www.pawtucketlibrary.org Spring 2014 Children’s Library Storytimes run approximately 30-45 minutes. Just drop in. No registration necessary. Older/younger siblings are always welcome at all story times! For more information, contact a Children’s librarian at 725-3714 x209 or email to childrens@pawtucketlibrary.org The Spring session runs March 4th through May 29th Mother Goose Storytime Class Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages newborn to 24 months www.pawtucketlibrary.org Check out the Teen Blog website for all the latest news, info & programs! pawtucketlibraryteens.blogspot.com/ Teen Movie Night February 20, March 26, April 23 and May 28 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Teen Hunger Games Party Parents and caregivers with children ages newborn through 24 months are invited for playful songs, rhymes and games followed by social time. Older siblings are always welcome. Toddler Storytime Class Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 2 & 3 years old Toddler Storytime Class is for children ages 2 and 3 with their adult caregivers. This program features stories, songs, finger rhymes and a craft. Older and younger siblings are always welcome! PreSchool Storytime Class Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages 3 to 5 years old Preschoolers ages 3 to 5 years with an adult caregiver are invited to the library for stories, music, movement and other fun activities. Younger siblings are welcome. Note: Each week the library therapy dogs Tinker Bell and Wendy join the class wearing costumes related to the stories for the week. Wednesday, March 19th 6:00pm-8:00pm Come celebrate this fan-favorite book and movie. Teens in grades 6-12 are invited for a screening, snacks and games. Anime Club Wednesday 3/12, Thursday 4/10, Thursday 5/8 6-8pm in the Library Auditorium Free Comic Book Day/Comic Book Swap Thursday 5/1 from 6-8pm Library Auditorium Candy Experiments Wednesday 5/14 From 6-7pm Library Auditorium April Vacation Week Fun For the Kids! Tuesday, April 22nd from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Musical Storyteller: Christopher Kavi Carbone Gather round and celebrate Earth Day with interactive storytelling, music, rhythms, and more. Best for ages 3-8. Siblings are always welcome. FREE and no registration is required. Tuesday, April 22nd from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Meet MaxMan: RI's Recycling Superhero Learn how to better manage waste and recyclables. Best for kids ages 5-12 and their families. Younger siblings are always welcome. FREE and no registration is required. Wednesday April 23rd from 10:30am-11:30am Prince and Princess Party! Join us for a Prince and Princess Party with stories, games, crafts and snacks. Children are encouraged to dress up like their favorite prince or princess. Ideal for children ages 3 to 6 years of age. No registration required. Wednesday April 23rd from 3 pm to 4 pm Campbell Auditorium Recycle Art—Best for ages 7-12. No registration required. Thursday April 24th from 10:30 am-11:30 am Lindsay Meehan from Music for Children RI Experience her lively and energetic program of music and stories as the audience is encouraged to sing, move, and imagine together. Best for children ages 8 and under. Siblings are always welcome. FREE and no registration is required. Thursday, April 24th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm Book Bingo for Kids Who will get Bingo first? Join a Children’s Librarian and other kids for some fun and wacky rounds of Bingo. Winners will get to select a FREE book from the Prize Box. Best for ages 7 and up but younger children are welcome with caregiver help. No registration required. Friday, April 25th from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Early Childhood Art Program Join us for an hour of hands-on art activities using a multi sensory approach to create art projects based on the reading of Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? Space is limited. Registration required. Friday, April 25th from 3:00-4:00pm Hold a Chick Program Come learn how chickens are raised at Casey Farm. See eggs from humming birds & ostriches! You will be shown how to correctly hold a chick and each person will get a chick to hold! Children’s Library Your favorite children’s programs: Read to therapy dogs Tinker Bell & Wendy Tuesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Caidin Room Need to practice reading or just like reading out loud? Tinker Bell & Wendy would love to hear you read! Call the Children’s Library at 725-3714 x209 to reserve your 15-minute reading spot. Free for children of all ages. Family Movie Night First Wednesday of the month @ 6:00pm Campbell Library Auditorium Children with their families are invited to watch a free movie (rated G or PG). Kids age 10 or older may attend without a caregiver. Bring your own snacks. Crafty Thursdays with Miss Maria Artesanía para Niños con Miss Maria March 6th through May 29th Thursdays 3:00-4:00 p.m. Caidin Activity Room Best for kids 5 and up. Younger kids welcome with an adult. LEGO Club Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Children’s Caidin Room Bring your imagination, we'll provide the LEGOs.-Megablocks & Duplos too! Just drop in! Free. No registration. Children’s Library Bilingual Family Story Hour / Cuentos Bilingües en Familia (English and Spanish) Every other Saturday at 11:00am Caidin Room April 5, 19, May 3, 17 and May 31st A late morning bilingual story hour with stories, sing-along songs and crafts for children of all ages. Cuentos bilingües en Familia para niños de todas edades cada otro sábado. Cuentos divertidos, artesanía y canciones en Ingles y Español divertido para toda la familia. Registración es recomendada, pero no es necesario. Children's Day/Book Day (El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros) Saturday, April 26th 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Come join us to celebrate Children’s Day/Book Day, a national holiday celebrating children, different cultures and the importance of literacy. This event features bilingual stories, music, crafts, free books and a special performance Seasonal Drop-in Saturday Craft Days for Kids Children of all ages and their families are invited to make a special craft in celebration of the holidays and seasons below. Just drop-in to the Caidin Activity Room on the following Saturdays between 2:30pm and 4:00pm. All materials will be provided. No registration required. March 15th - St. Patrick’s Day crafts May 10th - Mother’s Day - Make a Gift and Card Children’s Library Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Saturday, March 1st Drop-in between 10am - 4pm Caidin Activity Room Take part in NEA’s Read Across America Day by dropping by the library to celebrate Dr. Seuss. Make a red and white striped hat, read some great Seuss books, and get a free bookmark. For children of all ages and their families. Preschool Drive-In Movie Theatre Saturday, March 29th 10:30am Campbell Auditorium Families with children ages 5 and under are invited to work together to transform a cardboard box into a car using their imagination and craft materials. After the cars have been built, the kids sit inside and drive into the drive-in movie theatre to watch an animated adventure with Tom, Jerry, and some fairy tale friends. (Not-Rated, 44 minutes) Book Club for Kids: Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Saturday, April 12th 3:00pm - 4:00pm Caidin Activity Room Sign up for the book club and get a FREE copy of the book Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary (15 copies available). Take the book home, read it on your own or with someone. Then, come to the Book Club program on April 12th to laugh about your favorite parts and play a trivia game. Best for kids in grades 3-5 but younger readers are always welcome. Visit the Children’s Library desk to sign up.
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