Term 2/Week 4 - Centralian Senior College

Battle of the Bands 2015
Centralian Senior College music students were a big hit in the Battle of the School Bands again this
Our Year 10 Band, Studio 2, took out overall Best Song at the competition in Darwin last month with
songwriters Jenaya Allen and Chloe Daniels, and drummer Steven Wasaga bringing home a guitar
and $500 worth of musical goodies.
Our Year 11 and 12 students, Levi Rothwell and Keahnu Bishop, also flew to Darwin to compete as
soloists after winning the Central Australian heat and were praised for the high quality of their original
The NT Music School competition invites students Territory wide to put pen to paper and let their
musical creativity flow into original work.
Genevieve O’Loughlin – Music Teacher
Week 8, 5 June
Week 9, Monday 8 June
Week 9, 8-12 June
Week 10, 15-19 June
Week 10, 15-19 June
Friday June 19
Monday July 20
Year 11 (Stage 1) Mid-Year Exams commence
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Year 10 VET Block Week
Year 11 VET Block Week
Year 10 Mid-Year Exams
Term 2 Ends
Term 3 Commences
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Year 12 Camp
The Year 12 camps went ahead as planned from the 16th through to the 21st of April. The first camp on
the 16th and 17th of April experienced extreme temperatures, humidity and rain on the second day. The
second camp in the 20th and 21st of April on the other hand had to endure a very severe drop in
temperature and rug up for a chilly 5 degrees in the evening. At this most unpredictable time of the
year, the venue chosen provided appropriate shelter from these conditions.
The SAFE talk staff, running the sessions, commented on the exemplary behaviour of our Year 12
students, and staff members attending the camp were also impressed by the maturity demonstrated
by these students.
There were no complaints about the food provided on the camp and the pancake breakfast provided
by the Big 4 Holiday Park was appreciated by all. All students and staff enjoyed the sit down evening
meal at the Star of Alice restaurant and the time to talk and get to know each other better.
Students attending the camp were given packages of information and resources to assist them with
their organisation and planning to successfully complete Year 12. Overall the camp provided a great
opportunity for students to get to know staff and each other better in an informal atmosphere while
gaining invaluable skills that will be useful for completing Year 12 as well as life beyond school.
Students were presented with their SAFE talk certificates at a Year 12 assembly on the 11th May.
Helen Wilkinson – Year 12 Coordinator
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Clontarf Academy – ANZAC Day Activities
In the lead up to Centennial ANZAC Day celebrations Centralian Clontarf Academy engaged in a
number of activities to give our students some perspective on the significance of ANZAC Day and the
largely unheralded role Indigenous Australians have played in our nation’s historical conflicts.
On Wednesday March 25th the Academy hosted retired servicemen Mr Geoff Shaw and Mr Fred
Roberts. They spent the morning recounting memories and lessons learned during a number of
conflicts; photos and stories from Vietnam proved especially poignant with the boys. Their visit gave our
group a far more personal insight into the realities of life in the armed forces.
On April 15th our year 12 group went to Yeperenye Shopping Centre and spent an hour making poppies
for the ANZAC Day display. This was a great experience for the boys to get out in the community and
give something back, and also to contribute to something bigger than themselves. The boys surprised
themselves by having a great time.
When ANZAC Day rolled around we took part in the march and morning service on Anzac Hill along with
Centralian Girls Academy. The College was well represented and all students were a credit to
themselves and the College with how they carried themselves. In all, the students who participated in
these activities came away with a greater appreciation for our nation’s military history and the crucial
role indigenous people have played.
Chris Macaskill-Hants – Clontarf Operations Officer
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Harmony Day
The Centralian Senior College annual Harmony Day celebration this year was a day of fun, games
and of course food. We had a great turnout, exceeding our expectations of the amount of staff and
students who attended. I would like to thank all staff and students for being there and an even bigger
Thank You to those who helped out on the day. Thanks Everyone! 
Wendall Woods – Year 12 Student
Strengthened Immunisation Requirements
On 12 April 2015, the Prime Minister and the Minister for Social Services jointly announced that the
Australian Government is introducing strengthened immunisation requirements for parents receiving
family and childcare payments. From 1 January 2016, parents who don’t immunise their children
(vaccine objectors) will not be eligible to receive Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate or the Family
Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement.
From January 2016 there will be NO CATEGORY for ‘conscientious objectors’. The medical form will still
exist when a child has a true medical reason not to be vaccinated, for example, anaphylaxis to a vaccine
component. As of January 2016, all current vaccine objectors will be removed from the conscientious
objector register.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) has provided a fact sheet on this initiative, which is available
at the DSS website at: https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/families-and-children/benefitspayments/strengthening-immunisation-for-young-children
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Gateways Gossip
By Debbie Welch
Hi all from the team in the Gateways Program. We have been very busy working towards fixing up and
finishing off all set assessment tasks.
Our Year 12 Integrated Cooking class has been busy with their assessment tasks and last Thursday
they held a finger food function for invited guests, which was very successful. The students showed off
what they had learnt throughout the year so far and they all did very well. Congratulations!
Our Year 12 Aboriginal Studies class have been working on their “Identities and Cultures” assignment
with a strong focus on languages. Interesting discussions are arising that are proving to be fascinating
between different language groups within the class and around the College community.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate one of our Gateways staff members Stefan
Pulpitel and his wife Leah on the birth of their beautiful baby son Taye. Well done and we wish you and
your growing family all the best.
Cooking for the
Gateways Morning
Ab Studies Posters
on Language
Auntie Deb gets a
visit from new baby
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Anzac Day Celebration
On Friday April 24th the College took part in a special assembly that was to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the battle in Gallipoli. We had a visit from Norforce at Assembly. Corporal Lachlan
McCann and Corporal Paul Clegg gave a 5 minute speech regarding the 100 years of ANZAC, they also
presented The Ode and the Last Post and everyone joined in for a minute of silence. The Corporals
came in one of their army trucks which was on the front lawn. A huge thanks to Norforce for supporting
schools at these times.
Ms Lucy Stewart read a passage from her great grandfather’s diary from the First World War. His name
was Captain Roy Stewart and he landed at ANZAC Cove on the 25th of April 1915. He was shot twice
three days later and he was amongst the first 100 wounded persons to be evacuated back to Australia.
He returned to the western front the following year and went on to being awarded a Military Cross before
fighting in Persia and in New Guinea in World War II. He lived until he was 94.
It was a pleasant and emotional celebration, and all staff and students present were extremely
For ANZAC Day Ms Whiley’s Year 10 Food and Nutrition class cooked a ‘Lest We Forget Feast’ to
commemorate Anzac Day. The food was symbolic rather than typical of the rations the soldiers would
have had. The class prepared home-made Pumpkin Soup, Cupcakes with poppy seed and red icing,
Anzac Biscuits, Rosemary croutons and Lamb Skewers with Rosemary and home-made gravy.
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Science & Engineering Challenge 2015
Inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers from Alice Springs was the focus of the
Science and Engineering Challenge held at OLSH College Sadadeen Campus on Friday 1 May.
150 students from Centralian Middle School, Centralian Senior College, OLSH College, St Philips
College and Yirara College worked in small teams at the 2015 Science & Engineering Challenge to
tackle the challenges offered. These included designing and building:
 a balsa wood bridge, which was tested to destruction,
 a catapult
 an eco-house
 an earthquake-proof house
 a lunar buggy, an
 a prosthetic hand
They also investigated and found optimum solutions for.
 a power station, and
 networked services
More information about the Challenge program is available from:
The Challenge is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) outreach program
developed by the University of Newcastle. It’s the fifth time the event has been held in Alice Springs.
24 working Scientists and Engineers and community members generously volunteered their time to
supervise the challenges, so that students had support when required, but could work on the project in
competitive teams.
This event is supported via significant funding and in-kind support from the local community. In
NT Department of Education,
Power and Water Corporation,
Charles Darwin University,
Rotary Club of Mbantua (catered for student lunches)
the local school community, and
OLSH College (providing the venue).
Each team’s effort was judged with points given, contributing to an overall team score. Congratulations
to St Philips College for winning with the highest tally. Additional events were held recently in Darwin,
with Darwin High School scoring the highest tally, and they will represent the NT at the National Science
& Engineering Challenge, to be held at University of Newcastle in late October.
A special thanks is due to School Coordinators:
Lorna Parker – Centralian Middle School
Matt Skoss – Centralian Senior College
Cameron Neyland – OLSH College (Sadadeen)
Rod Diehl – St Philips College
Chris Radcliffe – Yirara College
Details of the 2016 event will be circulated once they are finalised with the University of Newcastle.
Matt Skoss – Team Leader Maths, Science & HPE, Year Level Coordinator
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au
Science & Engineering Challenge Pictures
Nepal Fundraiser Movie Night
Centralian Senior College SRC are
hosting a fundraiser for College
students on Friday the 22nd of May
during lessons 5 and 6 (1:10pm2:50pm).
Popcorn will be provided with a gold
coin donation on entry. All money raised
is going to be donated to the Nepal
CONTACT US: Centralian Senior College Phone: 08 8959 5500 Email: admin.centraliansc@ntschools.net
Website: www.centralianseniorcollege.com.au