Proposal for Research and Professional Development Grants Part 1: Cover Sheet 1. Name: 2. Date: 3. Department: 4. Position: Administrator 5. Title of Project: (20 words or less) 6: Abstract of proposed work (150 words or less): Part 1: Cover Sheet (Continued) 7. Total Budget for the Project: a. Amount requested from committee: b. Amount committed from department funds: c. Name source and amount of any additional funds which have been (or could be obtained; 100 words or less) 8. What is the impetus for this proposal: Professional Devlop. Research Curricular Devlop. 9. Time frame for this project (i.e., academic year): 10 (a). Will you be using human subjects?: No 10 (b). If yes have you consulted with IRB Administrator, Maureen Forrestal?: No 11 (a). Will you be using vertebrate animals?: No 11 (b). If yes have you consulted with IACUC?: Yes 12 (a). Will you be using student assistants?: Yes 12 (b). Will you be using student interns?: No 13. Expected number of hours and rate of pay (please check rules for student wages in Item III 3 in the Guidelines for Preparation of Proposals or below under budget). Hours: Rate of pay: Part 1: Cover Sheet (Continued) 14. List past history of applications (limit to last five years) and the amount of funding from this committee and give a brief summary of the results of funded projects (e.g., new courses, changes to course syllabi, publications, presentations, or administrative competencies; 500 words or less). Part 2: Narrative Please note: Your narrative should be addressed to members of the Committee and written in language which is accessible to them. It should not be written as if it is being submitted to a panel in your discipline. Please see the application guidelines on the provost office’s website before completing this section. a. The project to be addressed, its goals, and its significance (1,000 words or less) Part 2: Narrative (Continued) a. The project to be addressed, its goals, and its significance (1,000 words or less) - Continued Part 2: Narrative (Continued) b. How you intend to reach your goals (e.g., the methods you will use; 250 words or less) c. How you will evaluate your project (250 words or less) Part 2: Narrative (Continued) d. A time-table giving the expected dates of initiation and completion of the project and periods when the major part of the work will be undertaken (200 words or less) e. Possible sources of external funding and attempts to secure external funds, including specific information about external grants sought and/or received for the current project and how the funds requested in this proposal would be used in conjunction with any external funds (250 words or less) Part 2: Narrative (Continued) f. How the project will contribute to the development of the individual or group involved, including creating a more stimulating learning environment for our students and/or how the project fits into an individual’s professional goals (250 words or less) Part 3: Itemized Budget The budget should be sufficiently detailed to make clear the precise use of funds, and should include a brief explanation about the connection between budget items and the proposed project as needed. Please note: Due to budget constraints the Faculty Development Committee will not consider proposals that request more than $7,500. When preparing your budget, keep in mind the following points: a. Proposals should have a complete budget (showing what funding resources are necessary to successfully complete project). If not all funding comes from RPD, proposals should also clearly indicate what the RPD grant will cover/pay. b. Student wages should be budgeted at $7.25 per hour (the new minimum wage effective in Summer 2009). Highly skilled student assistants - may be paid at a rate of $7.75 per hour. If you request that your student assistants be paid at the higher rate, you must include a justification for paying at this rate. If such a justification is not provided, or if the justification is not compelling, student assistants will be funded at minimum wage. c. Requests for continuing education should be explicitly linked to professional or curricular development, not merely the completion of a degree. d. Pricing for airfare, hotels, housing, etc. must be justified using quotes from or other external sources. e. The following requests are not funded: (1) Computers and peripherals, (2) Meals, (3) Students doing research on their own (please contact the Provost’s Office for information about funding independent student projects), (4) Stipends for regular faculty or administrators. Budget Item Grand Total Amount Part 3: Itemized Budget (Continued) Budget Explanation (if necessary; 250 words or less) (Parts 4 and 5 should be submitted separately) Part 4: Current Curriculum Vitae Part 5: Department Chair/Program Coordinator/Supervising Administrator Commentary To be completed by the Department Chair/Program Coordinator/Supervising Administrator: I have reviewed the proposal and used to support this initiative. from department/program funds may be Briefly comment on the merits of this proposal, the purpose(s) for which any departmental funds are intended, and the appropriateness of the proposed budget. If you have any additional information that would be helpful to the committee in its deliberations, please include it. Your commentary can be brief (e.g., paragraph). Your comments are important to the committee’s evaluation of the project, and the members of the committee appreciate your efforts to complete this form. Signature: Date:
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