THE CENTENNIAL COMMITMENT (18 by ’18) ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE GRANTS PROGRAM Information, Guidelines, and Grant Proposal Components (Spring 2015) INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND In the February 6, 2015 State of the University Address (, President Ferguson proposed a new, refreshed vision for Ball State University. This vision embraces the legacy of beneficence and entrepreneurship unique to Ball State but also reflects the emerging interests and aspirations of the Ball State Community evident in numerous departmental, unit, and governance meetings during this first year: Ball State University aspires to be a model of the most student-centered and community-engaged of the 21st Century public research universities, transforming entrepreneurial learners into impactful leaderscommitted to improving the quality of life for all. Ball State University is where promoting the good in and of others occurs in a learning environment of creativity, nurtured risk, and success—essentially where the spirit of entrepreneurship is motivated by beneficence. Ball State is embracing an entrepreneurial approach to education–connected to a broader world through service learning, internships and volunteerism; collaborative so students, their peers, and professors learn from one another; interdisciplinary so the silos come down and the real world steps in; embracing of risk and fearless of failure. In order to promote this spirit of entrepreneurship in elevating the quality and impact of Ball State University, the Academic Excellence Grants Program, open to all units on campus, will provide substantive funding to support and encourage departments and units to define and achieve their academic, research, and service goals in support of The Centennial Commitment (18 by ’18). These goals should contribute to Ball State University’s overall aspiration to be a model of the most student-centered and community-engaged of the 21st Century public research universities. A potential exists for funding beyond the grant period depending on the results demonstrated by the proposed initiative. Proposals could include a range of strategies consistent with each unit’s distinctions such as: • Providing increased opportunities and strategies for productive scholarship by faculty and graduate students to enhance graduate education, creative activity, research, and extramural funding ultimately to enhance stature of the department, college, and university; • Defining new avenues for entrepreneurial and immersive learning unique to Ball State; • Improving current curricular programs or designing new academic programs unique to Ball State’s signature and emerging academic strengths; • Enhancing service agendas or expanding community engagement with key community partners to demonstrably improve quality of life and primacy of place; • Improving student recruitment, retention and graduation; • Creating new spaces, physical or virtual, for teaching, research, and engagement; • Creating new co-curricular programs that enliven the student experience; • Obtaining needed equipment or instrumentation to enhance the quality of instruction and/or research • Establishing new and sustainable business models or practices for improved and cost-effective delivery of academic programs, faculty, staff, and student services, or university administrative processes. All submitted project proposals must include measurable outcomes that define improvement in and impact of the department or unit. Grants will be awarded based on the defined strategy and potential for achieving the stated aspirational goals consistent with the overall aspirations of Ball State University. Total available funding for this Grants Program is $3 million. Awards will be made for up to $100,000/year for up to three years. At the end of each year of funding, a progress report will be submitted by the Grantee to the Strategic Planning Leadership Team summarizing demonstrated progress towards the designated goal with suggested improvements or strategies in the grant for the remaining funding period. Suggested improvements could include additional partners, additional outcomes based on level or progress, or additional entrepreneurial approaches learned during the grant period. Continued funding will be dependent on demonstrated progress. APPLICATION AND AWARD PERIOD The Strategic Planning Leadership Team will announce the call for grant proposals in April, 2015. A one-page concept Letter of Intent describing the overall scope of the project, general outcomes anticipated, and preliminary budget request is due by June 1, 2015. The Strategic Planning Leadership Team will review the Letter of Intent and respond with general and guiding review comments in the context of the Grant RFP. Letters of Intent should be submitted to Stephanie Arrington at The full Academic Excellence Grant Proposal is due to the Strategic Planning Leadership Team by August 1, 2015, although the Grant Portal will be open for submissions beginning on June 1, 2015. All Awards are scheduled to be announced by August 28, 2015. PROPOSALS All proposals must be developed through your assigned Proposal Manager and administered through your Grant Manager in Sponsored Projects Administration. Please contact your Proposal Manager or Justin Miller, immediately. Completed proposals will be submitted by Sponsored Projects Administration to the Office of the President. Applications missing information or not adhering to the guidelines will be returned for completion before review. This application form is available online at: A complete proposal submission includes: • • • • • Application Cover Sheet (see below) Proposal Narrative Budget Form Budget Narrative Sustainability Plan PROPOSAL NARRATIVE (limited to 5 double-spaced pages) Double-space the text using no smaller than a size-11 font. Label the required sections as stated below and address each topic completely but concisely. 1. Executive summary–Provide a brief summary of the project, not exceeding 300 words. The summary should be a self-contained description of the activities that will result if the proposal is funded. As such, the summary should include a statement of objectives, a description of the methods that will be employed and an explanation of how the project will impact the academic unit, the discipline, and beyond. The summary should be written in language understandable to non-experts; jargon and overly specialized technical language should be avoided. 2. Background information–History of either the academic program or unit as it pertains to the proposed project, as well as current status of activity in this area. 3. Goals, objectives, and significance–A discussion of the scope of the project, focusing on the overall goals and specific objectives of the grant. This should include a discussion on the anticipated impact on the academic unit and anticipated scholarly outputs that will result from funding. Materials should be organized in such a way that a clear outcome of the project is readily discernable. 4. Timeline–Include a detailed description of the proposed project. Describe in detail the methods, procedures, steps or activities to be undertaken, and a timetable for completing the work. Overall, the goal of the timeline section is to outline what will take place during the course of the project and how the project will lead to an outcome. The methodology description should provide a reviewer with a clear mental picture of the proposed work. 5. Expected outcomes and impact–Succinctly state the expected outcomes for the project. BUDGET FORM AND NARRATIVE The goal of the budget section of the proposal is to identify the type and amount of funds required to carry out the project. Total proposal requests cannot exceed $100,000/yr for up to 3 years. Your proposal manager will develop your budget in the required budget template. The budget narrative serves as a description of items denoted in the Budget Form. All requested budget items must conform to University accounting policies and procedures. Use the budget narrative to: • • • • • Give a detailed explanation of the amounts listed on the Budget Form. Relate budget categories to project objectives. Name the source of the contribution for the “Other” column (e.g., Department, College, External Grant, etc.). Discuss how the provision of time for faculty, staff, or graduate students will further the successful outcome of the project. Tuition waivers and benefits will be included in the $100,000 per year budget total, as per SPA guidelines. SUSTAINABILITY PLAN The goal of this section is to indicate how the efforts and/or effects will continue after the funding period ends. Describe any plans to reallocate or attain new resources to continue the program enhancements. PROPOSAL EVALUATION Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria. • The degree to which the proposal addresses at least one of the following: - Student Centeredness - Community Engagement - Model 21st Century Public Research University • Potential to enhance the unit/program’s strength and national stature • Level of innovation of approach or entrepreneurial nature of implementation • Demonstration of sustainability beyond period of the grant • Capacity/Qualifications to successfully meet proposal’s goals Evaluation Process The Strategic Plan Leadership Team will review the proposals and provide recommendations to the Cabinet. It is expected that the successful proposals will align with the concept of Ball State as the Entrepreneurial University. THE CENTENNIAL COMMITMENT (18 by ’18) ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE GRANTS PROGRAM Application Cover Sheet (Spring 2015) Name: Department: Telephone: Email: Position Title: Project Title: Categorical Line Amount Requested: Item Budget Year 1 Amount Requested: Year 2 Amount Requested: Year 3 Amount Requested: Total Personnel Costs $ $ $ $ Supplies, Minor Equipment, etc. $ $ $ $ Travel $ $ $ $ Other $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ $ Chair: Date: Dean: Date:
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