The 111th Annual Connecticut Business Educators Association Conference Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Crowne Plaza Southbury, Southbury, CT 7:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. There’s No Business Like Show Business Conference Program 7:15 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Registration, Breakfast, Coffee, Exhibits OPENING SESSION—Welcome, Business Educator of the Year Award, Keynote Keynote Speaker: Dr. Régine Randall, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Reading Southern Connecticut State University Régine is an assistant professor and coordinator of the graduate reading program in the department of Special Education and Reading at Southern Connecticut State University. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on reading education. Régine has a wide array of professional and creative interests including adolescent literacy, content area reading and writing, assessment and intervention, teacher education, the special education needs of emergent bilinguals, and the use of mixed media in K-12 classrooms. Prior to accepting a position at Southern Connecticut, Régine worked as a high school reading consultant as well as a research associate at the Yale Center for Learning Research. (#01) The Art of Making Reading Fun In show business, boundaries are never fixed, ideas are always challenged, and everyone wants a blockbuster (but will happily settle for being in the black). These elements are very much the same ones that we face dayto-day in our classroom. Differentiating instruction through texts, activities, and assessment helps teachers expand the boundaries of learning so that students can be more successful. Critical thinking is about evolving ideas and leads, ideally, to informed action. The blockbuster is when students come to love what they do in our classrooms and want to pursue further study; yet, we all want them to be "in the black" in terms of the skills and abilities necessary to initiate, conduct, and grow business. Finding and exploring diverse texts at appropriate reading levels as well as knowing how to scaffold instruction for readers of different abilities will make the business of classroom instruction more enjoyable, more meaningful, and more productive. 9:15 a.m. -9:45 a.m. Exhibits 9:50 a.m. -10:55 a.m. SESSION II—Workshops (#02) The Paperless Classroom Presenter: Mike Merati, Ridgefield High School Interested in learning how to create a paperless classroom that incorporates 21st century skills and Common Core State Standards? Attendees will learn how to use Google Drive for teacher and student file organization, explore the Chrome Web Store for interactive apps and create video using Google Hangouts to implement flipped classroom lessons. Bring a mobile device that has the Chrome web browser downloaded on your computer or tablet. (#03) Flipping the Business Education Classroom Presenters: Susan Moore, Secondary Technology Integration Specialist, Meriden Public Schools Lynn Tallion, Cheshire High School Learn how to create exciting, interactive online learning communities for your classes. Students engage in anytime, anywhere learning, accessing course material from any computer with Internet access. This workshop will demonstrate two different platforms, Explain Everything and Moodle, to create and share content with students. Bring your device and practice what you are learning during our session. (#04) Edmodo 101 Presenter: Felecia Mandeville, Platt High School Have you wanted to blend or flip your classroom? Are you trying to integrate more rigorous activities for your students? Welcome to Edmodo 101. This networking application allows teachers to communicate with students in a safe environment and has the ability offer assignments, quizzes, classroom polls, and a digital library that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. It’s up to you how much or how little you put on your page. There are also apps and numerous teacher discussion groups flowing with classroom and project ideas. ***Please register for your free Edmodo account prior to the session and bring your WiFi device with you as this session will help you build your Edmodo page. (#05) Personal Finance for Teachers: Teacher Retirement Planning Presenter: Carol Hopkins, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company This session on the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement will review when staff can retire, estimating the amount you may receive each month from retirement, how to read your annual statement for the state teachers' retirement board, supplemental and voluntary accounts, the social security windfall, etc. It will also go over the importance of keeping up to date with what is happening with the CT Teachers' pension and asking your union to go over this with you. Changes are being made in many other states concerning these types of pensions. Carol will also be available to answer questions during exhibit sessions and workshop session three. 10:55 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. Exhibits 11:30 a.m. - 12:35 p.m. SESSION III—Workshops (#06) The Paperless Classroom Presenter: Mike Merati, Ridgefield High School Interested in learning how to create a paperless classroom that incorporates 21st century skills and Common Core State Standards? Attendees will learn how to use Google Drive for teacher and student file organization, explore the Chrome Web Store for interactive apps and create video using Google Hangouts to implement flipped classroom lessons. Bring a mobile device that has the Chrome web browser downloaded on your computer or tablet. (#07) Flipping the Business Education Classroom Presenters: Susan Moore, Secondary Technology Integration Specialist, Meriden Public Schools Lynn Tallion, Cheshire High School Learn how to create exciting, interactive online learning communities for your classes. Students engage in anytime, anywhere learning, accessing course material from any computer with Internet access. This workshop will demonstrate two different platforms, Explain Everything and Moodle, to create and share content with students. Bring your device and practice what you are learning during our session. (#08) Edmodo 101 Presenter: Felecia Mandeville, Platt High School Have you wanted to blend or flip your classroom? Are you trying to integrate more rigorous activities for your students? Welcome to Edmodo 101. This networking application allows teachers to communicate with students in a safe environment and has the ability offer assignments, quizzes, classroom polls, and a digital library that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. It’s up to you how much or how little you put on your page. There are also apps and numerous teacher discussion groups flowing with classroom and project ideas. ***Please register for your free Edmodo account prior to the session and bring your WiFi device with you as this session will help you build your Edmodo page. 12:35 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Teacher of the Year Speech Scholarship Recipients Certificates of Appreciation to Business Persons Honoring of Retirees Luncheon Annual Business Meeting Directions to the Crowne Plaza Southbury, 1284 Strongtown Road, Southbury, CT: Traveling Interstate 84 East or West, Exit 16, turn right at the end of the ramp, hotel is located on the right hand side Telephone: (203) 598-7600 Visit our website: to register and learn more! REGISTRATION FOR CONFERENCE There’s No Business Like Show Business The 111th Annual Connecticut Business Educators Association Conference Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Crowne Plaza Southbury, 1284 Strongtown Road, Southbury, CT 7:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please print or type information clearly. This form should be sent in with payment/purchase order information. Registration for individual sessions should be done online at Last Name______________________________________________ First Name Home Address Street State Home Phone ( City Zip Code ) _________________Email Address ___________________________________ School Name ____________________________________________ School Phone ( ) School Address Street City State Zip Code Check here if change in name Check here if change in home address Check here if change in school Conference Registration ........................................................ $80.00 Student Teachers and Graduate Students ............................. $40.00 Please check one: Yes, I will be staying for lunch. Payment Method: A Check payable to CBEA No, I will not be staying for lunch. Purchase Order Note: Payment for conference fee must be enclosed in order to register for sectional meetings. Pre-registration is required and can be done online at Please mail payment (check or copy of PO) and the pre-registration form(s) for the conference to: CBEA Treasurer/Membership Director Teresa Brooks 80 Barr Road Meriden, CT 06450 Deadline for conference registration is September 30, 2014. CONNECTICUT BUSINESS EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 2013-2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD Amy Wernicki, President Open, Vice President Teresa Brooks, Treasurer & Membership Melissa Manzione, Secretary Felecia Mandeville, Webmaster Lisa Fioravanti, Director of Scholarships Anna James, Director of Vendors Mari Jo Scandura, Director Lynne Palleria-Greatorex, Director Claudia Gray, Director Lee Marcoux, State Consultant Interested in joining the board? Please contact for more information. We’d love to have you! ***Please see our CBEA website, regarding CBEA news throughout the year.
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