Central Road Newsletter

Wolf Tracks
Central Road School, 3800 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (847) 963-5100 www.ccsd15.net/OurSchools/Elementary/HTML/centralroad.html
| Illinois PTA District 37 | Volume 18 | Issue #8 | May, 2015
5 Years of Fun, Frenzy and Friends
I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU and so long to the awesome Wolf Pack families of
Central Road as I "graduate" from being PTA President for 5 years. Thanks to the hard work of many
generous people (and a great school staff), we have added some new activities to the CR school over
the past 5 years: chess club, bingo night, a website, color newsletter cover and back page, a Buzzbook
and Calendar cover contest, a Google calendar, a community service committee, a school supply service, a Facebook page, an email blast to over 500 people, and last but not least, a new garden. And this
list does not include the many traditions that have been here for many years in the past and years to
I attend a monthly meeting of the PTA presidents and I can tell you we have one of the most active PTA's in the District. And this
will continue with this fine Proposed 2015-16 PTA Exec Board:
Co-Presidents: Shannon Puleo & Gena Lewis
Secretary: Janelle Morse
Treasurer: Kim Flahive
1st VP of Programs: Julie Dawson
Co-2nd VP's of Ways & Means: Linda Serges & Joanne Hessel
3rd VP of Legislation: Joyce Booker
Please get involved a support this board as best you can. Any amount of time contributed to the school and our kids is all time well
spent. See you around town!
Jen Towsey, outgoing PTA President
Closing Time
By David McNaney
I had the opportunity to rewind time by five years as I went back to the archives and retrieved the May 2010 Wolf Tracks Newsletter. On the front
page the outgoing PTA president stated her farewells, and the incoming PTA President stated her hellos. Jen Towsey took the reins of the PTA in
early 2010, and never looked back.
At that time I did not know Jen very well, to say I knew very little about her. The first trait I learned about Jen is that she pays attention to the details:
big and small. Once I gained that insight, I knew we would work well on our newsletter collaborations.
In September 2010, we kicked off the “Towsey Talk”; Jen’s communication of Central Road’s PTA activities. Her monthly communication would
become a staple for the next five years. The newsletter team pushed our publication into new areas: digital distribution, color layout, student articles
and teacher profiles.
Jen’s presence at Central Road can be classified as one of the “pillars” of Central Road; one can count on her being there, standing tall, and
supporting the school, the parents, the teachers and the students.
All the best to Jen and her future endeavors. She will be missed at Central Road.
Central Road PTA
Page 2 May, 2015
5 años de diversión, Frenzyí y Amigos
Sólo quería tomar un momento para decir GRACIAS y tanto tiempo para las familias impresionante ‘CR wolf pack’como "graduado" de ser el presidente de la PTA durante los últimos 5 años. Gracias al duro trabajo de muchas personas generosas (y un gran
personal de la escuela), hemos añadido algunas nuevas actividades a la escuela CR en estos últimos 5 años: club de ajedrez, bingo
noche, un sitio web, boletín color de la cubierta y la contraportada, una Buzzbook y concurso de portada del calendario, un calendario de google, un comité de servicio a la comunidad, un servicio de alimentación escolar, una página de Facebook, una explosión
de correo electrónico a más de 500 personas, y por último pero no menos importante, un nuevo jardín. Y esta lista no incluye las
muchas tradiciones que han estado aquí durante muchos años en el pasado y próximos años.
Asisto a una reunión mensual de los presidentes de la PTA y te puedo decir que tenemos uno de los más activos de la PTA en el
Distrito. Y esto va a continuar con esta multa propuesta 2015-16 PTA Consejo Ejecutivo:
Co-Presidentes: Shannon Puleo y Gena Lewis
Secretario: Janelle Morse
Tesorero: Kim Flahive
Primera vicepresidenta de Programas: Julie Dawson
Co-segundo vicepresidente de Medios y Arbitrios de: Linda Serges y Joanne Hessel
Tercero VP de Legislación: Joyce Booker
Por favor involucrarse un soporte este foro lo mejor que pueda. Cualquier cantidad de tiempo que contribuyó a la escuela y nuestros
niños es todo un tiempo bien empleado. Nos vemos por la ciudad! - Jen Towsey, presidente saliente de la PTA
From the Desk of Central Road Principal
Jenny Garcia-Macko
The sun is shining and it finally feels like spring! It’s the perfect time for new beginnings. We hope you will encourage
your children to try their best as we continue to learn and
grow from now until the end of the school year. This month the
PARCC End-of-Year Assessment will be administered to students
in grades 3-6. The multiple-choice tests for math and reading will
be shorter than the Performance Assessment administered in
March. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
As you may have noticed, we added a garden to our landscape.
On a cool Saturday morning in April, a group of about 50 volunteers gathered at Central Road to build the Wolf Patch. The event
kicked off with an introduction by Hands On Suburban Chicago. In
about four hours, parents, staff and volunteers tilled and leveled
dirt, shoveled compost and planted flowers while students painted
pavers. Each grade level has its own bed to plant flowers and vegetables as part of the curriculum or garden club. A special thanks
goes out to the Wellness Committee and our PTA President, as the
day would not have been possible without their support. The Wolf
Patch will offer students a hands-on learning experience for years
to come.
Our school was buzzing with activity this past month. The Fun
Fair was a huge success this year with the cakewalk being one of
the favorite activities for students. It was impressive to see how
quickly everything came together in a matter of hours. Hats off to
everyone who volunteered that evening. You did an amazing job
making it fun for students! We also want to thank our PTA for acknowledging the hard work and long hours teachers devote for the
success of our school. Our teachers appreciated the beautiful flowers and the wonderful treats you shared with us during Teacher Appreciation Week.
The year is quickly coming to an end. We encourage all families
to register as soon as possible to better plan for fall. Encourage
your neighbors with kindergarteners to register as well.
Desde el Escritorio del Director de Central
Road Jenny Garcia-Macko
El sol brilla y se siente como primavera! Es el momento perfecto para un nuevo comienzo. Esperamos que anime a sus
hijos a esforzarse al máximo a medida que seguimos aprendiendo y creciendo a partir de ahora hasta el fin del año. Este mes la
Evaluación PARCC de Fin de Año se aplica a los alumnos en los
grados 3-6. Las pruebas de matemáticas y lectura serán más cortas
que la Evaluación de Desempeño administrada en marzo. Si tiene
alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con
Como se habrán dado cuenta , hemos añadido un jardín en nuestro paisaje. Por la mañana en un sábado fresco de abril, un grupo
de 50 voluntarios se reunieron en Central Road para construir el
Wolf Patch. El evento comenzó con una introducción por Hands On
Suburban Chicago. En aproximadamente cuatro horas, los padres ,
el personal y los voluntarios de cargaron y nivelaron la tierra, pala
compost y plantaron flores mientras que los estudiantes pintaron
adoquines. Cada grado tiene su propia cama para plantar flores y
verduras como parte del curriculo o club de jardín. Unas gracias
muy especiales al Comite de Bienestar (Wellness Committee) y a
nuestra Presidente del PTA porque el día no habría sido posible sin
su apoyo. El Wolf Patch ofrecerá a los estudiantes una experiencia
práctica de aprendizaje en los años por venir.
Nuestra escuela estuvo llena de actividad este mes pasado. La
Feria de diversión fue un gran éxito este año con la marcha de pastel siendo una de las actividades favoritas para los estudiantes. Fue
impresionante ver la rapidez con que todo se juntó en pocas horas.
Felicitaciones a todos los que se ofrecieron esa noche. Hicieron un
trabajo increíble para diverter los alumnos! También queremos dar
las gracias a nuestro PTA por reconocer el trabajo y el tiempo que
las maestras dedican en para el éxito de nuestra escuela. Nuestros
profesores aprecian las bellas flores y las maravillosas golosinas
que compartieron con nosotros durante la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros .
El año está llegando rápidamente a su fin. Animamos a todas las
familias a inscribirse lo antes posible para prepararnos major este
otoño. También anime a sus vecinos con niños de kinder a registrarse so mas pronto posible.
Central Road PTA
Keeping Our Pack Healthy /
Mantener Nuestor Paquete de Salud
Page 3 May, 2015
By Susan M. Phelan, RN
This is my last newsletter to Central Road parents and children.
Este es mi último boletín informativo para los padres y los niños
Before I leave, there are a few health related tips and ideas to
de Central. Road Antes de irme, hay algunos consejos relacionashare for the summer events in which you plan on participating.
dos con la salud y las ideas para compartir los eventos de verano
Sports Tips for Kids
en la que planea participar.
1. Gear; Wear safety gear when you play. Make sure they
Consejos Deportes para Niños
fit properly.
1. el equipo de seguridad del engranaje-Wear cuando
2. Warm Up; Do stretching exercises before you
juegas. Asegurarse de que encajan correctamente.
play any sport or run.
2. Warm Up-Do ejercicios de estiramiento antes
3. Location; Make sure your play area is
de jugar cualquier deporte o correr.
Thank You
safe and hazard free.
3. Lugar-Asegúrese de que su zona de juegos es
4. Injuries; If you are injured, see a
seguro y libre de peligros.
Nurse Phelan for
doctor right away especially if it occurs
4. Lesiones-Si se lesiona, ver a un médico
on the head or joints.
de inmediato sobre todo si ocurre en la
5. Rules; Know the rules of the game
cabeza o articulaciones.
Our Wolves!
and follow the rules. Playing safe is more
5. Reglas-Conocer las reglas del juego y
important than winning.
seguir las reglas. Jugar seguro es más imporYou will be missed!
6. Attitude; Be a team player and show retante que ganar.
spect for yourself and others.
6. Actitud-Ser un jugador de equipo y mostrar re7. Enjoy; Be a good sport and Have Fun!
speto por uno mismo y los demás.
I just want to say it has been an honor and priv7. Enjoy-Sea un buen deporte y divertirse !
ileg e to be your school nurse for the last 15 years. I
Sólo quiero decir que ha sido un honor y un privilegio ser
have met and cared for so many wonderful students and
su enfermera de la escuela durante los últimos 15 años. He
worked with the best teachers in District 15. Have a wonderful,
conocido y cuidado durante tantos maravillosos estudiantes y ha
con los MEJORES maestros en el Distrito 15. Tener
relaxing, and healthy summer.
un maravilloso, relajante y saludable verano.
PTA: All Good Things Must Come to an End
By Shannon Puleo
Fun Fair, CR Walkathon, Teacher Appreciation Week, Book
Fair, Open House! The Fun Fair was, once again, a night of fun!
A new twist on the fish and the fruit with chocolate fountain
were a big hit this year. Thanks to the many volunteers who
made the Fun Fair a great success. We wouldn’t be able to organize such a great night without you all! Our Wolves participated in the Walkathon with many handing in their raffles tickets
and winning neat prizes. Book Fair went off without a hitch. All
the money made goes to the school. Thank you to all for checking it out during “Breakfast with the Grands . A special thanks
to the parents who worked the Book Fair. Open House this year
was another great time looking at all the neat projects from our
Wolves and seeing the growth of our students throughout the
A few things to look forward to before the year ends. Blood
Drive is on 5/19 at 3:30 in the Gym. Register at redcross.org.
The end of year PTA party on 5/28. Field Day 6/8. Last day of
school for Kinders, 6/11 and 1st-6th 6/12. Yearbooks will be delivered to our Wolves the last week of school. If anyone forgot
to order a book, no worries! Contact me at smsullie@gmail.com
or send in $15.00 with an order form (located outside the office).
For the last 5 years, our PTA has counted on and respected
Jen Towsey immensely as our PTA President. She will be
greatly missed next year and we wish her “Happy Trails” in her
new adventures! Have a safe and great summer break!
Hey 6th Graders
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures ...
We Need Your Pictures
We would like to play a game at the 6th grade party in which
each student’s baby picture will be displayed and the other classmates need to decide who is who?
We will be showing a “memories” slide show of the 6th-graders
about their years at Central Road. They can be photos from any
school event between kindergarten through current day. We
would also appreciate group shots of 6th graders from any
school event in the past 7 years.
Please email pictures to Dawn McNaney
(dawn.mcnaney@me.com) or send actual pictures or DVD to
school. Please have your child give them to Faith McNaney, 6th
Grade, Ms Spethmann’s class.
All pictures are needed by May 22nd.
*Note: Please label your pictures with full name so they can be
Central Road PTA
Our Wolves at Play
Presenting the Class of 2015
Good Luck to our 6th Grade Classmates as you move on to the next chapter; Jr. High School. Your time at Central Road has come
to a close, but your academic ride continues. Make us proud by continuing to focus on your academics, Being Safe, Responsible
and Respectful in all aspects of your life.
The Look-Out:
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Jennifer Garcia-Macko
Upcoming Events at Central Road
23 - Order school supplies: www.epipacks.com, code CEN015
27 - Market Day Pick Up, 6th grade Track and Field
28 - Kinder AM & PM Recital, PTA Year End Party,
Rain Date: 6th Gr Track and Field
29 - Manna Orders Due
Assistant Principal
Kimberly Rutan
PTA Co-Presidents
Shannon Puleo
Jen Towsey
3 - Market Day Pick Up
5 - Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team Assembly
Manna Orders Distribution
8 - Field Day
11 - Last Day of School for Kinders,
6th Grade Party
12 - Last Day of School for 1st-6th Grade
Newsletter Editor
Dawn McNaney
(847) 812-2825
Creative Design
David McNaney
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Newsletter Translations
Adriana Temple
Sheri Meehan
*Wolf Tracks is published monthly during the school year by the Central Road PTA. Please send letters, articles, questions or feedback to Dawn McNaney via email: dawn.mcnaney@me.com
Central Road PTA