1 SOUTH COAST COUNTRY MUSIC ASSN ILLAWARRA MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE 2014 – 2015 APRIL FAMILY DAY ATTRACTS GOOD CROWD PRESIDENT: Allan Williams 0415 632 036 Our Family Day on April 26 was an occasion to honour those who fought and died at Gallipoli in the ANZAC campaign a century ago. VICE PRESIDENT Tony Lenzo 0407 899 326 Quite a large number of people attended the day, joining in the proceedings and although the weather had turned a little cooler, the day was enjoyable. HOW TO CONTACT US Please mail all correspondence to : Secretary P.O. Box 2074 Wollongong NSW 2500 Secretary: Richard Cannan TREASURER 4295 1227 Bruce Shepherd 4295 3452 Email: SECRETARY secretary @sccma.asn.au Richard Cannan 4295 1227 SCCMA Hall: Harry Graham Drive, Mt Kembla Heights Ph 4272 1029 NEWSLETTER Bill Yates 0411 213 101 PUBLICITY OFFICER Hall Hire Bookings: Sylvia Richards 4272 8355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jan Churchill 4271 6727 Betty Yates 4261 8366 Stephanie Rodden 0407 899 326 Patricia Shepherd came along to join in the entertainment after a long absence and it was fitting when she was joined on stage by Mike O’Dwyer to sing the very appropriate war time song, “Suvla Bay”. Bruce Shepherd 4295 3452 COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Are held on the Fourth Sunday of each Month starting at 10 am. SCCMA Members are always welcome to come along and observe the meetings. Members having issues or concerns they wish to raise at these meetings are asked to advise the secretary prior to the meeting via email or in writing as per our constitution . 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hi All, Well, we once again were treated to another great night of entertainment at the Basement with Big Finger. They are a great band and a great bunch of guys and always a crowd pleaser, once again putting in a good performance. We were also entertained by the fine talents of Trish Fletcher with the assistance of Ken Harris and a great performance by Les Teefy. Marc Williams did another excellent job on the sound as usual—his talent on the desk really helps to make these shows so successful. A huge thanks to all who helped out on the night; it helps to take a big load off the sound crew when they have some extra hands on the job. Many thanks to all who participated in our survey over the last few months. We are collating the information we got from them and formulating ideas to improve our Association. While I am on the subject of the survey, I would like to respond to “Have-a-Go Night is dead” comment on one of the forms—if you ever took the time to attend a “Have-a-Go Night” you would see that it is alive and well and will remain so as long as I have a say in it. We have some big things coming up . . . the Festival arrangements are progressing with some great ideas in the works; more great shows at the Basement and some excellent Family Day entertainment . . . and as I always say, “it’s your Association and you will only get out of it what you put into it”. Don’t Forget the Date . . . SUNDAY, 26th JULY, 2015 commencing at 2 pm ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SCCMA Cheers. AL. President As reported last month, we were all shocked at the untimely and tragic death of former member Steve Benko on April 12. At our Family Day on April 26th, compere Bill Hayman paid tribute to Steve in his address with a minute’s silence in remembrance of Steve in addition to the Anzacs. Emily Markham also paid her respects to Steve in a heartfelt speech and thoughts for Steve’s son Jacob. LOOK UP SCCMA 3 “HAVE-A-GO” NIGHT REPORT “Have-a-Go” night lives on. While numbers are down due to cold nights and rain, we still have a hard core of players turning up to perform. We extend an invitation and will always welcome any new people to come along. We are always willing to help with their songs. It’s a great chance to try out new material, or just as the name suggests - “Have-a-Go”. Anyone is very welcome to sing, play or just have a listen and have a cuppa tea, coffee, biscuits or cake. See you there. Cheers. AL. Pres. SCCMA. FOR SALE FENDER SQUIRE STRAT ELECTRIC GUITAR In Appreciation . . . FROM THE EDITOR I would like to thank those people who have helped out with contributing of material for inclusion in the Newsletter over the past months. Thanks to Vicki & Richard for their articles and all others who have helped out in various ways. Your input is much appreciated. - Ed. $200 CONTACT ALAN McKENDRICK PHONE: 4261 8338 FROM THE EDITOR IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL IN PDF FORMAT AND FULL COLOUR PLEASE EMAIL YOUR ADDRESS TO: secretary@sccma.asn.au 10% DISCOUNT TO SCCMA MEMBERS NOT YOUR AVERAGE DISCOUNT STORE CHECK US OUT FOR SOME GREAT BARGAINS OPEN 7 DAYS SHOPS 13-19 SHOALHAVEN ARCADE NOWRA PH 44 23 23 99 SHOP2 146 FERN STREET GERRINGONG PH 42 34 30 98 4 5 Zoom in and Test Drive a New Mazda Today! Let Dale Heywood and his team help you find your next New or Used Car www.dwyersmotors.com.au Fax: (02) 4229 8712 Cnr Flinders & Gipps Sts, Wollongong Phone (02) 4254 3777 TO ALL OUR ESTEEMED MEMBERS WHO ARE NOT WELL: TO ALL OUR ESTEEMED MEMBERS CELEBRATING A SPECIAL EVENT CONGRATULATIONS 6 APRIL FAMILY DAY & ANZAC TRIBUTE ENJOYED BY LARGE ATTENDANCE Those people who turned out for our Family Day and Anzac tribute on April 26 were treated to a feast of great entertainment coupled with a display of wartime memorabilia which added to the occasion for our remembrance of those who died a hundred years ago in the Gallipoli campaign and all the conflicts which have occurred over the past years. After the usual walk-up of entertainers backed by musicians from our Association, the audience was given a treat when our guest artist, Emily Markham, stepped on stage to deliver a great variety of songs (some of which were from her new EP “Come On Over”). She was very ably backed by “The Guitarmen”. Emily (at left) commences her segment of songs, one of her first songs being “Poster Girl”, an appropriate one for the occasion of meaning of the day and she really delivered a great version of it. She then continued on with “My Reckless Heart”, “Wagon Wheel” and includeed a Dolly Parton classic, “Joeline”. (Emily’s take on this song is different but is very entertaining and is pleasing and differs from the Parton version). Well done. She then went on with a number of other great songs—”Blue Moon Of Kentucky” and “I Want To Love Somebody which she included. Thanks again Emily - we hope you do well with the EP. EMILY MARKHAM The backing band (as mentioned before) was “The Guitarmen” and included, from left to right above, Tony Lenzo, Tony Panetta, Stephanie Rodden, Wal Buczma and Lou Mesinez. They entertained with some really popular songs after the guest artist had finished. Among these songs were “Dance On” a big hit for The Shadows in the early 60’s. Wal featured in quite a lot of the songs on lead guitar and also with vocals. Included were “Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain”, “Four Strong Winds”, “Wild Side Of Life”, an upbeat version of “Heartbreak Hotel” and a popular instrumental of Bobby Darrin’s “Come September”. A very enjoyable afternoon’s entertainment by this band. Great work. Display of Wartime Memorabilia at Family Day/Anzac Tribute It was fitting on this day to have included on the programme, a tribute to the Anzacs and some wartime memorabilia,so Val Shields contributed with a display of her uncle’s medals, hat, and other artifacts of that period for a table display. Thanks Val, we appreciate your efforts in setting up the display for the occasion. BILL HAYMAN Bill Hayman carried out the duties of compere for the day and during the course of proceedings asked that a minutes silence be observed in memory of the centenary of the Anzac campaign and for those who laid down their lives in all other campaigns for Australia around the world. Val Shields (above) is pictured with her display of wartime memorabilia and at right is an extended view of the display. Towards the end of the programme, Garry Whalley added his own personal tribute to the Anzacs in music and verse which was well received by all attending on the day. 7 DEADLINE FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER Monday, 15th June, 2015 - 6.00 pm This is the deadline for any articles you require to be published in our next newsletter. (Please submit articles in “MS Word format if at all possible”.) Next Newsletter Publishing Date: Monday, 22nd June, 2015 Non - Committee SCCMA Activity Co-ordinators: HAVE A GO NIGHTS Allan Williams 0415 632 036 ACOUSTIC.BLUEGRASS NIGHTS: Steve Caskey 0404 708 372 LINEDANCING To Be Advised KITCHEN CONVENOR Betty Yates 4261 8366 HALL MANAGER: Bruce Shepherd 4295 3452 LIBRARIAN/HISTORIAN Steve Caskey 0404 708 372 SOUND/PA OPERATORS Marc Williams 0404 735 395 Allan Williams 0415 632 036 Using Human Urine as a Fertilizer NOTE: FROM THE EDITOR Please email all submissions for the Newsletter to : billyates35@outlook.com BILL YATES A Get Well Message The Committee of the SCCMA and all Members send best wishes to popular Member, Rod Messiter, who has not been well lately. All wish you a very speedy recovery back to good health, Rod. Likewise, any of our Members who have not been well of late, we wish you all a quick return to better health. ———————————————————————— Acknowledgement Thanks must go to Bill Hayman for his contribution in making those very tasty Anzac Biscuits for our Family Day in April. Bill has been making and donating these biscuits for a long time for our Family Days and in particular our Anzac Family Days and we all agree they seem to be getting tastier each time. Thanks Bill. A WORKING BEE WILL BE HELD AT THE HALL on SATURDAY, 25th JULY at 9 am Your attendance to give a hand will be appreciated. Lunch will be provided. 8 ATTENTION SCCMA BAND MEMBERS ATTENTION SCCMA MEMBERS LISTED BELOW ARE THE DATES FOR OUR FEATURED BANDS & ARTISTS FOR FAMILY DAYS LISTED BELOW ARE THE DATES FOR OUR COMPERES ON FAMILY DAYS SUNDAY, MAY 24: SUNDAY, MAY 24: GUEST ARTISTS: AIMEE HANNAN and BRAD MARKS. COMPERE: MIKE O’DWYER. Backing Band: “Country Fusion”. Also including “Him & Me”. PLEASE NOTE: If your band can’t play on the Family Day rostered, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for another band to fill your spot. PLEASE NOTE - If you can’t make it on the Family Day rostered, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for someone else to fill your spot. Come along and enjoy some great Entertainment this Family Day. The usual Line Dancing to start the day followed by walk-ups before Guest Artists’ appearance. 9 10 11 12 SCCMA CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS MAY: ~ Sunday, 24th -Family Day. Guest Artists: Aimee Hannan; Brad Marks. Backing Band: “Country Fusion”. Also including “Him & Me”. ~ JUNE: Saturday, 6th SCCMA Country Music Variety Show at “The Basement” at Builders Club. Guest Artists: Vic Price; Leanne Thomson. Backing Band: SCCMA All Stars. ~ Saturday, 20th SCCMA Visit to Parkes CMA. ~ Saturday, 27th Workshop for Juniors. ~ Sunday, 28th—Family Day. Guest Artists: Emma Jene Boxsell; Ken Harris. Backing Band: “Country Fusion”. JULY: ~ Saturday, 18th “Fundraiser Brunch”. 12 midday for 12.30 pm. Watch for details. ~ Saturday, 25th Working Bee at the Mt Kembla Hall at 9 am. ~ Sunday, 26th Please Note the Date . . . SCCMA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. AUGUST: ~ Sunday, 2nd - Mt Kembla Fun Run. SCCMA involvement. Watch for details. ~ Sunday, 23rd Family Day. ~ Friday, 28th & Saturday, 29th SCCMA 18th Annual Talent Quest. At Mt Kembla Hall Keep This Date Free — Saturday, 18th July “FUNDRAISER BRUNCH” AT MT KEMBLA HALL 12 Midday for 12.30 pm A very tasty menu will be provided as well as a great variety of entertainment afterwards Value at $15 pp + Raffles + Door Prize + Tea, Coffee SCCMA Visit to Parkes CMA - Sat. June 20 For those people who have booked on the coach for Parkes and need any further information, please contact Bill Hayman on 4229 6552 and don’t forget, all money is to be paid in full by May Family Day. 13 14 15 16 17 18 SURFACE MAIL PRINT POST APPROVED NO: 100004341 POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA «LAST NAME» «FIRST NAME» «STREET» «SUBURB» «STATE» «POST CCODE» IF UNDELIVERED RETURN TO: SOUTH COAST COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION PO BOX 2074 WOLLONGONG NSW 2500
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