RAP W9 T1 - Regentville Public School

Schoolhouse Road Regentville 2745
Ph 02 4733 1615 Fax 02 4733 4022
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Dates for the Calendar
26 March
26 March
27 March
30 March
31 March
2 April
2 April
21 April
23 April
29 April
4 May
3 – 5 June
Cross Country
Gold/Silver Award Assembly
Easter raffle collection day
Easter raffle draw
Easter Hat Parade K-2
Term 1 ends
Term 2 commences
Colonial Show
The Protectors
Mother’s Day Stall
Deer Park Year 5 Camp
Payments Due
26 March
30 March
2 April
22 April
23 April
13 May
27 May
ICAS Competitions (Year 2 – Year 6) $various
General School Contribution $40/$80
Colonial Show Year 3 & 4 $20
The Protectors Year K – 6 $5
Deer Park Year 5 Camp
($280 payment in full or 1st Instalment $100)
Deer Park Year 5 Camp 2nd Instalment $90
Deer Park Year 5 Camp 3rd Instalment $90
As most of your children will be able to tell you, this year commemorates the 100th
anniversary of the Gallipoli Campaign and the birth of the term ANZAC. To mark this
significant event we would like to prepare something special and personal for our
ANZAC service.
We are planning to create a slide show which we will show during the service which
will include photos of those service men and women who are relatives of the
Regentville Public School Community. If you would like to contribute to this please
email a photo of your serving relative stating their name and rank and where they
served. Also a small snapshot of your child/ children to show the connection.
These photos need to be emailed to me at kim.scott16@det.nsw.edu.au
I would like to start receiving these as soon as possible as I am expecting a good
response and would like to start putting this together sooner rather than later.
Thank you
Kim Scott
Regentville Public School accepts no responsibility for the quality of the goods and services advertised in this newsletter
Regentville Public School accepts no responsibility for the quality of the goods and services advertised in this newsletter
Regentville Public School accepts no responsibility for the quality of the goods and services advertised in this newsletter
Regentville Public School accepts no responsibility for the quality of the goods and services advertised in this newsletter
Regentville Public School accepts no responsibility for the quality of the goods and services advertised in this newsletter