Spring 2013 @ your library www.plainfieldpubliclibrary.org Adult Programs 2–5 Teen Programs 6 Kids’ Programs 7–8 @ Your Library 9–10 Calendar 10–11 Contact Info 12 Repairs Continue with Windows and Roof Replacement of Failing Building Systems Proceeds According to 2012 Evaluation Priorities See page 2 LIBRARY CLOSINGS Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday, May 12 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 26 -27 Memorial Day weekend With new HVAC control system and roof top units now up and running, the next steps to address replacement needs for the building are windows in the Bay Window areas and the shingled portion of the roof. These two projects will be done this spring, exact dates depending on weather. No closings are anticipated during the projects. 1991 building expansion, exceeding the expected 20-year useful life. The windows in the Bay Window areas on the east side of the building are wood, which were improperly sealed during installation in 1991. Once identified, resealing was immediately done but this could not halt or repair the damage of more than a decade. The HVAC, window and roof projects were the immediate priorities for repair and replacement found in KJWW Engineering’s February 2012 report evaluating the building structure and systems. In 2009, the Library replaced the flat portion of its roof. The shingled portion is original to the The Bay Window areas and sidewalk surrounding the Library may be closed to the public during these projects. Please watch for signage and respect construction barriers for your safety. Check the Library’s website or Facebook page for more information on these projects as details become available. ADULT PROGRAMS for adults Time to get smart with your money and learn how it can work for you! This series of free classes is designed to help consumers better manage personal finances. Treasures for Cash Tuesday, April 23, 7:00 PM Appraiser Rex Newell highlights what is selling in the antiques industry. Rex is offering a free appraisal of one hand-held item for the first 40 registered patrons. No weapons, firearms, Oriental or Native American items. Taller de Presupuesto (español) Miércoles, 24 de abril, 10:00 AM Asistencia en la preparación y ejecución de los presupuestos personales. Este taller será en español. Identity Theft Wednesday, April 24, 1:00 PM With advice from Legal Shield, protect your finances should you become a victim of identity theft. Registration is required for all adult programs. Call the Reference Desk at 815-327-2515 or visit www.plainfieldpubliclibrary.org. Registration for adult programs begins March 1, 2013 unless otherwise noted in the online calendar. Art Cooking Blooming Cherry Blossoms Sunday, March 10, 2:00 PM Celebrate the National Cherry Blossom Festival with a lecture and a visual display of the cherry trees donated by the people of Japan to Washington, D.C. over a century ago. Royal Teas Monday, March 18, 7:00 PM Author Eileen Shafer shares menus, recipes and planning ideas for the perfect tea party. A copy of Royal Teas with Grace and Style will be given away. Autographed copies will also be available for purchase. Botanical Drawing Workshop Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 PM Explore the lavish botanical illustrations of 19th century textile designer William Morris and then create a colored pencil study based on Morris’ designs. Citizenship Citizenship 101 Thursday, May 23, 7:00 PM U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service representatives explain the citizenship process and answer your questions. 2 Entertainment We Love Lucy Thursday, April 11, 11:00 AM Enjoy this round-up of the funniest Lucille Ball moments in television and film history. MOVIES FOR ADULTS Movies begin at 1:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Friday Movie Matinee March 1: Flight Six Mistakes Seniors Make with their Finances Gluten-Free Cooking Saturday, May 4, 11:00 AM Going GF is not just a fad; more and more people are diagnosed as wheat-intolerant every day. Learn about substitutes to make favorite meals gluten-free. Samples and recipes included. April 5: Lincoln May 3: Joyful Noise Thursday, April 25, 10:00 AM Learn from the mistakes of others; make the right choices to increase and protect your retirement. Classic Thursday Movie Matinee Money Roadmap March 21: Easter Parade, 1948 Saturday, April 27, 10:00 AM Amy Anderson Schilling, author of The Money Roadmap: You choose the destination and the way, sorts out budgeting plans and reaching financial goals. April 18: Jaws, 1975 May 16: The Pursuit of Happyness, 2006 Plainfield Public Library District Green Village 2013 Lecture Series In partnership with the Village of Plainfield Second Monday, 7:00 PM March 11: Organic Lawn Care and Developing a Greener Lawn University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Nancy Kuhajda shares best known tips on having a great lawn this summer. Services for Job Seekers Mobile Workforce Center Every Wednesday, 9:30 AM to 12 NOON, 1:00 to 3:30 PM The Mobile Workforce Center from Workforce Services Division is a state-of-the-art computer lab that travels to communities throughout the county. Visit the Center behind the Library in the Route 59 parking lot. Job seekers can choose from the following services: • Information on job openings in Will County • Assistance creating/revising a resume • Keyboarding lessons • Internet access to assist in your job search April 8: Rain Barrel Workshop Learn proper installation, positioning and ideas on incorporating rain barrels into your landscape. Order forms available to purchase rain barrels through the Village. May 13: Landscape Design Workshop Get one-on-one advice from landscape experts. Bring in photos and measurements of your yard or trouble spots. Drop-in session. READING AND WRITING GROUPS Not Your Mama’s Book Club Job Club Third Wednesday, 12 NOON to 1:30 PM Network, share and learn from guest speakers in a friendly and helpful atmosphere. Bring your lunch; dessert is on us. March 20: Turn Your Network into Your Job Search Sales Team Everyone knows that networking is a crucial component of any job search, but do you really know what to do with your network once you have one? Learn to identify steps and tactics to greatly increase your chance of finding a new job through networking. Presented by Lauren Milligan, ResuMAYDAY April 17: Interactive Workshop Series Part 1 – Mock Interviews, Perfecting Your interviewing Skills. Observe mock interviews through role play based on an actual job description and structured interview questions. Get tips on salary negotiations and witness the importance of researching the company prior to your interview. Presented by Adam Thomas, Workforce Connection Center Coordinator, Goodwill & Tonie Roby, Human Resources Consultant May 15: Interactive Workshop Series Part 2 – Own the room! Move from exploratory networking to gathering and exchanging information. Ask questions and let others know why you are networking. Presented by Adam Thomas, Workforce Connection Center Coordinator, Goodwill & Tonie Roby, Human Resources Consultant First Monday, 7:00 PM Follow this group on goodreads: http://bit.ly/NYMBookClub March 4: Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill April 1: Bossypants by Tina Fey May 6: The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt A Novel Idea Second Thursday, 7:00 PM Follow this group on goodreads: http://bit.ly/NovelIdea March 14: Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly April 11: Save Me by Lisa Scottoline May 9: The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan Tri-County Writer’s Guild (TWiG) Third Tuesday, 7:00 PM A writer’s group meets to discuss writing, share ideas and critique each other’s work. @ your library | Spring 2013 3 for adults For English Language Learners These weekly programs, coordinated by the Outreach Department, are provided for adults with English-speaking skills at all levels. For more information contact Tania at 815-436-6639, ext. 535 or thess@plainfieldpubliclibrary.org. Se habla español. Reading Club Tuesdays, 10:00 to 11:00 AM Reading is a great way to increase your English language skills. Get together with others to read books and articles that are perfect for learning vocabulary in context, practicing pronunciation and sharing ideas. Weather Midwest Twisters Writing and Grammar Practice Group Saturday, March 16, 11:00 AM Hear stories of weather phenomena and pursuing tornados by storm chaser Eddy Weiss. Plus, tips on what to do if you are in the path of a storm. Mondays or Wednesdays, 10:00 to 11:00 AM The principles of English grammar relevant to an adult learning English are covered in this weekly group. Learn grammar and writing skills in a practical yet fun way. Conversation Club Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:00 PM or Fridays, 10:00 to 11:00 AM Practice speaking English while making friends. Share ideas and culture, play games, discuss current events, family life and anything relevant to life in the United States. Childcare is available on Thursday evenings. History Organization Untold Family Stories of Lincoln Sunday, April 14, 2:00 PM Historical re-enactor Julie Zebleckis portrays the women in Abraham Lincoln’s childhood, illustrating how they shaped his life and influenced the man he became. Get Organized, Stay Organized and Save Money Tuesday, March 5, 7:00 PM Discover practical and moneysaving strategies to simplify your life. Underground Railroad Quilts Thursday, May 9, 11:00 AM Author Dr. Clarice Boswell showcases Civil War era quilts and shares the meaning behind the quilts’ symbols. She also reflects on her heritage in Lizzie’s Story: A Slave Family’s Journey to Freedom. Music World Music Celebration Tuesday, April 2, 7:00 PM Mike Basin performs classic melodies on his accordion. The ABC’s of Photo Organization Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM Get ready to conquer the daunting task of organizing family photos, home movies, slides and memorabilia. Scanning and digitizing old photos will also be covered. Newcomers Club Thursdays, 1:00 to 2:00 PM If you are new to the U.S. or have never had an opportunity to learn English, this club is for you. Practice basic listening and speaking skills, basic English concepts and learn everyday communication. In all of these programs, you will be working at your own speed and advancing at your own pace, but most importantly having fun as you learn. Social Media Pinterest Wednesday, May 15, 7:00 PM Join the fastest growing social network site in history. Includes a brief overview of signing up for Pinterest, how it works, pinning and creating boards. Joliet Dulcimer Society Thursday, March 14, 11:00 AM From folk music to Irish favorites, the group performs a variety of music genres. 4 Plainfield Public Library District Genealogy Newspaper Necessities Technology Classes Check the Library’s online calendar for specific dates and times for the following programs. Adult Computer Classes These 90-minute single-session classes focus on specific topics such as email, internet and various Microsoft Office software programs. Registration is required beginning four weeks in advance. Clases de Computadora para Adultos Se ofrecerán clases básicas de computación en español para adultos. Se requiere registración las cuales inician con quatro semanas de anticipación. Become a Census Sensei Monday, April 29, 7:00 PM There is much more to census records than just the Federal Population Schedules. Explore additional census schedules such as agriculture and manufacturing, plus how state and local censuses can be used to enhance your family history. Military Genealogy Computer Coaching These 90-minute hands-on computer help sessions are for adults. Unlike the more structured classes, these sessions are focused on different populations and resources. They allow seniors or those doing genealogy the opportunity for one-on-one assistance. Registration is required beginning four weeks in advance. Learn LinkedIn Maximize your professional networking through this powerful social media tool. In this hands-on computer class, we will help you create a free account, get started on your profile and connect with your colleagues. Learn how to search for jobs, join groups that match your interests and follow your target companies. Participants must have a current email account prior to attending this class and should bring a copy of their resume. eBook Help Sessions Monday, March 25, 7:00 PM Newspapers hold an astounding amount of genealogical and local history information other than obituaries. Find the hidden gems in newspapers such as: claim day notices, cards of thanks, society news, tax notices and more. Also, learn to locate digital copies of original newspapers as well as discovering additional sources of online indexes and abstracts. DROP-IN These free drop-in training sessions will answer your eBook and eReader questions. Bring in your eReader, tablet, laptop, or Smartphone and we will show you how to browse, check out and return Library eBooks and provide tips and tricks for using your device’s advanced features. If you don’t have an eReader yet and are thinking about getting one, this is also a fun opportunity to test drive a variety of devices that are compatible with Library eBooks. Monday, May 20, 7:00 PM This class traces military records from the American Revolution to WWII, with an emphasis on documents available at local, state and national archives. Strictly Business Lunch & Learn Series In partnership with the Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce First Thursday, 12 NOON to 1:00 PM March 7: The POWER initiative with Judy Baar Topinka, State of Illinois Comptroller Ms. Topinka invites small and minorityowned business owners to discover how to gain the resources needed to compete for and obtain state contracts. April. 4: Business Plan Runisia Henry from Joliet Junior College offers advice on how to produce a high-impact business plan. May 2: Marketing with Facebook Update Laura Donovan from The Word Pro demonstrates how to use the newly updated search feature in Facebook to enhance product/company awareness and increase sales. @ your library | Spring 2013 5 TEEN PROGRAMS for teens Grades 4 to 12 Special Programs: Thursday, March 7 Thursday, April 18 4:30 to 6:00 PM Welcome to the Kanto region, home of Pokémon. Bring your Nintendo DS and any Pokémon games to play, battle and trade with other players. Battling for Pokémon is prohibited. Free wifi is available. Short Story Contest Author Talk and Awards Presentation The MAC (Manga & Anime Club) Middle School through High School Registration is required and begins two weeks in advance. Visit www.plainfieldpubliclibrary.org or call the Youth Services Desk at 815-439-2877 to register. Saturday, March 9 11:00 to 11:30 AM Short story contest entrants and their families are invited to a talk by the contest judge, Chris Rylander, author of the Fourth Stall series. Winners will be announced at the end of the program. Annual Teen Poetry Slam All Ages Grades 6 to 12 Wednesday, March 13 Wednesday, April 10 4:30 to 6:00 PM The Manga and Anime Club meet to watch anime, discuss Manga, and create an otakuinspired craft. Tuesday, March 19 Tuesday, April 16 5:00 to 6:00 PM Aspiring authors, use this time to share your stories, poetry and writing of all types. Ecuador Culture Box Unveiling Crafty Teens Wednesday, April 17 6:30 to 8:30 PM Don’t miss the chance to view beautiful artifacts, books and other items that represent the South American country of Ecuador. Live music provided by Costas; expect to hear a rich mix of influences: African, Indigenous and European. Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Ceil Carey at 815-327-2524 or ccarey@plainfieldpubliclibrary.org. Grades 6 to 12 Grades 6 to 8 Tuesday, March 5 Tuesday, April 2 5:00 to 6:00 PM Warm-up with writing exercises and get your creative juices flowing. There will be time to share your work. Artists Series in April with learning to draw faces (realistic and Manga). These classes are perfect for the aspiring artist. March: Still Life Drawing 101 April: Learn to Draw Faces Teen Gaming Night Grades 6 to 12 Friday, March 22 Friday, April 26 5:00 to 8:00 PM Gamers unite at this tournament for middle and high school students. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Tournaments will be held on the PlayStation 3 with the game PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Participants must be registered and arrive at the Library before 5:00 p.m. Teen Drama Club Tuesday, April 30 7:00 to 8:30 PM Middle and high school students are encouraged to submit their original poems (limit 3) for the annual Teen Poetry Slam. Entries may be sent in from March 18 – April 13 and must be submitted via e-mail to ppldpoetry@plainfieldpubliclibrary.org. On the evening of the Slam, students, their families and friends are invited to hear entrants read their work. Prizes will be awarded, including an audience favorite chosen after the poetry readings. Refreshments will be served. Middle School Writers’ Group 6 Pokémon DS Club High School Writers’ Group Grades 6 to 12 Grades 9 to 12 Thursday, March 28 Thursday, April 25 5:00 to 6:00 PM Act out at the Library and join other teen actors as we turn up the drama. Play improv games, get acting tips and meet other teens with a flair for the dramatic. Tuesday, March 19 Tuesday, April 16 7:00 to 8:30 PM You know you’re crafty. Why not show off your skills with these cool projects? March: Kandi Bracelets April: Marbled Fingernails Teen Artists Series Grades 6 to 12 Thursday, March 21 Thursday, April 4 7:00 to 8:30 PM Artist Christine Thornton teaches teens the basics of still life drawing. She ends the Teen Plainfield Public Library District College Prep: Practice ACT Grades 9 to 12 Saturday, April 27 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM Take a practice ACT in a simulated testing environment, proctored by a Kaplan instructor. Students will be required to create a free account with Kaplan to receive their test results. Please bring 2 pencils and a calculator. Snacks are allowed but can only be consumed during breaks between tests. Open to all high school students, registration is required. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Registration begins two weeks in advance for children’s programs. All you need is a valid Plainfield Public Library card to register. Visit www.plainfieldpubliclibrary.org or call the Youth Services Desk at 815-439-2877. for kids DROP-IN PROGRAMS Baby Massage Babies 8 weeks to 8 months old Friday, March 1, 8, 15 Friday, April 5, 19 9:30 to 10:15 AM You can attend Baby Massage any time after your baby’s 8 week check up or when s/he starts to crawl. Bring a clean towel to lay your baby on, your own edible massage oil, and anything else you usually take for your baby when you go out. Please see online calendar for more details. Pirates & Princesses Pajama Jam Party Sensory Storytimes Ages 3 to 8 with caregivers Saturday, March 23 Saturday, April 27 1:00 to 2:00 PM Special needs children along with their siblings and friends are welcome to enjoy action songs, tactile activities, free play and drawing. Transition cards accompany each activity. Learn a Poem By Heart! Families April 1 to April 30 April is National Poetry Month, so pick a poem up at the Youth Services Desk, learn it by heart and recite it to get a prize. All Ages Family Hands On Science DROP-IN Families with children ages 2 to 5 Seeds & Plants Thursday, March 28 6:00 to 6:45 PM Let your imagination grow by “digging” into science! Make a decorative planter and plant seeds. Thursday, March 7 6:00 to 7:00 PM Ahoy matey! This pajama/ costume party is for pirates & princesses of all ages. Create pirate hats and tiaras, walk the plank and find a treasure trove of stories. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Math ‘n’ More Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Thursday, April 25 6:00 to 6:45 PM Creepy, crawly...Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Discover the fantastic world of insects and create bug catchers to take home. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Panera Bread® presents: Storytime, Milk and Cookies Hurray for Learning, Hurray for Teachers! Grades 2 to 5 Wednesday, May 8 5:00 to 6:00 PM Make a card for your favorite teacher on National Teacher Day and hear the famous story of Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan. Learn a little sign language and Braille. Grade K to 2 Wednesday, March 20 Wednesday, April 24 4:15 to 5:00 PM The Wing-Wing Brothers love to compare amounts, add and subtract. Hear about their antics, then try them yourselves. The book and activities used meet the Common Core State Standards for Kindergarten mathematics. Ages 3 to 5 REGISTRATION REQUIRED Explorers’ Society for Boys Ages 6 to 10 Tuesday, March 5 5:00 to 6:00 PM Explore the world of dangerous animals. Dinosaur Detectives Tuesdays March 5, 19 April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28 10:00 to 11:00 AM Enjoy a storytime and craft as well as free milk and cookies at the Route 59/127th St. Panera Bread. Registration required. Science Rocks! Plantastic Plants Grades K to 5 Saturday, March 23 10:00 to 10:45 AM Science isn’t boring...Science Rocks! Use your “green thumb” in our library lab. @ your library | Spring 2013 Ages 6 to 10 Thursday, March 14 5:00 to 6:00 PM Unearth prehistoric creatures and make a dinosaur craft. More children’s programs on page 8 7 Activities for Children Birth to Age 5 for kids SESSION 4: April 1 – May 9 A parent or caregiver must attend with child(ren) unless otherwise noted. DROP-IN PROGRAMS Bounce and Tickle for Babies Ages 6 to 23 months Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday 9:15 to 9:45 AM Toddlin’ Twos Two-year-olds Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 10:00 to 10:20 AM Preschool Storytime Ages 3 to 5 Mondays, Tuesdays 10:45 to 11:15 AM Children attend independently. A parent or caregiver must remain in the Youth Services area. A Healthy Earth = A Healthy You DROP-IN Jump & Jive Family Storytime All Ages Saturday, April 20 10:00 to 11:00 AM Families Watch Chef Kyle Richardson from Joliet Junior College do a demo on healthy foods, then enjoy a sample. Chef Richardson will also show children how to make a recycled planter to grow things at home. Amelia Bedelia Birthday Bash K to Grade 5 Tuesday, March 19 4:30 to 5:30 PM You are invited to a mixed-up, silly 50th birthday celebration for Amelia Bedelia, the literal-minded housekeeper we all know and love. Tall Tower Jr. Workshop Ages 3 to 5 Monday, March 25 11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON LEGOLAND presents this hands-on workshop to help children recognize shapes and patterns. Build LEGO towers of various shapes, colors and patterns. Race Car Workshop Ages 6 to 12 Monday, March 25 1:00 to 2:00 PM LEGOLAND will help children 8 build a series of LEGO race cars, race them on a track, collect data and find out how fast their creation went. Just Ribbit Ages 6 to 10 Tuesday, April 9 5:30 to 6:30 PM Hop on down to the Library to celebrate frogs. Make a frog craft to take home. Thursday, March 14, 21 Thursday, April 4, 11, 18 Thursday, May 2, 9 6:00 to 6:45 PM Visit the Library for some rockin’ family fun! We will sing, dance and listen to exciting new stories. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Reads & Rimas: A Spanish-English Storytime Una hora de cuentos en español y ingles Ages 3 to 6 with an adult/3 to 6 años con un adulto Fridays/viernes 11:15 to 11:45 AM This storytime presented in both English and Spanish, features songs, nursery rhymes and stories. La hora de cuentos presenta canciones, rimas y cuentitos. REGISTRATION REQUIRED Registration begins March 18 for the following program: Fun with Music Superhero Training Camp Ages 9 months to 4 years Ages 3 to 4 years Mondays: Tuesday, May 14 10:30 to 11:30 AM Test your Superhero skills and abilities as we enjoy super activities, crafts and stories. Costumes encouraged. 9:30 to 10:15 AM 10:30 to 11:15 AM 5:00 to 5:45 PM (this class only is a drop-in) Tuesdays 9:30 to 10:15 AM 10:30 to 11:15 AM Wednesdays 10:45 to 11:15 PM Thursdays 9:30 to 10:15 AM We may not always be right on key or keep up with the beat, but we have a great time with rhythm instruments, sing-alongs and dance. Adult caregiver must attend with the child. Please contact us at 815-439-2877 if your child will be absent. Plainfield Public Library District @ your library The Great Read Celebrates Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is the focus of this year’s Great Read program as well as the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln’s greatest achievements. Participants are encouraged to read any books about the 16th president and take part in fun, historical and educational programs dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. Please visit the GREAT READ web site for a complete list of books, events and program information: http://www.psd202.org/greatread. Abe Lincoln Kids Event Saturday, March 9, 10 to 11:30 AM Joliet Junior College – Main Campus, 1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet Celebrate the values and accomplishments of the 16th President of the United States with storytime and crafts. This program is suggested for ages 5 to 9 years old and parents are welcome to stay during the program. Registration for each child is requested; please call 815-280-1555 to register. The Untold Family Stories of Abraham Lincoln — Historical Portrayal Sunday, April 14, 2:00 PM Plainfield Public Library There were three women in Abraham Lincoln’s childhood that shaped his life and influenced the man that he became. This historical portrayal will reflect on these remarkable women and how they loved and cared for the future president. A Novel Idea Book Discussion Reads “The Great Read” The Great Read Grand Finale: A Night at the Theater — Historical Portrayal Thursday, March 14, 7:00 PM Plainfield Public Library http://bit.ly/NovelIdea All are welcome to join what is sure to be a lively and spirited discussion about the assassination of one of our country’s most loved presidents. The March selection is Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly, a riveting historical narrative of the heart-stopping events surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. You may pick up a copy of the book at the Plainfield Library’s Adult Reference Desk and then join us for the discussion. Thursday, May 2, 7:00 PM Fountaindale Public Library District – 300 W. Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook Celebrate the great life of a great man at an evening with President and Mrs. Lincoln. History comes alive with the reenactment of President Lincoln’s last moments at the White House with his beloved Mary Todd. Before they leave for Ford’s Theater, the Lincolns reflect upon their life together, their children, the ending of the Civil War and the President’s political career. National Library Week: Food for Fines Ask Away! April 13 to April 20 In celebration of National Library Week, Food For Fines is Saturday, April 13 through Sunday, April 21. Exchange up to $1.00 in fines for each non-perishable item brought in.* Your donations benefit the Plainfield Interfaith Food Pantry. During the December food drive, the Library took in just over one ton of food. Let’s see if we can beat those numbers this spring, when donations at local pantries are down. Please note that open or expired packages will not be accepted. *Does not apply for fees on lost or damaged items. Did you know that when the Library is closed, you still have access to trained librarians to help you with your questions? It might be the middle of the night here, but you can chat with a librarian from California or maybe England if you need research assistance. AskAway is an online chat reference service staffed around the clock by library professionals from around the world. AskAway is there when you need information or help with research, finding a recipe, searching the Web, or almost any other information need. Click the Ask a Librarian 24/7 button on the Library’s website to receive help anytime. Heartland Blood Drive Wednesday, March 6, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Healthy members of the community are encouraged to donate blood. Look for Heartland Blood Center’s mobile coach bus in the Library’s Route 59 parking lot. The Lincoln Art Contest winners will be announced and all artwork submissions will be showcased. All attendees up through Grade 5 are also welcome to put on their black hat and enter the Abe Look-ALike Contest. Lincoln-inspired tasty refreshments will be served. @ your library | Spring 2013 9 HAPPENING @ YOUR LIBRARY SPRING 2013 CALENDAR World Book Night Kick-off Monday, April 22, 6:00 PM Registered book givers are invited to pick up books for distribution, meet other participants in the community, enjoy refreshments and learn about some of this year’s WBN selections. World Book Night is an annual celebration dedicated to spreading the love of reading, person to person, as thousands of people around the world will be giving away copies of books. This informal and fun get together celebrates and encourages reading in Plainfield and beyond! World Book Night Tuesday, April 23 This evening, in our community and many more around the world, volunteers will spread the joy and love of reading by giving out free World Book Night paperbacks. Look for the friendly faces of Library staff, friends and neighbors, all of whom will act as book givers, distributing books at locations throughout the Plainfield area. The costs for these special editions have been underwritten by publishers, printers and paper companies with all 30 authors waiving their royalties. For more information and to see a list of the World Book Night selections, please visit http://www.us.worldbooknight.org/. Friends of the Library Flea Market Saturday, May 18, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM The Friends of the Plainfield Public Library are hosting an outdoor flea market/garage sale. Garage Sale spots are available for $15 and vendor spots are available for $35. To reserve a 10’ x 10’ space, contact Barbara Ebeling, President of the Friends at cbarbaral@aol.com. Check the Friends Facebook page for further details: https://www.facebook.com/libraryfriends. March DAY DATE TITLE TIME GROUP F 1 Baby Massage 9:30 AM Kids Friday Movie Matinee: Flight 1 PM Adult M 4 Not Your Mama’s Book Club 7 PM Adult TU 5 Panera Storytime 10 AM Kids Explorers’ Society for Boys 5 PM Kids Middle School Writers’ Group 5 PM Teens 7 PM Adult 9:30 AM Adult Get Organized, Stay Organized and Save Money W 6 Heartland Blood Drive TH 7 Strictly Business Lunch & Learn Series 12 NOON Adult Pokemon DS Club Teens Kids 9:30 AM Kids F 8 Baby Massage SA 9 Short Story Contest Author Talk and Awards Presentation 11 AM Kids Abe Lincoln Kids Event at JJC 10 AM Kids SU 10 Blooming Cherry Blossoms 2 PM Adult M 11 Green Village Series 7 PM Adult W 13 The MAC (Manga & Anime Club) 4:30 PM Teens TH 14 Joliet Dulcimer Society 11 AM Adult Dinosaur Detectives 5 PM Kids Novel Idea Book Discussion 7 PM Adult F 15 Baby Massage 9:30 AM Kids SA 16 Midwest Twisters 11 AM Adult M 18 Royal Teas 7 PM Adult TU 19 Panera Storytime 10 AM Kids Amelia Bedelia Birthday Bash 4:30 PM Kids High School Writers’ Group 5 PM Teens Crafty Teens 7 PM Teens Tri-County Writer’s Guild (TWiG) 7 PM Adult Job Club 12 NOON Adult Math ‘n’ More 4:15 PM Kids W TH 20 21 Classic Movie: Easter Parade 1 PM Adult Teen Artists Series 7 PM Teens F 22 Teen Gaming Night 5 PM Teens SA 23 Science Rocks 10 AM Kids Sensory Storytime 1 PM Kids M 25 Tall Tower Jr. Workshop 11 AM Kids Race Car Workshop 1 PM Kids Newspaper Necessities 7 PM Adult Teen Drama Club 5 PM Kids Family Hands On Science 6 PM Kids TH 10 4:30 PM Pirates and Princesses Pajama Jam Party 6 PM 28 Plainfield Public Library District This calendar only covers special and monthly programs. For all ongoing and regular programs and for full descriptions, visit the online calendar. April DAY DATE TITLE M 1 Not Your Mama’s Book Club TU 2 Panera Storytime TH F 4 5 www.plainfieldpubliclibrary.org 815-436-6639 May TIME GROUP DAY 7 PM Adult TH 10 AM Kids Middle School Writers’ Group 5 PM Teens F World Music Celebration 7 PM Adult SA DATE TITLE 2 Strictly Business Lunch & Learn Series 12 NOON Adult 7 PM All Ages 3 Friday Movie Matinee: Joyful Noise 1 PM Adult 4 Gluten-Free Cooking 11 AM Adult Strictly Business Lunch & Learn Series 12 NOON Adult M 6 Not Your Mama’s Book Club 7 PM Adult Teen Artists Series 7 PM Teens TU 7 Botanical Drawing Workshop 7 PM Adult Baby Massage 9:30 AM Kids W 8 Hurray for Learning, Hurray for Teachers! 5 PM Kids Friday Movie Matinee: Lincoln 1 PM Adult TH 9 Underground Railroad Quilts 11 AM Adult Novel Idea Book Discussion 7 PM Adult Green Village Series 7 PM Adult Panera Storytime 10 AM Kids Superhero Training Camp 10:30 AM Kids Job Club 12 NOON Adult Pinterest 7 PM Adult 8 Green Village Series 7 PM Adult TU 9 Just Ribbit 5:30 PM Kids M 13 W 10 The MAC (Manga & Anime Club) 4:30 PM Teens TU 14 TH 11 We Love Lucy 11 AM Adult Novel Idea Book Discussion 7 PM Adult SU 14 Untold Stories of Abraham Lincoln 2 PM Adult TU 16 TH 17 18 10 AM Kids TH 16 5 PM Teens SA 18 Crafty Teens 7 PM Teens M 20 Tri-County Writer’s Guild (TWiG) 7 PM Adult TU 21 Tri-County Writer’s Guild (TWiG) See page 4 7 PM Adult TH 23 Citizenship 101 7 PM Adult TU 28 Panera Storytime 10 AM Kids Classic Movie: Jaws 1 PM Adult Pokemon DS Club 4:30 PM Teens 9:30 AM Kids M 22 World Book Night Reception 6 PM Adult TU 23 World Book Night 6 PM Adult Treasures for Cash 7 PM Adult W 24 Taller de Presupuesto (español) 10 AM Adult Identity Theft 1 PM Adult Math ‘n’ More 4:15 PM Kids 29 TU 30 PM All Ages Family M PM 12 NOON Adult A Healthy Earth Equals a Healthy You 10 AM 27 AM 6:30 PM Baby Massage SA PM Friends of the Library Flea Market Job Club 20 26 Conversation Adult 1 All Ages 9 Club Expanded Adult Military Genealogy 7 to Meet Adult The ABC’s of Photo Organization 7 Weekly Classic Movie: Pursuit of Happyness Ecuador Culture Box Unveiling 19 F 15 Panera Storytime SA 25 W High School Writers’ Group F TH GROUP The Great Read Grand Finale M W TIME Mistakes Seniors Make with Finances 10 AM Adult Teen Drama Club 5 PM Teens Family Hands on Science 6 PM Kids Teen Gaming Night 5 PM Teens College Prep: Practice ACT 10 AM Teens Money Roadmap 10 AM Adult Sensory Storytime 1 PM Kids Become a Census Sensei 7 PM Adult Panera Storytime 10 AM Kids Annual Teen Poetry Slam 7 PM Teens Book Discussion Kits In our current economic climate, who has money for movies and concerts anymore? Consider getting friends, neighbors or spouses together for a book discussion in your living room or at your favorite restaurant or coffee shop. More popular now than ever before, not only are book discussions a fun, easy and free source of entertainment, but they are often intellectually stimulating and prompt lively conversation. Your book discussion group can be as serious or as silly as you 5–12 would like it to be. Plus, everything youGrades need to start your own group, Seemuch pagemore, 7 including tips, multiple book copies and is available at your Library. For resources on starting and running a book discussion visit the Readers Space section of the website. @ your library | Spring 2013 Harry Potter Book Discussion 11 NonProfit Org. U.S. Postage PAI D Fox Valley, IL Permit No. 131 15025 South Illinois Street Plainfield, IL 60544 Follow the Library on Facebook. Become a Fan! www.facebook.com/PlainfieldLibrary Library Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday and Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 PM Contact Us Information/Registration Adult Reference Youth Services Outreach Business Office Hearing Impaired TDD Library Director Julie 815-436-6639 815-327-2515 815-439-2877 815-327-2524 815-439-2872 815-439-2879 Milavec Board of Trustees Sharon Kinley, President Patricia Miller, Vice President Mina Denise Green, Secretary Terry Cottrell, Treasurer Crystal Andel Carl F. Gilmore David Schmidt Stop and Smell the Flowers at Your Library All gardens on the Library’s property have been planted and maintained with the help of the community. We are looking for volunteers to help in the upcoming gardening season. Daisy, Brownie and Boy Scout Troops can use our gardening projects and programs to earn badges. Certified Will County Master Gardeners can use the time spent working in the Plainfield Public Library gardens to fulfill required volunteer hours. Anyone interested can participate. Share your knowledge of gardening and learn from others as we “play in the dirt” together. If you would like to help with the gardens, please contact Outreach Assistant Judi Deszcz at jdeszcz@plainfieldpubliclibrary.org or 815-582-7696.
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