March - IKare Publishing

April 2015
Easter Egg
Scavenger Hunt
Its what hundreds of thousands of kids do
year after year on Easter morning. Its what
we all remember doing as a child, searching
for those eggs, hoping we can find them all
so we don’t have a rotten egg in a few days.
There’s more than just a traditional Easter
egg hunt to do on Easter morning! These are
some fun Easter scavenger hunt ideas for
kids to do to celebrate and have fun with
Roses are red, violets are blue, look in the
place, where u keep your shoes
(shoe cupboard/rack)
Let's escape to a fairytale today, Cinderella
or little Miss Hubbard! Your clue is hidden
in the….(cupboard)
Pens and pencils, books and lunch you’ll
find me here I have a hunch (school bag)
I have four legs but cannot walk; you sit at
me, when using your knife and fork!
(stick under the kitchen/dining table)
Check the desk, on a top-row shelf.
I'll bet you can find the clue by
yourself. (desk)
Scrape the scraps off your plate; this machine
cleans them just as great! (Dishwasher)
A rubber ducky says rub-a-dub-dub.?
Ring ring time to rise and shine.
(near the alarm clock)
You'll find in your closet a basket, now GO!
It's been hiding in there the whole time, don't
you know? (closet/wardrobe)
You've been at this for some time, now you're
getting the rhythm your next egg/clue is
hidden behind your favorite games
system! (Playstation, Xbox, Wii)
You sit on me all day, sometimes you even
lay, I'm where you watch T.V. I'm very easy
to see (couch)
Cozy and Warm you rest your head
(your bed)
I'm always cold, I'm never hot, you keep food
here, I'm always near (Refrigerator)
Leafy and green is where I can be seen
In the room we bake a pie, where do we look
out to see the sky? Your next clue you will
spy. (put the next clue on the kitchen
I love to see my reflection – I am such a
pretty egg (near the mirror)
Soaking, soapy, sudsy bubbles, if you don`t
find me I will be in trouble. (bath)
Look, oh look see, and yourself you will see.
And when you do, you will find your next
clue. (mirror)
I have two wheels that spin, ride it fast and
you may win, you choose the direction, but
wear a helmet for protection! (near
their bike)
Sweaty and stinky this hunt has made you,
don't give up. To clean yourself this is where
you'll need to go, (bathroom)
Come find me before `the
mouse’ eats
me! (computer)
If I take a spin I will
come out all clean
again (washing
machine, laundry
If the Easter
bunny left you a
letter – where
might you find
it (mailbox)
I play in it at the beach
or in the yard, but there`s
no need to build castle
(near or in the sandbox)
This is close to where you sleep, you might
keep toys under here, there are no monster
here as you see, you will find something and
say "YIPEE!" (under bed)
The numbers 1 to 12 are here, take a look for
some Easter cheer. (clock)
I have 4 legs, but cannot walk. You may sit
and me and use your knife and fork.
(dinner table)
If eggs are what you are looking to find, take
a look in the paper you unwind.
(toilet roll)
The next Easter egg will be found with ease
If you get a sudden urge to sneeze
(in a box of tissues)
Happy Easter!
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Community Association Manager - Jaime Soderland
Management & Associates
720 Brooker Creek Blvd. Suite 206
Oldsmar, FL 34677
813-433-2000 ext 2011
Homeowners Board Of Directors
Bruce Bertan
Jim Sacarello
Joe Coleman, Treasurer
Marlene Sacarello
For Advertising Contact:
Mike Rowland
The Countryway newsletter is mailed to the residents of Countryway monthly at no
cost to the Homeowners Association. IKare Publishing or Countryway is not
responsible for the actions or credibility of any the advertisers in this newsletters. It
is the individual’s responsibility to check references on all advertisers. IKare
Publishing is provided all articles in this newsletter by the Board Of Directors or
residents. IKare Publishing is not responsible for content.
Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes
Would you like to win $25.00???
All you have to do is use an advertiser in this issue! Yes, It’s
that easy! When you need something done in your home, or
any services available in this newsletter call on the advertisers
that give your community a free newsletter! Your community
does not pay for your newsletter. The advertisers in this
newsletter pay to print and mail each issue.
Email and tell us the company you
used, your full name, address and phone number. Upon
verifying the information, we will select a winning name at
random each month.
If you don't win this month use another advertiser send us
your name again and get another chance to win $25.00.
Babysitters, Dog Walkers, Pet Sitters Wyette Bertan babysitter 465‐4620 Cayla Pecoraro 855‐7138 pet‐sitter, dog‐walker and babysitter THE COUNTRYWAY NEWSLETTER ۩
Countryway Board of Directors Meetings are
held at 7pm at the Countryway Golf Club
House on the second Tuesday of each month.
You will need:
Cooking Spray
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
24 Maraschino cherries
1 (20 oz) can crushed pineapple
1 (18.5 oz) package pineapple cake mix
3 eggs
1 1/3 cups pineapple juice
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon confectioner’s sugar for dusting, or as needed
1. Move an oven rack into the middle of the oven. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2. Spray 24 muffin cups with cooking spray.
3. Line a work surface with waxed paper.
4. Spoon 1 teaspoon melted butter into the bottom of each sprayed muffin cup.
5. Spoon 1 tablespoon brown sugar in each muffin cup.
6. Press a maraschino cherry into the center of the brown sugar in each cup.
7. Spoon a heaping tablespoon of crushed pineapple over the cherry and compact
it with the back of a spoon into an even layer.
8. Mix pineapple cake mix, eggs, pineapple juice, and vegetable oil in a large bowl
with electric mixer on low speed until moistened, about 30 seconds. Turn mixer
speed to medium and mix for 2 minutes.
9. Pour pineapple cake batter into the muffin cups, filling them to the top.
Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center of a
cupcake comes out clean, about 20 minutes.
11. Allow cupcakes to cool at least 5 minutes before inverting muffin cups onto the
waxed paper to release. Serve with pineapple and cherry sides up. Sprinkle
cupcakes lightly with confectioners' sugar.
The Estates
A Spring morning
A warm Breeze
doves cooing softly
Pollen dusted trees
A few brave violets
A red streaked dawn
A very early robin
Earthworms in the lawn
Glen Oaks
Spring is here and the new growing season us upon us.
Yards will start to improve and look better.
Great tips on yard care can be found at .
Remember that if you replace the sod in your yard that watering restrictions are greatly
reduced for the first 30 days.
Most yards are looking better and your efforts are appreciated.
Spring peeper frogs
Smell of dogwood blossoms
Nature’s petroglyphs in muddy
Footprints left by possums
We have several new neighbors in the neighborhood! Welcome and may you enjoy the
neighborhood as much as we do!
Easter eggs and bonnets
Chocolate rabbits, Missing ears
Jelly beans and sonnets
Spilled Easter baskets, children’s
leafy bowers
Spring showers
Spring mornings
Warm breezes
Deep breaths
Allergic sneezes
Smell of Fresh blossoms
Sound of birds as they sing
Joy of life.. joy of being…
…Joy of Spring
David Whalen
Looking forward to seeing how
Spring inspires our neighbors to
refresh and rejuvenate their
homes and property!
4 tubes refrigerator biscuits
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 stick margarine
1 tsp vanilla
Cut biscuits into quarters. Mix 2/3 cup sugar and 1tsp cinnamon. Roll each biscuit piece in
the mixture. Drop into greased 12 cup bunt pan. Combine remaining margarine , sugar,
cinnamon and vanilla. Boil. Pour over biscuits. Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes.
Turn onto a plate and serve warm. Can be wrapped in foil and reheated.
If you have suggestions, comments, or anything you want to share feel free to email me at .
Second Saturday!
Many thanks to all of the volunteers who came out for the last
Second Saturday event … all three of us … and that’s with
one more volunteer than usual.
Joking aside, thank you, Sandy, for pitching in … your timing
was perfect since there was more work to do than usual
because holes needed to be dug for the new plants, and
gangly hedges needed to be trimmed. Also, thank you Ben for
letting us use your hose to give the new plants a good drink of
water to celebrate their new home.
The four plant beds at the entrances were already looking
good, and now they look even better, better than most of the
communities in Countryway. There’s still more to come and
more work to be done. Meanwhile we hope everyone enjoys
the fresh look for the Spring season!
Again, there’s still more to come and more work to be done.
So mark your calendar and volunteer for the next “Second
Saturday” event on Saturday, April 11th. Let’s meet at about
8:15 at the South entrance closest to Waters Avenue.
Last but not least … thank you to Cindi, President of the
Meadows HOA, for your energy and efforts to make the
Meadows a better place to live!
Wondering why you should volunteer for “Second
After all, you pay an annual assessment fee. Doesn’t that
cover maintaining the entrances? Yes, and no. Yes, there’s
money budgeted for maintaining the entrances. No, it’s not an
ideal amount.
Having the curbing poured last year as a special project gave
the entrances a nice boost, it was money well spent. We also
had a little irrigation work done which also comes out of the
entrance way budget.
Special projects are great, but maintenance and repair of the
community walls is an ongoing project and an ongoing
expense. Which is one of the reasons it’s so annoying to see
clinging vines growing over the top of the walls, then down the
boulevard side of the walls. The vine roots eventually grow
large enough and deep enough to tear off chunks of paint,
which scars the wall, which eventually results in expenses for
cleaning and repainting. Then there are the bands along the
top of the wall that are showing their age need ongoing repair
and maintenance. With all of that, the little money left after
expenses goes into budget reserves for unexpected
Only a few of you may realize that the Countryway landscape
contractor doesn’t do any landscape or maintenance work at
the community entrances. Any work done by a contractor is
paid from the individual community HOA assessment fees.
Take that money
Do the lyrics
“take that money,
watch it burn”
from One
Republic’s song
Stars have a
familiar feel?
Maybe you feel that way about your personal budget, or
maybe you feel that way about the annual assessment fee
you pay to the Meadows HOA.
Consider this … there are about 90 homes in the Meadows,
and a fee of $170 is assessed for each home. That’s the “take
that money” part.
Here’s the “watch it burn” part. Assessment fee money is
budgeted and spent for everything from small expenses (like
buying plants for the entrances), to management fees,
insurance expenses, legal fees, accounting fees, and special
projects … the list goes on and on, but the money doesn’t.
Now for the “counting” part of the equation. At the time this
article was written, about 74 homeowners had paid the 2015
annual assessment fee, and 16 homeowners had not paid the
fee. Of those 16 homes, liens have been filed against 4
homes with fees over 1 year in arrears.
The outstanding fees add up to $6,374. Enough to do some of
the projects planned over the past few years ... only to be
cancelled or postponed for budgetary considerations. Think
about it … 74 of us are carrying the financial burden for 16
other homeowners.
The Board intends to pursue payment of outstanding fees
more aggressively. Of course, this will result in higher legal
costs. What an unfortunate way to "watch it burn".
If you’re having difficulty paying your assessment fee, please
contact Dena Diab, our Property Manager at University
Properties, to discuss possible alternatives and options. Email or call 813.980.1000.
Happy “M” Days in May!
Happy Mother’s Day to Mom’s in the Meadows!
On Memorial Day, our honor and thanks go out to America’s
veterans, especially to those who gave their life in service.
Bless you and your families.
We are proud of our community and welcome suggestions to
improve the quality of life here at the Meadows. As always,
Dena Diab, our property manager at UPI, is ready to help
homeowners with questions or concerns. Also, please let
Dena know if you’re interested in being on the Board or
joining a committee. Email or call
Without volunteers helping maintain the plant beds at the
Meadows entrances, the beds would be a mess. With the
volunteers, the only expense for the recent plant bed project
was the cost of the plants. So come on….please help!!
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University of Florida graduate, 1991
The Pointe
I hope everyone is doing well. Spring is here and it's time to
get those lawns and landscaping in shape. We did not have
any frost this Winter, so everything should be green already.
I just replaced some plants I had in the front to try to add
some color. The back yard is still a work in progress. As I
have said before, any little improvement you can do helps
with “ curb appeal “. It doesn't have to be a huge expensive
project. Just some plants, grass plugs and fresh mulch can
really enhance the appearance of your home. Pressure
washing the exterior of the home and driveway will clean off
any mildew and pollen that may have built up on the surfaces.
If your driveway has a lot of cracks where pieces are starting
to come up, then look at getting it resurfaced or get the cracks
filled. Is your mailbox and post in good shape and sturdy? If
not, replace the mail box and post. Everything you need is
just a few miles away at Lowes, Home Depot and Walmart
and also some local nurseries.
Lisa Gibson –
Lynn Dixon –
Alison Roth –
If you park a vehicle outside your garage, do not leave
anything of value inside it, in plain view. This will make your
vehicle lesser of a target for the thieves to take those
If you park in the driveway, make sure your vehicle doesn't
block the sidewalk. This way pedestrians do not have to step
into the street.
In the next few weeks, when I am not busy, I am going to look
at our entrance to our subdivision and see what it needs for
plants and mulch. If any one has any ideas, please let me
Thank you to the many homeowners who have already paid
their dues. For those who misplaced the coupon or haven’t
paid yet, you are past due. If you have any questions or
concerns about the dues, or want to make a payment plan up,
please contact one of your board members, we would be
more than happy to work with you.
As spring is now upon us, it is time to clean off those lawn
mowers and start the weekly task of maintaining your yard.
Remember you must edge your yard as well as mow. And
don’t forget to sweep up after you are done. If your yard is
more weeds then grass, it’s really time to replace that yard.
I know some homeowners in Southview and those that
boarders Southview do a great job maintaining a beautiful
front yard, but if you saw the back yards you would be
surprised. Those weeds you allow to grow rampant in your
back yard have a nasty tendency to move under the fence
and into your neighbor’s yards. Please be kind and kill the
weeds in your yards.
For those with a moldy vinyl fence here is a DIY tip.
Purchase a cheap $10 sprayer from the local hardware store
and fill with some bleach and water. Spray the fence, then
hose off, it is really simple to kill the mold.
Remember trash cans must be stored out of sight. Trash
pails can not be stored in front of your fence, or on your
driveway. Remember Tuesdays are for yard waste and
regular household trash. Friday is for recyclables and regular
household trash. Remember all trash must be placed in the
new pails and not around them on the ground. Also the pails
should be 3 feet apart and not placed side by side, so the
automatic arm can quickly and easily remove your trash.
Due to recent activity in
and around Southview, you
will want to be sure you
lock your car if left in your
driveway. Also remember
to keep your garage door
closed when not working
outside of your home. You
don’t want to invite folks to
check out what you have,
by keeping your door open
As always before
performing costly exterior
work, please submit an
ARC form. If you need a
form please contact one of your board members and a form
can be emailed to you.
News from the Alonso
School Deputy
The Newcomers of Northwest Hillsborough
will meet at 11 AM on April 16, 2015 at
Coopers Hawk Winery & Restaurant
4110 W. Boy Scout Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33607
Our program will focus on the St. Francis Society Animal
Rescue, one of the oldest animal rescues in the Tampa Bay
area dedicated to saving and improving the lives of
homeless pets. St. Francis does not have a central shelter
but is composed of a large network of foster homes, animal
advocates, donors and financial supporters. They sponsor
several adoption centers located in area Petsmarts, Petcos,
and Pet Supermarkets.
Reservations should be made by Thursday April 9, 2015.
To make a reservation call
Norma Puglisi 813-746-5575
The Newcomers of Northwest Hillsborough invites women
who would like to form new friendships and get to know the
area better to join us.
The American Heart Association has defined what
it means to have ideal cardiovascular health,
identifying seven health and behavior factors that
impact health and quality of life. Simple, small
changes can make a big difference in living a better
life. Known as "Life's Simple Seven," these steps
can add years to your life.
1. Don't smoke.
2. Maintain a healthy weight.
3. Engage in regular physical activity.
4. Eat a healthy diet
5. Manage blood pressure.
6. Take charge of cholesterol.
7. Keep blood sugar at healthy levels.
We are in the last quarter of the
school year. I hope everyone is
ready for graduation or advancement to the next grade level.
Alonso High School graduation day is June 5th at the
Fairgrounds. There is still a little time left to bring the grade
point average up before exams.
Distracted Driving
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for people
between ages 15 and 20. Being distracted while driving
increases your chances of having a traffic crash. You should
have your attention totally focused on the roadway and its
surroundings while driving. You should not be eating,
drinking, putting on make-up, reading a newspaper, changing
the station or volume on your
stereo, having a conversation
with passengers, and using your
cell phone. These are some
The American Heart Association
examples of distractions while
driving. Texting while driving is a has defined what it means to have
violation and you could receive a ideal cardiovascular health, identraffic citation. Did you know that tifying seven health and behavior
factors that impact health and
the time it takes you to look at
quality of life. Simple, small
your cell phone for a message,
you have travelled the length of a changes can make a big difference
football field without even seeing in living a better life. Known as
the roadway ahead. What would "Life's Simple Seven," these
happen if another car was to stop steps can add years to your life.
infront of you?, or a child crosses 1. Don't smoke.
2. Maintain a healthy weight.
the street infront of you? Is that
3. Engage in regular physical
phone call or message more
important than a child's life?
Please, put the phone away, pay 4. Eat a healthy diet
attention, and be a responsible
Life’s Simple Seven
April events at Alonso HS:
4/2 JROTC Military Ball @ Cuban Club on Memorial Hwy
4/3 No School
Flag Football 4/2, 4/6, 4/14
Baseball 4/7, 4/16
Softball 4/7
4/17 Grad Bash @ Universal
Be Safe,
Master Deputy W. L. Crowell 1846
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office since 1987
School Resource Deputy
Alonso High School since 2001
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Lowry Elementary
is proud to announce the participants in the Hillsborough
Regional STEM Fair event that took place on Wednesday,
Progressive Air Systems Inc.
Celebrates 30 Years in Business
February 4, at the Tampa Convention Center. For the fifth
grade, Anish Amin was an Outstanding Award winner with a
project that added pop rocks to soda to test the amount of
carbon dioxide released. Fourth grader Mieke Rowe won a
Superior Award for her project that showcased which
materials would clean up an oil spill the best. The third
grade had two Excellent Award winning teams. The first
team consisted of Leah Garcia, Kimberley Ho, and Catalina
Peterson with their plastics vs. foil project. The team of
Cameron Gladden and Jacqueline Degirmenci won with their
crystal climbers project. Students Mariana Baldez from Ms.
Thomas’ class and Lydana Fosso from Ms. Dittmar’s class
also participated. We are extremely proud of all of our
PORT RICHEY, FL.—Progressive Air Systems, Inc., has
students who participated. They all put an amazing amount
reached a significant milestone by celebrating 30 years in
of effort into each of their projects and represented Lowry
business this year. “Progressive Air Systems, Inc. has served
well at the STEM fair.
the community since 1985,” states owner Bill Rogers, “We are
proud to serve as an expert in the HVAC industry.”
Lowry will also be participating in the Pasta for Pennies
Program from April 6 – 17th. There will be a container in
Progressive Air Systems is a full service heating and air
each child’s classroom for the competition as well as a
conditioning contractor and specialize in residential, new
container in the office if anyone from the community would
construction and light commercial projects in Pasco, Pinellas,
like to contribute. Pasta for Pennies Presented by Olive
Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota
Garden is an educational and philanthropic program that
Counties. Bill Rogers and his wife Cathy started Progressive
gives students a unique experience by making a difference
Air Systems, Inc. while raising their two young children. The
through teamwork—working together to aid thousands of
business has continued to stay family-oriented.
children and adults in the fight against blood cancers like
leukemia. Students collect money over a three-week period.
“Our employees are the key to our success. We have the
The money can come from friends or relatives or underneath
most dedicated and professional team. They take excellent
the couch cushions. What's important is that it's collected.
care of our customers and it is one of the main reasons why
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society provides everything
we have won numerous awards like the West Pasco
school needs to run the program, including: Lesson plans that
Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year and the Angie’s
meet service learning and character education standards,
List Super Service Award,” comments Rogers.
classroom and individual collection boxes, an educational
video, and prizes and awards for our students. Lowry
For more information, call 727 847-3898 or
students are proud to participate in such an amazing
See ad on page 15
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Real Estate Market Dynamics
By Jim Sacarello of RE/MAX Action First
Resident of Countryway
For this installment of my monthly real estate column, I
examine an issue that continues to be important: the replacement
of older roofs in Countryway.
The last two years in particular have proved challenging
for homes in need of a new roof. The lending market considers
roofs that will not last at least five years as needing replacement.
Lenders typically used to require an inspection report that
showed an even shorter lifespan (two to three years). In addition,
insurance companies also request the same lifespan showing before extending coverage. Thus, even a cash buyer confronts issues when obtaining a homeowner’s policy for closing.
We have tried to market homes for less (value minus a
new roof, sometimes even less) to entice buyers to take on the
project themselves. Many buyers, however, lack the financial
means to pay for it after making a down payment, handling the
closing costs, and paying for moving expenses. Inevitably the
roof concern will create hurdles that often cannot be overcome,
and the transaction ends up falling through with the first prospective buyer. Even when the seller agrees to replace the roof prior
to closing but after a purchase agreement is signed, the buyer
may not be willing to wait. (Roofers tend to run at least three
weeks or more out, and Florida weather does not make it any
easier). I cannot stress enough how important an issue this has
become. Also, make sure to contract with a licensed and bonded
roofer and verify that he or she pulls a permit. I have heard too
many horror stories involving unlicensed contractors. I strongly
recommend that you also consider adding a sub-roof (also called
a “Peel & Stick” or “Secondary Water Barrier”) at the time of
installation. It is extremely cheap to install at time of a new roof
installation and from my understanding, very well worth the extra money. Make sure the roofer takes a photo of it on your roof
prior to installing the last layer to show proof to a future buyer.
If you are considering marketing your home for sale and
even if you are not, please replace your roof before water damage strikes and it becomes a much larger project than you bargained for!
Countryway’s Monthly Market Activity Numbers: On
Thursday March 19, 2015, the Multiple Listing Service indicated
that Countryway had 10 active listings, 15 sale pending listings,
and 6 sold listings in February, the last full month as of this writing. Note: The Countryway home that garnered the highest price
per square foot last month sold at $153.71.
Do Dogs Get
More Love
Than Cats ?
According to a recent
article in the Journal of
the American Veterinary
Medical Association
(JAVMA) titled
“Perceptions and
Attitudes of Pet owners Executive Summary,” dogs get
more love and better care than cats.
According to the study, dog owners took their dogs to the
Veterinarian more often than cat owners and were more apt
to seek vaccinations, checkups, and dental care. It was
estimated in the report that only 13 percent of dogs didn’t
see a veterinarian annually as compared to 33 percent of
cats. Also, dogs owner spend about 45 hours per week with
them while cat owners only spend about 32 hours with their
Possible reasons are that some dog owners believe that
dogs need more care because they go outside. Some pet
owners have the false belief that cats don’t get sick or can
take care of themselves. Whether you have a cat or a
dog…please make sure you give them a little extra love
every day.
Change of
Change of
Home Décor
Here are tips to help
your interior design
keep pace with the
changing seasons:
• Rearrange the furniture. That
always refreshes a room.
• Add new throw pillows in
autumn colors, with fringe or
• Drape a throw over a chair or
sofa to add color and texture
and give you something to
wrap up in on a chilly evening.
• Replace summery pastel place mats and napkins with
table linens in fall colors and textures.
• Have one set of china and glassware in appropriate colors
for fall and winter, a second for spring and summer. Swap
them now.
• Change the art on the walls. When the same pictures and
accessories hang there year after year, we stop seeing
them. Refresh the room with something new and different.
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Countryway… Marketing homes and calling our neighborhood home for over
18 years and in Northwest Tampa for over 32 years!!! View additional photos
13033 W. Linebaugh Ave.
Tampa, FL 33626
(813) 854.4000
(Each office independently owned & operated).
“… Encourage one another, live in harmony and peace, and the God of Love and Peace will be with you.” II Corinthians 13:11