temperatures 2, Geomagnetic storms. Jour. Geophys. Res. 81, 5173, 1976. Kerr, R.B., S.K. Atreya, J.W. Meriwether, R.G. Burnside, and C.A. Tepley, Simultaneous Ha line profile and radar measurements at Arecibo, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 1985. 53 Killeen, T.L., R.G. Roble, R.W. Smith, N.W. Spencer, J.W. Meriwether, Jr., D. Rees, P.B. Hays, L.L. Cogger, M.A. Biondi, D.P. Sipler and C.A. Tepley, Mean neutral circulation in the winter polar F-region: Thermospheric 'weather maps' for December 1981, Jour. Geophys. Res. in press, 1985a. Killeen, T.L., P.B. Hays, G.R. Carignan, R.A. Heelis, W.B. Hanson, N.W. Spencer and L.H. Brace, Ion-neutral Coupling in the high latitude F-region: Evaluation of ion heating terms from DE-2 , Jour. Geophys. Res. (in press) 1985b. Killeen, T.L., and R.G. Roble, Neutral particle transport in the high latitude Fregion. "The Polar Cusp", Eds., Holtet and Egeland, Reidel, 1985c. 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