AP US History-Summer Assignment Ms. Cotton Welcome to AP US History! My name is Ms. Cotton and I will be your instructor in the fall. This summer I would like for you to purchase the AMSCO 2015 edition supplemental text and then complete the assignment below. The book may be purchased new or used, but it must be the 2015 edition as the test has been restructured. This will be your main supplemental text for the year. The details are below: Once you have purchased the book, you will be reading the preface, the introduction, and chapters 1-6. While reading chapters 1-6 you will be completing the provided handout. You will also complete the following for collection along with the handout during the first week of class. Pg. 15-18 all m.c. questions Pg. 97-99 all m.c. questions Pg. 19-20 all short answer questions Pg. 100-102 all short answer questions Pg. 40-42 all m.c. questions Pg. 120-122 all m.c. questions Pg. 43-44 all short answer questions Pg. 123-125 all short answer questions Pg. 57-59 all m.c. questions Pg. 60-62 all short answer questions Pg. 79-81 all m.c. questions Pg. 82-83 all short answer questions There are various ways to contact me over the course of the summer if you need assistance with the material. The first is by email cottonk@osceola.k12.fl.us The second is by Edmodo. Edmodo is the main platform that I used during the school year to provide students with their calendar, assignments, practice tests, etc. If you have never used Edmodo before you will need to create an account. If you already have an account then you will just need the group code which is vx3q5i Here are directions on how to sign up as a student: If you have never created an Edmodo Account, you can create a new Student Account by following the steps below: 1. Obtain a 6-digit Group Code from your teacher. 2. Go to www.edmodo.com and click "Students." 3. Fill out the registration form with the Group Code, a unique username, and password. An email address is not required to sign up for a Student Account. 4. Select the “Sign up” button to complete the sign up process. You will then see the Group your teacher created in the left side panel of your account. Note: You only need one Student Account to join all your Groups! 5/2015 AP U. S. HISTORY STUDENT CONTRACT Please fill out the following information accurately and clearly Print your name as you would like to be called Name:(Print Neatly)__________________________________________________________________ Parents’ name (s) (first/last):_____________________________Parent Email: _____________________ Parent Phone ___________________________________________ Carefully read each of the following contract terms. INITIAL each item in the space provided. When finished, both YOU and your PARENT must sign and date the contract. ______ I will read the ENTIRE course syllabus and understand that every part of the syllabus pertains to me; I know that I will be held directly and immediately accountable for my actions should I choose to violate or ignore any of those provisions. ______ I understand that this is a college course with college-level expectations, and I understand that my work will be held to a college-level standard. I understand this class will not be like non-AP classes, and that I may not earn an A for “effort.” ______ I understand that the teacher is available to help me after school, on Saturday practice/study sessions and during online office hours. ______ One objective of this course is to prepare me for the AP U. S. History test; therefore, I will make every effort to prepare for the test on May 6, 2016. ______ I will read the text as assigned, I will take notes on the chapters, and I will bring the book to class when asked to do so by the teacher. ______ I will not cut/or intentionally be absent from this class to avoid taking tests or writing essays. ______ I will make up or turn in missed tests/work on the next class day and I understand the penalties for work marked late. ______ I will take notes on class lectures and from the text as required, I will produce essays legible to the teacher. ______ I will behave appropriately in class, treating the teacher and my fellow students with respect. I understand that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action per the student code of conduct. ______ I understand the standards for academic and participation grades, especially those that pertain to cheating, tardiness and absences; I understand the consequences for cheating and for failure to make up tardies/absences. ______ I understand that this class fulfills a graduation requirement and that I may need to remediate any part of the course should I fail. ______ I understand that the summer assignment must be completed for the first week of school or I will receive a zero for the summer assignment as part of my first quarter average and may be removed from the course. STUDENT Signature: ______________________________________ Date_______________________ PARENT Signature (please PRINT FULL NAME and then SIGN that YOU have also READ the contract Printed Name: ________________________________Signature_________________________________
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